Learn about companies that match gifts made to high schools.

Companies that Match Donations to High Schools

Across the United States, there are more than 26,000 public high schools and 10,000 private high schools all looking to build on their existing fundraising ideas. At Double the Donation, we work with high schools and education foundations across the country to help them increase the amount of money they receive from corporate matching gift programs.

We know it can sometimes be tricky trying to navigate the complex policies surrounding each company’s matching gift program so we’ve created a number of resources to help organizations better understand employee giving programs. These include:

Since Double the Donation is committed to helping all segments of the mission-based sector optimize their fundraising with matching gift programs, we created this post on matching gift companies that match donations to high schools.

Learn about matching gift programs that benefit education.

Matching Gifts and High Schools

After higher education, the most common matching gift category is K-12 schools.

Included in this grouping are high schools since many companies do not distinguish between elementary, middle, and high schools when it comes to match-eligible organizations. Many of these companies will also match to PTA groups, after-school organizations, and education foundations. Most matching gift companies do not distinguish between public and private high schools, though specific eligibility does vary by company.

For high schools with a large donor base, whether it’s parents, alumni, or community supporters, it’s important to market matching gifts as an easy way for donors to increase their impact.

Learn how to market matching gift programs.

How to Market Matching Gifts

One of the biggest obstacles for organizations, such as schools, trying to receive matching gifts is a lack of awareness of the programs. That means all you need to do to increase your matching gift revenue is simply spread the word!

Our favorite way to inform people about matching gifts is through software dedicated to doing just that. For high schools, and really any other educational institution, we recommend checking out Double the Donation.

This solution allows you to embed a searchable matching gifts database directly on your website and online donation tool. Then, when potential donors visit your website to learn more about giving in general, they can discover the wonder of matching gifts and whether they’re match-eligible.

With that, read on for a list of the top companies that match gifts made to high schools.

Check out this list of companies that match gifts made to high schools.

List of Companies with Matching Gift Programs for High Schools

To help schools navigate through the matching gift process, we created a shortlist of some of the largest companies that will match donations made to K-12 schools and educational programs. This list is by no means exhaustive, so if you don’t see a company here, don’t rule it out just yet.

IBMIBM is a top company that matches gifts to high schools.

IBM is known to many schools for its generosity in donating software and computers to school systems.

An employee can have their donation matched on a 2:1 ratio with IBM products, or a donation can be matched on a 1:1 basis with cash.

Read more about the IBM matching gift program.



Bank of AmericaBank of America matches gifts to high schools.

As one of the leading banks, it’s no surprise that many communities have a Bank of America presence. Luckily for you, employees of Bank of America can have their donations to high schools matched up to $5,000 each year.

Volunteer grants are also available for those who volunteer with educational organizations.

Read more about the Bank of America matching gift program.



StarbucksStarbucks is a top company that matches gifts to high schools.

Starbucks Corporation will match up to $1,500 in donations made by an employee each year to high schools and many other organizations. All educational institutions are eligible for the program.

And if you have a volunteer opportunity coming up, be sure to mention it to your local barista since Starbucks also provides grants to organizations where employees volunteer.

Read more about the Starbucks matching gift program and volunteer grants.


Want to know more about corporate giving programs and how they can contribute to your high school’s fundraising efforts?

Get the answers to all your corporate matching gift program questions.

8 Corporate Matching Gift Program Questions (and Answers!)

Corporate philanthropy plays a major role in nonprofits’ fundraising. These programs are often analyzed through the nonprofit perspective, but what about the company perspective?

Taking advantage of matching gifts can be tricky for nonprofits when there aren’t clear guidelines provided, so this is where the responsibility shifts to the corporations implementing these programs. Businesses need well-designed giving programs that cover all the necessary bases. That way, your business leaders won’t be bombarded with an influx of questions by local nonprofits and your employees.

Creating a new philanthropy program, or even just revamping your current strategy, requires hard work mixed with a solid understanding of matching gifts.

Here are 8 common questions from corporations looking to start a new employee matching gift program:

  1. What percentage of companies offer a corporate matching gift program?
  2. What’s the typical gift matching rate?
  3. How much does a matching gift program cost per employee?
  4. How do corporations benefit from matching gift and volunteer grant programs?
  5. How can we design a best-in-class corporate giving program?
  6. Should we use a matching gift or volunteer grant administrator?
  7. What are the main services provided by software?
  8. Which companies use vendors vs. administer programs internally?

Ready to find out all the answers? Let’s dive in!

Before creating your matching gift plan, take a look at how common these corporate giving programs are.

1. What percentage of companies offer a corporate matching gift program?

The percentage of companies with matching gift programs in place varies from industry-to-industry. Company size also plays a major role in how prevalent matching gift programs are.

Large companies are far more likely than small, family-owned businesses to offer comprehensive benefit programs. Thus, they’re more likely to offer matching gift programs.

If you look at the Fortune 500 companies, about 65% will match employee donations to a wide range of nonprofits. As you get into small companies, the percentage decreases substantially since sole proprietorships and 5-person companies rarely offer these programs.

The prevalence of matching gift programs also varies by industry. Companies with skilled labor forces (such as tech, pharmaceuticals, and banks) are more likely to offer matching gift programs than industries with lower-wage employees (such as restaurants, low-cost retailers, agricultural production).

In short, the percentage of companies that offer matching gift programs depends on a few factors, but any business can offer them!

For references to help design your company’s program, click here to see some of the world’s leading matching gift programs.

Learn common ratios for companies' matching gift programs.

2. What’s the typical gift matching rate?

By far, the standard is a 1:1 match. Other companies may offer higher match rates (e.g. 2:1) or lower match rates (e.g. .5:1), though.

We asked Adam Weinger, Double the Donation’s president, and he said:

“The number I throw out casually when on the phone is 90% [of matches] are 1:1 and then 10% are either greater or less than 1:1. This calculation can get a bit tricky since some companies have different match ratios for certain employee segments (retirees vs. current employees) or different segments of the nonprofit space which they match to (higher ed. vs. arts & cultural) based on their corporate philanthropy goals.”

In other words, your company should offer at least the standard 1:1 match if you want to catch the eyes of well-rounded potential employees.

How much does it cost to implement a matching gift program?

3. How much does a matching gift program cost per employee?

There are a ton of variables that affect how much a matching gift program costs, so there’s no set number for how much or how little your company might spend.

The largest factor is the “maximum annual match per employee”. For the sake of simplicity, assume a standard match ratio of 1:1. The maximum amounts matched annually per employee are all over the board. Most companies fall into the range of $1,000 – $15,000 max per employee per year, but it isn’t unusual to see maximums of $250, $500, $20,000, or even $30,000.

Another factor is employee participation rates. Just because a company offers a matching gift program doesn’t mean its employees are aware of it. Oftentimes, nonprofits will take the initiative on promoting these opportunities, but it’s also up to your company to raise awareness for your program, too.

Employee participation rates are also all over the board. A big factor in this is how well a company promotes employee matching gifts.

At some companies, most employees are aware of offered benefits. For instance, Microsoft is a leader in sharing and promoting matching gift information to its employees, while employees at other companies may have never heard of such programs.

A third factor is how much giving potential a company’s average employee has. For instance, think of a hedge fund vs. a fast-food chain.

Even if both companies have $50,000 maximums for all employees and have the same level of promotion to employees, the average charitable donation being matched is going to vary significantly.

The point is, no two matching gift programs cost exactly the same. It’s largely dependent on your maximum annual match per employee, employee participation rates, and your employees’ giving potential among a handful of other factors.

Companies can benefit from matching gift programs, too!

4. How do corporations benefit from matching gift and volunteer grant programs?

Businesses benefit in a number of ways from offering giving programs. To fully answer this question, take a look at these two comprehensive articles:

  1. The impact of matching gifts on employee engagement
  2. The importance of increasing employee engagement using corporate giving programs

The largest reason for implementing this type of program is maintaining a positive public image and relationship with your community. However, there are a number of other benefits including:

  • Developing a reputation for giving back in the community where your corporation is based.
  • Establishing a program that directs corporate dollars to the organizations that employees are passionate about.
  • Encouraging employee philanthropy and volunteerism.
  • Increasing employee morale and retention.
  • Receiving tax incentives.

There are a number of reasons businesses should implement a giving program. More than likely, your company will find at least one reason that strikes a chord and motivates you to start your own program!

To create a well-designed matching gift program, consider these tips.

5. How can we design a best-in-class corporate giving program?

There is no one right way to design a best-in-class corporate giving program. It depends widely on your company’s wants and needs, but all businesses should start with four elements.

1. Eligible Nonprofits

Employees are passionate about different causes. Allow them to select from any 501(c)(3) nonprofit or accredited educational institution or K-12 school. Typical categories that companies specify include:

  • Higher education institutions.
  • K-12 schools.
  • Arts and cultural organizations.
  • Environmental groups.
  • Health and human service organization.
  • Civic and community-based nonprofits.

Remember that what’s important to you, the program administrator, isn’t necessarily the same as what is important to your company’s employees. Take their values into consideration when designing your program.

2. Types of Programs Offered

Employees give back to their communities in different ways. Some choose to donate monetarily while others may prefer to volunteer. Offer a variety of employee giving programs including:

When you offer a number of programs, you expand your employees’ options for investing in their community.

3. Eligible Employees

It’s considered standard to offer corporate giving programs to full-time employees, but don’t forget to include part-time employees, retirees, and spouses as they can be some of the most active donors and volunteers. Giving these valuable contributors access to your program can really help raise your company’s reputation within your community.

Click on the following companies for samples of how they’re leading their respective industries with best-in-class employee matching gift and overall employee giving programs:

4. A Good Design

Designing well-thought-out program guidelines isn’t enough. For the best possible outcome, there must be a concentrated effort to promote your employee giving programs internally to employees and externally to the community your company is supporting.

Measuring your company’s internal success (i.e. promoting the matching gift program and ensuring the process is user-friendly) can be done by looking at your company’s employee participation rate on a regular basis. When you launch your corporate matching gift program, make sure you have a well-designed outreach strategy planned for the entire company throughout the upcoming year. Otherwise, your employees and your community may overlook your program.

Consider these corporate giving administrators to help you implement your own matching gift program.

6. Should we use a matching gift or volunteer grant program administrator?

Double the Donation is focused on helping nonprofits maximize donations received from existing matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Although we don’t set up or manage corporate programs, there are a number of companies out there that do cater to corporations. 3rd party matching gift and volunteer grant program vendors include:

If you find you’re having trouble setting up your company’s program, it may be worthwhile to look into hiring a program administrator to guide you through the process. Do whatever makes sense for your business depending on your budget and time.

Learn how software can help your company implement its own matching gift program.

7. What are the main services provided by matching gift software?

Each of the major software vendors offers a suite of services. They’re designed to help new companies create employee matching gift programs, as well as help companies with existing programs improve and refine their matching gift strategies and goals.

These services help companies solve all aspects, both technical and non-technical, of administering match programs, including:

  • Program guidelines
  • Implementation of an online portal for employees to track volunteer hours and request matching gifts
  • Up-to-date reports
  • Customer support for employees
  • Verification of the nonprofits’ eligibility statuses
  • Grant processing

Software isn’t vital for your matching gift or volunteer grant strategy, but it can certainly help fill in the gaps and quicken the process! If your business is struggling to implement a new program or refine its current program, it may be time to implement some new tech.

Decide whether or not your company needs software to get its matching gift program up and running.

8. Which companies use vendors, and which administer programs internally?

Historically, the larger a company is, the more likely they are to use a software vendor. For instance, most Fortune 100 companies use a vendor while smaller, mom-and-pop shops almost always manage their programs internally.

However, over the past few years, smaller companies have been increasingly choosing newer software to help establish their programs. More often than not, recently released software offers excellent cloud-based services for a reasonable price.

There’s a number of software providers on the market, so make sure your top pick offers what you need before you buy. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with a system that doesn’t do what you need it to, or you’ll be overpaying for extra features you don’t even need.

To start your research, take a look at this list of the main vendors who provide corporate philanthropy software to corporations.

There’s a lot to discover about how matching gifts and volunteer grants can enhance your corporate giving program!

Remember, there is a range of benefits from implementing a corporate giving program. Design yours carefully so that you cover all your bases and set your business up for success.

Check out these helpful resources to get started:

  • Mercy Corps Matching Gift Page. Want to see how nonprofit organizations incorporate matching gifts into their fundraising model? Try out Mercy Corps’ employee matching gift page to get an idea of how your employees might discover their matching gift eligibility.
  • Top 10 Volunteer Grant Companies. Looking for a corporate blueprint of a successful volunteer grant program? Search no further! Here’s a list of the top 10 companies with volunteer grant programs in place that your business should emulate.
  • Top 12 Matching Gift Companies. Take a look at these major companies that offer matching gift programs to their employers. Their philanthropy approach may spark a few guideline ideas when designing your program.

Birmingham Matching Gifts

Companies in Birmingham, Alabama with Matching Gift Programs

As a leading provider of employee matching gift tools for nonprofits, Double the Donation maintains a database of companies that match employee donations. Here are a few companies with a large employy presence in the Birmingham metropolitan area that match employee donations. 

Birmingham Matching Gift Corporations

Many large corporations call Birmingham home. These companies’ matching gift programs can make a difference for your nonprofit. Even though The University of Alabama Birmingham is the largest employer in the city the region is also known for its major banks and has a wide variety of Fortune 500 employers. Check out this list of top companies with employee matching programs.


IBM offers a generous matching program for with benefits for employees and retirees. The company will match donations from employees at a 1:1 ratio, or donate twice as much in IBM equipment. The company will match up to $5,000 per employee each year.

Read more about IBM’s matching gifts.

PNC Bank

PNC matches donations made by employees between $50 and $2,500. Unfortunately though the program is only open to full-time employees. Retirees and part-time workers are not eligible. PNC matches donations made to a variety of nonprofits.

Read more about the PNC’s matching gift program.

Regions Financial

Regions Financial, one of the largest banks in the Birmingham area, matches donations made by full and part-time employees to a wide variety of nonprofits. Each employee can request a match on donations between $25 and $1,000 annually.

Read more about Region’s matching gift program.


Vulcan offers a matching gift program to allow its employees to give back to the community. The company will match up to $10,000 in donations per employee at a 1:1 ratio to most organizations. But it gets even better. Donations made to educational institutions are matched at a 2:1 ratio.

Read more about Vulcan’s matching gift program.

Want to learn more about how Double the Donation can help your organization increase its fundraising?  Click here.

Small Companies Matching Gifts

11 More Companies with Volunteer Grants Greater Than $15/hour

Over the past few months we published multiple lists of companies which provide volunteer grants of more than $15 per hour.

Campbell Soup Company

The Campbell Soup Company provides volunteer grants worth $20 per hour. For every 25 hours which an employee volunteers, the company will provide a $500 grant. Employees can apply for multiple grants each year.

The Campbell Soup Company also matches employee donations to educational institutions.

View additional details on Campbell Soup’s volunteer grant program.


AMD offers multiple types of volunteer grants.

Through the company’s Grant Incentives for Volunteer Efforts (GIVE) program, the company provides volunteer grants of $15 per hour up to $3,000 annually. The program is open to U.S. and Canadian employees as well as their spouses.

AMD also offers Team Development Grants. When teams of five or more AMD employees volunteer together, they can apply for an additional $500 grant. Click here to learn about similar companies which offer team volunteer grants.

AMD also matches donations made to most nonprofits so the impact of employee contributions is doubled.

View additional details on AMD’s volunteer grant program.

Levi Strauss

Levi Strauss provides volunteer grants of $20 per hour. Employees are required to volunteer for a minimum of 10 hours before they can request a volunteer grant. Above 10 hours, there are the following tiers multiple tiers:

10 hours = $200 grant (minimum)
20 hours = $400 grant
40 hours = $800 grant
80 hours = $1200 grant
100 hours = $1600 grant
120 hours = $2000 grant
140 hours = $2400 grant (maximum)

Levi Strauss also matches donations to almost all nonprofit organizations.

View additional details on Levi Strauss’s volunteer grant program.

Peabody Energy Corporation

Peabody Energy not only matches employee donations to nearly all nonprofits dollar for dollar, but the company also provides volunteer grants worth $25 per hour up to $1,000 per employee annually. There are four thresholds which employees can meet:

10 hours =  $250 grant
20 hours = $500 grant
30 hours = $750 grant
40 hours = $1000 grant

View additional details on Peabody Energy’s volunteer grant program.


Through Symantec’s Dollars for Doers program, Symantec encourages employees to volunteer on a regular basis by offering grants of $15 per volunteer hour. Symantec provides up to $1,000 in volunteer grants per employee each year.

Additionally, the company also matches donations up to $1,000 per employee each year.

View additional details on Symantec’s volunteer grant program.

Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)

Hospital Corporation of America offers multiple types of volunteer grants for employees who volunteer in their communities.

  1. Through HCA’s Dollars for Board Service, HCA provides $500 grants when an employee serves on a nonprofit’s board.
  2. Through HCA’s Dollars for Doers program, HCA awards $500 grants to nonprofits when an employee volunteers for at least 25 hours.
  3. Through the Team HCA Project, the company is willing to provide up to $500 in funding for materials when a group of HCA employees volunteer together with a nonprofit.

As an added bonus, the top ten nonprofits based on the total number of volunteer hours registered receive a $1,000 bonus grant each year.

View additional details on HCA’s volunteer grant program.

Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters provides grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer for at least 20 hours in a year. There are two thresholds:

  1. 20-39 hours = $500 grant for the nonprofit
  2. 40+ hours = $1,000 grant for the nonprofit

Additionally, Thomson Reuters matches employee gifts to nonprofits at a 1:1 ratio.

View additional details on Thomson Reuters’ volunteer grant program.

FBR Capital

FBR’s Giving Incentives for Volunteer Efforts (GIVE) Program provides FBR Capital with an opportunity to show its support for the volunteer activities of its employees. For every hour that an employee volunteers at a non-profit organization, FBR will donate $20 to that organization up to 50 hours or $1,000 per year.

FBR Capital also matches employee donations up to $1,000 annually at a dollar for dollar ratio. Any donations above $1,000 are eligible for the company’s incentive match program where the company provides a 10% match.

View additional details on FBR Capital’s volunteer grant program.


SAP supplements the contributions of SAP employees who volunteer their time to
nonprofit organizations with monetary grants. The grant per hour varies based upon the role the employee plays. The three levels are:

  • Level 1: If you serve on a nonprofit board, your time is matched with a $20 grant per hour.
  • Level 2: If you provide hands-on volunteer service, your time is matched with a $40 grant per hour volunteered.
  • Level 3: If you provide emergency services, your time is matched with a  $60 grant per volunteer hour.

In addition to the volunteer grants, through SAP’s Dollars for Dollars (SAP$4$) Program, the company matches employee donations to nearly every nonprofit.

There is a $10,000 combined limit for both SAP’s Dollars for Dollars and Dollars for Doers programs.

View additional details on SAP’s volunteer grant program.

John Wiley & Sons

Employees at John Wiley & Sons are eligible to request volunteer grants of up to $500 annually. There are two different levels of volunteer grants.

  • 12-30 hours = $250 grants
  • 30+ hours  = $500 grants

John Wiley & Sons also offers a matching gift program where they double donations made by employees up to $2,000 annually.

View additional details on John Wiley & Sons’ volunteer grant program.

Learn about the top companies in Charlotte that offer matching gift programs.

Matching Gift Opportunities: Companies in Charlotte, NC

At Double the Donation, we help nonprofits across the country discover and capitalize on corporate philanthropy programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants. These fundraising opportunities are great opportunities for organizations to receive two donations for the effort of one.

While these programs exist across the nation, we’re going to examine one city, in particular, today–Charlotte, NC.

To help steer organizations in the right direction, we’ve listed some of the top companies located in Charlotte that offer matching gift programs. We’re going to look at the programs of the following companies:

  • Aon
  • AT&T
  • Bank of America
  • Duke Energy
  • Goodrich Corporation
  • Home Depot

First, however, we’re going to explore how your organization can discover these opportunities using matching gift software.

Matching gift tools are the best way to discover matching gifts.

The Best Way to Discover Matching Gift Opportunities

It’s difficult to capitalize on matching gift opportunities if your organization, and its donors, are unaware that these opportunities exist!

While many corporations offer these programs, not everyone does. Further, of those that do, each has different requirements for receiving a matched gift. Matching gift software handles much of the guesswork in building and managing your organization’s matching gift solicitation processes, whether you’re a large, established nonprofit or a smaller organization just beginning.

For example, a nonprofit that’s intent on improving its existing processes would benefit from software such as 360MatchPro. This matching gift automation platform not only searches a donor’s match eligibility upon donation but also sends follow-up communications to eligible donors informing them how to begin the process. By embedding this searchable matching gift database directly on your website and donation form, you can instruct donors to search their eligibility when giving.

If your organization is on the market for matching gift tools, visit Double the Donation to learn more about their pricing plans. With that, continue reading to learn about Charlotte’s corporate philanthropy.

These are the top companies in Charlotte with matching gift programs.

Corporate Philanthropy in Charlotte

Charlotte, often called the Queen City, is the largest in North Carolina. It is a major financial center, with the 2nd most financial assets behind New York City. Bank of America is headquartered here, along with several other Fortune 500 employers. 75% of the motorsports industry is located in Charlotte, and it is home to the NASCAR hall of fame.

Charlotte has recently become a major player in the energy field and freight transportation. With this growing industry inside the city, there are ample opportunities for nonprofits to double their donations through corporate matching.

AonAon is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Aon, a human capital and management consulting service, will match employee donations up to $1,000. The company donates to health and human services, community and civic organizations, and many more.

Read more about Aon’s matching gift program.


AT&TAT&T is a top company in Charlotte that offers a matching gift program.

Full-time employees and retired board members can have their donations matched through AT&T up to $250. All education institutions, excluding K-12, are eligible, in addition to arts and cultural institutions.

Read more about AT&T’s matching gift program.


Bank of AmericaBank of America is a top company in Charlotte that offers a matching gift program.

Bank of America, including Merrill Lynch, matches employee donations between $25 and $5,000. The company also offers a volunteer grant program which both current employees and retirees can participate in.

Read more about Bank of America’s matching gift program.


Duke EnergyDuke Energy is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Donations made by employees to a wide range of nonprofits between $100 and $5,000 will be matched by the Duke Energy company. Educational institutions are matched on a dollar for dollar basis; all others will be matched at half the employee donation.

Read more about the Duke Energy matching gift program.


Goodrich CorporationGoodrich is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Goodrich Corporation (now part of United Technologies) matches employee donations to most nonprofits up to $10,000 per employee per year.

Read more about Goodrich’s matching gift program.


Home DepotHome Depot is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Home Depot has a large presence in Charlotte, and its matching gift program is one for the ranks. Home depot will match from a minimum of $25 to a maximum of $3,000 per employee per year. The company matches gifts at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Home Depot’s matching gift program.


Matching gift programs are a great way for nonprofits to increase their donations with minimal extra effort.

Charlotte has quite a few of these corporate philanthropy programs, and the above list is by no means comprehensive. Familiarize your staff with these opportunities and seek them out during your next fundraiser.


Orlando Matching Gifts

Double Donations Magically: Companies in Orlando, Florida with Matching Gift Programs

Double the Donation and Nonprofits

Double the Donation partners with nonprofits to help them increase their fundraising revenue from employee matching gifts and volunteer grant awards. We’ve created a short list of some of the top nonprofits in major metropolitan areas to further help nonprofits identify these unique fundraising sources.

Orlando, Fl Matching Gifts

Orlando is a city with plenty of large corporations offering matching gifts. Don’t leave money on the table by not reaching out to your donors about these programs. Familiarize yourself with this list of companies and remind your donors to check and see if their company will match their donations.


The Hospital Corporation of America will match donations between $25 and $2,500. They also have a generous volunteer grant program.

Read more about the HCA matching gift and volunteer grant program.

JPMorgan Chase

JP Morgan Chase will match donations made by employees between $25 and $1,000. JPMorgan will match donations with most nonprofit organizations.

Read more about the JPMorgan Chase matching gift and volunteer grant program.


McDonald’s matches employee gifts between $50 and $5,000. Both full and part-time employees can take advantage of this program.

Read more about the McDonald’s matching gift program.

The Walt Disney Company

Walt Disney is one of the most visible companies in Orlando. The Disney company will match up to $15,000 per employee each year. The company also offers a generous employee volunteer program.

Read more about the Walt Disney Company’s matching gift program.

Learn which companies in Pittsburgh offer matching gift programs.

Companies in Pittsburgh with Matching Gift Programs

At Double the Donation we help our nonprofit partners across the country increase their fundraising through corporate giving programs.

One of the most popular programs among our clients is corporate matching gifts.

Many companies in the Pittsburgh area offer programs like this to encourage employees to get involved in local nonprofit causes. When an employee makes a donation to an eligible nonprofit, the company will match it, typically dollar for dollar. This process will, in effect, provide two donations for the price of one.

With the nonprofit arts and cultural institutions of Pittsburgh generating over $300 million, we decided to create a list of some of the top industry leaders for corporate gift matching programs to help the nonprofits of Pittsburgh navigate some of the intricacies of corporate giving. The following companies will be discussed:

  • Heinz
  • Hershey
  • PNC Financial
  • PPG Industries

Follow along to learn about corporate philanthropy in Pittsburgh and the best tools to help you discover these opportunities.

Learn about Pittsburgh's corporate philanthropy.

Pittsburgh, PA and Corporate Philanthropy

Nine Fortune 500 companies call Pittsburgh, PA home and the city has consistently ranked highly for US job growth. As the 2nd largest city in Pennsylvania, Google, Intel, and Apple have a large presence in the area. The city is also home to multiple universities and colleges.

Over 35 shopping malls are located across the city, as well as several major medical centers. Voted the “Most Livable City”, Pittsburgh has many companies that offer matching gift and volunteer grant programs that could be benefiting your nonprofit. Make sure your staff is aware of this great fundraising opportunity.

Learn the best way to discover matching gift programs.

The Best Way to Discover Match-Eligible Companies

While the following list includes some of the top companies for matching gifts in Pittsburgh, PA, there are many other companies in the city that also offer corporate matching gift programs.

The biggest obstacle to receiving matched gift revenue is a lack of education regarding these programs. Nonprofits should actively inform donors of these opportunities when matching gift programs are present.

For nonprofits looking to optimize the matching gift processes, this can be even easier through the use of a matching gift automation program such as 360MatchPro. As the #1 matching gift automation program, the platform discovers matching gift opportunities and contacts donors with information on behalf of the organization using it. The platform’s industry-leading matching gift database embeds directly to nonprofits’ websites and/or giving forms providing an opportunity for donors to look up their matching gift eligibility.

With that, continue reading for a look at the top 5 companies in Pittsburgh with matching gift programs.

Here is a list of the top companies with matching gift programs in Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh Matching Gift Programs List

Here is a shortlist of some of the top companies in Pittsburgh that currently offer corporate matching gift programs. If you’re a nonprofit in the area take some time to familiarize yourself with this list, and spend some time learning more about matching gifts and what they can do for your organization.

HeinzHeinz is a top company in Pittsburgh with a matching gift program.

The H. J. Heinz Company offers a generous matching gift program. They will match gifts up to $5,000 per employee. They also match to arts and cultural institutions in addition to higher education and health organizations.

Read more about Heinz’s matching gift program.


HersheyHershey is a top company is Pittsburgh with a matching gift program.

The Hershey Company will match donations made to institutions of higher education up to $5,000. They match on a 1:1 ratio.

This means that for every dollar an employee donates Hershey will also donate one dollar.

Read more about the Hershey matching gift program.


PNC Financial PNC is a top company in Pittsburgh with a matching gift program.

PNC will match gifts to multiple types of organizations. This includes arts and cultural institutions, colleges and universities, and health and human services groups.

They will match donations made between $50 and $2,500 for each employee every year.

Read more about the PNC Financial matching gift program.


PPG IndustriesPPG Industries is a top company is Pittsburgh with a matching gift program.

PPG will match gifts up to $2,500 per employee. The company has an electronic submission form to simplify the matching gift process.

Read more about the PPG Industries matching gift program



Matching gift programs are a great way to increase donations to your nonprofit. Get started with Double the Donation to discover more corporate philanthropy programs today.

To enhance your nonprofit fundraising strategy, take a look at these San Antonio matching gift companies.

San Antonio Companies with Matching Gift Programs

Matching gift programs can double (and sometimes triple!) a donor’s contribution to your nonprofit. By overlooking these programs, nonprofits are missing out on a chunk of additional revenue. In this article, we’ll focus on the San Antonio market.

San Antonio is the 2nd most populous city in the state of Texas, with the metropolitan area containing around 2 million residents. The city is also home to five of the Fortune 500 corporations.

The military, defense industry, and other civil services are the top employers inside the city, so your nonprofit may want to start researching these companies. There is also a large medical employment sector since the city contains one of the only major medical research and healthcare providers in the region.

In other words, if your organization is located in San Antonio, there are numerous companies that offer giving programs, which can significantly increase your organization’s revenue.

To take advantage of these major fundraising opportunities, San Antonio nonprofits should first familiarize themselves with the major employers that offer gift matches. We’ve highlighted just a few of the top companies in San Antonio to get your organization started. Let’s take a look at the following companies:

  1. Allstate Insurance Company
  2. Chevron Corporation
  3. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
  4. Andeavor
  5. Additional Companies

After reviewing these companies, we’ll take a look at how a matching gift database can help you recognize these important revenue opportunities. Ready to start boosting your nonprofit’s revenue? Let’s dive in!

Allstate Insurance Company

Allstate, a San Antonio matching gift company, also offers volunteer grants.Allstate offers a straightforward matching gift program. The company offers three main ways of giving, two of which are centered around matching gifts.

The first matching gift program is dedicated to higher education. Through Allstate’s Good Hands program, the company matches donations made to higher education institutions at a 1:1 rate. In other words, eligible donations can be doubled! While the minimum donation amount is $25, the maximum is $5,000.

For all other nonprofits, Allstate offers a program called The Giving Campaign. Through this program, the company provides a 15% bonus on donations made to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations. Those eligible for either program include employees, agency owners, and personal financial representatives.

In addition to matching gifts, Allstate also offers a volunteer grant program for employees who prefer to donate time rather than money. Through its Hands in the Community Grants program, employees and agency owners who volunteer with one organization for more than 16 hours in a calendar year are eligible to receive a grant for the organization. While agency owners are eligible for $1,000 volunteer grants, employees are eligible for $500 volunteer grants.

Read more about Allstate’s matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Chevron Corporation

Chevron is a San Antonio matching gift company that offers up to $10,000 in matching gifts.Chevron has one of the most generous giving programs. While the company matches at a 1:1 ratio like most companies, it’ll match donations up to $10,000. Both full-time employees and retirees are eligible. While each current employee can request up to $10,000 annually, retirees can only request up to $3,000 annually, which is still an impressive amount!

Plus, Chevron offers a volunteer grant program. Each employee or retiree who volunteers for 20 hours in a year can request a $500 grant for that nonprofit. Participants can request up to two of these grants per year. In other words, they can receive $1,000 in grants for 40 hours of volunteering.

With offices located in San Antonio, there are likely a few Chevron employees in your donor base, so don’t overlook this generous employer.

Read more about Chevron’s matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Nationwide is a San Antonio matching gift company that offers a generous giving program.Nationwide offers a matching gift program that has a few more restrictions. Like a few other major companies, they offer a program that caters to higher education, excluding K-12. However, if you do run a K-12 school or organization, there are companies that specifically match donations made to higher education, which often fly under the radar.

Through its matching gift program, Nationwide matches donations made by employees, retirees, and agents to higher education institutions. Matches range from $25 to $5,000 at a dollar-for-dollar ratio. Eligible institutions include:

  • Junior and community colleges
  • Four-year colleges and universities
  • Seminaries and theological schools
  • Professional and graduate schools
  • Select other higher education institutions

Additionally, Nationwide offers a volunteer grant program. Through this program, employees who volunteer at least 25 hours with an organization can request a $100 grant.

Read more about the Nationwide’s matching gift and volunteer grant programs.


Andeavor, a San Antonio matching gift company, will match employee donations up to $5,000.Andeavor, formerly known as Tesoro Corporation, is a Fortune 500 company headquartered in San Antonio. The company matches employee donations dollar-for-dollar to a wide range of organizations. While most nonprofits are eligible, the program is slightly more generous to schools and other educational organizations.

Andeavor matches gifts ranging from $25 to $5,000. Specifically, the company matches donations up to $5,000 per employee annually to higher education institutions and up to $1,500 per employee per year to other nonprofits. Like many companies, both full-time and part-time employees are eligible for the program.

Also, the company offers volunteer grants. Through Andeavor’s Dollars for Doers program, an employee can earn up to $500 per year for a nonprofit or K-12 school. Grant amount is determined by the number of hours volunteered. For every hour spent volunteering with an organization, an employee earns $10 with a minimum of 30 hours required.

Read more about the Andeavor’s matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Additional Companies

Several other major employers in the San Antonio area offer matching gifts. To continue researching, take a look at these employers:

  1. Microsoft – Microsoft has a very generous matching gift program. It will match donations anywhere from $1 to $15,000. They also offer volunteer grants at $25 per hour—no minimum number of hours required!
  2. USAA – The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a San-Antonio-based Fortune 500 company that offers matching gifts for donations made to education institutions (K-12 included).
  3. NuStar Energy – This major San Antonio employer matches employee donations made to higher education institutions. They’ll match donations from $25 to $250 at a 1:1 ratio.

When implementing matching gifts in your fundraising strategy, these are great companies to kick off your research. However, make sure to research all of your donors’ employers.

Learn how a matching gift database can help your organization find San Antonio companies that have matching gift programs.

Exploring Opportunities with a Matching Gift Database

Matching gifts and other corporate giving programs are a great way to boost your revenue. However, pinpointing these opportunities can be a difficult, tricky process. That’s where a matching gift database (like Double the Donation) comes in handy!

Double the Donation works with nonprofits across the country, including San Antonio. By adding a matching gift database to your tech toolkit, your organization won’t miss out on corporate philanthropy. After subscribing to Double the Donation’s service, you’ll be able to embed the tool across all your online fundraising channels. From there, the tool will do the following:

  • Enable donors to search over 20,000 companies.
  • Provide all available guidelines and forms on companies’ giving programs.
  • Won’t let your nonprofit overlook important revenue opportunities.
  • And more!

For larger organizations, an automated matching gift database may be the way to go. For instance, 360MatchPro by Double the Donation automatically identifies matching gift opportunities with email domain screening, contacts those match-eligible donors, and even creates an automated matching gift plan for your organization!

Either tool enables your nonprofit to locate more corporate philanthropy opportunities, which a vital component of nonprofit fundraising.

Think your nonprofit could benefit from the leading matching gift database?

Nonprofits across the country can benefit from matching gifts. As a major U.S. city, San Antonio offers substantial revenue opportunities for nonprofits. When you take the time to research your donors, you set your nonprofit up for success.

Now that you know about a few San Antonio companies with generous giving programs, start using them in your fundraising strategy!

Want to learn more? For a list of top giving programs, visit our comprehensive list of major companies that offer matching gifts and volunteer grants.

Richmond Matching Gifts

Companies in Richmond, Virginia with Matching Gift Programs

We at Double the Donation partner with nonprofits to increase the matching gifts they receive from donors.

An integral step in increasing matching gifts is awareness of local companies that offer these programs. We’ve compiled a short list of companies in Richmond, Virginia to help nonprofits in the area.

Richmond Matching Gift Corporations

The capital of Virginia has been been named the 3rd best city for business in the US. The city is home to six Fortune 500 companies, which means there is plenty of matching gift money for local nonprofits.

Here’s a list of companies in Richmond, VA that currently offer employee matching gift programs. Some also offer employee volunteer grants. Use this list to inform your donors on how they can double their donations to your organization and turn their volunteering hours into a corporate grant.


altriaHeadquartered in Richmond, Virtinia, Altria gives back to its community by donating to organizations with a presence in the areas in which its employees live and work; not to mention the farming communities where it sources its tobacco.

The company primarily focuses its charitable giving in five key areas:

  • Hunger and poverty
  • Education
  • Rural living conditions
  • Domestic violence
  • Disaster relief

Altria has a matching gift program in place where the company matches employee donations made between $25 and $30,000 to most nonprofit organizations. It also offers a volunteer grant program, providing a $500 grant to any organization with which an employee volunteers a minimum of 25 hours.

Read more about the Altria matching gift program.


CarMax is also a local company. Full-time, part-time, and retired employees are all eligible to take part in the matching gift program. CarMax will double donations between $25 and $10,000.

Read more about the CarMax matching gift program.


Genworth Financial will match up to $10,000 per employee each year. The company also has a volunteer grants program.

Read more about Genworth’s matching gifts.

Ft Worth Matching Gifts

Companies in Dallas, Texas which Match Employee Donations

Double the Donation partners with nonprofits to help them increase their fundraising revenue from employee matching gifts and volunteer grant awards.

To help nonprofits get started, we’ve created a short list of some of the top companies with matching gifts in major metropolitan areas. Tapping into these unique sources of funding can double an organization’s donations overnight.

Dallas Matching Gift Companies

Dallas is the 3rd largest city in the state of Texas and a large commerce center. In addition to the major oil companies, many other publicly traded companies call Dallas home. Learning more about these companies and their employee gift giving programs is a vital first step in increasing fundraising revenue.

The following list contains some of the many companies in Dallas area that offering employee matching gift programs.

AT&TDallas, Texas matching gift company example

AT&T is the largest provider of mobile and fixed telephone systems in the United States. As of 2022, it is the fourteenth-largest company in the U.S. by total revenue.

While AT&T doesn’t offer an official “matching gift program,” the company supports the organizations which employees are passionate about through its Cause Cards program.

Cause Cards are grants from the AT&T Foundation given to eligible charities recommended by employees. All employees that participate in the annual Employee Giving Campaign will be eligible to receive a Cause Card.

Employee pledges will be eligible for a Cause Card on a sliding scale based on a percentage of total giving. These Cause Cards are expected to range from $25 – $250. Once employees make a recommendation for an eligible charity to receive a Cause Card, they are notified of the value of the grant and the deadline by which they need to redeem it.

Read more about the AT&T matching gift program.

Charles Schwab matching gifts company example

Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab is a San Francisco based company that works hard to make a positive impact on the communities in which it’s employees live and work. Last year, Charles Schwab employees volunteered over 30,000 hours to hundreds of nonprofit organizations.

The company matches employee donations as small as $25 and as large as $1,000 at a 1:1 ratio.

Charles Schwab will also give group volunteer grants of up to $1,000.

Read more about the Charles Schwab matching program.


ExxonMobil will match up to $7,500 to educational institutions at a 3:1 rate (meaning up to $22,500 in a company contribution) and up to $2,000 to other nonprofit organizations for each employee.

Read more about the ExxonMobil matching gift program.

JP Morgan ChaseJP Morgan

JPMorgan will donate up to $3,000 in volunteer grants, in addition to matching gifts up to $1,000 to most types of nonprofits.

Read more about the JPMorgan Chase matching gift program.


Raytheon will match up to $5,000 a year for donations made to educational institutions.

Read more about Raytheon’s matching gift program.

Texas Instrumentstexas

TI will match gifts made to educational, arts, and cultural institutions. They match a maximum of $10,000 per employee.

Read more specifics about the Texas Instruments matching gift program.