The Fundraiser’s Guide to Powerful Corporate Partnerships

The Fundraiser’s Guide to Powerful Corporate Partnerships

Corporate partnerships play a pivotal role in advancing nonprofits’ missions. Companies partaking in philanthropy supply charitable organizations with substantial amounts of funding⁠⁠—to the tune of $20 to $26 billion each year. And strategic partnerships are built to ensure that each party⁠, the company and the organization, receives significant benefits from the relationship.

But many nonprofit fundraisers don’t know where to start.

Lucky for you, we aim to empower teams like yours as you learn to navigate corporate partnerships effectively. In this guide, we’ll walk through each of the following steps integral to establishing a constructive strategy.

These include…

Ready to unlock new possibilities? Following this complete how-to can transform your approach to collaboration and elevate your fundraising game overall. In the end, you’ll unleash a powerful treasure trove of support for your cause.

Dive in to explore the intricacies of corporate partnerships, reveal tried-and-true strategies, and uncover innovative, tech-driven methods for success.

Understanding the Corporate Partnership Landscape

In order to best leverage the corporate partnership opportunity, it’s crucial that your team has a solid understanding of such collaborative efforts at large. Here are a few things you should know.

What Are Corporate Partnerships?

A corporate partnership is defined as a collaborative relationship between a nonprofit organization and a corporate entity.

These initiatives are generally characterized by shared objectives, mutual benefits, and strategic cooperation. In other words, a nonprofit and a company work together to achieve common goals and widely advantageous outcomes by leveraging their combined strengths, resources, and expertise.

These collaborations may go beyond traditional philanthropy, encompassing various forms of engagement that create positive social impact, promote community development, and enhance the brand image of both parties involved.

While the nature of these collaborations can vary widely, such partnerships typically result in long-term relationships rather than standalone giving initiatives.

Benefits of corporate partnerships for each party

Types of Corporate Partnerships to Consider

Corporate partnerships can come in all shapes and sizes, varying greatly based on the organization and the company involved. Despite their differences, each form of partnership holds unique benefits that significantly impact the success of the initiatives’ success.

These include:

Types of corporate partnerships

  • Cause Marketing

    A collaboration between a nonprofit and a corporation to mutually promote their brands and causes, respectively. This type of partnership often involves a company contributing a percentage of profits or another specific monetary contribution to the organization based on the quantity of products or total revenue sold.

  • Corporate Sponsorships

    A company providing financial support to a nonprofit for a particular event, program, or other specific initiative in exchange for visibility and acknowledgment. Sponsors may benefit from branding opportunities, exposure to the nonprofit’s audience, and strategic alignment with a cause that resonates with their own values.

  • Team Volunteerism

    Corporate employees engaging in volunteer activities as a group, fostering team-building within the company, and supporting the nonprofit through the contribution of volunteer hours. Activities can range from community service projects to skill-based volunteering and beyond. Some companies also offer volunteer grants or paid Volunteer Time Off, too.

  • In-Kind Giving

    The donation of goods or services by a corporation to a nonprofit organization. This type of partnership contributes valuable resources without monetary exchange, supplying the organization with essential items at no or low cost that it may be unable to afford otherwise and ultimately reducing its operational costs.

  • Pro Bono Services

    Corporate professionals offering specialized skills and expertise to nonprofits without charge. These collaborations help organizations access beneficial services such as legal, marketing, or consulting advice, thus strengthening their internal strategies as a whole.

  • Disaster Relief Efforts

    Corporations collaborating with nonprofits to provide disaster relief efforts in times of crisis. This might include financial contributions, in-kind donations, or logistical support to aid affected communities. And it ultimately allows both parties to showcase social responsibility in challenging periods.

  • Corporate Matching Gift Programs

    A company matching donations its employees contribute to a range of nonprofit causes and mission types. As one of the most widely accessible forms of corporate partnerships, employee matching gifts encourage a company’s workforce to be actively involved in the partnership. The organization receives corporate funds and reaps the benefits of strengthened individual supporter relationships, too!

  • One-Off Matching Gift Programs

    ⁠A subset of corporate matching gifts, one-off matching gift programs involve a company matching donations its employees contribute to a single organization, typically within a predetermined timeframe. These types of targeted match initiatives form increasingly personalized relationships between businesses and nonprofit fundraisers.

  • Advocacy or Awareness Campaigns

    Corporations partnering with nonprofits to raise awareness around relevant social issues or to advocate for policy change or reformation regarding specific causes and social issues. These campaigns generally leverage the corporation’s reach and resources to amplify the nonprofit’s message and influence positive change.

  • Collaborative Research Efforts

    Corporations and nonprofits joining forces to fund and conduct research studies relevant to both parties. This type of partnership allows for the sharing of expertise, resources, data, and more, thus leading to innovative solutions and groundbreaking advancements.

  • Joint or Co-Branded Initiatives

    The creation of products, services, or events in collaboration between, and jointly marketed by, a nonprofit and a corporation. These partnerships leverage the strengths and audiences of both entities, resulting in initiatives that benefit each team while promoting a shared cause.

With so many collaborative efforts to choose from, it’s likely your organization has already begun to benefit from partnering with charitable-minded businesses. Still, there’s always room to grow in your strategies and explore new types of partnerships. Open doors to fresh opportunities and expand the scope of your impact!

Laying the Partnerships Groundwork

To set the stage for successful partnerships, it’s important for organizations to lay a robust groundwork for collaboration. Think of this step as the prep work your team does before launching into your actual partnership-seeking strategy.

Your actions might include:

Laying the groundwork for corporate partnerships

  • Establishing and training a partnership team. Determine who, among your staff and volunteers, is best suited to be the face of your organization in partnership conversations. Then, ensure the team you’ve built is well-informed regarding your organization and can effectively communicate the value you bring to the table.
  • Recognizing your organization’s core competencies. When preparing to pitch your nonprofit as a worthwhile partner, be sure to conduct an analysis that identifies your key strengths. For example, you might have a really strong donor base or an impressive international reach. Regardless, it will likely play into your value proposition.
  • Analyzing your target audience. Overlapping audiences are a sign of a well-aligned partner relationship. Do your research beforehand to identify the demographics, interests, and preferences of your supporters. Then, use the information you gather to guide your next steps.
  • Determining your goals and objectives. Make sure you’re seeking partnerships that meet your organization’s needs and goals. In order to do so, you’ll need to narrow your focus and ascertain the types of collaborations you seek. If you’re seeking corporate volunteer groups, for instance, you might want to prioritize companies with significant local workforces.

Successful partnerships begin with thoughtful planning, and these steps can go a long way in preparing your organization for the undertaking. Remember: the goal is ultimately to build lasting corporate relationships that not only meet your immediate needs but also align with your overarching mission and vision.

Uncovering Prospective Corporate Partners

Identifying opportune partners is the key to getting the most out of your organization’s efforts. You don’t want to pitch a partnership to any company you can think of. Rather, thorough research is paramount, empowering nonprofits to utilize their limited time and resources wisely. Plus, you can focus on prospects most likely to result in a positive return on your investment.

Consider employing a prospect rating system like this:

Corporate partnerships scorecard

Corporate partnerships scorecard sample

Careful analysis of potential corporate partners will allow your team to select the best partners. For optimal results, we recommend looking for:

  • Aligning missions and values
  • Existing philanthropy or CSR initiatives
  • Previous nonprofit collaborations
  • Financial health and giving capacity
  • Media presence and brand image
  • Overall reputation
  • Trends and market analysis

Don’t forget about the power of your nonprofit’s support network, either!

Finding an existing connection to a business⁠—whether that’s a donor, volunteer, board member, or other constituent—can open doors and significantly enhance the impact of your efforts.

How? Utilizing available contacts not only provides a warmer introduction but also adds a layer of trust and familiarity that positively influences the perception of your organization. Instead of a cold solicitation, you offer a personal and genuine interaction fueled by shared values and mutual associates.

To find out how your matching gift software can help at this stage, jump to that section now!

Crafting a Persuasive Partnership Proposal

The art of persuasion is fundamental to successful partnerships. You’re essentially selling your organization’s worth to prospective corporate parties.

Drafting a convincing proposal involves not just showcasing the initiative’s unique value proposition but also outlining the specific needs and opportunities of your cause.

Key Components of an Effective Partnership Pitch

  • Executive Summary: Provide a concise overview of your nonprofit, its mission, and key highlights of the proposed partnership. Summarize the value proposition and the impact the partnership aims to achieve.
  • Needs and Opportunities: Clearly articulate specific needs or opportunities the proposed partnership will address. Understand the challenges your organization faces that the corporate partner can help fill.
  • Goals and Objectives: Define specific goals and objectives of the proposed partnership. Outline what both parties aim to achieve and how the collaboration aligns with broader strategic objectives on each side.
  • Recognition and Visibility: Detail how the corporate partner will be recognized and the collaboration marketed. Include information on co-branded promotional opportunities, media exposure, and visibility within your organization’s own channels.
  • Employee Engagement: Showcase opportunities for employee engagement, such as volunteer programs, team-building activities, or skills-based volunteerism. Highlight exactly how the partnership can enhance employee satisfaction and morale, and feel free to use statistics like these to help emphasize such benefits.
  • Budget and Financials: Present a detailed budget that outlines how funds from the partnership will be utilized. Be transparent about the financial aspects, demonstrating accountability and responsible stewardship.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories: Include testimonials or success stories from previous partnerships to help build your organization’s credibility. Highlight the positive experiences of other corporate partners, the impact they’ve made, and the tangible benefits they received by working with your cause.
  • Timeline and Milestones: Propose an anticipated timeline that outlines the intended duration of your partnership endeavor. Clearly communicate the chronology for the execution of various initiatives and key activities.
  • Call to Action: Plainly state the next steps and implement a specific call to action for the business to take. Include contact information for key individuals within your organization, and make it easy for the partner to initiate the partnership if they so choose.

Customizable Partnership Proposal Template

Sample corporate partnership proposal

[Nonprofit] invites [company] to join forces to drive impact by supporting our endeavors in [specific project or program]. Please consider this proposal, which outlines a unique partnership opportunity to benefit both our organization and your company.

The [nonprofit] team seeks to [mission or vision], but we are facing [funding shortages, lack of resources, etc]. By collaborating, we can work together to address needs such as [mission-relevant need] and enhance the collective benefits offered by [nonprofit].

In taking on this effort, our primary goal is to [mission-relevant goal]. By fostering a partnership with [company], we believe we can provide value to your team in terms of [increased brand visibility, employee engagement, or other business goals].

Should you accept this proposal, [company] can expect to gain significant exposure through [branding opportunities, media exposure, communication channels, etc.]. [Company] would be prominently featured, driving widespread recognition and a positive reputation among consumers.

Not to mention, [company] employees can actively participate in [volunteer programs, workplace giving initiatives, or other partnership activities], thus contributing to team-wide engagement, boosting morale, and increasing staff retention rates.

Our detailed budget ensures transparency and illustrates the concrete impact of your investment in [nonprofit]. With a contribution of $[funding request] from [company] and expected expenses of $[estimated expenditures], we anticipate a significant return on investment for the program.

Past partners, including [other company], have experienced [specific positive experiences], and we believe that [company] would benefit in many of the same ways.

We propose a partnership that would span [timeline], with key milestones occurring at [specific milestone and timetable] to establish a framework for impending success.

Please contact [name] at [email address] or [phone number] to discuss the potential of a partnership with [nonprofit]. Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to exploring the next steps together.

Establishing a Strategy for Inbound Partnership Prospects

While nonprofits traditionally source most of their own corporate relationships, being prepared for inbound interest from potential partners is equally crucial. One of the best ways you can do so is by creating a page on your organization’s website dedicated to getting involved in corporate partnerships.

Corporate partnerships web pages

Such a page should include…

  • A high-level overview of your mission or cause and how partnership funds will be used
  • Numerous ways a company can get involved through partnerships, such as workplace giving, sponsorship events, or cause marketing
  • Corporate partnership benefits for companies, including brand visibility, tax deductions, employee engagement, and more
  • An embedded interest form that allows potential partners to supply contact information and other useful details
  • Information encouraging interested companies to work with a CSR platform—specifically one equipped with auto-submission functionality⁠—to help streamline the organization and management of corporate partnerships

You’ll also want to plan how your organization will respond to the inbound interest you receive. Once a company expresses interest in working together (e.g., by filling out the contact form on your site), your team will need to follow up, thank them for their interest, and engage in a conversation about the possible partnership.

Initiating Corporate Partnership Outreach

Proactive outreach is a core component of successful corporate partnerships.

Once you feel prepared to begin your outreach, you’ll want to determine the key decision-makers within the corporation. This might include those in the corporate social responsibility, marketing, community engagement, or executive leadership departments. The goal is to get your pitch in front of the company’s decision-makers!

It’s worth noting that leveraging any personal connections or common contacts within the corporate organization can significantly facilitate the initial introduction. Such connections not only enhance credibility but also increase the likelihood that your proposal will receive consideration.

When making your initial outreach, it’s a good idea to propose a low-commitment interaction. For example, a brief introductory call, virtual meeting, or coffee chat allows for a casual and exploratory conversation. You’ll have the space to discuss potential collaboration without placing immediate pressure on the prospective partner.

Prior to engaging in discussion, make an effort to anticipate potential concerns or objections from your prospective partner. Then, prepare a thoughtful response beforehand. Approach discussions with respect, empathy, and a focus on mutual success, and be open to innovative approaches that meet the interests of both parties.

Following the initial contact, follow up promptly with a personalized thank-you message, showing your gratitude for the company’s consideration. Remember to reiterate your interest in the potential partnership, supply any additional information or materials, and express openness to further discussions.

Building and Maintaining Long-Term Corporate Relationships

It’s easier (and more cost-effective) to retain long-term corporate relationships than it is to be constantly on the lookout for new, one-off partnership opportunities. That’s why, from the beginning, it’s important to approach potential partners as an opportunity for genuine, mutually beneficial relationships⁠—rather than focusing solely on the transactional value.

Aim to foster a lasting connection by making a commitment to collaboration and maintaining regular and transparent communication. Implementing these best practices in your partnership strategy can help you do so:

  • Provide impact updates on the companies’ support, share success stories, and keep partners informed about upcoming initiatives and ways to stay involved.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate corporate partners above and beyond what’s outlined in your agreement, when possible⁠—on your website, social media pages, promotional materials, and more.
  • Establish a process for gathering feedback regarding the partnership experience. Then, use the input provided to refine and improve your corporate engagement efforts.
  • Engage employees of your partner company by offering opportunities to partake in volunteer activities, event participation, peer-to-peer fundraising, and more.

Corporate partnerships roadmap

All in all, you’ll want to identify opportunities to deepen the existing relationship with corporate connections. As your partnership progresses, make it a priority to work collaboratively and develop a roadmap for future collaboration and growth.

Bonus! Unlocking Partnerships With Matching Gift Software

Does your organization invest in the industry’s leading matching gift solution, 360MatchPro? If so, it can be one of your greatest assets as your team begins sourcing corporate partnerships.

While corporate partnerships can encompass a lot more than employee matching gifts alone, there’s a close relationship between the two concepts. As such, you can use data collected from one initiative (matching gifts) to inform your strategy for the other (broader corporate partnerships). And Double the Donation built its platform to help.

Plus, leveraging a solution equipped with auto-submission not only streamlines the process for your own team but also enhances the partnership experience on the company’s end by demonstrating proactive engagement and efficiency.

Using Double the Donation’s ‘Leading Companies’ Tool

You know that companies with which you share personal connections can be your organization’s most valuable prospects. Such connections showcase overlapping audiences and demonstrate the potential benefits a partnership can bring. Your donors’ employers are some of the best examples of this⁠—and that data is already stored within 360MatchPro.

That said, take a look at the companies featured in your organization’s “Leading Companies” tool (under the reporting tab) within the platform. This feature displays the companies most often selected by your donors as they interact with your employer search tool on your donation form or email follow-ups. And it means they’re companies well-represented within your donor base.

Identify corporate partnerships with Double the Donation's top companies feature

Once equipped with your list of top employers, you can divide prospects into two categories (which are already conveniently color-coded in 360MatchPro). These include:

Companies with existing matching gift programs

These are companies that employ a significant number of your donors and have already proven to be philanthropic in nature. Reach out and see if they’d consider a supplemental partnership⁠—such as a sponsorship, volunteer event, or donation drive. If it actively engages the company’s employees (and your supporters!), even better.

Consider this helpful template to get you started:

Subject: Grow your philanthropy by partnering with [nonprofit] today!

Dear [corporate contact],

Over the years, [nonprofit] has been incredibly grateful for the support from [company] and its particularly philanthropic employee base. Your ongoing support through such a generous matching gift program allows us to better our communities by [specific project or program] and [specific project or program].

In the last twelve months, our organization has received [number] donations and identified over $[total matching gift revenue] worth of matching gifts from your company. We know that you are already dedicated to charitable giving, and it seems like we have a lot in common already.

Today, we’re reaching out to discuss your potential interest in partnering with our team as a corporate sponsor for [upcoming event, project, or program]. This would allow you to grow your support beyond matching gifts and get your workforce involved in new and exciting ways.

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and we look forward to the chance to create a more profound impact together.

Best regards,

[Contact information]

Companies without existing matching gift programs

Companies lacking matching gift programs but prevalent within your donor base may be interested in easy ways to step into the corporate philanthropy realm. Utilize your shared audiences to demonstrate value and propose a partnership opportunity with mutual benefits.

One-off matching gift initiatives are an excellent option in this case as it allows an employer to explore donation-matching in a limited-scope environment. And 360MatchPro makes it easy to manage such initiatives within an organization’s matching gift portal using the one-off program management feature!

Consider this helpful template to get you started:

Subject: Exploring partnership opportunities alongside [nonprofit]

Hi, [company] team!

I trust this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out on behalf of [nonprofit], an organization dedicated to [mission or vision] in the [geographic region] area.

We see that over [number] of our generous donors are employed by your company. However, it appears that you do not currently offer a matching gift program.

Because our teams have so much in common already, we thought you might be interested in exploring the possibility of a mutually beneficial collaboration. We believe that by establishing a partnership, we could create a more significant and lasting impact on the causes that matter most to all of us. Could we schedule a brief call to discuss possibilities?

Thank you for your consideration,


You always want to make the most of the tools in your nonprofit’s toolkit. This often-overlooked feature in 360MatchPro can provide invaluable insights for your partnership strategy⁠—so long as you know what to do with the information at your fingertips.

Not yet a Double the Donation client? Get a demo of the platform to see how it will elevate your matching gift and corporate partnership efforts.

Final Thoughts & Additional Resources

With this helpful roadmap in hand, we hope your team can pursue and cultivate powerful corporate relationships. As you embark on the journey, feel encouraged to approach each potential partnership with intention, creativity, and a deep commitment to mutually beneficial outcomes, creating lasting positive change. Plus, make the most of the resources at your disposal (such as your matching gift software) to produce the greatest impact possible for your cause.

The result? Increased revenue through additional philanthropy opportunities and stronger partnerships that bring each team to new heights.

Use Double the Donation to raise more with corporate partnerships

Interested in learning more about effective corporate partnership strategies? Check out these recommended resources for further reading:

How to Identify Corporate Partners

Corporate Partnerships Additional Resources - Identifying Partners with 360MatchPro

360MatchPro can help your team locate its greatest potential partners. Find out how you can do so in this guide to corporate partnership identification.

One-Off Matching Gift Programs

Corporate Partnerships Additional Resources - One-Off Matching Gifts

One-off (or custom) matching gift programs are easy and powerful corporate partnerships. See how your nonprofit can build personal employee giving initiatives!

The Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

Volunteer Grant Additional Resource

Don’t overlook the power of corporate volunteerism! Many companies even provide “dollars for doers” grants to the organizations with which their employees volunteer.

Learn about recurring giving programs and how your nonprofit can start and promote one.

Unlock Fundraising’s Hidden Gem: Recurring Giving Programs

Two of the most common challenges nonprofits faced in 2023 were operating under unfavorable economic conditions and combatting staff burnout and low retention. Funding—or a lack thereof—is one of the main culprits.

Particularly, a lack of diverse and reliable funding sources can have negative effects on nonprofit operations and burden staff with more work. If your development team is always chasing the next donation, staff members could suffer from stress and burnout.

This is why it’s so important for nonprofits to set up programs that inspire donors to give regularly. In this guide, we’ll discuss recurring giving and how your organization can set up a program to diversify your funding sources:

Consistent, monthly funding from recurring giving programs can enable you to pay for more projects and help more beneficiaries. But before you can get there, it’s key to understand what these programs are and how to set one up. Let’s get started!

In addition to recurring giving programs, grow your funding in other ways like matching gifts.

What is recurring giving?

Recurring giving occurs when a donor opts to make regular donations to a nonprofit each month, making it a great way for nonprofits to fundraise. These recurring payments can be automated to make participating more convenient for the donor.

There are a variety of ways to implement recurring giving at your organization. In a basic monthly giving program, donors simply agree to donate a certain amount each month, often via automated payments. Another option is to create an exclusive club or membership program for monthly donors and offer some kind of incentive to join (e.g., branded merchandise or early access to event tickets).

What are the benefits of recurring giving?

A robust recurring giving program can be a game-changer for your organization and supporters. Specifically, these benefits include:

These are four of the benefits of recurring giving programs for nonprofits (detailed in text below).

  • Reduced strain on your staff. To recruit recurring donors, staff only need to put in the legwork of securing the first donation—from there, donations are made automatically without their help. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you will need to prioritize donor retention to keep participants engaged.
  • Consistent donations. When you have a recurring giving program, you can count on a certain amount of funding coming in each month. This makes it easier to plan and budget on a shorter timeline, and you have more liquid cash available for emergencies and other special circumstances.
  • Higher retention rates. Because your nonprofit only needs to secure one donation, you’ll see fewer lapsed donors when they are involved in your recurring giving program. Additionally, donors involved in recurring giving programs tend to be more loyal than passive donors when nonprofits have proper stewardship policies in place.
  • More convenience for donors. Most supporters appreciate it when donating is as quick and easy as possible, which is why 63% of donors prefer giving online. Recurring giving programs allow donors to provide consistent support to their favorite cause without needing to lift a finger after the first donation.

Recurring giving programs can also be more cost-effective. Your nonprofit won’t need to spend as much time and resources on marketing initiatives to secure donations—in other words, your cost per gift will decrease.

Additionally, donors could end up contributing more to your nonprofit in the long run. For example, a donor might only remember to donate $100 twice a year, giving a total of $200. However, they may join your monthly giving program, commit to donating $25 each month, and give a total of $300 that year.

How can your nonprofit start a monthly giving program?

Starting one of these programs won’t cost your nonprofit much beyond your time and a little hard work. However, there are some preparations you’ll need to make to ensure the program runs smoothly.

These are the items and preparations you’ll need to complete before starting a monthly giving program.

Before you launch a program, make sure you have:

  • Your leaders’ and board members’ approval
  • A dedicated program manager
  • A functioning, accessible website and donation page that integrate with your CRM or fundraising software
  • Any necessary marketing tools
  • Merchandise, gifts, or exclusive content (if you plan to offer program incentives)

Next, you’re ready to start developing the program. Here are the basic steps to follow:

Identify your target audience.

To recruit recurring donors, you can look both internally at your current donors and externally at potential supporters. Because you already have an established relationship with them, however, current donors are more likely to participate in the program.

Whether they’re an existing or prospective donor, those willing to join your recurring giving program must have the right:

  • Affinity for your cause. This refers to a donor’s personal connection to your cause. For example, do they donate to similar organizations or fund political initiatives that align with your values?
  • Capacity to give. Capacity indicates how much a donor is able to give. Estimate this metric by tracking wealth indicators like net worth and stock and real estate holdings. Remember that the donor needs to have enough discretionary income each month to participate in the program.
  • Likelihood of participating. This refers to a donor’s propensity or tendency to do something. You can track a donor’s history with your nonprofit to better understand their giving habits and even look at their interactions with other organizations.

The way your supporters show their dedication to your cause depends on the involvement opportunities you offer. However, in most organizations, the ideal target audience for a recurring giving program will be made up of your most loyal, dedicated supporters. This could include those who’ve been donors for multiple years and those who donate often.

Additionally, remember to look for donors who get involved in other ways like volunteering or serving on a committee. Volunteers are 66% more likely to contribute financially and they’re showing a deep commitment to your cause by spending their time furthering your mission.

Segment your supporters.

Once you’ve identified the donors who are most likely to participate in a recurring giving program, look out for patterns and shared traits among them. While everyone in this audience may be interested in donating monthly, they won’t all resonate with the same messages.

This is why it’s important to segment your donors based on specific traits. By creating these groups, you can craft personalized, targeted appeals that speak to their interests and reach them on the right communication channels.

For example, let’s say you run an animal shelter and are ready to start your recurring giving program. Here’s how you can segment your audience and tailor communication strategies to each group’s preferences:

These are four segments you can use to target prospective recurring donors (explained in text).

  • Interests and affinities: Your supporters have varying affinities under the umbrella of animal welfare. You decide to create three segments based on the most common distinctions: dog people, cat people, and those who like both. Communications with cat people feature images of kittens, emphasize that their funding will help your TNR program, and tell stories about specific cats you’ve rescued in the past.
  • Communication preferences: Each of your donors has one or two communication channels they engage with most often. You track responses to past marketing campaigns in your CRM and create segments for each major communication channel, such as email, direct mail, social media, and text.
  • Demographics: Your audience consists of a variety of ages, so you create generational segments. Older generations respond best to more personal communication channels like email and phone calls while your Gen Z supporters would rather receive a short text message or like your Instagram posts.
  • Engagement level: You create segments based on how often supporters interact with your nonprofit, such as by making a donation, visiting your website, or engaging with a social media post. You send communications with your most active supporters more frequently while less active supporters receive occasional updates.

After you get your program up and running, you may need to refine your strategies and add or remove segments. Remember to frequently check key performance indicators (KPIs) such as email open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to determine whether your messaging resonates with each group.

Promote the program.

Now, you’re ready to start promoting the program to your selected audience. To get started, you need to craft a compelling, overarching message for the campaign. In other words, why should your supporters want to become recurring donors?

This message will be different for each nonprofit, and you’ll need to tweak it for each of your audience segments. To get you started, here are some of the main reasons why donors may be inspired to donate on a regular basis:

  • They can make a sustained impact—for many donors, making single, large donations is not realistic.
  • Recurring giving programs make donating as convenient as possible.
  • Monthly donors may form an exclusive community, making participants feel a sense of belonging.
  • They may have access to perks like free merchandise, priority access to events, invitations to staff or board meetings, etc.
  • Providing recurring donations allows your organization to use resources (e.g., staff time) more efficiently to work toward your mission.

Once you’ve crafted a unique appeal to prospective recurring donors, you’ll need to share it across multiple channels. Consider creating educational content about the program for your website. For example, you might write a blog post announcing the program and build a dedicated landing page that lays out the process of joining, how funds are used, any incentives you offer, and an FAQ section.

Then, share your message across your donors’ preferred communication channels. Make sure to tailor the format to the channel you’re using. While emails can be as long as 400 words, Instagram graphics should only contain a few lines of text at most. Additionally, prioritize eye-catching graphics for fast-paced channels like social media to ensure donors notice and engage with the content.

For a more information about how to market opportunities to get involved, check out our dedicated guide.

Create a donor retention strategy.

Once you’ve recruited donors into your recurring giving program, you might feel like your work is over. While you won’t need to secure each donation they make, you will need to make an effort to keep them enrolled in the program.

To retain donors, make sure to implement stewardship strategies such as:

  • Asking donors for feedback. Send out surveys to your recurring donors asking for their honest feedback on the program. Include questions asking them to rate how satisfied they are and what they think you could do better. For example, perhaps donors are happy to support you each month but would like to hear more about the impact they are making.
  • Thanking them for their support. This step is essential. Frequently send donors thank-you letters or emails that acknowledge their donations and express your gratitude. Make these messages personal by greeting them by name, mentioning the amount they give each month, and highlighting the sustained impact they have. Always thank them for the commitment they’ve made to support you each month.
  • Offering incentives. As we’ve mentioned, you can offer gifts and exclusive experiences to donors to motivate them to join your monthly giving program. However, incentives don’t have to be tangible or cost your organization anything. Instead, you might give them a place on your donor recognition wall, mention them in your annual report, or highlight their support in your newsletter.

The donors engaged in your recurring giving program are your most passionate, dedicated supporters. Avoid taking this loyal support for granted by frequently showing your gratitude for their ongoing support.

Do recurring gifts qualify for company matching?

Although every company ultimately makes its own rules and criteria that define its program eligibility, the good news is that recurring donations generally do qualify for corporate matching. However, there are a few possible routes that recurring donors can choose from when it comes to requesting their matches.

These include the following methods:

😔 A recurring gift donor submits a match request for the expected annual total at the time of initial commitment.

😐 A recurring gift donor submits a separate matching gift request each month (or another cadence, depending on the frequency of their contribution).

😊 Donors wait and submit aggregate donations once per quarter or year, depending on their employer’s matching gift guidelines.

Of the options, the third (batching donation requests) is the most efficient for all parties involved in the process: including your fundraising team, the initial donor, and the donor’s employing company. Meanwhile, the second (separate match requests for each gift) is generally an accepted practice, though it can require a bit of additional effort to process. The first option, however, is typically not approved by matching gift companies that aim to match funds contributed rather than simply pledged.

As more recurring givers secure more matches on your organization’s behalf, your impact will continue to multiply. Just remember: whether submitting the expected yearly total, making monthly match requests, or aggregating contributions for a single request, donors play a pivotal role in facilitating matching gift requests. Make sure your audience is well aware of corporate match opportunities and how they can get involved—regardless of whether they contribute a one-time donation or pledge a generous monthly gift.

Download our free matching gifts guide to learn how to boost your nonprofit’s fundraising revenue.

What are some examples from other nonprofits?

If your nonprofit has never had a monthly giving program before, you may not know the best ways to promote it to your supporters. Here are a few examples from top nonprofits to inspire you:

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Screenshot of St. Jude’s donation form with monthly giving button (explained below).

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital funds research for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

One of the ways that St. Jude promotes its monthly giving program is by adding a “Monthly” button to their donation form. This makes joining the program extremely quick and easy for donors. Additionally, it makes anyone donating aware that St. Jude’s has a monthly giving program without requiring them to sift through their website or seek out a sign-up page.

National Wildlife Federation

Screenshot of the National Wildlife Federation’s recurring giving promotions (explained below).

The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is an American conservation organization that fights for conservation values and seeks to give wildlife a voice.

This organization provides two excellent examples of ways to inspire donors to join a recurring giving program. First, it offers members-only benefits to those who give $15 or more each month. The page includes images of the items members will receive throughout the year and breaks down all of the perks of the program, such as discounts on merchandise.

This organization also breaks down the impact that various donation amounts will have and divides the total monthly contribution into daily gifts. This highlights how a small, daily sacrifice adds up to a significant total impact.

PAN Foundation

Screenshot of the PAN Foundation’s GEM club (explained in text).

The PAN Foundation offers financial assistance to those with serious medical issues, helping them afford treatment.

To encourage monthly donations, the PAN Foundation created an exclusive community of recurring donors known as the PAN GEMs. GEM stands for “Give Every Month,” and these donors receive exclusive newsletters, invitations to virtual meetings, recognition in PAN publications, and opportunities to share feedback and personal stories.

To educate donors about the GEM community, the PAN Foundation created a dedicated landing page that explains what a GEM is, features calls to action, lists the benefits of being a member, features stories and testimonials, and notes that a monthly gift of just $50 covers treatment costs for an entire year.

Wrapping Up

Recurring giving programs deliver exactly what your nonprofit needs: consistent funding. Not only do these programs help lighten your staff’s workload and help you raise more money throughout the year, but they’re also more convenient and rewarding for donors who want to make a difference.

As you get more comfortable running your recurring giving program, consider branching out to other funding sources to boost your revenue. With CSR initiatives like matching gift programs, for example, donors’ employers will match donations they make to your nonprofit. This can double the donations you receive from donors without them needing to contribute each month.

For more help improving your nonprofit’s recurring giving program and maximizing revenue, check out these resources:

Start doubling the donations your nonprofit receives through the power of matching gifts.

The title of the post on an image of a nonprofit professional working on a computer.

Diversifying Nonprofit Revenue Streams: How to Raise More

As a nonprofit professional, acquiring funds to power your mission is one of your biggest responsibilities. With over $300 billion in fundraising revenue donated in 2023 alone, finding  reliable revenue sources might seem simple. However, individual fundraising can be a very volatile source of revenue, fluctuating due to economic trends, your donors’ financial statuses, and more.

That’s why your nonprofit should pursue several other revenue streams besides individual contributions from donors. Choosing and implementing new revenue streams can be challenging, but having the right tools and tips in mind helps your nonprofit achieve financial flexibility and freedom. We’ll help you start strong with these tips:

Diversifying your sources of support will ultimately lead to a more reliable future, empowering you to fulfill your mission. Now, let’s explore the different nonprofit revenue streams your organization can leverage.

Access billions of dollars worth of potential revenue with the click of a button using Double the Donation’s matching gift software. Click here to get a demo today.

8 Top Nonprofit Revenue Streams

Before we discuss how to diversify your nonprofit’s revenue streams, let’s review the top options for you to consider and the top strategy for each.

Eight top nonprofit revenue streams (as described below). 

1. Individual Donations

Individual donations is an umbrella term for many types of fundraising that involve individuals donating to your organization. Some examples of fundraising in this revenue stream include:

  • Recurring Giving 
  • Planned Giving
  • Major Giving
  • Capital Campaign Giving
  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

How to Secure Individual Donation Revenue: Prioritize Relationship-Building

“Individual donations” is an umbrella term for many types of fundraising that involve individuals donating to your organization. Some examples of fundraising in this revenue stream include:

  • Recurring Giving
  • Planned Giving
  • Major Giving
  • Capital Campaign Giving
  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

2. Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are a form of corporate giving that allows donors to get their charitable contributions matched by their employers. This valuable opportunity allows your supporters to double or even triple their financial impact on your cause. What’s more, your supporters will likely participate eagerly. According to our matching gift research, 84% of survey participants say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered.

Top Matching Gifts Strategy: Use a Matching Gift Tool

Most donors don’t leverage their employer’s matching gift policy simply because they’re unaware of their program or how to submit a request. However, your nonprofit can empower them with matching gift software. This tool simplifies the process for donors by telling them if their employer has a matching gift program based on their company email address. Then, it provides steps for submitting a matching gift request based on each employer’s requirements.

When looking for a matching gift tool, prioritize solutions that have auto-submission capabilities. This allows your donors to submit a matching gift request straight from the donation form—no extra steps required. You can learn more about auto-submission with this educational video from our team:

3. Volunteer Grants

Volunteer grants are another form of corporate philanthropy that allows volunteers to turn their donated time into funds for your mission. Companies that provide volunteer grants donate to a nonprofit once their employees have spent a certain number of hours volunteering there. For instance, an employer’s policy might be to give $500 for 50 hours of volunteering time.

Top Volunteer Grants Strategy: Leverage a Volunteer Grants Database

Keeping track of all of your volunteers’ employers and their policies can be challenging. Using a volunteer grants database can help your nonprofit quickly determine which volunteers are eligible for grants through their employer. This allows you to provide volunteers with the information and resources they need to submit a volunteer grant request.

The best volunteer grants database will be volunteer-facing so your supporters can easily research their employer’s program. For example, Double the Donation’s nonprofit customers can make its volunteer grants database available to supporters so they can look up their companies whenever they wish. 

Want to learn more about real companies that award matching gifts and volunteer grants? Access Double the Donation’s industry-leading database:

Click here to access the most comprehensive database of matching gift and volunteer grant companies.

4. Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate sponsorships are when socially responsible companies support a nonprofit partner in exchange for tax benefits or being associated with a charitable cause. The most common types of corporate sponsorships include:

  • Cause marketing, in which the corporation uses its platform to spread awareness of the nonprofit’s cause
  • Monetary donations
  • In-kind resource donations

Our guide to corporate sponsorships shares several companies that are exemplary sponsors. Here are the top corporate sponsors it lists, ordered by the percentage of nonprofits in ZipSprout’s database they sponsor:

The top ten companies with corporate sponsorship programs by percentage of nonprofits sponsored, according to Zipsprout’s database (as explained below)

  • Wells Fargo(2.89%)
  • State Farm (1.07%)
  • PepsiCo (0.98%)
  • U.S. Bank (0.97%)
  • Bank of America (0.92%)
  • Anheuser-Busch (0.76%)
  • Clif Bar (0.74%)
  • The Coca-Cola Company (0.72%)
  • Walmart (0.68%)
  • McDonald’s (0.67%)

Top Corporate Sponsorship Strategy: Create a Personalized Pitch

Like any donation appeal, your nonprofit needs to convince potential sponsors why your organization is worth their support. However, unlike other donation appeals, you need to convince sponsors how they can benefit from your partnership as well. You might use insights such as:

Potential return on investment (ROI) based on the campaign. ROI can vary from campaign to campaign, so you should highlight why your campaign is valuable to their interests. For instance, let’s say you’re hosting a charity golf tournament. GolfStatus recommends highlighting that golfers have a much higher net worth than average, which makes them valuable sales prospects for sponsors.
Past results for other sponsors. If you’ve had corporate sponsorships before, present your key performance metrics to prove your program’s value. Better yet, if you’re trying to recruit past sponsors for a new campaign, pull metrics from their past engagement and estimate how the new campaign will increase revenue.

No matter which approach you use to pitch your nonprofit to potential sponsors, ensure you use hard facts to support your appeal. For example, you could mention overarching economic trends and the company’s goals to illustrate why sponsoring your nonprofit could be beneficial.

5. Member Dues

For nonprofits with a membership structure, dues are the money members pay regularly to remain part of the program. Nonprofits such as museums offer memberships to secure a reliable source of income.

Top Membership Dues Strategy: Add Unique Membership Perks

Unlike recurring gifts, membership to a nonprofit often comes with special benefits. Add unique perks to your membership package to differentiate your program from similar alternatives. For example, you could add:

  • Discounted or free entry. Museums that charge for admission can discount or waive these fees entirely, making membership a worthwhile investment for those who frequent the institution.
  • Special events. Some members might join your program to meet new people with similar interests. Host member-exclusive events, such as a monthly dinner party or mixer, to make your membership program feel like a community and incentivize attendance.
  • Greater input into nonprofit activities. Your members show significant dedication to your nonprofit by pledging to give regularly, so you could show them your gratitude by involving them in decision-making processes. For instance, the Toledo Museum of Art hosts the
    Georgia Welles Apollo Society
    , an affinity group of members who pool their dues and vote on new art to add to the museum’s collection each year.

Each membership community is unique, so you should base your benefits on their preferences. To formulate ideas for perks, you could survey your most loyal donors to understand what they’d like to experience as part of a membership community. From there, you can compile a list of contending ideas and select a few that align with your budget and goals.

6. In-Kind Contributions

In-kind donations are gifts of non-financial resources to your nonprofit. You can use in-kind contributions to:

  • Improve your programs. For instance, an in-kind gift of 20 kennels to an animal shelter would increase capacity and empower you to help many more animals in need.
  • Power your auctions. In-kind gifts are popular for charity auctions. Once a donor has given your organization a desirable item, you can auction it off and keep the proceeds as fundraising revenue.
  • Support special projects. Your nonprofit might have ongoing projects that require specific resources. For instance, an animal shelter might need construction materials to weatherproof their shelters.

Top In-Kind Contributions Strategy: Create a Wishlist

Chances are, your existing donors have in-kind resources they could donate to your nonprofit. They just might not know that you need anything. Create a comprehensive, detailed wishlist that describes all the in-kind resources your nonprofit needs at a given time. Include information such as:

  • Urgency for the item
  • Intended use
  • Preferred brands or conditions
  • Quantity needed
  • Impact of the item on your mission
  • Delivery and drop-off instructions
  • Basic steps for claiming the in-kind gift on tax forms

Once you’ve drafted your list, create a landing page on your website where supporters can easily sign up to donate in-kind items. If possible, integrate your CMS with your sign-up software so the public-facing list remains up-to-date and you don’t get duplicate donations. Also, unless there’s an urgent, unforeseen need for an in-kind resource, only send your updated wishlists once a month, so you don’t overwhelm your donors.

7. Grants

Grants are sums of money awarded to nonprofit applicants who fit certain criteria. They are usually provided by government agencies or foundations with an endowment.

Top Grants Strategy: Use Management Software

Your nonprofit likely juggles numerous grants at a time, some with overlapping requirements and due dates. Staying organized and vigilant about your grant applications is crucial to finding the right opportunities and securing funding. Grant management software can help you:

  • Find grants that fit your nonprofit’s needs and niche
  • Track application status, from submission to review to the final decision
  • Stay on top of deadlines with automated reminders
  • Compile required documentation

When picking a grants management software solution, ensure that you consider your volume of grant applications. For instance, if your nonprofit relies on grants for 20% of your funding, investing in a comprehensive solution can help you keep track of more applications, whereas a nonprofit that only applies for a few grants a year can make do with a cheaper solution with fear features.

 8. Product Sales

Consider selling products to donors and taking the profit as fundraising revenue. Your nonprofit has a unique brand identity, making it easy for your donors to support you in style. Plus, branded products can spread the word about your mission.

Top Product Sales Strategy: Sell Limited-Edition Merchandise

While selling items with your nonprofit’s logo and slogan is a good start, you can level up your product sales by creating exclusive merchandise for certain events and campaigns. For example, let’s say you’re hosting an auction. You could sell a t-shirt with unique branding for your event to attendees and discontinue it afterward. This creates a sense of urgency for your donors to get your items before they’re gone.

Nonprofit Revenue Stream Diversification FAQ

Now that you know of different nonprofit revenue streams, let’s answer some questions you might have about adding them to your financial approach.

What are the benefits of diversifying your nonprofit’s revenue streams?

There are numerous advantages to intentionally diversifying your organization’s revenue streams, such as:

  • Financial stability. Even if you think you have an ironclad revenue stream, anything can happen. Economic factors can impact even the most reliable sources of revenue, so having multiple prepares you for anything.
  • Adaptability. As technology advances and the economy shifts, it’s helpful to have multiple funding sources available so you can adapt your approach proactively.
  • Expanded impact. More funding sources means more revenue that your nonprofit can leverage for your cause.

There’s no set amount of revenue streams your nonprofit should have, but you should have multiple to support you through any situation.

What are some common challenges in managing multiple revenue streams?

Despite the benefits of having diverse revenue streams, numerous obstacles can dissuade nonprofits from seeking out new ones, such as:

  • Resource allocation. Developing a new revenue-acquisition strategy for each stream takes time and money away from your beneficiaries. You might even need to expand your team or outsource labor to specialists who can manage your new revenue streams.
  • Compliance with regulations. Your nonprofit needs an in-depth understanding of the legal regulations surrounding each new revenue stream. For example, special in-kind donation tax considerations can impact how you fill out your Form 990.
  • Donor expectations. Your seasoned donors are likely used to how your nonprofit currently collects donations, so any change requires maintenance on your part to make additions and transitions as smooth as possible.

Changes can always pose challenges to nonprofits, but as long as you have the right tools and strategy in mind, you can tackle these hurdles. We’ll cover the impact the right software can have in a later section.

What are some key performance indicators (KPIs) for evaluating revenue streams?

Not all revenue streams are feasible for every nonprofit. As you test out new revenue streams for your nonprofit, use these KPIs to decide which are worth developing:

  • Total revenue generated from each stream
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Growth rate of revenue streams
  • Cost-to-revenue ratios
  • Member or donor retention rates
  • Grant success rates
  • Donor acquisition rates per stream

The best way to collect and leverage this data is by using a CRM with complex reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and field customization. These features allow you to track multiple KPIs simultaneously and form more accurate data-driven insights.

Nonprofit Revenue Stream Diversification: Dos and Don’ts

A list of dos and don’ts for nonprofit revenue stream diversification (as explained below). 


  • Practice data hygiene: Practicing data hygiene fundamentals helps ensure accurate reports and decision-making. NPOInfo’s guide to data hygiene suggests creating processes for standardizing data formatting, scheduling regular data back-ups, and appending missing data.
  • Research thoroughly: Picking new revenue streams involves big decisions, so you should be convinced they’re worth pursuing before investing the resources. Consider consulting with a professional to get an external, unbiased opinion.
  • Strategically plan your diversification approach: Build time into your staff’s calendars during the strategic planning process so you have the time to chart an informed, detailed path forward. Each nonprofit has a unique timeline, but you should expect to spend a few months cementing your strategic plan.
  • Evolve your tech stack: You can probably manage any new revenue streams with tailored software solutions. Research options on the market and pick one that aligns with your budget, tech experience, and existing solutions.
  • Focus on core competencies: Prioritize expanding into revenue streams that leverage your team’s strengths. For example, if you have multiple local corporate connections, leveraging corporate social responsibility programs would be a natural addition to your strategy.


  • Overextend resources: Understand and work within your organization’s resource constraints from the outset as you decide which new revenue streams to add. For instance, if you can only afford to add three revenue streams, don’t push the limit by attempting four or five, as you might burn out your team.
  • Ignore feedback: Remember to collect feedback from numerous stakeholders at all phases of implementation. This might include team members, donors, and beneficiaries. They can provide well-rounded suggestions from perspectives you might not have considered.
  • Expect results quickly: As with any major fundraising shift, it takes a while for all the facts to come together. Be patient until you have all relevant information before proceeding or cutting out revenue streams.
  • Assume risk unnecessarily: While it can be tempting to jump on a hot fundraising strategy or economic trend, consider all angles before adding it to your strategic plan so you know it’s truly a good choice.
  • Fail to adapt: While your strategic plan should be the main guide for your revenue stream adoption, it shouldn’t be set in stone. Build flexibility into your approach so you can pivot if necessary, either to implement a new strategy or to rethink one that isn’t working.

Wrapping Up + Additional Resources

Pursuing new nonprofit revenue streams isn’t only a financially sound strategy, but it also helps your team innovate and stay relevant over time. As long as you assess each option in detail, record results, and keep your core competencies in mind, you can shake up your organization’s current fundraising approach without significant risk. Plus, your donors will love having new ways to give back to your nonprofit!

Fundraise smarter, not harder. Sit back and let Double the Donation tap into billions in matching gift revenue for you. Click here for a demo.

The title of the post next to an image of two colleagues working.

Improving Your Donor Development Approach: 15 Expert Tactics

Every nonprofit professional’s dream is to cultivate a donor community full of lifelong supporters. However, achieving this goal requires lots of long-term strategic moves and outreach from your team. 

These activities represent donor development, a critical process for nonprofits looking to establish a foothold in their community. Prioritizing donor development can significantly improve your acquisition rate, retention rate, and growth potential. 

In this guide, we’ll review the key components of donor development so you can launch your own strategies, including:

Let’s explore the importance of donor development and how you can improve your current approach. 

Boost your donor development with the most convenient giving option, matching gifts. Click here to jumpstart your efforts with Double the Donation’s matching gift platform.

Donor Development: Key Terms to Know

Before we get into the details, let’s define some essential terms you need to know relating to donor development:

  • Prospect research is the process of identifying potential donors and gathering information on them that can inform your ask.
  • The donor lifecycle refers to the various phases that a donor goes through while supporting your organization. We’ll go into the stages in greater detail later, but generally, the donor lifecycle starts when your nonprofit first makes contact with a potential donor. 
  • Donor cultivation involves building and cultivating connections with potential donors to persuade them to contribute to your nonprofit. 
  • Donor stewardship involves maintaining and strengthening existing supporter relationships to secure future gifts.
  • Donor development is the overarching approach your nonprofit takes to attract, retain, and upgrade donors. It encompasses donor cultivation and donor stewardship activities. 
  • Donor retention rate is the percentage of donors that give again after their initial gift instead of churning. 
  • Legacy commitments refer to planned gifts that donors have pledged for the future through their will or estate plan. These contributions can include bequests, trusts, property, gifts of stock, and more.

Now that you know these important terms, let’s answer some of the questions you might have about donor development.

Donor Development FAQ

Why does donor development matter?

These statistics illustrate the importance of donor development in your nonprofit’s overall financial health and stability:

Statistics related to donor development (as explained below).

As you can see, retention is a more cost-effective way than acquisition to secure revenue from your donor community. And with total giving decreasing, it’s more important than ever to optimize your donor development approach and secure consistent fundraising revenue. 

Want to start a donor retention program? Click here to read our ultimate guide.

What are the phases of the donor lifecycle?

Understanding the donor lifecycle can help structure your donor development efforts. You can break the donor lifecycle into the following actions and stages:

The stages of donor development (as explained below).

  • The donor makes their initial donation to your nonprofit. The donor learns about your nonprofit and mission via marketing materials or their network. Once they donate, your nonprofit has officially acquired them as a supporter.
  • The donor renews their support. Once the donor has been in your community for some time and has decided to donate again, they move into the retention phase. 
    • If the donor does not give again, they’re considered lapsed, which entails a different re-engagement strategy.
  • The donor deepens engagement with your nonprofit. For example, they might join your volunteer program, spearhead a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign on your behalf, or become a public advocate for your cause. These engagements signify that the donor feels a strong connection to your organization, making them a good candidate for a gift upgrade.
  • The donor becomes a lifelong advocate for your cause. Once a donor has expanded their involvement with your mission, your team likely knows how to keep them emotionally connected with your nonprofit in the long term. 

The goal is to grow your donor’s commitment to your organization over time. That being said, the donor lifecycle looks different for every nonprofit based on your goals, budget, and fundraising capacity. Adjust this general donor lifecycle layout based on your objectives. Throughout the process, track donor engagement in your CRM and tailor your strategy to their preferences.

What’s the difference between donor cultivation, stewardship, and development?

While similar, all of these terms represent a different area of donor relationship management. This Venn diagram can help you understand what these terms commonly encompass and what sets them apart:

A venn diagram comparing donor cultivation, donor development, and donor stewardship (as explained below).

Donor Cultivation Donor Development Donor Stewardship Shared Elements of Donor Cultivation and Donor Development Shared Elements of Donor Development and Donor Stewardship Shared Elements of Donor Cultivation, Development, and Stewardship
  • Awareness Building
  • Initial Engagement
  • Interest Generation
  • Outreach Initiatives
  • Relationship Building
  • Ongoing Engagement
  • Progression in Giving Levels
  • Personalized Communication
  • Recognition
  • Appreciation
  • Relationship Maintenance
  • Retention Strategies
  • Conversion of Prospects to Donors
  • Increasing Engagement Levels
  • Building Trust and Commitment
  • Nurturing and Sustaining Donor Relationships
  • Encouraging Repeat Contributions
  • Maintaining Engagement Momentum
  • Comprehensive Donor Engagement Continuum
  • Holistic Donor Journey
  • Interconnected Phases
  • Commitment to Donor Relationships

All of these terms are important to creating an overall donor development strategy. As we discuss how to plan your own, keep in mind your current activities for each of these processes and how you can improve them.

How can you gauge your current approach to donor development?

Establishing a baseline benchmark for your donor development program improvements is crucial for gauging performance. You can gauge the effectiveness of your current donor development strategies by:

  • Mapping your nonprofit’s average donor lifecycle. Consult your CRM to access data about how the average donor’s relationship with your nonprofit would evolve. Then, supplement your quantitative data with qualitative feedback from donors. Survey longtime and new donors to collect additional insight into their journey with your nonprofit. Once you have all relevant data points, create an updated donor lifecycle for your organization and work from there. 
  • Evaluating your donor segments. Your nonprofit likely segments your donors to conduct personalized outreach, a crucial aspect of donor development. However, as your nonprofit’s donor community changes over time, so should your segmentation approach to accommodate new preferences. For example, you might have received an influx of younger donors in recent years who prefer SMS communications from your nonprofit.  
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs). Leveraging KPIs is a helpful strategy for standardizing what success means to your nonprofit based on your unique goals. Pertinent KPIs that your nonprofit might track for donor development include cost per dollar raised, retention rate, acquisition rate, and donor lifetime value (the total amount of revenue you can expect to receive from a donor over their entire relationship with your nonprofit).

You’ll need a comprehensive donor database to execute these activities effectively. If your CRM isn’t customizable, scalable, or otherwise doesn’t fit your reporting needs, you should research and implement alternative solutions. 

Your job doesn’t end with finding an effective CRM, through! Once you’ve started using a solution that supports your donor development efforts, ensure you implement and stick to data hygiene practices. NPOInfo’s guide to data hygiene for nonprofits recommends adding these activities to your regimen:

  • Standardize data formatting.
  • Regularly audit and back up your data.
  • Invest in data appends.

Improving your data hygiene practices helps you keep your donor development data reliable and useful. This consistency makes it easier to detect and react to data trends, not just during the initial benchmarking phase but continuously over time.

Donor Development: 15 Strategies

All of the donor development strategies (as explained below).

General Donor Development Strategies

Implement these tactics into any donor development strategy, no matter how much the donor gives or how long they’ve been with your nonprofit:

  • Personalize communication. As previously mentioned, adding a personal touch to your communications is critical for keeping donors engaged with your nonprofit. Besides addressing each message recipient by name, you can boost personalization by sending messages to relevant sections of your supporter base with segmentation. 
  • Provide impact reports. Your donors want to know that their investment in your mission is making a real difference. Convince them to continue contributing to your nonprofit by creating impact reports that illustrate what fundraising revenue has supported. A common format nonprofits use to convey impact is a public-facing annual report, but you can report impact to donors more frequently via email. 
  • Offer engagement opportunities. Your donors want to make an impact on your beneficiaries, so offer them the chance to expand their engagement with new opportunities. For example, you might ask an annual donor if they’d like to join your volunteer program to give back differently. Or, you might encourage donors to submit a matching gift request to their employer to multiply their impact.
  • Show appreciation. Every donation puts you closer to achieving your mission, no matter its size. Thank all of your donors for their support to show how much they mean to your organization and your beneficiaries. Every donor should receive a thank-you email expressing your team’s heartfelt gratitude and pledging to put their gift to good use.

Encourage feedback. Optimizing the donor development journey is easier with suggestions straight from the segment that you’re trying to optimize. Welcome feedback from donors so you can access new insights that you can use to adjust your strategies. You can collect feedback formally using a survey, or informally by letting donors know that you’re always available if they have ad-hoc suggestions.

Mid-Tier Donor Development Strategies

Mid-tier donors are those who have the potential to upgrade and become lifetime donors. These strategies help you funnel them through more advanced stages of the donor lifecycle:

  • Create specific impact reports. Unlike general annual reports, you should break down mid-tier donors’ impact in greater detail. You might make specific impact reports for a donor when they hit a certain milestone, such as an anniversary of supporting your organization or a certain dollar amount crossed.
  • Host donor stewardship events. Donor stewardship applies to mid-tier donors because they already have a history of supporting your nonprofit. Host events where you can talk casually with mid-tier donors, such as a luncheon or mixer. This allows you to collect information that can inform your stewardship approach, such as personal milestones and other preferences. 
  • Conduct one-on-one outreach. Besides inviting them to larger donor stewardship events, engage your mid-tier donors with occasional one-on-one outreach. For instance, you might call them on a special day in their life, such as their birthday or first day of retirement. Casual one-on-one outreach demonstrates that you care about your donors as people, not just a source of money for your cause. 
  • Offer representative positions. Mid-tier donors have likely been loyal members of your nonprofit’s community for a while. You can foster their investment in your cause by offering them positions as nonprofit representatives. For example, you might start an Ambassador program where mid-tier donors can act as advocates for your nonprofit to their networks and have special responsibilities. This shows them that you view them as a positive contributor to your community and could yield upgraded gifts. 
  • Host meet-and-greets with beneficiaries. Once your donors reach the mid-tier stage, you should try and deepen their emotional connection with not only your cause but also your beneficiaries themselves. Invite select mid-tier donors to a meet-and-greet event with beneficiaries where they can build unique relationships with them and solidify their commitment to your cause.

Major Donor Development Strategies

Once your donors have entered this stage, they’ve firmly established their loyalty to your nonprofit and have demonstrated a large capacity to give. These tactics can help you secure a significant lifelong commitment from them:

  • Hold regular meetings. Major donors should have a greater say in your nonprofit’s activities since they pledge a significant amount to your programs. Organize regular chats with major donors where you can ask for their thoughts about causes that they support. As long as you clarify that your team has the final say, this can be a beneficial opportunity for both you and your major donors to shape your daily operations. 
  • Offer matching gift opportunities. If your major donors are looking for ways to expand their impact on your fundraising efforts, pitch a matching gift drive to them. In a matching gift drive, the major donor will pledge a matched contribution of whatever individual donors contribute up to a certain amount. For instance, a major donor could pledge to match all gifts up to the $10,000 benchmark. This not only gives the major donor a creative way to give back but also encourages other people to contribute.
  • Provide exclusive access. Make your fundraising events and programs even more interesting for major donors by offering exclusive perks. For example, you might offer them a VIP table at your charity auction or invite them to shadow your programming in progress. Just remember to secure permission from your beneficiaries first if you want to show major donors a beneficiary-facing activity.
  • Offer advisory roles. Whether it’s a position on your Board of Directors or a turn as the head of your Ambassador program, your major donors will likely appreciate new ways to get involved. If you have many major donors who are interested or if the role makes significant decisions for the nonprofit, host interviews to make sure they’re suited for the job. Also, remember to communicate the time commitment for the role before they start so they can adjust their schedule accordingly.
  • Promote legacy giving. This truly unique giving opportunity allows donors to continue supporting your nonprofit even after they’ve passed away. With a planned giving program, your major donors can pledge money from their estate to your organization. Planned giving can be highly personal and sensitive, which is why it’s best to pitch to major donors who are already comfortable with your team and who are extremely passionate about your mission.

Wrapping Up + Additional Resources

While implementing these suggestions provides a foundation for your donor development, you should customize your tactics based on your community and strategic plan. As long as you take the approaches that best suit your donors’ needs and provide creative ways to give back, you can boost your donors’ lifetime value and cultivate an ideal donor lifecycle for your nonprofit.

84% of donors are more likely to donate if their employer offers a match. Help them find their match effortlessly with Double the Donation’s matching gift platform. Click here for a demo.

The Ultimate Guide to Employer Appends for Fundraisers

The Ultimate Guide to Employer Appends for Fundraisers

You likely gather many details about your donors⁠—those who support your cause with their funds, time, or resources. Perhaps you collect names, contact information, engagement history, interests, and hobbies. The more comprehensive an understanding you have of each supporter, the better you can tailor your fundraising strategy to effectively reach your target audience.

However, one critical piece of the puzzle that’s often overlooked is employment data. Knowing where your donors work can play a significant role in how you relate to them in terms of fundraising, corporate giving opportunities, and more. And if you don’t already have this data point on file? That’s where employer appends come in.

In this guide, we’ll provide a walkthrough of all things employer appends⁠—including:

Understanding your donors’ employment status can elevate your fundraising efforts in huge ways. You won’t want to discard the wealth of information gathered through employer appends, nor the amplified impact it brings.

Let’s get started!

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

The Basics of Data Appends

The Basics of Data Appends

Data appends are a particular type of data enhancement strategy that allows nonprofits and other fundraising groups to learn more about the individuals in their networks. These efforts aim to provide organizations with more comprehensive and up-to-date information, often concerning their donors and other supporters. This empowers fundraisers to adjust their messaging and overall engagement strategies by better discerning who a donor is and what makes them tick.

Organizations typically provide the information they do have to a company dedicated to data enhancement services. The company then compares donor information against a mega-database of individual data, filling in the details the organization lacks as they go.

Types of data appends
Employer appends, in particular, empower organizations to collect new and optimized data regarding the companies their supporters work for. Beyond employer information, other common types of data appends include mailing addresses, email addresses, birth dates, and phone numbers.

As you’ll notice, these types of appends primarily fill in missing or outdated contact information. That makes connecting with supporters easy for email outreach, phonathon fundraisers, direct mail solicitations, and other campaigns.

What Are Employer Appends?

What Are Employer Appends?

Employer appends are one of the most common types of data appends for nonprofits, schools, and other fundraising organizations. In this case, the unknown information an organization seeks is that of a donor’s employer.

By providing other data points⁠—such as the person’s name, location, phone number, education experience, etc.—the intended result is to locate the company that the individual works for (and sometimes even their job title!). In the end, the organization receives invaluable insights that can help uncover matching gift and other workplace giving opportunities, estimate wealth data, and more.

How Employer Appends Work for Fundraisers

The employer appends process is simple. After locating a data appending service (we’ll cover what to look for below), you’ll want to collect as much data about your donors as possible. This should include:

  • Name
  • Unique ID number
  • Mailing address (home, business, or both)
  • Region (state, city, and country)
  • Email address(es)
  • Phone number(s)
  • College or university (along with class year and major/degree, if available)
  • Last gift amount
  • Date of last donation
  • Date the entry was last updated

You will likely not have every data point available for each donor. And that’s okay! However, starting with as much information as possible increases the likelihood that the appending service provider can locate and match supporter records to the right employer information.

The employer appends process

From there, the appending service will conduct its own research, typically scanning a number of public and privately held databases, which may include government records, SEC filings, social media profiles, business registrations, and more.

When the service provider is able to match a donor record with an employing company, they make a note of the identified information, check the newly collected data for accuracy, and share their findings with the organization. Ultimately, the organization is able to utilize the information to its best advantage in terms of optimal fundraising and donor relations.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising with an employer append from Double the Donation.

Benefits of Employer Appends

Benefits of Employer Appends for Nonprofits and Universities

Employer appends can bring big results to nonprofit fundraising. Knowing where your donors and other key supporters work plays a significant role in overall engagement strategies, not to mention enabling targeted efforts regarding available workplace giving opportunities.

Benefits of employer appends
Specifically, employer appending can help your team:

Determine matching gift eligibility ⁠—

Thousands of companies offer matching gift programs where they agree to match employee donations to charitable organizations.

However, you likely won’t know which donors are eligible for (and, as a result, which to follow up with about) matching opportunities if you don’t know where they work. In fact, this knowledge gap even results in over $4 to $7 billion in matching gift funding going unclaimed each year!

Once you have the information you need, however, you’ll be able to prompt qualifying donors to complete the match process and secure additional funding on your organization’s behalf⁠. This is true not only in the form of corporate match revenue but in elevated individual giving (and donor engagement), as well.

Keep in mind that matching gift services⁠—like Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro⁠—can help nonprofits target and follow up with matching gift opportunities as well. However, employer appends are often able to provide additional data points with which to guide an organization’s strategy, allowing fundraisers to capture supporter information even if the individual is not currently in the donation pipeline.

Here’s an example: “Jody, did you know that your employer, the Home Depot, matches full- and part-time employee donations up to $3,000 per person each year? Click here to request your matching gift!”

Uncover volunteer grant opportunities ⁠—

Similarly, if your organization has a supporter base of dedicated volunteers, corporate volunteer grants can help stretch their donated time even further. These are additional giving programs offered by philanthropic-minded businesses, the difference being that employers contribute monetary funds to the organizations with which their employees volunteer their time. Volunteer grants, which are also referred to as “dollars for doers,” can be an excellent way to multiply the impact of volunteer time for your organization, and supporters love being able to get involved in that way as well.

But again, you’ll need to know which companies your volunteers work for, which is where your employer appends come in. That way, you can be sure to inform them about the opportunities, encourage participation, and direct them to their employers’ request processes to get involved.

Here’s an example: “Thanks for all of your help at the shelter this weekend and over the past several months, Sam! As a Verizon employee, your volunteer hours likely qualify you to request a corporate volunteer grant on our behalf. Click here to learn more about how to request your grant!”

Identify potential corporate sponsorships ⁠—

Corporate sponsors can bring your nonprofit’s next fundraising event to the next level, and knowing which companies your supporters work for can aid in determining top prospective sponsors and help get your foot in the door! Once you know where your donors work, leverage the information as an in with a potential sponsor or encourage donors to advocate for a partnership on your behalf.

Here’s an example: “Ashley, it’s great to connect with the Microsoft team. More than 100 of our nonprofit’s donors work for Microsoft, and we’ve received thousands of dollars in matching gifts from your company in the past. As it’s clear that we already have a lot in common, would you be interested in sponsoring our upcoming event?”

Estimate wealth data ⁠—

Your donors’ wealth levels can play a significant role in their ability to give charitably, and understanding their limits can help organizations determine ideal fundraising asks. Knowing which companies your donors work for, their roles in the businesses, and more can help shed light on their estimated incomes and, by extension, giving abilities.

Here’s an example: “Sarah, we thank you for your continued support of our nonprofit cause. Will you consider making a $10,000 donation to help us reach our year-end giving goal?”

Tailor donor communications ⁠—

You want your donor outreach to be as personal and targeted as possible. Including direct references to donor-specific information helps develop relationships and shows that you’re not sending the same copied-and-pasted message to each person in your contacts. And, as you likely know, targeted messaging can be one of the best ways to develop strengthened, beyond-surface-level donor relationships, build connections with the cause, and ultimately drive more nonprofit involvement among supporters.

Highlighting an individual’s employing company can be a great way to do so, especially regarding getting involved with workplace giving programs. And if you don’t already have your donors’ employment information, that’s where employer appends can help.

Here’s an example: “Jeffrey, the Walt Disney Corporation offers a range of corporate giving opportunities that can benefit our organization in big ways. As a member of the Disney team, you have the chance to participate in matching gifts, volunteer grants, and more.”

Learn more about your supporters ⁠—

The more you know about your supporters⁠—donors, volunteers, and prospects alike⁠—the better you can connect with the individuals who make your mission possible. Since most people’s careers are a key component of their lives and what makes them who they are, understanding where they work and what they do can be a key piece of the “getting to know your donors” puzzle. Plus, it can even help shine a light on their own interests and hobbies.

Here’s an example: “As a Petco employee, you likely care about the wellbeing of the little, furry friends in our community. That’s exactly what our organization, the Atlanta Animal Shelter, is dedicated to, as well. Learn more about how you can get involved with the cause here!”

A sample donor dashboard with profiles completed using a data append

Overall, employer records are an extremely beneficial tool for designing targeted and effective outreach⁠. However, you likely don’t have that information on file for all of your supporters. By leveraging employer appends, you can collect the information you need to guide your organization’s engagement efforts toward success.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

Employer Appends Services

Employer Appends Services | What to Look For

It’s possible to conduct donor research on your own; however, your organization is significantly more likely to uncover accurate and up-to-date information about more donors more quickly when you outsource the efforts to a third-party provider. And employer appends services are dedicated to doing just that in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

So how can you select the right employer (or other donor data) appends provider for your needs? Be sure to do your research beforehand.

For example, here’s how it works with Double the Donation:

  • Organizations typically see successful appends rates between 20% and 50% of the records they provide to the appending service (which is significantly higher than the industry average).
  • Employer appends are typically completed and provided within a few days of the organization submitting their inputs.
  • Appends records are assigned an accuracy rating. This takes into account the uniqueness of a donor’s name and the level of detailed inputs initially provided, as well as the comprehensiveness and recency of the data source used.
  • As an added bonus, previously unknown corporate executives are often identified and flagged as potential major donors.
  • Multiple appending options are available, including real-time employer appends for Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro users, as well as one-time bulk appends services for any organization.
  • Employer appends can be uploaded into 360MatchPro to trigger matching gift emails and other automated donor outreach.

Employer appends - inputs and outputs

Questions About Employer Appends

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Our propriety screening method combines data from both publicly and privately available sources. These sources include public government records, SEC filings, social media profiles, business registrations, and a variety of other sources.

We typically see append rates which range from 20%-50%. This is based on a variety of factors such as:

  • Donor demographics (higher append rates among organizations which have a greater percentage of donors still in the workforce)
  • Average donation amount (higher append rates for wealthier donors)
  • Type of nonprofit (higher append rates for higher education)

Our accuracy score is based on a number of factors including:

Uniqueness of donor names:
With only a name it can be tough to determine whether we’ve identified the correct individual. The number of individuals with the same name plays a role in our accuracy score. A search for a common name such as “Steve Smith” will have a much lower accuracy score than a more unique / one of a kind name.

Level of detail provided on a record:
The more information that you provide on each record, the greater the accuracy score. Even though there may be 1,000 individuals named “Steve Smith” if we’re able to match additional fields such as a phone number or mailing address it increases the accuracy score for that record.

Our data source / date the data source was updated:
We recognize that not all of our data sources are created equal. The data source, as well as the update frequency, plays a role in each individual record’s accuracy score.

Our ability to append employer data is dependent upon the input file an organization provides to us. Organizations which keep their databases up-to-date see the best results.

For instance:

  • Do you have an up-to-date email address?
  • Do you have an up-to-date mailing address?
  • For higher education institutions, can you provide us with the years your donor / alumni graduated?

It depends. Very rarely does an organization have comprehensive data on all of its donors, especially when you consider an organization which raises funds from multiple channels (mail, online, phone, in-person, etc.)

We do request that you provide us with as much data as you can as it helps us locate and match your records to the appropriate individual.

Our matching gift database is comprised of the following two tables:

  1. A table mapping subsidiaries to parent companies
  2. A table mapping all company details to a single parent company

These tables are then joined using a unique ID that ties all the data together.

Yes — though this feature is currently exclusive to 360MatchPro Enterprise.

Here’s how it works:

  1. An organization navigates to the “import wizard” to upload its employer appends CSV file.
  2. The organization previews record uploads to ensure the data has been mapped properly.
  3. The organization leverages employer append workflows to match Unknown Eligibility donors with the correct employers.

You can learn more about leveraging bulk employer appends files alongside 360MatchPro with our Knowledge Base article on the topic here.

Concluding Thoughts

The more you know about your donors, the more effectively you can target and attract them to your cause. Not to mention, having employment data on file empowers organizations to seek workplace giving opportunities as well.

You may have a solid base of information pertaining to donors’ employing companies already. However, employer appends can go a long way toward filling in the blanks and connecting the dots⁠. This is especially true in terms of matching gift programs, volunteer grants, and more.

Interested in further developing your organization’s donor data strategy? Dive into these other forms of data appends services⁠—and how they can benefit your team⁠—below:

Enhance nonprofit fundraising with an employer append from Double the Donation.

One-Off Matching Gift Programs | What to Know For Your Org

One-Off Matching Gift Programs | What to Know For Your Org

Tons of companies (from Fortune 500 enterprises to the local law firm down the street) offer generous employee gift-matching programs. When such a program is available, the business essentially agrees to match donations made by its staff to a wide range of charitable causes. These opportunities are great⁠—and relatively well-known in the nonprofit space. However, there’s another type of corporate matching program that’s less widely understood, and that is one-off matching gift programs.

One-off (or custom) matching gift programs generally involve specific partnerships between one corporation and one nonprofit organization. And the results can be grand!

If you’re interested in making the most of corporate matching opportunities for your mission, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know as you begin crafting a plan to source and leverage one-off matching initiatives. This includes:

Ready to dive in? One-off matching gifts have the potential to bring your organization’s corporate fundraising to the next level. You just need a plan that outlines how your team can do so. And for that, let’s start with the basics.

The basics of one-off matching gift programs

One-off matching gift programs are those that are unique to a single organization. In this case, it’s yours! In the matching gift sector, you may hear this type of partnership described in a few ways—including custom, one-off, exclusive, or even unique matching gift programs.

Regardless of the term used, the bottom line is the same: a company works with an organization to facilitate a matching gift program with narrower criteria than a standard match program would have.

Specifically, donations to your nonprofit are the only ones being matched.

One-off matching gifts infographic - concept illustration

You might wonder why a company would offer this particular type of donation-matching initiative.

Picture this: let’s say you run an organization dedicated to breast cancer research and treatment services. Now, imagine a corporate CEO has a soft spot for missions like yours. They come to your nonprofit team with a proposal: They’d like to match employee donations to your organization throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

While the company may not typically have the bandwidth to match all team member donations, a one-off matching gift program can serve as an excellent jumping-off point for corporate philanthropy. Alternatively, a business might offer a traditional matching gift initiative with a 1:1 ratio year-round⁠. During particular times (or to particular causes), however, the employer might elevate its program by offering a temporary 2, 3, or even 4:1 match through a one-off program.

Check out the clip below to get a two-minute overview of one-off matching gifts.

Interested in a more in-depth examination of the programs? Register to get the webinar replay here!

Double the Donation’s one-off match program functionality [with auto-submission]

If you’ve made an effort to elevate corporate fundraising at your organization, you’ve likely invested in a matching gift automation software like Double the Donation. This tool makes it quick and easy for you and your donors to locate information regarding thousands of matching gift companies.

If a company doesn’t offer a widely available matching gift program, though, they likely won’t show up in a search of the database tool. And that confusion can cause a disruption in the number of matching gift requests actually submitted—and secured—for your cause.

When you’ve organized a one-off matching gift program with a corporate partner, you want your donors to seamlessly locate the information they need to initiate the match process.

Luckily, Double the Donation has the solution: we’re offering built-in functionality for managing unique matching gift programs in 360MatchPro. That means you can add matching gift programs specific to your cause to your matching gift search tool⁠—without it populating in other organizations’ databases as well. This way, donors can access the policy and forms they need to complete their matching gift requests on your nonprofit’s behalf.

Double the Donation's one-off matching gift program search functionality

While this functionality has previously been available exclusively for 360MatchPro Enterprise clients, we’re excited to announce that all 360MatchPro Standard accounts now have access to our unique program management tools!

*As a note, this feature is designed specifically for fundraisers looking to manage custom matching gift initiatives—360MatchPro does not work directly with corporations. If you’re a company interested in creating a matching gift program, contact us, and we’ll share information about our corporate vendor partners.

Adding a One-Off Program in 360MatchPro

Already have a corporate partner offering a one-off matching gift program for your organization? To add your unique campaign to your nonprofit’s matching gift database, log into your 360MatchPro portal and fill out a brief form regarding the offered program. (This can be located under the settings tab → Manage Programs.)

Custom or one-off matching gift backend management

To save the program in your database, you’ll be asked for a few key details regarding the agreed-upon guidelines and parameters. This includes:

  • Company name
  • Point of contact information (e.g., the workplace giving coordinator or HR department), email address, and phone number
  • Types of eligible employees (full-time, part-time, retired team members, and/or spouses)
  • Minimum and maximum donations matched
  • Matching gift ratio
  • Submission form URL or PDF upload (and an overview of the request process)
  • Program start and end dates

One-off matching gift criteria form

From there, the custom matching gift initiative will begin populating within eligible donors’ queries! All they need to do is begin typing their employer’s name in your organization’s search tool and select the company from the populating options. Once they’re redirected to your confirmation screen (or afterward in an email), donors should find the easy-to-access program details and instructions as usual.

Enabling Auto-Submission for Your One-Off Program

In the same form, your team will also be asked whether you’d like to enable optional auto-submission functionality for the one-off matching gift program. This essentially enables Double the Donation to pre-fill a request form on the donor’s behalf, thus streamlining their experience and enhancing participation and engagement rates.

Enabling auto-submission for a one-off corporate matching gift program

In order to see the best results from auto-submission forms, be sure to also fill out your comprehensive Organization Profile within 360MatchPro. (This can be located under the settings tab → Organization Profile.)

This resource should include vital and up-to-date information about your nonprofit that will ultimately be used for your matching gift company to review and approve requests. When qualifying donors initiate the auto-submission process from your giving page, Double the Donation has the necessary details to complete the request behind the scenes, thus automating and streamlining donors’ efforts.

The details in your nonprofit’s profile should include:

  • Your organization’s name
  • Phone number
  • Tax ID number (EIN)
  • Website URL
  • Full mailing address
  • Form W-9
  • 501(c)(3) IRS affirmation letter

In the end, proactively sharing this information increases the likelihood that matches are completed without a hitch⁠. As a result, you can expect more matching gift funds flowing into your cause in a timely manner.

(Hint: Your Organization Profile helps streamline auto-submission for other companies’ general matching gift programs as well!)

Locating a one-off corporate matching gift partner

One-off or unique matching gift programs are, by definition, developed on an ad hoc basis. Luckily, that opens up a world of possibilities⁠—because just about any company could offer such an initiative.

As you begin seeking the right partner for your one-off matching gift program, we recommend taking a similar approach to the pursuit of a traditional corporate sponsorship. Following these steps can help organize your efforts and make the most of every avenue of support available to you!

Identifying companies your donors work for that don’t have existing matching gift programs.

Reach out to non-participating employers and share that you have a lot in common with them and their key stakeholders (your donors and their employees) already. Then, let your point of contact know you’d like to launch a one-off donation-matching initiative. Point out that it can be a great way to get into matching gifts for the first time, and be sure to share that your organization has helpful tools and resources for streamlining the facilitation of such a program.

Top tip: If your team uses 360MatchPro, the “Leading Companies” feature allows you to isolate the employers most often searched by donors in your database tool. It even flags top companies according to whether they have an existing match program or not!

Identify one-off matching gift prospects with Double the Donation's top companies feature

Encouraging donors to advocate for a one-off matching program on your behalf.

Your donors can be some of your greatest assets. If they work for companies without existing programs, see if your supporters would be willing to pitch the idea to their employer on your behalf. When you provide a handy template supporters can use to propose a program (such as one included below), they’ll be increasingly likely to take such steps. And a company is going to be more open to considering the opportunity when the proposal is coming from a member of their own team.

Top tip: We recommend implementing 360MatchPro’s custom redirect functionality to inform ineligible donors about the ways they can get involved regardless. When a donor is marked as likely ineligible for a matching gift, send them to a page on your website that shares a myriad of opportunities for increased support: including championing a one-off matching gift program to their employer!

Encourage ineligible donors to advocate for a one-off matching gift program

Suggesting unique opportunities for amplifying existing matching gift programs.

One-off matching gift programs are sometimes built off of companies’ existing match initiatives, too! That means you might not be starting from ground zero when it comes to communicating the matching gift opportunity and how a company can get involved.

Instead, there may be a business that contributes a number of matching gifts to your organization already. But in the company’s giving, you see an opportunity for growth or additional, untapped potential. In this case, you might consider proposing the idea of an “above and beyond” matching gift opportunity to set your prospective one-off program apart.

Here are a few examples of ways a company can scale up its matching gift program for your organization:

  • Increased matching gift ratios (e.g., a company usually matches gifts at a 1:1 ratio but raises the rate to 2:1 for a cancer research organization during Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
  • Decreased donation minimums (for example, let’s say a company generally requires donations of least $50 to qualify for a matching gift. During Pride month, it removes the minimum gift size for an LGBTQ+ nonprofit as a way to incentivize employee giving to the cause)
  • Increased donation maximums (a company typically instills a $500 cap on matching gifts per employee but raises the maximum threshold to $5,000 for a local food bank during Matching Gift Month)
  • Fundraising matches (a company generally matches gifts that employees donate personally but opts to match all gifts collected for a peer-to-peer fundraiser on behalf of a particular mission organization)

Top tip: One-off matching gift programs can offer an excellent opportunity to highlight giving days, awareness and affinity months, and more. Consider which celebrations best align with your nonprofit and its mission, then begin seeking corporate matching gift partners to amplify such efforts.

Example of a one-off matching gift program that amplifies an existing match

Creating a “one-off matching gift” interest page on your website.

Your nonprofit’s website is one of its most valuable assets. And, just like you can leverage this resource to share general matching gift program information, you can also use it to drum up interest for one-off matching gifts. The key difference, however, is that you’ll be targeting prospective companies rather than individual donors!

As you build a one-off matching gifts page on your site, we recommend the following best practices for success:

  • Make it easy to locate. You won’t reap many benefits from a web page that’s nearly impossible to find!
  • Review your mission. Don’t assume any prospective partners are already familiar with your organization. Provide a brief summary of your vision and your team’s work toward it. Pictures help, too!
  • Define the “one-off match” opportunity. Make sure to clearly define a one-off matching gift program and clarify how it differs from a standard matching gift.
  • Focus on the benefits. Companies want to know what advantages are being offered in any potential partnership. State the ways a one-off matching gift program will aid the employer in reaching its goals. The more specific you can be, the better!
  • Embed a contact form. It should be quick and easy for corporate donors to enter the information you’ll need to be in touch. When initiating contact is as simple as filling out an online form, more companies will be willing to do so!

Top tip: Be sure to follow up regarding companies’ one-off matching gift partnership interest in a timely manner. Though there’s no universally agreed-upon timetable, reaching out within one business day of the form being submitted tends to be an accepted practice. Plus, following up quickly allows your team to make the most of a corporate contact’s heightened engagement level before it dwindles.

One-Off Matching Gift Programs Interest Page - Sample Screenshot

Making the pitch and communicating one-off matching gift partnership value.

At this point, you should have narrowed down potential partnerships and produced a short list of prospects that may be willing to offer a one-off match. Now, it’s time to make your pitch. And don’t forget to mention the vast benefits to participating companies as well! These include heightened employee engagement, improved corporate social responsibility (CSR), tax benefits, and more.

If you have metrics available from previous one-off matching gift partners, this information can help demonstrate tangible value through prior successful engagements. For example, you might inform your corporate contact that a previous one-off match program led to a 40% increase in corporate giving or a 65% employee satisfaction rating.

Top tip: Throughout your search, keep an eye out for companies with similar missions and visions as your own. This will help ensure your values align with one another and can maintain a mutually beneficial partnership in the long term. Not to mention, their employees may be increasingly likely to support your cause.

Communicating the value of a one-off matching gift program

Establishing one-off matching gift program guidelines in conjunction with your corporate partner.

Once you’ve identified a corporate partner, you’ll need to determine specific program guidelines to define the opportunity. Like traditional matching gifts, these criteria are ultimately determined by the company offering the program. However, your organization may play a role in advising the creation of a matching gift policy. You’ll also need to ensure that the new program’s guidelines do not conflict with any of your pre-existing gift acceptance policies.

Policies for special matching gift programs typically include:

  • Minimum and maximum donation amounts;
  • Matching gift ratios;
  • Types of qualifying employees (i.e., full-time, part-time, retired);
  • Submission deadlines;
  • Forms and request processes;
  • And any other relevant information!

In this regard, the only difference between a one-off and a standard match program is the types of nonprofits eligible for funding. And that question is easy⁠—the receiving organization is yours!

Still, it’s a good idea to discuss associated criteria with your matching gift partner before rolling out your program. This enables your team to better communicate eligibility standards and ensure match requests have the information required for approval. Plus, your organization can provide access to helpful resources that simplify the experience for you and your partners.

Top tip: If you’ve invested in Double the Donation’s matching gift platform, enabling the one-off matching gift management feature allows a company (and its employees) to benefit from a streamlined submission process.

Behind-the-scenes submission for one-off matching gift programs using the standard form

Made possible with the standard matching gift form, this request method is quick and easy for donors to complete, minimizing additional steps and reducing roadblocks in participation. The result? More matches!

Key benefits of one-off matching gift programs for nonprofits

Though narrower in scope, one-off matching gift programs offer many of the same benefits that traditional matching gift programs do. Plus, this unique offering can unleash a number of exclusive advantages just for your cause.

These include:

Building deeper connections with charitable-minded corporations.

Whereas a typical matching gift program may lead to a company contributing to hundreds or thousands of nonprofits, a one-off matching gift program is just between you and your corporate partner. Therefore, it provides enhanced opportunities for strengthening your relationship. You might even be able to turn it into a recurring program!

Building connections with one-off matching gift partners

Widening your fundraising reach to encompass new supporters.

When promoted effectively, one-off matching gift programs have the potential to direct first-time donors to your organization. A company’s employees may otherwise never have been made aware of your cause. But when their employer highlights the giving opportunity, your nonprofit is at the forefront of their minds. You might even uncover some new, long-term supporters this way!

Widening your reach with one-off matching gift programs

Elevating donor engagement with unique match opportunities.

Perhaps your one-off matching partner employs individuals who are already involved with your cause. You have the chance to further their engagement through the program, too! In fact, studies show that simply mentioning matching gifts in donation appeals results in more than a 71% increase in response rate and a 51% increase in average gift amount.

Best practices | Top tips for successful one-off matching programs

Want to take your organization’s unique matching gift program to the next level? Consider these smart tips and tricks to better engage your donors and your corporate partners.

1. Encourage your corporate partner to promote the program to employees.

A matching gift program is only as good as the employees who know about it. Uninformed team members, after all, are not going to take the steps required to initiate a matching gift if they’ve never been informed of the opportunity. Thus, they’re not sending additional corporate revenue your way.

One of the best things a company can do to drive corporate giving participation⁠—and, as a result, get the most out of its program offerings⁠—is to make its employees aware of the opportunity in the first place. From the nonprofit’s end, it’s a good idea to encourage proactive employee outreach in order to aid your partner in doing so.

Sample one-off corporate matching gift program social media post

And when the employer incorporates the program in its public-facing marketing efforts, the philanthropic efforts also go a long way in building the company’s reputation as a charitable and socially responsible institution. Your team can even help drive promotions by sending co-branded graphics, social sharing templates, sample communications, and more!

2. Market the opportunity to your audience.

Just like you expect your matching gift partner to promote your one-off program to their employees, you’ll want to market the opportunity to your nonprofit’s audience as well. Marketing efforts from your organization might include:

  • A social media post highlighting the program and recognizing your matching gift company for their generosity;
  • A blog post on your organization’s website sharing program information and how to get involved, if applicable;
  • Personalized outreach (phone calls, emails, letters, etc.) to existing and prospective donors who work for the company hosting the one-off match program;
  • Your matching gift search tool—loaded with your one-off matching gift program—embedded in your donation forms and confirmation screen;
  • Post-donation email reminders that encourage the company’s employees to complete the matching gift request process if they haven’t already.

The more information that gets out regarding the one-off matching gift opportunity, the better!

Remember also that by sharing co-marketing materials with your own network of support, you can help provide additional benefits to the matching gift company. When the employer recognizes significant value from the partnership, they’ll be more likely to offer corporate and workplace giving initiatives alongside your organization in the future.

Sample marketing materials for a one-off matching gift program

3. Enable auto-submission functionality to streamline participation.

You want your donors to be able to take part in your matching program as easily as possible. One of the best ways to simplify participation is to implement Double the Donation’s auto-submission functionality⁠—essentially removing obstacles within the submission process and driving more requests to completion.

Why does this matter? Unfortunately, custom matching gift programs can suffer from many of the same roadblocks that traditional programs face. And one of the most common hindrances is a lack of understanding surrounding the matching gift request process from the donor’s perspective.

With auto-submission enabled, however, eligible donors can complete their match submissions right from your donation forms with no redirects, separate logins, or paper forms required! All donors typically have to do is enter their corporate email address on your gift confirmation page. Then, voilà⁠—Double the Donation handles the rest of the submission process using our standard request form behind the scenes.

Here’s what the request process can look like with auto-submission:

Step 1) An employee of your corporate matching company makes a donation on your organization’s website and enters the company name.

Step 2) The donor enters their email on the confirmation screen, authorizing Double the Donation to auto-submit their match request.

The one-off matching gift process with auto-submission

By incorporating this innovative functionality for your unique matching gift program, everybody benefits. This includes:

  • Your organization, which receives increased matching gift revenue and elevated donor engagement.
  • Your donors, who save time with one-click matching gift requests, enabling them to make the most of their nonprofit contributions without dedicating more time and resources.
  • Your corporate match partner, who sees maximal program usage, more satisfied employees, and a positive brand image.

And don’t forget about your mission beneficiaries, who receive more extensive and better-funded programs and services from your organization, too!

4. Pitch an annually recurring one-off or custom match program.

Most one-off matching gift programs are going to be organized as short-term campaign initiatives (for example, a company supporting a breast cancer research nonprofit during the month of October or an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in June). However, that doesn’t mean that the partnership has to be a one-and-done experience!

Instead, pitching your one-off match as an annually recurring event is a great way to grow your relationship with a corporate donor and its employees for the long term. You can even position the initial campaign as a “trial run,” allowing both your organization and the company to fine-tune the program and ensure it aligns well with your shared goals and values over time.

Alternatively, your one-off matching gift efforts might inspire the corporate partner to dive in fully with matching gifts⁠—rolling out an evergreen program in conjunction with a dedicated CSR platform to simplify ongoing management. Either way, your organization is able to benefit from the company’s philanthropy on an ongoing basis!

Helpful templates to streamline corporate outreach

Effective communications—with individual and corporate donors alike—are integral to successful one-off matching gift partnerships. But knowing how to ask a company to match donations can seem nerve-wracking!

If you’re not sure how to get started, check out these sample messages for various scenarios, and adjust the provided templates to reflect your own outreach strategy.

Template #1: Pitching One-Off Matching Gifts to a Company Without an Existing Matching Gift Program

One-off matching gifts are an easy way for companies to explore donation-matching for the first time. Use this template to propose such a program to a company that does not currently offer a matching gift program for its employees.

Subject: Will you support [nonprofit] with a one-off matching gift program?

Dear [HR or CSR department head],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of [nonprofit], an organization deeply committed to [mission or cause]. In the past year, we’ve been fortunate to receive support from donors who share our passion for creating positive change—and many of these generous individuals are employed by [company].

As a result, we wanted to reach out and see if [company] would be interested in implementing a one-off matching gift program as a way to encourage employee giving and grow your own social responsibility efforts. This special initiative allows your company to make a meaningful difference in the community by matching your employees’ donations to [nonprofit] during a designated campaign.

I would love the opportunity to discuss this further and explore how we can tailor a one-off matching gift program to align seamlessly with [company]’s values and objectives.

Looking forward to a potential partnership,

[Job title/role]
[Contact information]

Template #2: Pitching One-Off Matching Gifts to a Company With an Existing Matching Gift Program

You can also implement a one-off matching gift program to elevate an existing matching gift company’s support for your organization. Use this template to pitch an above-and-beyond program to a company that already matches gifts but has room for improvement in its efforts.

Subject: Make [company]’s matching gifts to [nonprofit] go further with a one-off matching gift partnership!

Dear [HR or CSR department head],

I am reaching out on behalf of [nonprofit], expressing our most sincere appreciation for [company]’s ongoing support through its employee matching gift program. Your commitment to philanthropy has undoubtedly made a positive difference for [mission or program], and our generous donors love having the ability to double their impact on the cause.

As we continue to work towards our shared goals, I would like to present an exciting opportunity to enhance the impact of [company]’s giving. We would love to introduce a special one-off matching gift program in partnership with your company. Specifically, we are proposing a designated campaign that offers [increased donation maximums, matching gift ratios, types of eligible employees, etc.] as a way to grow your corporate giving and bring our fundraising to new heights.

I would be delighted to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can tailor the upgraded one-off matching gift program to align seamlessly with [company]’s objectives and abilities.

Thank you in advance,

[Job title/role]
[Contact information]

Template #3: Responding to a Company’s One-Off Matching Gift Program Interest

Once you launch a custom matching gift program interest page on your nonprofit’s website, you’ll likely receive submissions from interested corporate prospects. This template can help guide your responses as you enter important partnership conversations.

Subject: Thank you for your interest in supporting [nonprofit] with a one-off match program!

Dear [company] Team OR [point of contact specified in contact form],

I hope this message finds you well. On behalf of [nonprofit], I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your inquiry to support our cause through a one-off matching gift program. As you may know, our mission at [nonprofit] is to [mission or vision] by [project or program], [project or program], and [project or program].

As we embark on this journey together, it’s important to first clarify what the partnership would entail for each of our teams. Simply put, a one-off matching gift program is an employee giving initiative that benefits a specific nonprofit organization⁠—in this case, ours! Through this program, your company agrees to match donations made by your staff members to our organization, effectively doubling the impact of their contributions on our cause.

To help kickstart the process of setting up a matching gift program, here are some recommended next steps to get our partnership off the ground:

▶ Specify the types of employees that qualify to participate in the matching gift initiative.
▶ Define the minimum and maximum matchable gifts per employee.
▶ Establish your matching gift ratio.
▶ Determine the program’s start and end dates.
▶ Develop a clear submission process for employees to follow. (We recommend Double the Donation’s auto-submission process, which we can implement from our end)

We’re also pleased to provide you with templates and other helpful resources that may aid in the development and promotion of the program to your employees. Once again, thank you for considering this partnership, and please reach out if you have any additional questions or are ready to move forward with the next steps.

Warm regards,

[Job title/role]
[Contact information]

Template #4: Empowering a Donor to Facilitate an Introduction to their Employer

A warm introduction from a donor who works for a prospective corporate partner goes a long way. It can help get your team’s foot in the door for one-off matching gift conversations and demonstrate value in terms of shared audiences for the company in question.

Use this sample message to initiate outreach with a supporter and encourage them to connect your team with their HR or CSR department!

Subject: Double your donation impact by connecting us with [company]!


On behalf of the [nonprofit] team, we wanted to express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support and the invaluable contributions you’ve made towards [mission or cause]. Recently, an avenue that has shown great potential is one-off matching gift programs, designed to amplify the impact of charitable donations by employees of forward-thinking companies.

We believe that your employer, [company], could play a pivotal role in strengthening our impact through such a one-off matching gift partnership. In order to aid us in our outreach, we kindly request your assistance in making a warm introduction to the appropriate contacts at the business. Your endorsement and personal connection would undoubtedly add weight to our proposal and highlight the positive social impact that can be achieved through corporate philanthropy.

We understand that your time is valuable, and any support you can provide in facilitating this introduction would be immensely appreciated. If you have any questions or if there’s additional information you may need, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you again for your ongoing support,

[Job title/role]
[Contact information]

Template #5: Advocating for a One-Off Matching Gift Program [For Donors]

Your donors may be willing to champion your cause even further by pitching a matching gift program to their employers themselves. But your team can play a crucial role in encouraging such advocates in their endeavors! Share this helpful template to empower individual donors to advocate for matching gifts on your behalf.

Subject: Request for a corporate matching gift program

Hi [manager or HR representative name],

I am writing to request the addition of a “one-off” corporate matching gift program at [company] on behalf of [nonprofit].

If you weren’t aware, thousands of companies match employee donations as a way to support their staff and the nonprofit causes they contribute to. However, I understand the limitations in budget and resources that could hinder a company from participating. That’s why, in this case, I am requesting that [company] implement a specific program in which it matches donations to [nonprofit] for a limited time.

Companies that match gifts tend to see substantial advantages in terms of employee engagement and retention, opportunities to attract competitive candidates, improved brand image, and even increased sales. And on the employee’s end, team members love knowing that their employer is willing to contribute to their favorite causes.

If you’d like to take steps to establish a matching gift program for the company, Double the Donation has provided a detailed guide that walks corporate leaders through the process.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your name]
[Job position]
[Contact information]

Looking for more templates and other resources?
360MatchPro users can locate additional materials under Settings → Manage Programs.

Not a 360MatchPro client yet?
Click here to get a demo and see how our complete matching gift automation platform can
transform your fundraising efforts.

Bonus | “The Power of a One-Off Match” Case Study: LLS & Danaher

If you’re wondering what kind of impact a one-off matching gift program can have for your organization, check out this example of a successful partnership that resulted in a unique initiative engaging employee donors at new heights.

As you read, consider which elements of this strategy you can implement in your own team’s efforts.

“Danaher Corporation’s long-standing partnership with LLS enables the team to support active research projects and help patients afford treatments.”

—Danaher Corporation Annual Report

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (also known as LLS) is a key player in the fight against blood cancers, dedicating its mission to medical research, education, advocacy, and more. As one of the world’s largest peer-to-peer fundraising organizations, the LLS team has always been at the forefront of innovation to further its cause⁠—including with a particularly well-established approach to corporate matching gifts. Ergo, LLS was also one of the first nonprofits to build a strategy targeting custom matching gift programs.

Armed with 360MatchPro’s automation tools since 2017, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has continued to develop its one-off matching gifts plan, providing corporate partners with customized resources to aid in program facilitation.

Meanwhile, Danaher Corporation, which comprises some of the world’s most groundbreaking science and technology companies, expresses a forward-looking mission of “making things better for our customers, our company, and the world.” Its focus on diagnostics, life sciences, and biotechnology⁠—in addition to its desire to support organizations working to advance healthcare innovation⁠—makes its decades-long partnership with LLS a natural fit.

According to a 2023 sustainability report, commitment to continuous improvement is at the heart of everything Danaher Corporation does. That’s why, in 2022 alone, the company invested more than $1.7 billion into research that funded breakthrough cancer diagnostics, innovative bioprocessing, gene sequencing, and more.

One-Off Matching Gift Program Example - StatsWhen the Danaher Corporation team sought new and innovative ways to give back to its community and increasingly engage its workforce in philanthropy, the company settled on a one-off matching gift initiative. After establishing the program, Danaher employees were invited to support LLS through an upcoming fundraising event, Light the Night. With an employee count of over 70,000, the company got on board to give back to their communities in a substantial way.

The result? In offering a one-off matching gift program in partnership with LLS, Danaher Corporation was able to increase its total giving by more than 150%, surpassing its initial fundraising goal and elevating its impact greatly.

And in the end, the company continued to grow its matching gift initiatives! Facilitated through the company-sponsored Danaher Foundation, the team continues to demonstrate a holistic and ongoing approach to corporate giving. In addition to taking its matching gift program global, Danaher also reports plans to venture into skills-based volunteerism, nonprofit board service support, and Volunteer Time Off (VTO).

One-off matching gift case study

Wrapping Up

Sourcing a one-off matching gift program may be one of the best ways to set your organization apart. In addition to the matching gifts ultimately paid out through the program, a one-off match will enable you to grow mutually advantageous corporate relationships that last long beyond the matching gift period itself.

And you don’t want to overlook the benefits to individual supporter engagement, either. An employer-sponsored one-off match program empowers existing donors to stretch their support even further for your cause. Not to mention, it funnels new, first-time donors to your cause in the first place!

Luckily, with the right tips, tricks, and tools, getting started has never been easier.

Get started with Double the Donation's one-off matching gift management feature

Interested in learning more about matching gift programs and best practices for elevating corporate fundraising at your organization? Check out our recommended resources:

How to Identify Corporate Partners

Corporate Partnerships Additional Resources - Identifying Partners with 360MatchPro

Matching gifts aren’t the only type of corporate giving program available! Find out how to identify top corporate sponsorships and potential one-off matching gift companies with this guide.


Auto-Submission & CSR Platforms

One-Off Matching Gift Program Resources - Auto-Submission

New auto-submission streamlines the matching gift process for one-off and general corporate programming. Dive deep into this innovative functionality and the providers that support it.


Top Matching Gift Companies

One-Off Matching Gift Program Resources - Top Matching Gift Companies

Thousands of companies match employee donations, but these programs stand out. Browse this list of particularly impactful matching gift companies from Double the Donation.


How to Harness Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Matching Gifts

How to Harness Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Matching Gifts

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way to extend your fundraising reach and collect additional revenue to fuel your mission. So is a well-thought-out matching gift marketing plan. When you combine the power of peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts, you’ll have something particularly impactful in store for your organization.

But how can you marry the two strategies to produce a fundraising effort that brings giving and engagement to new heights for your cause? Walk through the key steps and recommendations here to find out.

In this informative guide, we’ll cover the following:

Your supporters love giving to your mission in a way they know is making a difference. Peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts each allow them to expand their impact beyond what would have been possible on their own.

Now, let’s jump in!

Unlock the power of peer-to-peer fundraising with matching gifts.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Basics

Before we dive into our specific tips for layering peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts, it’s important to establish a solid understanding of the peer giving opportunity. Here’s a quick refresher:

What is peer-to-peer fundraising?

Also known as P2P, social, or team fundraising campaigns, peer-to-peer fundraising is a key revenue-generation strategy for nonprofits, schools, and more. This method is characterized by individual fundraisers leveraging their personal networks to solicit donations on behalf of the causes they support.

Peer-to-peer fundraising illustration

In other words, with a peer-to-peer fundraising approach, an organization empowers its donors, volunteers, and other supporters to request funds from friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else in their social orbits.

Today, these gifts are largely contributed online, often facilitated through dedicated peer fundraising tools that provide each volunteer with a personalized fundraising page. From there, fundraisers are encouraged to customize their campaign pages to share information regarding their background, stories, and connections to the organization’s cause.

Major benefits of peer fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a unique way to garner support from existing supporters through their personal connections. This model expands fundraising reach organically⁠—and exponentially⁠—effectively tapping into diverse segments and demographics an organization may have been unable to reach on its own.

Check out this example:

Let’s say your nonprofit pet shelter has a generous and devoted donor named John Doe. John Doe gives regularly to support the organization from which he adopted his beloved furry friend a few years back. You’re familiar with John, who is a key contributor to your cause. However, you don’t know the individuals in John’s network⁠—his family, friends, colleagues, and more. You’d love to expand your reach to encompass more people like him, so you initiate a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign to which John signs on as an ambassador.

Throughout the course of the fundraiser, John encourages his loved ones to support his efforts on behalf of your organization. He personalizes his fundraising page with photos and stories of his cherished pet in the time since it was rescued.

Sample peer-to-peer fundraising page

When he shares the link to his campaign, those in John’s circle are eager to pledge their support for his upcoming fundraising walk. After all, they know how much John’s pet means to him, and they have your organization to thank for it!

Peer-to-peer fundraising thrives on the authenticity of personal narratives, making campaign asks increasingly compelling for those who get involved. Or, at the very least, it gets your organization’s name and cause out in front of a greater audience, driving increased awareness for your mission.

The viral nature of the campaigns also amplifies visibility, attracting new supporters and establishing social proof⁠. That’s the belief that when individuals see their peers supporting a cause, they’re more likely to do so—ultimately leading to more giving overall.

Check out this brief benefit breakdown to see more advantages of peer fundraising:

Benefits of peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts for nonprofits

  • Engaging with new audiences ⁠— When your supporters reach out to their own networks with a fundraising ask on your behalf, you’re able to reach groups who may have been previously inaccessible to your team on their own. Once these new supporters have gotten involved, you can begin the process of stewarding them into long-term donors themselves!
  • Providing new ways for supporters to get involved ⁠— Many of your supporters would love to give more than their financial limitations will allow. Peer-to-peer fundraising can be a great way for this group to extend their support in a new and exciting way⁠—especially when you add in matching gifts!
  • Increasing fundraising ROI ⁠— The decentralized structure and volunteer-driven nature of peer-to-peer giving campaigns reduce initial fundraising costs. This allows your team to reinvest those resources elsewhere, including funneling more into tangible impact on your mission.

And it’s a popular way for individuals to show their support for their favorite organizations! In fact, fundraising research estimates that over 10% of all U.S. and Canadian donors participate in peer-to-peer fundraising efforts benefitting nonprofit organizations.

Here’s why:

Benefits of peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts for supporters

  • Driving cause-related impact ⁠— Your donors care about your mission, and they want to see your organization make an impact in that realm. Supporters are typically happy to become advocates for your cause when they know it will make a positive difference.
  • Strengthening mission ties ⁠— The more connected a supporter feels to your organization, the more likely they are to stay engaged with your efforts over time. Becoming a peer fundraiser for your cause places an individual squarely on your team, reinforcing an existing bond that keeps them coming back time and time again.
  • Growing sense of achievement ⁠— Empowering individuals to champion causes within their networks fosters a sense of ownership and community engagement. And when they bring in any amount of funding for the organization for which they’re fundraising, they’re able to feel a significant sense of accomplishment in the role that they’ve played.

And don’t forget the benefits reaped by your organization’s beneficiaries, either. With additional funds flowing into your nonprofit and more dedicated donors to sustain your efforts in the long run, your mission’s audience can experience new and improved programs and services, too!

Popular types of peer-to-peer fundraisers

Peer-to-peer giving is not a one-size-fits-all effort. In fact, there are countless campaign types and fundraising ideas your institution may choose to implement. And they can all provide substantial results in terms of engagement, funding, and more.

Here are a few of the most familiar examples of peer-to-peer fundraising to consider:

  • Sample peer-to-peer fundraising effortRun/walk/rides ⁠— Including 5K races, marathons, cycling events, and more, participants seek sponsors who donate or pledge their support for the effort.
  • Other “thon-style” events ⁠— Supporters partake in any continuous activity (dancing, reading, gaming, standing, etc.), while loved ones pledge funds to fulfill after the event based on their sponsee’s performance.
  • Birthday or holiday fundraisers ⁠— Foregoing traditional gifts, supporters request donations to a chosen organization. This empowers personal celebrations like birthdays and holidays to make a difference for their favorite causes. (Think: Facebook Fundraisers!)
  • Personal challenges ⁠— Participants take on individual challenges, such as giving up a habit, learning a new skill, or setting a personal goal. Then, for every day/practice/success/etc., pledgers contribute their support accordingly.
  • Memorial or tribute campaigns ⁠— Campaigns held in honor of a loved one. Typically supporting a cause that held significance to the recently departed. (e.g., “In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to [designated charity] using the giving page linked here.”)
  • Giving days or months ⁠— Campaigns hosted within designated short-term fundraising periods. Often based around affinity months or mission-related celebrations (e.g., LGBTQ+ pride month, breast cancer awareness day, Giving Tuesday, etc.)

The consensus? Many of these efforts incorporate impact-driving elements such as urgency, gamification, digital engagement, and healthy competition. The diverse campaign options not only raise support effectively but also cultivate a sense of shared purpose and community.

The Impact | Multiplying P2P Success With Matching Gifts

Did you know combining the power of peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts can assist organizations in reaching and surpassing their fundraising goals?

When a company offers matching gifts, it agrees to double (or triple) the donations its employees make to qualifying nonprofits. As a result, matching gifts can offer a powerful multiplier effect to nearly any fundraiser, bringing about astounding success.

Peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts illustration

One of the best examples is with peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. Combining peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts will effectively scale up your efforts by directing additional revenue toward your cause. And it’s not just the corporate funding, either. Individual donors are more likely to give⁠—and to give generously⁠—when they know a match is available.

Why? Peer-driven campaigns naturally foster a sense of community and shared purpose. When coupled with the heightened impact produced by matching gifts, they become even more compelling.

In fact, corporate giving research indicates that mentioning matching gifts leads to a 71% increase in fundraising response rates. And organizations see 51% growth in their average donation size compared to gift appeals that don’t incorporate matching gifts.

Incorporating matching gifts into your overall peer fundraising strategy also allows donors to make a greater impact on your mission. Matching gift donors are more inclined to have a positive giving experience and, thus, stay involved with your organization in the long run.

4 Ways to Secure Matching Gifts From Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaigns

There’s a wide range of companies that offer matching gift programs, and the programs themselves can vary from one employer to the next. All in all, we’ve identified four key ways organizations can secure matching gifts from peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.

These include the following:

Matching event registration fees

When supporters sign up for your organization’s upcoming peer-to-peer fundraiser, they may be asked to pay a registration or participation fee. Did you know that these types of transactions can qualify for a match from the individual’s employer?

Different companies set different rules to guide their matching programs and establish which types of gifts they will match. However, the most common stipulation is that the contribution to the organization should be a tax-deductible one. While registration fees (as a whole) typically do not fall into this category, a crucial portion of the fee likely does qualify for a tax deduction. Thus, the individual needs to know how much of their total transaction falls under this umbrella and, therefore, is matchable.

For example, let’s say a $50 fee buys an event t-shirt and meal for each registrant. In that case, you’d need to calculate and deduct the Fair Market Value (or FMV) of those items⁠—as well as any other provisions⁠—from the total transaction amount. What’s left likely qualifies for a corporate match from the registrant’s employer.

Matching gifts for peer-to-peer fundraising registration fees

Our recommendation: As you implement a peer-to-peer event registration process, be sure to embed a matching gift search tool to collect employment data within your online registration form. Once equipped with this information, you and your donors will be empowered to locate available matching gift opportunities and take the appropriate next steps in the process!

Matching individual P2P donations

In addition to volunteer fundraisers soliciting donations on your organization’s behalf, another key player in the peer-to-peer fundraising game is the one (or many) who support the cause through a loved one’s P2P page. And this group can qualify for matching gifts, too!

Thus, ensure that any matching gift promotions incorporated in your traditional giving process are also reflected in your peer-to-peer efforts. (For example, collecting employment data with a company search tool on your donation form, incorporating a program database widget on your confirmation screen, browsing for corporate email addresses, instituting automated email cadences, and more.)

In this scenario, the match experience is the most similar to a gift contributed through your organization’s standard donation form equipped with Double the Donation functionality. An individual fills out an online giving form, provides their company name using a search tool, and submits the contribution. The biggest difference is that the gift is facilitated through a peer-to-peer fundraising platform rather than your basic donation tool.

Matching individual donations to peer-to-peer fundraisers

Our recommendation: If you’ve invested in a matching gift automation tool like Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro, be sure to enable integrations with all of your giving tools! This should include your standard giving forms, CRM or donor database, and peer-to-peer fundraising platform.

Luckily, 360MatchPro seamlessly partners with 90+ of the sector’s largest donation and peer giving tools. Adding the functionality to your P2P forms should be simple! Just remember: you don’t want matches to go unclaimed just because this fundraiser is being hosted on a new platform.

Matching fundraisers’ total collected gifts

Most companies’ matching gift policies require that matchable gifts are contributed directly by the employee requesting a match. But some employers offer fundraising matches, too⁠—either as a subcategory of matching gifts or a separate program altogether.

What’s the difference?

In a fundraising match program, a company matches the sum of all gifts contributed to an employee’s peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. Despite the funds not coming directly from the individual’s wallet, the employer supports their fundraising efforts by doubling all donations. (E.g., John Doe collects $1,572 from 18 donors in his network. John’s employer, State Street Corporation, provides a fundraising match for an additional $1,572, bringing his total to $3,144.)

Matching peer-to-peer fundraisers' total collected gifts

While these programs are less commonly offered than traditional matching gifts, the impact, when available, can be significant. So, it’s not something you want to overlook, especially when looking to revamp your peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts efforts.

Our recommendation: Use the employment data collected within the peer-to-peer registration process to screen for any existing fundraising match programs your participants’ employers may offer. If available, pass the information along to your supporters and encourage them to take the next steps outlined in their companies’ program guidelines.

Remember: implementing an automation tool like 360MatchPro allows you to effectively leverage your donors’ workplace giving information and uncover the best opportunities for support through your donor base!

Establishing custom matching gift partnerships

Sometimes, companies are interested in giving back to their communities and in getting their employees on board to do so. However, they don’t yet offer existing matching gift initiatives. In this case, they may decide to form a custom matching gift partnership with a specific nonprofit organization. And this final type of matching gift program pairs particularly well with peer-to-peer fundraising.

All a company has to do is let its employees know they’re sponsoring an upcoming fundraising event⁠—such as a run/walk/ride⁠—by matching team members’ associated gifts. The match offer will incentivize employee participation in the campaign and ultimately drive more revenue and engagement for your organization.

Custom matching gifts and peer-to-peer fundraising example

Our recommendation: Scour your database for dedicated supporters employed by companies without matching gift programs already. Then, see if these individuals would be interested in taking on a unique advocacy role for your organization. If so, encourage supporters to pitch custom matching gifts to their employers in tandem with an upcoming peer-to-peer fundraising event. We even provide a helpful template for doing so in this guide!

Alternatively, you may decide to reach out to such companies on your own. Still, pursuing partnership opportunities with your supporters’ employers can be an excellent way to get your foot in the door. Plus, it allows your team to demonstrate shared interests and audiences with a prospective partner.

Best Practices for Smart Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Matching Gifts

Setting your organization up for maximal matching gift success is easy when you know what to do. Check out these expert-approved best practices to promote awareness and participation in matching gifts and peer-to-peer fundraising efforts alike.

1. Prepare P2P fundraisers with matching gift knowledge and resources.

One critical challenge facing nonprofits in their peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts efforts is a lack of knowledge altogether. If donors have no idea their employers will double their contributions to your cause, they won’t take the steps required to request their company matches. Thus, to address the awareness issue in a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, we recommend empowering volunteer fundraisers with the knowledge and resources to advocate for the opportunity to their peers.

This way, if a potential donor were to seek information regarding a donation match, the fundraiser would know how to handle the inquiry. You should also provide a range of easily accessible resources, such as pre-made graphics, email, text, and social media templates, and other educational materials they can use to inform their own audiences about the chance to amplify their support.

Sample peer-to-peer fundraising matching gift graphic

For example, a supporter fundraising for a pet rescue might share a graphic like this one on their social media pages. In the caption of their post, they’d link to the organization’s dedicated matching gifts page where interested donors can learn more about the opportunity.

2. Provide supporters with FMV/tax deduction info regarding their gifts.

Since most companies will only match the tax-deductible portion of any nonprofit transaction, simplify the process for all parties by making this information readily available.

We suggest identifying the figure beforehand and providing it for each event participant. Consider building it into the registration page itself, the payment confirmation screen, and a follow-up email that includes the complete gift receipt.

Simplify peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts with FMV and tax deduction information

In order to calculate the tax-deductible total, you’ll need to determine the Fair Market Value⁠—or what your event ticket is tangibly worth. According to the IRS, an item’s FMV is the price it would sell for on the open market. Or the price that would likely be agreed on between an informed and willing buyer and an informed and willing seller.

Subtract that figure from your total transaction cost, and you’ll have your tax-deductible donation amount!

3. Automate the process with an integrated peer-to-peer and matching gift solution.

Nowadays, successful peer-to-peer campaigns rely on powerful and user-friendly giving platforms designed specifically for social fundraising success. In order to incorporate matching effectively, it’s important to equip your team with a seamlessly integrated matching gifts solution.

Doing so allows you to scale up your matching gifts identification, education, follow-up, and reporting with no additional effort required of your fundraising team. For example, 360MatchPro by Double the Donation provides:

  • Screening and identification tools to uncover match-eligible donors in your database
  • A user-friendly search widget for donors to research their eligibility and take guided steps to complete their submissions
  • Automation capabilities to streamline tailored outreach to these donors
  • Security features to protect private donor and organization data
  • A full reporting dashboard that aids in measuring and analyzing your organization’s matching gift efforts
  • Ready-built integrations with each of the leading peer-to-peer fundraising platforms

The platform can even streamline the donor experience by providing supporters easy access to the information they need. And it ultimately increases the likelihood of successful matching gift submissions⁠—meaning more funding for your organization.

Interested? Check out this two-minute overview to learn more:

Bonus! How Top P2P Organizations Incorporate Matching Gifts In Their Efforts

See the above practices in action. Explore the ways these well-known organizations encapsulate smart matching gifts and peer-to-peer fundraising initiatives. As you get inspired, make a note of the strategies from which you think your team can benefit.

P.S., the following organizations are part of the Peer-to-Peer Top 30⁠—an annual breakdown of the highest-grossing social fundraising events each year. These three were also featured in this Top Nonprofits analysis of leading organizations’ matching gift digital efforts!

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night

Hosted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Light the Night is one of the largest peer-to-peer fundraising walks each year. And the LLS team behind the event does an excellent job integrating matching gifts into their efforts.

How? The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society strategically mentions matching gifts in the Light the Night donation form to ensure all donors are exposed to the opportunity. Plus, it also uses the form to collect employment information, which is then used to screen for match-eligible gifts.

Here’s what the peer-to-peer fundraising form looks like:

Light the Night's peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts efforts

Then, after giving, supporters receive thoughtful follow-ups reminding them about potential matching opportunities and encouraging them to get involved.

Dana–Farber Cancer Institute’s Pan-Mass Challenge

The Pan-Mass Challenge, which benefits Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, goes above and beyond to incorporate matching gifts into its peer-to-peer fundraising efforts.

How? The cycling event hosts a detailed matching gifts page on its website, complete with an embedded matching gift company search tool and other valuable information. When a donor searches their employer’s name, they’re provided with an in-depth breakdown of an associated matching gifts program. This includes eligibility criteria, match information, and even direct links to their online submission forms.

Take a look at the matching gift page here:

The Pan Mass Challenge's peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts efforts

By providing easily accessible information, the Pan-Mass Challenge team ensures donors are equipped with the tools needed to take advantage of matching gift opportunities should they choose to do so.

Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s takes a proactive approach to matching gifts within its peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. After gathering employment data within the giving process, the organization segments donors by match eligibility and triggers targeted follow-ups accordingly.

For match-eligible donors, these follow-up emails include direct links to their companies’ guidelines, policies, and online submission links. It ultimately simplifies the process for donors to initiate matching gift submissions on their own.

Check out a sample matching gift follow-up email below:

Walk to End Alzheimer's peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts efforts

This type of strategic post-donation communication ensures that matching gift opportunities⁠—and the organization itself⁠—remain at the forefront of donors’ minds. And it gives each recipient an easy way to maximize the impact of their contributions in support of the cause.

Explore 360MatchPro matching gift case studies

Final Thoughts on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Matching Gifts

Matching gifts can take your peer-to-peer fundraising events to the next level. You might be surprised at how quickly your investments in the strategies can multiply! Just ensure you use the right tools and approaches to get the most out of the efforts for your organization.

Educate your staff and supporters on the opportunities at play. Communicate the tangible impact of matching gifts to inspire participation. And automate the process from start to finish to scale up your fundraising efficiency.

Keep learning! Check out these additional resources to continue growing your peer-to-peer fundraising and matching gifts knowledge:

Bring your fundraising to new heights with matching gifts and P2P fundraising CTA

Double the Donation and CrowdChange Partner to Debut Innovative Matching Gift Integration

Double the Donation and CrowdChange are excited to announce their new partnership and unveil a technical integration between 360MatchPro and the CrowdChange fundraising platform. This collaboration equips nonprofit organizations to take advantage of the underutilized fundraising avenue that is corporate matching gifts.

“CrowdChange is committed to providing an intuitive, comprehensive fundraising platform for our partners,” says Marni Wiener, Chief Revenue Officer at CrowdChange. “By integrating with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation, we enhance our existing fundraising platform and give our clients the tools they need to raise more from matching gifts.”

Leveraging 360MatchPro and CrowdChange, organizations will be able to identify more match-eligible donors during the donation process and drive those matches to completion with 360MatchPro’s customizable, automated workflows. This technology simplifies the matching gift process for donors and nonprofits alike, making it that much easier to bring in revenue from corporate matching programs.

“Double the Donation is excited to launch this partnership and add 360MatchPro to CrowdChange’s powerful fundraising suite,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “Nonprofit organizations often miss out on valuable matching gift funds, but with this technical integration CrowdChange users are equipped to make the most of matching gifts and raise more for their mission.”

The seamless integration between 360MatchPro and CrowdChange equips fundraisers with the industry leading matching gift software, effortlessly connecting donors to next steps and raising more for the causes that matter most.

360MatchPro - Activate in seconds and start raising more from matching gifts!

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

With this seamless integration and streamlined activation process, you can connect your CrowdChange and 360MatchPro instances in minutes.

Shows a user entering their 360MatchPro API keys into CrowdChange to activate the integration

Once you’ve connected your CrowdChange and 360MatchPro accounts, all that is left to do is add the 360MatchPro search tool to your donations forms! Donors can identify their employer on the donation form and be met with actionable next steps on the thank you page.

360MatchPro also sends automated email notifications to donors following the donation to reconnect donors to their matching gift application form based on their employer information, making it even easier to drive revenue with matching gifts. 

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

360MatchPro - Drive more matching gift requests to completion with 360MatchPro

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

360MatchPro ensures your matching gift opportunities don’t fall through the cracks.

Take advantage of this solution to:

Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.

Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.

Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

360MatchPro features - identify more opportunities, drive matches to completion and reallocate time to your top priorities

Ready to get started with matching gifts automation using CrowdChange? Request a demo today.

About CrowdChange: CrowdChange is a comprehensive events and fundraising software platform in the market. With an easy-to-use, no-coding design and features to cater to all your fundraising needs. Whether you’re planning signature events, DIY, or peer-to-peer campaigns, their platform provides the perfect tools for seamless execution. Ideal for non-profits, hospital foundations, universities, schools, and other impactful organizations, CrowdChange empowers you to take charge of your fundraising. To learn more visit

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more visit

Double the Donation's 2023 Year in Review Summary

2023 at a Glance | Double the Donation’s Year in Review

As we near the end of another extraordinary year, the Double the Donation team is thrilled to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve taken in our 2023 Year in Review. Throughout these last twelve months, we’ve seen remarkable growth, exciting developments, and forward-thinking strategies emerge.

And we’re thrilled to review some of our most compelling milestones and updates here! These include:

Now, let’s rewind and see what’s happened in the past year.

Exciting product updates & enhancements

Over the last twelve months, Double the Donation has continued to enhance our flagship product, 360MatchPro. Marked by an exciting array of more than 35 product updates and enhancements in the past year, the consistent developments are designed to bolster our matching gift automation platform and its overall effectiveness for users⁠.

Let’s take a look at some of our standout new features and enhancements here:

Matching gift auto-submission released ⁠to improve and simplify the matching experience

As one of our most cutting-edge developments, matching gift auto-submission came out of beta this year! By significantly streamlining the match request process and strengthening relationships between companies and nonprofits, auto-submission functionality remains projected to yield matching gift revenue growth of 200% or more.

Three key steps in the matching gift auto-submission process

Learn more about matching gift auto-submission here

Custom matching gift program management to empower deeper corporate partnerships

Custom (or “one-off”) matching gift programs can provide organizations with an additional source of matching gift funding. Initially offered exclusively to 360MatchPro Enterprise clients but now available for all standard users as well, our new custom matching gift program functionality makes managing these opportunities simple and impactful for nonprofits.

2023 year in review - custom matching gift management feature

*As a note: this feature is designed specifically for fundraisers to manage their end of the matching gift process⁠. If you’re a corporation interested in matching gifts, let us know, and we’ll refer you to a corporate vendor partner that can help.

Learn more about custom matching gift programs here

Improved tracking and reporting functionality ⁠to demonstrate the impact of matching gift automation

We want to make match tracking and reporting as easy (and insightful) as possible for our users. In order to do so, recent product updates include a new “Simple Statistics” module, a donor event tracking log, an updated reporting tab that provides quick, pre-built action items and data-informed recommendations, and more.

Sample matching gift reporting dashboards - updated interface for our 2023 year in review

Learn more about matching gift reporting here

Renewed VPAT for Revised 508 Standards ⁠to verify and increase software accessibility for all users

An accessibility audit and updated Voluntary Product Accessibility Template ensure our platform stays up to date with and adheres to the most current accessibility guidelines. After all, our goal is always to offer a fully inclusive tool for fundraisers and donors alike.

Learn more about matching gift accessibility here

These product updates and more have paved the way for our most powerful solution yet. As a result, our team is better equipped to serve nonprofit fundraisers and aid as they maximize their matching gift potential. And we’ve built a strong foundation for future advancements in 2024 and beyond.

Continually expanding client base

At Double the Donation, we take great pride in our ability to forge meaningful relationships with an ever-growing number of nonprofit and school fundraisers. Over the past year, we’ve been delighted to welcome more than 1,800 new organizations into our ever-growing client family.

Here’s what a few of our newly onboarded clients have had to say:

“360MatchPro has been an excellent tool for uncovering matches from donors and, moreover, has integrated easily into our giving pages on various platforms.

What especially stands out, though, is Double the Donation’s superb customer service and support. We love partnering with our contact there; she always takes the initiative to make sure we are getting the best use out of the product. Also, she is always ready to hop on a Zoom call whenever we need her support.”

— Mamie Smith, The Westminster Schools

The Westminster Schools is an example of a new Double the Donation user

“The Double the Donation team is incredibly responsive and knowledgeable. Their willingness to help has been instrumental in our organization’s implementation of the platform.”

— Catalina Fischer, Plan International USA

Plan International USA is an example of a new Double the Donation user

“Even if you are remotely interested in finding out more, I highly recommend setting up a demo to explore the possibilities.”

— Christie Deems, Rubicon Programs

Rubicon Programs is an example of a new Double the Donation user in 2023

“360MatchPro has saved us a ton of manual work. Once we set up our templates and schedules, the system did the work for us–sending out matching gift reminders and updates. Our onboarding specialist was super helpful, providing us with checklists and support to keep us on track and to make sure we didn’t miss anything during setup. We already have folks opting in to make matching gifts! 360MatchPro is definitely increasing our revenue stream.”

— Liz Dixon-Eversole, Milton Academy

Milton Academy is an example of a new Double the Donation user in 2023

By collaborating with causes like these across widespread verticals and mission types, our team is honored to support the work our clients are doing to make a positive impact on the world around them.

As we head into 2024, we’re excited to see the upcoming successes that occur as new organizations dive deeper into strategic matching gift fundraising with our tools.

Numerous new & enhanced partnerships

At Double the Donation, successful partnerships are at the core of what we do. We understand that the more extensive our integration offerings, the more effortlessly organizations can incorporate matching gifts into their existing donation processes. This facilitates a streamlined and positive experience for donors, ultimately increasing the impact of their support.

That’s why we continually prioritize partnership network growth by establishing integrations with new donation tools, peer-to-peer fundraising software, CRMs, corporate giving platforms, and more. At the same time, we’re improving and enhancing existing integrations to provide the most seamless, impactful solutions for our clients.

In 2023, we’re happy to report that our team has celebrated more than fourteen new integrations and eighteen partnership enhancements. And that’s in addition to our existing technology network!

Double the Donation's matching gift partnership network growth - 2023 year in reviewWith these new integrations, along with ones that are soon to come, we’re excited to continue building industry relationships that will propel the matching gift fundraising ecosystem to new heights.

Remarkable levels of overall matching gift success

A key recurring highlight of our annual Year in Review report involves examining our clients’ monumental matching gift fundraising outcomes. And this year was no exception!

So far in 2023, Double the Donation software users have boasted impressive metrics like these:

Double the Donation's 2023 Year in Review matching gift performance

Not only do matching gift strategies identify new opportunities for additional funds, but they also produce greater levels of donor engagement with impactful communications and outreach. And this year, we are glad to say that our clients have reaped the benefits outlined above and more!

Significant matching gift database growth

At Double the Donation, our extensive matching gift and volunteer grant database is one of our most powerful assets. And organizations use this tool every day to power their own corporate giving strategies.

That’s why it’s so crucial that we provide the best, most comprehensive compilation of program information⁠. And why we continue to expand its coverage and scope.

At the time of our 2023 Year in Review, our database consists of more than…

  • 24,493+ company records
  • 26,800,000+ employees represented
  • 99.68% estimated coverage of match-eligible employees
  • 91% form availability for match-eligible donors

Double the Donation's matching gift database tool - 2023 year in review

2023 Year in Review - Double the Donation's database growth

And these figures will only continue to grow⁠—especially as corporate giving trends show more and more companies matching gifts.

Invaluable matching gift resources

A lot of what we do at Double the Donation involves equipping nonprofits with the resources to maximize matching gifts. In addition to our complete automation platform, 360MatchPro, another type of tool we provide is educational content on corporate giving.

This year, the Double the Donation team has significantly grown our resource library. We’re proud to introduce a wealth of readily available materials, such as…

Plus, we can’t forget about our most standout resource this year: the Matching Gift Academy! This online learning system, which is available free of charge to Double the Donation users (a $199 value/year), consists of all new materials with 11 modules, 45 lessons, and 7 hours of video content. It provides a comprehensive, self-paced, and immersive learning experience for nonprofit professionals looking for a complete overview of the matching gift opportunity.

Check out this quick overview of our webinar offerings to learn more:

By equipping fundraisers with a robust array of resources, we empower organizations to make the most of matching gifts to the best of their ability. After all, knowledge is power!

Wrapping Up

As we eagerly step into the new year, we’re filled with excitement and enthusiasm for what’s to come. To our inspiring clients, partners, team members, and more: we greatly appreciate the support you’ve given us this year⁠. We truly couldn’t do it without you!

We look forward to another year of innovation, growth, and development as we continue to seek new ways to empower fundraisers to maximize their matching gift potential.

From all of us at Double the Donation, here’s to a joyful holiday season and a prosperous, promising year ahead. Thank you for being part of our journey, and we can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store!

Make the most of matching gifts for your organization. Learn more about Double the Donation and our year in review here.

This guide explains what matching grants are and how your nonprofit can get started.

What Matching Grants for Nonprofits Are and How to Find Them

Imagine a world where you could magically double the funds your nonprofit raises. You’d be able to accomplish twice as much for your mission without repeatedly going to your donors for larger contributions. What if we told you that there actually is a resource like this available to nonprofits?

In the world of philanthropy, there’s a game-changer that amplifies the impact of charitable giving and fosters a sense of shared purpose. It’s called matching grants!

In this article, we’ll delve into the essentials of matching grant programs. Along the way, we’ll share insight into what they are, where to find them, and how you can start leveraging this awesome resource. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll learn:

We’re all about corporate philanthropy and its incredible power for nonprofits, so we’re excited to share the power behind these transformative grants. Let’s dive in!

Use Double the Donation to receive matching gifts, a form of matching grants, year-round.

What Are Matching Grants?

Matching grants are grants provided by corporations, foundations, or individuals to nonprofit organizations wherein the corporation agrees to match a certain amount of money that the nonprofit raises.

Matching grants require your nonprofit to contribute to your fund like the grantor does. When applying for a matching grant, you’ll agree to contribute a specific amount to your own campaign. Then, if you win the grant, the grantor will match the funds your nonprofit pledged. Usually, this is at a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. While a 1:1 match means the funder will contribute the same amount, a 2:1 match means they will put in twice as much as your organization does.

In contrast to traditional grants where nonprofits are given a specific amount of money upfront, matching grants encourage nonprofits to raise money independently. For example, a nonprofit might have a matching grant where the grantor agrees to double every donation made through fundraising activities.

To acquire a matching grant, nonprofits often need to apply directly with the corporation. The corporation will set specific eligibility guidelines, and the nonprofit must submit a proposal stating how it will spend the money to further its mission.

The Difference Between Matching Grants and Matching Gifts

This chart explains the differences between matching gifts and matching grants for nonprofits.

At Double the Donation, we’re experts in the matching gifts field. While matching grants and matching gifts are similar, there are a few distinct differences. Let’s explore the primary ways matching grants and matching gifts vary:

  • Who Provides Funding: Matching grants are donations provided by corporations to nonprofit organizations. The company agrees to match a certain amount of money the nonprofit raises. Meanwhile, corporate matching gifts are a form of corporate philanthropy in which a corporation matches donations made by its employees to eligible nonprofit organizations.
  • The Goal: While the goal of matching grants is to encourage nonprofits to fundraise independently, the goal of matching gift programs is to encourage employees to support charitable causes. When an employee donates to an eligible nonprofit, they’ll submit a request to their employer, asking them to make an additional contribution to the same organization. Their employer will match the donation up to a certain amount, typically based on eligibility guidelines.
  • The Request Process: A nonprofit must apply for matching grants with the grantmaking corporation. For matching gifts, employees need to initiate the match process. After donating, the employee will submit a matching gift request to their employer, providing documentation of the donation.

To summarize, matching grants involve corporations providing grants to nonprofits on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis to support specific projects or fundraising efforts. Matching gifts require corporations to match donations made by their employees to nonprofits. While both types of programs aim to increase the impact of charitable giving, they differ in terms of initiation, purpose, and application.

In both cases, online platforms can help nonprofits uncover match opportunities and their requirements. For matching gifts in particular, our auto-submission tools can even submit a donor’s match request on their behalf. When a qualifying donor opts into auto-submission while donating, our tools will automatically confirm their eligibility and submit a match request to their employer on their behalf.

Leveraging Matching Gifts

To get started with matching gifts, watch this video that’s packed with matching gift tips that’ll set your organization up for success. You’ll learn best practices for educating donors and leveraging a matching gift database:

From appointing a matching gift specialist to proactively researching donors’ eligibility, there’s a lot you can do to leverage matching gifts at your organization. Armed with this knowledge, your team can make the most of these CSR programs.

The Benefits of Matching Grants for Nonprofits

Matching grants require quite a bit of work to set up initially, including building a relationship with a grantor, creating a grant proposal, and deciding the terms of the grants. Fortunately, the results are likely to more than make up for the time and effort spent.

Here’s a rundown of the benefits of matching grants you can share with your fundraising team to attain their buy-in:

  • Funding boost: Matching grants provide additional funding for your cause, multiplying individual donations by two or even three times their original value. This means your nonprofit’s projects can have a greater impact.
  • Increase in donor satisfaction: When donors give a campaign where matching will be applied, they’ll know they’re making a bigger impact on your cause. If someone gives $50, they’ll be excited knowing that their gift will actually be worth $100 thanks to the contributing company.
  • Potential partnerships: While working with grantors, you can show that your nonprofit is determined to make a difference and worth investing resources into. In turn, you can establish relationships with funders and potentially secure future support through ongoing partnerships.

From the grantor’s perspective, matching grants and similar CSR initiatives position them as socially responsible and help them give back to their communities. This can help companies present themselves as positive places to work, which will help to boost employee morale and attract top talent.

How Do Matching Grants Work?

At this point, you know the basics of matching grant programs and are ready to learn how the process works. First, decide which type of matching grant to apply for. As we mentioned, consider the assets your nonprofit currently has.

While applying for any grant will follow the same general process, we’ll look at the process for a cash matching grant to keep things simple:

This graphic outlines the matching grant program process, detailed below.

  1. Agreement: Identify a potential matching grant opportunity. This could be through a corporate philanthropy program, a foundation, or an individual willing to provide matching funds. During this stage, you and the grantor will work out the terms of the match, such as the ratio (e.g., 1:1, 2:1, or more) and maximum amount.
  2. Fundraising: Your nonprofit launches a specific fundraising campaign, event, or initiative with the goal of raising funds. This campaign should be designed to encourage donors to contribute to the cause, knowing their contributions will be matched by the grantor. Your donors can give to the fundraising campaign via various payment methods, such as online donations, checks, or cash.
  3. Verification: Your nonprofit documents each donation received during the campaign. Based on the grantor’s requirements, documentation might include donor information, contribution amounts, and payment receipts.
  4. Submission: Once the campaign wraps up or you reach the deadline the grantor set, your nonprofit submits documentation of all eligible donations to the grantor.
  5. Matching funds disbursement: The grantor reviews the documentation to ensure each donation meets the agreed-upon criteria. Once everything is in order, they’ll disburse the matching funds to your nonprofit. Now, your organization is free to use the funds to further your mission, support specific projects, or address urgent needs.
  6. Reporting: In some cases, grantors require the benefitting organization to provide reports or updates. These updates might include how you are using the matched funds or how they’re impacting your organization’s mission.

The process will vary depending on the grant type, but this is generally what to expect when pursuing this funding opportunity.

Types of Matching Grants for Nonprofits

When it comes to grant matching, there are a few key types to be aware of.

Consider your nonprofit’s assets when applying for different matching grants. Let’s dive into the different types of matching grants, so you can determine the best fit for your organization.

This graphic summarizes the different types of matching grants for nonprofits.

Cash Matching Grants

This grant involves a grantor providing a nonprofit with a monetary contribution that matches the funds raised by the organization at a dollar-for-dollar rate. If a nonprofit raises $10,000 and has a 1:1 cash matching grant, the funder would provide an additional $10,000.

For example, a grantor may match donations made by individuals during a specific period or fundraising campaign. Similar to matching gifts, this encourages donors to give more since they know their contributions will be matched.

In fact, 1 in 3 donors indicates they’d give a larger gift if their donation will be matched.

In-Kind Matching Grants

Unlike cash matching grants, this type of grant requires you to quantify the value of your resources. When filling out the grant application, your nonprofit will quantify its goods, services, staff contributions, volunteer hours, or other non-cash contributions in a dollar amount. You’ll use this estimation to meet the funder’s match requirements.

When searching for this type of funding, you’ll need to ensure you’ve accurately quantified the value of your non-monetary resources. For instance, this might involve documenting volunteer hours, valuing donated goods or services at fair market prices, or using accepted industry standards for valuation.

Volunteer Matching Grants

With this type of matching grant, the grantor promises to match the value of volunteer hours contributed by a nonprofit’s supporters. This type of grant is very similar to company volunteer grants, a CSR program in which a company donates to a nonprofit based on how much its employees volunteer.

For a volunteer matching grant, your nonprofit needs to provide information regarding how many volunteers you have and how many hours they worked during a specific time period. For example, let’s say a volunteer contributes 10 hours. In turn, the grantor might provide a monetary donation that equates to the value of those hours worked.

The current estimated value of each volunteer hour is nearly $32, which can add up quickly.

Other Grants

Grantors might allow you to use other grants you’ve received for matching purposes. Also called “braided funding,” this process involves “weaving” together different funding streams to support a specific project or initiative, hence the name.

For example, a nonprofit working on a community development project might secure a matching grant from one foundation, in-kind donations from a local business, and individual donations from community members. By combining these funding sources, the nonprofit can maximize the impact of its project while meeting the requirements of the matching grant.

How to Get A Matching Grant for Your Nonprofit

Whether you’re unsure where to look or need help applying, getting started with matching grant programs can be a tricky process. Keep reading to learn how to bypass any barriers!

Know Where To Find Matching Grants

You can find matching grant opportunities in many of the same places you would traditional grants. Discover matching grant opportunities by visiting the following resources:

This graphic outlines how nonprofits can locate matching grant programs.

  • Foundation websites. Many foundations and grantmaking organizations offer matching grant programs. Visit the websites of local, state, and national foundations to explore available grant opportunities.
  • Grant databases: Online platforms like, GrantStation, and Candid are great resources to check for grants. These databases provide information on different types of grants, including matching grants.
  • Local Government: Explore grant opportunities from local government agencies and municipalities. They may offer matching grants for community projects and initiatives.
  • Grant Alerts: Set up grant alerts from grant database websites. You can customize these alerts to receive emails when matching grant opportunities that align with your organization’s focus areas become available. is a great option for nonprofits interested in grant alerts.

You can also always join nonprofit associations, subscribe to publications related to nonprofit funding, or contact community foundations in your area!

Remember, corporate matching gifts are another easy solution for getting in on the gift-matching action. Look to your corporate partners and pay attention to where your donors work.
Then, look into these opportunities using a matching gift database. You can locate relevant matching gift opportunities and prompt donors to fill out a match request.

Download our guide to matching gifts to learn why these opportunities are easier to leverage than matching grant programs.

Write A Compelling Matching Grant Application

The application process for matching grants is pretty similar to that of traditional grants, but in most cases, the application will require you to go into more detail about how funds will be used. Grantseeking can get competitive, so put in the effort to craft a tailored application that stands out to funders.

As you get started, remember these tips for writing a compelling matching grant application:

  • Understand the guidelines.A big pain point for grantors is when applicants don’t follow the rules! Thoroughly review the funder’s grant guidelines and eligibility criteria. Check all instructions before spending time completing the application. That includes everything from including sufficient financial documentation to submitting the application by the deadline.
  • Create a strong case for support. Clearly articulate the problem your project aims to address and the impact it will have. Use data, statistics, and compelling stories to build a strong case for why your project is necessary.
  • Demonstrate alignment. Before starting your application, ensure your organization and project align with the funder’s priorities. In your grant proposal, highlight shared values and goals between the two groups.
  • Craft a compelling narrative. Write a persuasive narrative that tells your organization’s story and why your nonprofit, specifically, is the right organization to complete your project. Use concise, impactful language that’s easy to understand.
  • Customize each application. Tailor your application for each specific matching grant opportunity. Also, avoid generic templates since funders appreciate personalized proposals.
  • Highlight your resources. Grantmaking organizations want to know that your nonprofit has the fundraising capacity to meaningfully use the matching grant. Include proof via revenue statements or other financial documents to give your application legitimacy.

Are you still unsure of your grantseeking abilities? You can always seek feedback from nonprofit consultants or work with a grant writer. They know what funders are looking for and what will make your application stand out.

If your application isn’t approved, seek feedback from the funder, too. You can take their advice and apply it to future applications. Understanding the grantmaker’s mindset will put you in a much stronger position moving forward.

Wrapping Up: Multiplying Impact With Matching Grants

Matching grants have a ripple effect. Each single donation made during a matching grant campaign is magnified, providing even more support for your mission.

At this point, you should have everything you need to get started with matching grants. Start locating and applying for matching grant programs.

If you’re curious about other ways to multiply impact, explore these nonprofit fundraising and corporate philanthropy resources:

Get a demo of Double the Donation, so you can skip the matching grant forms and start leveraging matching gifts.