Transitioning to 360MatchPro by Double the Donation

Transitioning to 360MatchPro by Double the Donation | Grow Matching Gifts

At Double the Donation, we firmly believe in the power of evolution. Our commitment to improving our offerings and ensuring they align with advancements in the industry⁠—and, more importantly, with the needs of our clients⁠—has always been at the forefront of our operations.

In 2021, we made a significant change by retiring Double the Donation’s Legacy Basic and Premium Plans. These solutions were first introduced over a decade ago, and were, at the time, examples of groundbreaking matching gift technology. In the years following, however, we’ve continued to advance our software with a desire to focus on developing our most streamlined and effective platform: 360MatchPro.

Since the decision to discontinue the Legacy Plans was made in 2021, we’ve ceased selling subscriptions for new customers⁠—while allowing existing clients to continue their services uninterrupted. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that all subscriptions, upon renewal, will transition to our new and improved offering, 360MatchPro by Double the Donation.

Follow along to explore these key topics:

The upgrade to 360MatchPro will be available to all Legacy Basic and Premium Plans for no additional cost through their next renewal. We’re confident that each organization will start experiencing the transformative benefits of 360MatchPro right away.

The 360MatchPro Difference

So you’re transitioning to 360MatchPro, but you’re still not sure what to expect.

Let’s start with a general overview of Double the Donation’s best-in-class automation tool, then jump into how it stacks up against the legacy plans.

What is 360MatchPro?

360MatchPro is Double the Donation’s flagship product⁠—a complete matching gift automation solution. This platform incorporates the matching gift plugin tool commonly associated with the Legacy Plan but goes several steps further to proactively identify and pursue matching gifts.

Specifically, 360MatchPro incorporates…

  • A multi-faceted approach to uncovering match-eligible donors;
  • Timely and personalized follow-up email cadences;
  • Complete branding and personalization options;
  • Optimized data reporting and synchronization.

Check out this 60-second overview to learn more:

What is 360MatchPro? from Double the Donation on Vimeo.

By transitioning to 360MatchPro, more matching gifts are driven to completion, resulting in substantial corporate and overall fundraising revenue growth for its users. And the entire process is automated for nonprofits and their donors, producing an optimized matching gift experience for everyone involved⁠.

This provides organizations with more time to devote to the most lucrative opportunities without worrying about potential matches slipping through the cracks.

Explore 360MatchPro matching gift case studies

Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro

360MatchPro includes everything offered by Double the Donation’s Legacy Plan, plus innovative new features that bring nonprofit and educational fundraising to new heights.

Take a look at the additional functionality offered by our automation solution, 360MatchPro.

Key FeatureLegacy Plan360MatchPro
Hosted Matching Gift Page
Matching Gift Plugin
High-Level Summary Statistics
Fundraising Platform Integrations
Automated Email Streams
Matching Gift Auto-Submission
Detailed Analytics Dashboard
CSV Data Import
Company Exclusions
Advanced Customization Settings

Not to mention, additional differences between the two subscription plans include…

Matching Gift Functionality Directly Within the Donation Process

Instead of taking a passive approach to matching gift promotions, such as with the Legacy Plan, transitioning to 360MatchPro allows organizations to integrate gift-matching directly within the donation experience itself.

To do so, the automation system empowers fundraisers to ⁠—

1. Collect donor employment information within the donation form with an embedded company search tool.

Bonus: Donors who know their gifts will be matched are more likely to increase the size of their contribution—resulting in a 51% increase in average gift amount when matching gifts are mentioned.

360MatchPro sample donation page

2. Provide employer-specific matching gift guidelines and forms from our comprehensive matching gift database directly on the donation thank-you screen.

This catches donors at their highest level of engagement where they’re most likely to pursue actionable next steps outlined on the page.

360MatchPro sample confirmation screen

This strategy makes the most of donor engagement at its highest level⁠—while individuals are actively giving to support your cause. This essentially transforms matching gifts into a direct extension of the initial donation experience. And more donors are likely to take part when it is!

Automated and Customized Follow-Up Emails

Based on the information collected during the giving process, 360MatchPro automatically triages donors based on likely match eligibility and triggers targeted follow-ups accordingly.

These post-transaction email communications provide personalized program details and next steps⁠. This often includes minimum and maximum donation amounts, qualifying nonprofits and employees, submission deadlines, direct links to online request forms, and more.

Here’s an example of what an organization’s match emails might look like:

360MatchPro sample matching gift email

Automated matching gift outreach is a great way to remind donors of their match eligibility, encourage them to take the next steps, and guide them through the process. Not to mention, it provides an easy way for donors to update their request status so your team can better track matches to completion and more accurately forecast incoming revenue.

80+ Fundraising Software Integrations

Another fundamental advantage of transitioning to 360MatchPro is that it integrates directly with nearly all of the most popular donation tools, CRMs, and peer-to-peer fundraising platforms out there. This makes it easier than ever for nonprofits and educational institutions to incorporate matching gifts in every phase of the fundraising process.

Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro - the latter integrates with 70+ fundraising platforms

And if we don’t already integrate with your favorite giving solution? Don’t worry⁠—we’re developing new partnerships every day. Not to mention, there’s still a lot you can do by transitioning to 360MatchPro, even without a native integration with your fundraising software.

NEW: Exclusive Matching Gift Auto-Submission Functionality

If your team is looking for innovative ways to streamline the matching gift experience for your donors, auto-submission is the new feature you’re looking for. Auto-submission just completed its time in beta, and it’s ready to revolutionize the way you do matching gifts.

By enabling matching gift auto-submission functionality, exclusively available through Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro in partnership with corporate giving software providers, matching has never been easier.

Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro - the latter offers matching gift auto-submission

Now, donors employed by select participating companies can submit their matching gifts directly from their favorite organizations’ confirmation screens. From there, 360MatchPro handles the documentation behind the scenes, providing companies with the information they need to review, approve, and pay out match requests.

This breakthrough process removes some of the most common roadblocks to matching gift completion, making corporate matching more accessible than ever before. Your donors will thank you, and you’ll have the additional match revenue to back it up, particularly as we continue to roll out the functionality for more donors and employers.

More In-Depth Data Reporting

Though the Legacy Plan provides access to birds-eye view statistics, such as the top companies searched in an organization’s matching gift plugin, transitioning to 360MatchPro brings the scope of matching gift data reporting to a new, comprehensive level.

Pictured in a sample dashboard below, 360MatchPro empowers fundraisers with smart insights into their current matching gift efforts as well as lucrative opportunities for expanding initiatives.

This 360-degree view includes analytics such as:

  • Total revenue, number, and percentage of donations marked as match-eligible
  • Total revenue, number, and percentage of matching gifts submitted
  • Total revenue, number, and percentage of verified matches received
  • Email delivery, open, and click rates

Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro in terms of data reporting

Benefits of 360MatchPro: Impact + Value

In the realm of matching gift automation, 360MatchPro has already made waves. Over 90% of active Double the Donation clients are now using 360MatchPro over our legacy plans.

These organizations’ successes have been extraordinary, identifying over 300 million dollars in matching gifts in just the last 12 months⁠. And that figure continues to grow more than 50% year-over-year!

Over time, it’s become evident that transitioning to 360MatchPro is more than an upgrade. It’s an opportunity to employ a transformative tool for nonprofits and education causes looking to implement effective matching gift fundraising with ease.

The overall benefits it offers are multi-faceted, and include (but are certainly not limited to) the following…

Automated Matching Gift Marketing and Workflows

Through its advanced functionality and extensive database, 360MatchPro identifies matching gift opportunities at the moment of donation. It then guides donors through the process, driving these opportunities to completion, and potentially doubling or tripling your matching gift fundraising revenue.

By automating this process, you can secure more matching gifts without adding extra work for your team. This means less time wrestling with data and more time focusing on your cause.

The platform’s intuitive design and functionality make managing your fundraising efforts a breeze. It’s a comprehensive platform that provides actionable insights, automates follow-ups, and offers streamlined reporting.

Seamless Data Ecosystem

360MatchPro integrates seamlessly with over 80+ donation tools and CRM systems. This means a smooth flow of data between your various platforms, reduced manual input, and enhanced accuracy.

Even better? Transitioning to 360MatchPro includes all integrations at no additional cost!


Enhanced Donor Engagement

With automated, personalized outreach, 360MatchPro ensures donors are always aware of matching gift opportunities. This not only drives donor engagement but also encourages repeat donations. By providing donors with information about their employer’s matching gift programs, you empower them to make their donations go even further.

More and Larger Donations

By making it easy for donors to discover and apply their employer’s matching gift programs, 360MatchPro can help you increase the size and impact of donations. Donors who know their gifts will be matched are often more motivated to give and give more generously.

Matching gift stats for 360MatchPro by Double the Donation

Elevated Matching Gift Conversion Rates

More corporate matches are submitted and received by donors and organizations utilizing 360MatchPro than any other matching gift solution—including Double the Donation’s Legacy Plan.

As supporters walk through the initial donation and subsequent matching gift processes, 360MatchPro is known for driving individuals further down the respective funnels. All in all, users see more individual donation revenue in addition to elevated matching gift success.

Check out the detailed findings below in a visual depiction of Double the Donation’s Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro:

Legacy Plan vs. 360MatchPro Conversion Funnel Comparison

Getting Started with 360MatchPro

As we make this critical transition, we want new 360MatchPro users to feel ready for the change and empowered with the tools and knowledge they need to make the most of the platform.

Here are a few things your team can do to prepare!

Understand the Unmatched Value

We acknowledge that 360MatchPro comes at a slightly higher price point than our legacy plans. However, this reflects the significantly increased value and capabilities it offers.

Not to mention, our pricing is scaled based on a number of factors⁠—including the size of an organization and its individual fundraising amounts. The result is that smaller organizations pay less than larger ones.

All in all, pricing plans are designed to provide a significant return on investment⁠—producing match revenue at least 5-10x the initial investment. Some organizations have even identified enough matching gifts using 360MatchPro in a single day to cover the subscription cost for a year!

Utilize Personalized Assistance

Over the coming weeks, our dedicated client success team will reach out to individual nonprofits to provide personalized assistance. Our goal is to help you maximize your usage of 360MatchPro and ensure you’re leveraging all its powerful features to their full potential. We’re here to support you every step of the way as you navigate this transition.

Contact our support team for any questions or assistance with your 360MatchPro account.

Learn More About 360MatchPro

To support your transition, we’ve prepared several materials that dive deeper into the benefits of 360MatchPro by Double the Donation⁠—and how you can make the most of the platform.

Check out the following recommended resources!

Onward and Upward with Your Matching Gift Revenue

We’re beyond excited about this new chapter and the opportunity to showcase what 360MatchPro will bring. As always, we’re grateful for your continued support and trust, and we’re eager to help you unlock new levels of fundraising success with 360MatchPro.

Here’s to the next chapter of your fundraising journey!

For any further queries or support, please feel free to reach out to our team today.

Raise more with matching gifts through Double the Donation by transitioning to 360MatchPro.