This article explores what data appending is and why nonprofits should consider using this service.

What is a Data Append and Why Does it Matter for Nonprofits?

Today’s marketers rely on customer data to make informed decisions to inspire interest, increase engagement, and ultimately sell their products and services. 

In the nonprofit space, nonprofit marketing and fundraising professionals stand to gain from strategically collecting, maintaining, and leveraging the donor data stored in their organization’s CRMs. But your supporters move, get new email addresses, and their information changes over time. That means your data can quickly become outdated, which is where data appending swoops in to save the day.

Updating and gathering data manually can be a taxing process, but data appending uses automation to streamline the work for you. We’ll clear up confusion surrounding the process to help you transform your CRM into an effective tool your nonprofit’s fundraising and marketing efforts can rely on.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

What Is A Data Append?

A data append is the process of adding missing or updating existing data points in an organization’s database. The process involves comparing the information in the nonprofit’s current database to that stored in a larger, more comprehensive data source. Data append services use external data sources to fill gaps in data, including:

  • Contact details
  • Demographic data
  • Behavioral information
  • Employment details

All kinds of organizations use data appends, including for-profit businesses, charitable nonprofits, and political campaigns. For example, have you ever gotten a text message promoting a candidate in an upcoming election even though you can’t recall sharing your phone number with any political causes? Chances are they got your information—your name, phone number, and political party registration—from a data append. 

For nonprofits, specifically, data appends allow them to maintain clean donor data and gain more comprehensive insights into their supporters when they have limited information. Ultimately, accurate data can help your organization learn more about your supporters, leading to better tailored fundraising and donor cultivation strategies.

Why Is Data Appending Important?

At its core, data appending enhances your data quality by filling in gaps and correcting inaccuracies. With this information, you can strengthen your donor management and make the most of each dollar spent on your data append. 

There are all sorts of situations nonprofits might find themselves in where a data append is the right answer, including:

  • Missing key information. Do all of your nonprofit’s various forms require supporters to complete all core fields? For instance, your email newsletter subscription might only ask supporters for their name and email, meaning you’ll miss all of those supporters’ phone numbers. Not to mention information you’re unlikely to ask supporters for but is still useful, like demographic data. 
  • Current information is outdated. As mentioned, your supporters aren’t static, and many donors aren’t going to think to update your nonprofit when they change addresses, start using a new email, or even change their names. An append keeps you up to date, helping you maintain your connections to each supporter over time. 
  • Data got lost. It’s not ideal but it happens: your nonprofit lost data when migrating systems, something with your technology went wrong and information needs to be deleted, or someone just made a mistake and got rid of data you needed. Appends are your nonprofit’s lifeline in these scenarios. 

But beyond simply cleaning up your donor database, you stand to benefit a lot from the appending process. Backed by accurate and complete data from the append, you can:

  • Personalize outreach: Marketers use data to personalize communication, content, and offers to match each recipient’s needs and preferences. Customizing outreach to suit individual donors makes for a memorable supporter experience. Appending demographic and behavioral data can help nonprofits personalize communication.
  • Update contact information: When a supporter’s information does change, appending emails, phone numbers, and other contact information allows you to stay connected without needing to get in touch with them. 
  • Cultivate donor relationships: Sending appeals based on accurate data allows you to present valuable engagement opportunities and communicate that you care about each individual donor. When you send messages that fit donors’ interests and demographic details, they’re more likely to respond positively to your outreach.

Ultimately, data appending can enhance your understanding of supporters, which will shine through in your outreach. With your append, you get the data you need to drive greater fundraising outcomes and forge stronger supporter relationships.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

How Data Appending Works

At the surface level, data appending seems like a simple process, but there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes to ensure accuracy and completeness. For the most part, your provider will take care of all the nitty-gritty details, such as gathering the data, ensuring it’s accurate, and formatting it to easily fit into your CRM. 

NPOInfo’s guide to data append services offers a look behind the scenes of what your provider will do to make sure the data will be usable for your nonprofit:

These are the steps a data append service provider will follow.

  1. Format the data from the nonprofit to be consistent, usually in a comma-separated value (CSV) format, in order to be analyzed correctly.
  2. Upload the data into a single file and send it via the service’s secure file transfer protocol.
  3. Match the organization’s database with the data in the external source by using your donors’ unique identifiers, such as their names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  4. Enhance the data by filling in missing information and correcting inaccurate data based on the corresponding records in the organization’s database.
  5. Verify and validate the appended data to ensure accuracy and completeness. This ensures the supplemental data is high-quality and will be useful for the client, which in this case is your nonprofit. 
  6. Send the data file to the client to be downloaded for their use. The file can be offered in essentially any format your nonprofit needs.

On your nonprofit’s end, the process is much simpler. From the nonprofit perspective, all you need to do is send your constituent information to a provider. You can streamline the process by taking the time to clean your database beforehand by removing duplicate information, unnecessary data, and donor profiles you don’t need (such as the information of deceased and long-since lapsed donors). 

But if you just want to send your data append provider your database information in its current state, you can do that, too. Whatever the state of your database, your service provider will take it from there! 

Types of Data You Can Append

As a nonprofit marketer, you’re likely flooded with new data points at every turn. With all the constituent data you collect through volunteer registrations, event sign-ups, and donations, it can be challenging to filter it down to the most helpful details.

When it comes to data appending, we already know the burning question on everyone’s mind: What information is actually worth appending?

Before getting an append, ensure you know which information will actually propel your marketing and fundraising efforts forward. While the append service will be happy to take you as a client, purchasing data you don’t need is far from the best use of your nonprofit’s resources.

Of course, what is the right data depends on your nonprofit’s unique situation. To help you get an idea of what you should request, here’s an overview of the most common types of data nonprofits need from appends:

Types of donor data points to append

As the graphic shows, there are a wide number of specific data points you can get from an append, but all of these can be sorted into roughly three categories.

Contact Information

Like we’ve touched on, your constituents move, change their phone numbers, and get new email addresses all the time. Having accurate contact information allows you to successfully deliver appeals and stay in contact without interruption.

Leverage data appending to verify contact information, including:

  • Phone numbers. Contacting donors via text or phone call is one of the most personal ways you can connect with your supporters. It also opens the door to innovative fundraising strategies like text banking and text-to-give. Phone number appends ensure you have the right phone number for each supporter at all times.
  • Email addresses. Email marketing remains one of the most lucrative digital marketing avenues for nonprofits. Whether you’re making fundraising appeals, sending out volunteer schedules, or providing an update on your latest project, make sure you have the right email addresses for supporters with this data append.
  • Postal addresses. Digital marketing might be the default for your outreach, but some supporters still prefer the personal touch of direct mail. Plus, knowing people’s addresses allows you to send them engagement opportunities based on their location, such as inviting nearby supporters to in-person events and remote ones to virtual activities. Ensure your solicitations, thank-you letters, and event invitations are delivered to the right addresses with a postal address append.
  • Social profiles. As a marketer, you know the immense power that social media holds to connect you with a global audience. Get in touch with current supporters and inspire them to share your cause online by finding their social media profiles. Boost your presence online by reaching out to loyal supporters to ask them to follow you and share your posts. 

Communication is the foundation of nearly all nonprofit’s fundraising efforts, making this one of the most helpful types of data appends. If your email bounce rates have skyrocketed or you get sent straight to voicemail, a data append can verify whether you have the right contact details for constituents.

Employer Data

We can’t emphasize the importance of corporate philanthropy enough. Between matching gifts and volunteer grants, your nonprofit has a lot to gain from promoting these opportunities to supporters.

However, to promote these opportunities to the right supporters who actually qualify, you need accurate employer data for constituents. That’s where an employer append comes in handy. NXUnite’s guide to data appending explains that knowing employment details empowers your team to:

  • Uncover corporate giving opportunities. Knowing where your donors and volunteers work enables you to find their employers’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) guidelines. Then, you can determine your supporters’ eligibility for matching donations and volunteer grants.
  • Identify corporate partnerships. If several of your supporters work for the same company, that’s an indicator that the business might be a strong candidate for a corporate partnership, such as a sponsorship or an arranged corporate volunteer day. Use that information to kickstart a conversation with the company. You might even have supporters facilitate introductions with company leaders.
  • Estimate wealth data. While not a direct wealth indicator, knowing who employs your donors and what their roles are can help you estimate their incomes and giving abilities. Though append services can’t provide you with donors’ salary information, some may be able to provide job titles, which at the very least lets you know if a donor is working in an entry-level position or has risen to a senior management position. 

Between driving donor engagement and establishing meaningful corporate partnerships, employer appending has quite a few benefits worth looking into. We recommend pulling this information if you’re looking to tap into the world of corporate giving or need help identifying major giving prospects.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising with an employer append from Double the Donation.


A supporter’s demographics can give you insight into their backgrounds, values, and philanthropic priorities. This type of data append allows you to extract important background details like:

  • Net worth
  • Ages and dates of birth
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity and race
  • Marital status
  • Political affiliation
  • Lifestyle attributes like hobbies and interests

Whether you want to send a birthday gift or verify contacts have a certain political affiliation, demographic data appends allow you to deliver highly personalized outreach that speaks to supporters’ interests.

Other Resources to Explore

Appends provide nonprofits with the data they need to strengthen their support relationships, build lasting connections, and make strategic marketing decisions. Supplement and update your database with the information you need to stay current with your supporters’ busy lives. 

The right append for your nonprofit depends on your engagement strategy and current data-gathering practices. Curious to learn more about data appending? Check out these breakdowns on specific append types: 

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

Double the Donation and Fundmetric Answer the Call for Advanced Matching Gifts Integration

Double the Donation is proud to unveil a new partnership with the fundraising AI ecosystem Fundmetric to provide integrated matching gifts functionality to schools, universities, and nonprofits. Fundmetric and Double the Donation’s integration combines the power of 360MatchPro, the world’s leading matching gift automation platform, with the modern flow Fundmetric’s fundraising environment. 

“Fundmetric and Double the Donation’s partnership opens up opportunities for schools and charitable organizations to get the most from their advanced fundraising strategy,” said Mark Hobbs, CEO at Fundmetric. “Integrating DTD’s tools into our donation pages help donors get their donations matched with more speed and ease than ever.”

If organizations’ donors have trouble navigating the world of matching gifts, or maybe don’t even know about matching gifts in the first place, this could mean thousands upon thousands of dollars of lost revenue for the nonprofits these donors support. Fundmetric and 360MatchPro disrupt the status quo by introducing donors to their matching gift potentials. 

“Schools and nonprofits miss out on billions of dollars each year in matching gift revenue, and we’re here to change that,” said Adam Weinger, President at Double the Donation. “We’re proud to offer our mutual clients an answer to their request for functionality that shakes up the matching gifts process for the better.”

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts

The activation process for organizations looking to activate their integration between Fundmetric and 360MatchPro is quick and easy. All a verified user has to do is retrieve their public and private API keys from their 360MatchPro account, plug them into their Fundmetric integration settings, and add Double the Donation’s tools anywhere they’d like within their desired Fundmetric donation forms.

Enter your public and private API keys to activate the integration.

Once this is complete, donors will be able to discover their match eligibility during their giving flow and take their next actions directly from the confirmation page.

Donors can discover details on their chosen company’s matching gift program.

Actionable analytics and real-time data flow into the organizations’ connected accounts so they can continue their matching gift strategy with personalized follow ups and more.

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

Double the Donation and Fundmetric set out to complete an integration that utilized smart data, helped orgs get set up easily, and took donor impact to the next level. See more value from the integration with the following features: 

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

Interested in increasing your fundraising revenue with matching gifts? Request a demo today to get started with corporate gift matching through Fundmetric and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. 

About Fundmetric: Fundmetric is an AI data ecosystem that connects siloed data, enabling teams to maximize lifetime giving and increase predictability of revenue. Build your highest-converting lists and cultivate constituent interests using behavioral data and machine learning. Fundmetric’s flexible infrastructure leverages the ability to execute optimized campaigns and capture the attention of your donors in a noisy world. To learn more about Fundmetric visit and request a demo at

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit and request a demo at

Double the Donation and Givecloud Debut Matching Gifts Integration for Nonprofits

Double the Donation is proud to announce our new integration in partnership with Givecloud, making the matching gift process easier for nonprofits and donors alike. 

“In a world where so many vendors make empty promises about increasing fundraising, it’s great to have a partner like Double the Donation, ” says Josh Bloomfield, CEO at GiveCloud. “360MatchPro moves the needle for our nonprofits in a very practical way.”

The integrated solution offers an answer to nonprofits asking for a solution to streamline their matching gifts strategy for their online donors, closing the awareness gap that normally prevents nonprofit organizations from seeing matching gift success. 

“Far too many donors are unaware of their matching gift potential when they make a gift to a nonprofit organization,” said Adam Weinger, President at Double the Donation. “Our integration with Givecloud will help donors deepen their impact by enabling them to pursue a match with confidence.”

Read on to learn more about the new integrated solution!

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

The activation process for mutual users of 360MatchPro by Double the Donation and Givecloud is simple. All nonprofit organizations need to do is retrieve their API keys from their 360MatchPro account, plug them into their Givecloud settings page, and start raising more from matching gifts right away!

Simply enter your public and private API keys to activate your integration.

For donors who give on a Givecloud Fundraising Form, they’ll be presented with the opportunity to search their company name directly after making a payment. Then, they’ll receive automated emails from 360MatchPro prompting them to take their next steps and drive their match to completion.

Allow your donors to search their employer to find their eligibility.

The process is seamless from start to finish, making matching gifts as easy as making the initial donation. From here, nonprofits can track and manage their matching gifts strategy from their 360MatchPro platform.

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro! 

The integration between Givecloud forms and 360MatchPro and Double the Donation unlock the door for nonprofit organizations to claim more matching gift revenue made available to them by their donors’ employers. Check out these additional features: 

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

Interested in increasing your fundraising revenue with matching gifts? Request a demo today to get started with corporate gift matching through Givecloud and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. 

About Givecloud: Nonprofits use Givecloud’s innovative Trustraising™ platform to create digital fundraising experiences that  excite donors and increase donations, advocacy and loyalty so they can spend more time and money on their mission and less on administration.  Established nonprofits can easily integrate Givecloud with their existing donor management systems.

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit and request a demo at

Haku Integrates with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation for Advanced Matching Gifts Functionality

Double the Donation and haku have joined in collaboration to bring the power of matching gifts to nonprofit organizations by implementing an integration between haku donation forms and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation.

“We are thrilled to launch our partnership with Double the Donation. This innovative platform is one of the most advanced ways of helping nonprofit organizations increase their impact by deepening their corporate matching programs,” said Jaclyn Levi, Chief Strategy Officer at haku. “As a company dedicated to helping our customers drive their impact in seamless and efficient ways, haku’s partnership with Double the Donation is an ideal fit.”

The new integration allows nonprofits to interact with their donors directly after a gift is made, presenting them with information about their company’s matching gift program and encouraging them to take their next steps toward matching gift request submission.

“Double the Donation has been the leader in matching gifts automation software for years now, and we’ve found that the most effective way to get more from matching gifts is by meeting donors where they are,” said Adam Weinger, President at Double the Donation. “Our integration with haku allows nonprofits to engage with new donors and raise awareness about matching gifts in an exciting way.”

The integration is now available for all mutual clients of haku and Double the Donation to activate on their various donation forms.

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts

The activation process is incredibly easy thanks to the native integration between 360MatchPro and haku. Organizations who have a 360MatchPro account can enter their haku account and enter their API keys into whichever donation form builder they’d like and toggle the integration to active.

Once this step is complete, orgs are ready to go with their matching gift outreach! Directly after the giving process, donors will be able to easily find if they are match eligible through the auto-complete search field on the 360MatchPro matching gifts plugin.

From here, donors can immediately take their next steps toward getting their gift matched, and the nonprofit is apprised of updates along the way in real time!

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro

haku and Double the Donation’s integrated solution aims to provide nonprofits with an easy-to-use and intuitive solution to their matching gift outreach needs. Some more features allow organizations to:

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

Interested in increasing your fundraising revenue with matching gifts? Request a demo today to get started with corporate gift matching through haku and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation.

About haku: haku is a technology platform enabling non-profits to more effectively and efficiently grow their impact. Through our innovative all-in-one platform and unwavering customer service, non-profits have an easy, effective, and customizable way to engage supporters through a myriad of fundraising channels with haku.

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit and request a demo at

How to Manage Your CyberGrants Portal For Smart Nonprofits

How to Manage Your CyberGrants Portal [For Smart Nonprofits]

Corporate matching gifts are one of the best ways for nonprofits to maximize their fundraising with bonus donations and increased donor engagement. And how exactly do nonprofit organizations receive funding through these matching programs? It all starts with a request from the initial donor and typically is processed through a corporate giving or CSR platform.

In terms of CSR platforms, one key platform to keep in mind is CyberGrants.

Corporate giving platforms like CyberGrants are sold to corporations looking to manage their philanthropy. But there’s another side of the platform that is designed specifically for nonprofits⁠—a portal with which fundraisers can manage their incoming matches, verify initial donations, facilitate volunteer grant requests, and more. And best of all? It’s free!

If you’re interested in learning more about CyberGrants for nonprofits and how to best manage your CyberGrants portal for maximal success, you’ve certainly come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the following:

In the end, you should have a solid foundation of knowledge surrounding CyberGrants and its nonprofit-specific tools that can lead your organization in the right direction.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started with the basics.

What to Know About CyberGrants

With over 400 corporate customers, CyberGrants is one of the largest providers of matching gift and corporate giving software for companies⁠, and it’s known for allowing the most customization of any CSR platform. In summary, each company that organizes a matching gift program through CyberGrants can adjust its donation verification process, types of gifts to match, email notifications, number of subaccounts, and more.

From the perspective of the organizations receiving the matches, this can sometimes lead to an overwhelming process. That’s why we recommend nonprofits setting themselves up for CyberGrants success by documenting and keeping up with the information they need to complete their end of the matching gift process. And we’re here to provide you with tips and tricks on how to do so!

How to Manage Your CyberGrants Portal - and what to know about CyberGrants

Benefits of CyberGrants for Nonprofits

Some of the largest matching gift companies in the world⁠—including Verizon, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, American Express, and many more⁠—use CyberGrants to manage their corporate giving. The more companies that utilize any particular platform, the more likely your organization is to qualify for matching gifts made available through said platform. Thus, CyberGrants is a particularly beneficial portal to get started with.

Learn how to manage your CyberGrants portal so you can accept matches from companies like these.

From there, registering your organization with the nonprofit portal will allow you to increase the visibility of your cause among charitable givers, elevate your matching gift eligibility, and simplify matching gift requests for your donors⁠—all of which elevate the likelihood of matches being driven to completion.

Not to mention, pre-registering your cause with platforms like CyberGrants will streamline the process for you and your team when matching gifts do become available. You’ll already have the legwork down, meaning you’re ready to verify gifts and accept matches with ease.

CyberGrants’ Matching Gift Verification Process Overview

The exact matching gift process⁠—from initial donation and employer match request to nonprofit verification and corporate match disbursement⁠—can vary greatly from one company to the next. On the nonprofit end, one of the biggest priorities has to do with verifying with the company that an employee donor’s contribution was actually made.

Today, the majority of companies that use CyberGrants require the NPO in question to verify that the organization received the employee’s initial donation. However, other employers do not require manual verification at all, instead opting to authenticate donations through gift receipts or rely on the goodwill of their employees.

For each matching gift request from CyberGrants, the NPO will receive a unique Gift ID to identify that donation via automated email. From there, the Gift ID and donor’s last name will be used to verify the donation in the CyberGrants portal. Depending on the company’s settings, a donation amount, contribution date, and access code may be provided as well.

Take a look at this example of a matching gift request;

Learn how to manage your CyberGrants portal with sample emails.

Meanwhile, here’s a sample matching gift request with different information, including an access code;

Learn how to manage your CyberGrants portal with sample emails.

In each sample email, the organization is prompted to follow the instructions provided by CyberGrants on behalf of the donor’s employer. In both cases, the matching gift recipient is asked to navigate to the CyberGrants website, enter the supplied information, and verify the donor’s gift.

From there, the company can approve the match and disburse the appropriate funding to the organization.

FAQ | How to Manage Your CyberGrants Portal

Still have questions? Many organizations do⁠. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most-asked questions (and answers) from nonprofits looking to manage their CyberGrants portals to produce the greatest results.

What is FrontDoor?

FrontDoor is CyberGrants’ consolidated portal with which nonprofits can register to manage and verify gifts across employers and programs with ease.

Currently, companies that utilize CyberGrants for matching gift management have the choice to opt into participating via FrontDoor’s portal. At this time, CyberGrants is actively advocating for more companies to get started with FrontDoor⁠ and make the most of innovative features, such as the Donations Tab. This allows nonprofit users to verify donations in a single window, rather than requiring that they manually log into each company or subaccount’s portal through a separate URL.

Here’s what it looks like for nonprofit users;

How to manage your CyberGrants portal using FrontDoor

Overall, FrontDoor makes the verification process faster and easier for users and enables nonprofits like yours to get more out of available matching programs.

What are subaccounts?

Subaccounts are essentially additional accounts nested within an organization’s main account and can be created by the nonprofit itself or by a donor, depending on a company’s subaccount creation and management settings.

Let’s take a look at a company with a few subaccounts nested in their main portal;

How to manage your CyberGrants portal with subaccounts

And here’s a company that chose to create a central portal with no subaccounts;

How to manage your CyberGrants portal with no subaccounts

Generally, subaccounts can reflect an organization’s multiple chapters, branches, or locations within the organization, or they can be nominated by a donor who didn’t see an account that reflected their desired organization. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the more subaccounts in a portal, the greater the likelihood that there will be matching gift requests that end up “hiding” from them.

Most companies have subaccounts within their company portal. The number of subaccounts able to be created is dictated by the company (for example, there might be an unlimited number of subaccounts that can be created or this ability may not even be available to their employees). Some have over 70, while others have only a central portal or 2-3 subaccounts.

Why do we receive grants from companies for which we have not confirmed any matching gift requests?

Not all companies require verification from the organization for matching gifts and volunteer grant requests. Typically, if a company doesn’t ask the nonprofit to verify a gift or volunteer hours, it is because the employee has already verified the gift by attaching a donation receipt or proof of hours volunteered with their submission request.

Some, but not all, of these companies will send email notices of approved requests that let the nonprofit know when a payment is on the way. Companies may also utilize CyberGrants to allow their employees to make payroll deductions to an organization, which may or may not result in an email notification being triggered through the system.

What happens if we receive a request we don’t qualify for?

Occasionally, your organization may receive a gift verification request from a company even though your cause doesn’t qualify for the company’s matching program. For example, this may occur in cases where a company matches solely to educational institutions or won’t match to religious or politically affiliated organizations, and your organization falls into an excluded category.

However, regardless of the company’s requirements, employees can still submit match requests, which is why your team may see ineligible verification requests flowing in. Even if your organization verifies the initial gift in your portal, it’s likely that the company will reject the match request and no payment will be sent.

Will all pending matching gift and volunteer grant requests show up on the Donations Tab?

Unfortunately, not all requests will show up in FrontDoor’s Donations Tab. Some companies have opted out of using the tab entirely, whereas others have opted in only partially. In these cases, some requests may not populate in your organization’s Donations Tab.

To know if a particular company has opted in, you can submit a support request to the company via CyberGrants. From there, we recommend recording and organizing their response so your organization can develop the proper verification process in the future.

Why is there a gift under the Donations Tab that is from a company not listed under the Company Portals Tab?

If a gift is listed under the Donations Tab and not under the Company Portals Tab, the company might be new to CyberGrants and is still being configured. Or alternatively, this is your organization’s first gift request from the company.

The gift can be confirmed in the Donations Tab, but you will likely want to add the company to your sidebar for easier access to future gifts. To do so, input the donor’s last name and the gift ID into the Add Company section at the bottom of the portal’s sidebar. Submit and confirm access, and the company should be visible immediately after refreshing the page. If not, you can send a support ticket, and CyberGrants should be able to add the company from their end.

Best Practices for Nonprofits Using CyberGrants

Now that you understand the basics of CyberGrants, let’s go over a few tried-and-true tips for making the most of the platform.

To simplify the process as much as possible and minimize the amount of overhead required, we recommend the following;

1. Create a login sheet.

Companies that have yet to fully transition to CyberGrants’ FrontDoor have a different link to their company portal that cannot be accessed through the main FrontDoor link.
As such, it’s a good idea for organizations to identify those that don’t use FrontDoor and establish and maintain detailed documentation for these companies⁠—including the URL and login information for each.

Additionally, it’s ideal that an organization uses the same contact information for each company portal beyond FrontDoor. Most essentially, be sure to utilize a single email address for your CyberGrants logins as the main notification channel for gift verifications. This will establish that all emails requesting confirmation of gifts will be sent to the correct inbox that your staff will have access to and know to check on a regular basis.

2. Establish a process for locating “hidden” gifts.

Each company that uses CyberGrants can configure if and how they want to notify organizations about new matching gift requests⁠—and some companies opt not to enable notifications at all.

As a result, nonprofits should have an established system in place to regularly check for matching gift requests that either ⁠—

  • Don’t show up in the Donations Tab;
  • Haven’t been automatically emailed to the organization.

Fortunately, these “hidden” gift requests should make up a small percentage of the total gift requests that the nonprofit receives, so these checks could be infrequent⁠—such as a few times a year.

Keep in mind that although many companies allow twelve or more months for submitted requests to be approved by the organization, some offer as little as 90 days from the date of submission. Thus, teams should factor each company’s deadlines into their decision-making process regarding exactly how frequently to check that company’s portal for gifts.

3. Make a plan for subaccounts.

Sometimes, an organization will receive an email from CyberGrants informing them that a company’s employee has nominated the nonprofit for inclusion in their Employee Giving Program. When this occurs, the organization has a few options regarding how it can respond.

For example, the nonprofit can choose to follow the instructions provided in the email to review and edit the information in the nomination request. Then, they can later confirm it, which will create a new subaccount in that company’s portal.

Alternatively, the organization can respond to the request and ask that CyberGrants associate the nominated account with one of the existing subaccounts for that company. This option can be helpful when the organization has several existing subaccounts and does not want any more to manage and follow up with. (Hint: Nonprofits should especially monitor and limit the number of subaccounts created in portals that utilize hidden gifts.)

4. Produce a “Portal Information” document.

To simplify gift verification, we recommend that nonprofits have a dedicated document they can reference while confirming initial donations. This document should host basic details about your organization (such as mailing address, contact information, EIN, and more) and ACH information, if applicable.

Each company requires different data for its verification process. Some ask for little to no information, while others may request a list of current board members, race/ethnicity breakdowns of the population served, and even the nonprofit’s annual budget. Having a unified location from which to derive all these particulars will make it significantly easier for the organization to confirm its pending gift requests.

CyberGrants is an invaluable tool for nonprofits looking to make the most of matching gifts. By managing your organization’s portal well and taking steps to streamline and standardize matching gift requests, you can set your team up for ongoing success using all the resources at your disposal.

Interested in learning more about matching gift programs and best practices to maximize your organization’s success? Check out our other educational resources:

Get started with matching gift best practices, with Double the Donation.

How to advocate for a matching gift program to your employer

How to Advocate for a Matching Gift Program to Your Employer

Matching gifts are one of the simplest and most impactful ways for nonprofit donors to amplify their support for their favorite causes. Unfortunately, not all companies offer these initiatives⁠—which is why you’re searching for best practices on how to advocate for a matching gift program.

You’ve come to the right place! Double the Donation is full of experts on matching gift programs, and we’ve compiled a list of easy tips for individual employees to take in order to effectively communicate the value of matching gift programs to the corporate leaders at their company.

Specifically, we recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Cover the basics of matching gift programs.
  2. Explain the benefits of matching employee gifts.
  3. Highlight similar businesses with matching gift programs.
  4. Share resources to streamline program development.
  5. Emphasize simplicity with auto-submission and CSR platforms.
  6. Use a template to communicate your request.

In this guide, we’ll walk through each practice in detail. Ready to learn more about how to convince your boss to build a matching gift program?

Let’s begin!

1. Cover the basics of matching gift programs.

First things first, it’s a good idea to begin with a solid foundation of knowledge regarding workplace giving programs and matching gifts. Not only will this help you to understand the value of the constantly growing opportunity, but it can also enable you to better advocate for the programs to your employer.

Matching gifts are one of the most popular forms of corporate philanthropy⁠—both in terms of the number of programs available and the high regard for the initiatives among companies, employees, and nonprofits alike.

This is typically an ongoing opportunity where a company agrees to match monetary donations their team members make to qualifying nonprofit causes. For example, Employee A decides to contribute $100 to Nonprofit B. Employee A then submits a match request to their employer, Company C. Company C reviews the submission, verifies the initial gift, and makes their own corporate donation to Nonprofit B. In the end, Nonprofit B receives double the funding, while Employee A is able to see their dollars make a larger impact and their employer support the causes that they care about.

Knowing the basics of matching gifts can help advocate for a matching gift program.

It helps to make your request as detailed as possible so your employer knows exactly what your matching gift program entails and isn’t surprised down the line. A helpful timeline to include is the general steps of starting a matching gift program. Consider these essential steps from re: charity’s Guide to Starting a Corporate Matching Gift Program:

  1. Establish your minimum and maximum giving amounts
  2. Determine which types of causes and which employees are eligible for participation 
  3. Create a submission process
  4. Launch your program

Most matching gifts go unclaimed due to employees being unaware that their company offers a matching gift program. Thus, your company should prioritize promoting your program to employees so it can achieve its maximum potential.

You may also want to take the opportunity to highlight typical matching gift parameters. Each company that builds a matching gift program has the chance to set its own matching gift ratio, minimum and maximum match amounts, submission deadline, and more. They can even determine which types of employees and nonprofits are eligible to participate, thus tailoring the program to meet the company’s specific needs and abilities.

In order to provide some more context into what existing companies are doing, we also have key statistics and benchmarks that can be shared. For example, 93% of companies have a minimum match requirement of less than or equal to $50, with the average landing at $34. On the other end of the spectrum, 80% of companies’ matching gift maximums fall between $500 and $10,000 annually per employee, for a mean of $3,728. And when it comes to ratios, 91% of companies match at a 1:1 rate, while 4% match at a lower rate (such as .5:1) and 5% match at a higher rate (such as 2:1, 3:1, or even 4:1).

2. Explain the benefits of matching employee gifts.

Once you have the basics of matching gift programs down, it’ll be essential to understand and communicate the range of ways in which a company can benefit from offering employee matching gifts. As your employer considers developing a matching program, it’s important to continuously highlight the value that will be derived from it.

Use these stats to advocate for a matching gift program at your company.

Specifically, we can break things down into both internal and external advantages.


People want to work for companies that support the greater good. That’s why businesses that give back to the community tend to see:

  • Increased levels of employee engagement. When employees feel good about the companies they work for, they’ll be more likely to be highly engaged in their jobs. By matching employee donations, a company can elevate engagement levels while simultaneously giving back to their communities and society as a whole.
  • Higher rates of team member productivity. This piggybacks off of employee engagement. Highly engaged employees are more likely to see high levels of productivity in their roles, having been increasingly inspired to drive forward the company and its success with their own efforts.
  • Longer staff tenures overall. More and more, individuals are looking for companies to work for that make a difference. When businesses offer socially responsible benefits such as matching gift programs, employees will have fewer reasons to seek employment elsewhere.
  • Opportunities to attract new talent to the workforce. Individuals looking for employment with companies that benefit nonprofits, and specifically the causes their employees care about, will be more likely to apply and accept positions with CSR-focused businesses.

In fact, research shows that over 77% of surveyed individuals report a sense of purpose as part of the reason they selected their current employer, while more than 54% of employees who are proud of their company’s contributions to society report being fully engaged in their job. Even more, 55% reported being willing to take a pay cut to work for a socially responsible company.

Corporate leaders know that a positive work environment is essential to running a successful business. Thus, philanthropy is key⁠—and giving directly to employees’ favorite causes through matching gifts can produce even greater results than supporting nonprofits in a more general sense.


The reasons to launch a matching gift program don’t stop at internal benefits, either. Companies can also see substantial advantages when it comes to their consumers.

Research into CSR, and specifically matching gifts, reports that 77% of consumers are motivated to purchase from companies committed to making the world a better place and that over 90% of consumers are likely to switch to brands supporting good causes. Plus, 66% of consumers would pay more to socially and environmentally responsible businesses.

Thus, if businesses are looking to best appeal to their buyers, they know to contribute to nonprofit causes and that matching gifts are an effective way to do it. Because consumers are now expecting⁠—and even demanding⁠—social responsibility from their favorite brands, not participating in such programs can even cause businesses to lose out on a major competitive advantage.

3. Highlight similar businesses with matching gift programs.

One of the most impactful ways to persuade your employer to launch a matching gift initiative is to show them a number of well-known businesses that are already doing so. It’s its own kind of social proof! They’ll see other companies, perhaps even their competitors, benefiting from matching employee donations and be increasingly inspired to get involved.

You can even provide examples based on the industry in which you’re employed. For instance, let’s say you work for a bank. You may consider the following companies’ match programs as a model:

  • Truist Bank ⁠— matches full-time employees’ donations of between $50 and $2,500 at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofit organizations
  • PNC Financial Services Group ⁠— matches full-time employees’ donations of between $50 and $2,500 at up to a 4:1 ratio to many nonprofit organizations
  • Bank of America ⁠— matches current employees’ donations of between $24 and $5,000 at a 1:1 ratio to nearly all nonprofit organizations

Meanwhile, if you work for a retailer, you might highlight programs from companies like these:

  • The Home Depot ⁠— matches current employees’ donations of between $25 and $3,000 at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofit organizations
  • Gap Corporation ⁠— matches current and retired employees’ donations of between $10 and $10,000 at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofit organizations
  • Macy’s ⁠— matches current and retired employees’ donations of between $25 and $500 at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofit organizations

Perhaps you’re employed by an airline. In that case, get inspired by Alaska Airlines’ matching gift program. Work for a hotel? Check out Choice Hotels’ standout program!

Or, if you want to provide a few matching gift companies in the same area as your employer, we’ve produced several geographic-based lists to help. Encourage your company to look at examples of powerful matching gift programs in Boston, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Miami, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and so on. Just search “matching gift companies in [the city of your choice]” to locate even more inspirational programs.

The bottom line is that there are tons of existing matching gift companies to aspire to. By sharing sample programs with your employer, you can help inspire them to take steps to develop their own initiative.

4. Share resources to streamline program development.

One of the most significant roadblocks for many companies interested in matching gifts is that they simply don’t know where to start. You can help remove obstacles before they occur by sharing useful resources from the beginning.

For example, we created a step-by-step guide on how to establish a matching gift program for companies in situations just like this. This resource covers key undertakings, which include setting a budget and objectives, determining eligibility criteria, promoting the program to employees, tracking data and making improvements, and more. Or we’ve also created a free downloadable template that companies can use to customize their program policies.

If you’re interested in other corporate-facing assets, we have these resources as well:

Feel free to forward the guides to your employer to help kick things into action.

5. Emphasize simplicity with auto-submission and CSR platforms.

A common hindrance for new companies considering exploring matching gift programs is that it can seem like a significant undertaking—both in terms of getting the program off the ground as well as managing matching gifts in the long run. Luckily, dedicated technology known as CSR or corporate giving platforms enable businesses to launch and facilitate matching programs with ease.

In order to overcome this potential roadblock with your employer, we recommend coming prepared with information about such solutions and how they can help. For example, some corporate giving technology empowers companies and their employees to give quickly and easily with new matching gift auto-submission abilities made available through tightened integrations between nonprofits, donors, companies, and employees.

This innovative functionality allows employers to decrease time spent on matching gift requests for themselves and their employees, consequently resulting in more completed matches, and amplifying the ROI of these programs.

Advocating for a matching gift program with auto-submission

6. Use a template to communicate your request.

Now, it’s time to put everything together and begin actively advocating for a matching gift program at your company. During this stage, you want to ensure your matching gift program request is as well-thought-out and well-written as possible. You also want to make sure you can hit all the points discussed above.

Get a headstart on drafting a message to your employer by utilizing a customizable template like this:

Subject line: Request for a corporate matching gift program

Hi [manager or HR representative name],

I am writing to request the addition of a corporate matching gift program at [company name].

If you weren’t aware, thousands of companies across the globe have begun establishing employee matching gift programs as a way to support their staffs and the nonprofit causes they contribute to. Companies that offer these programs essentially agree to match gifts made by their employees to qualifying nonprofit causes with their own corporate donations.

This is an extremely beneficial program to host for every party involved⁠—including the company, its employees, and the nonprofits they support. For the companies specifically, matching gift programs tend to result in substantial advantages in terms of employee engagement and retention, opportunities to attract competitive candidates, improved brand image, and even increasing sales.

And on the employee’s end, team members love knowing that their employer is willing to contribute to their favorite causes; hence, why they end up having longer tenures in the business and seeing higher levels of engagement than ever before.

In order to best understand the impact that matching gifts can have on [company name], I recommend checking out matching programs from well-known businesses such as General Electric, Gap Corporation, Coca-Cola Company, and the Home Depot.

If you’d like to take steps to establish a matching gift program for the company, Double the Donation has provided a detailed guide that walks corporate leaders through the process. You can access this resource here in hopes that it will help simplify the creation of such a beneficial program and use this free template to kickstart your policy creation.

Thank you for your consideration,

[Your name]
[Job position]
[Contact information]

If you choose to go with a face-to-face meeting with management, feel free to use the above template as conversation talking points or a presentation follow-up message instead. Overall, a combination of verbal and written communication touch-points is likely going to produce the greatest results.

More and more companies are developing matching gift programs, and your employer just might be one of them. By promoting the opportunity to the decision-makers at the company you work for, you can help communicate the increasing demand for this type of socially responsible corporate initiative.

Best of luck!

Interested in diving deeper into matching gifts and other corporate philanthropy initiatives to help prepare your company for success? Explore our other educational resources here:

Double the Donation can help individuals advocate for a matching gift program.

Matching gift videos, tips and examples

Matching Gift Videos | Examples and Best Practices

Corporate matching gifts can significantly benefit any institution’s fundraising efforts. Raising awareness of the programs is essential, however, as available opportunities are often overlooked, especially for organizations developing a new matching gift program. For nonprofits, schools, and other fundraising organizations, matching gift videos may be just the answer you were looking for.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of matching gift videos (and how to create the most impactful content for your audience), as well as share high-performing examples from organizations to be inspired by. Feel free to explore the following topics:

In the age of YouTube, TikTok, social media reels, and more, video is a favorite channel for content creators to share important information and engage with their audiences. And, when done well, viewers love to watch them⁠ (on average, for a total of 100+ minutes a day).

When it comes to matching gifts, you may already have a good amount of content on your website⁠—perhaps a dedicated match page, informative blog posts, and even a matching gift widget on your donation forms.

But did you know that research indicates viewers retain significantly more of a message when they watch it in video format (95%) compared to written text (10%)? Thus, matching gift videos can be a powerful tool for effectively marketing matching gift opportunities to your institution’s supporters.

Let’s dive in with a few tried-and-true tips and tricks for creating optimized matching gift video content.

6 Best Practices for Producing Impactful Matching Gift Videos

A well-made video has the ability to engage its audience from beginning to end, share vital information that is processed and retained, and remain at the top of the viewers’ minds for long after the last second is up. Plus, video has only gotten increasingly popular according to shifting trends.

Follow these tips to create a video that elevates your matching gift strategy and meets the above standards and more.

1. Embed the video on your matching gift web page.

In order for your matching gift video to produce the greatest results, you’ll want to ensure it reaches the widest audience. One of the best ways to do so is by embedding the video directly into your organization’s matching gift page. After all, this is where supporters will navigate to learn more about matching gift program opportunities, so it makes sense that it’s the key location in which your video will live. Then, be sure to share your matching gift page with supporters and potential donors alike.

We also recommend incorporating your video in donor-facing communications such as donation receipts and gift acknowledgments, as well as any campaign landing pages for giving days, peer-to-peer fundraisers, annual fund campaigns, and more. The more opportunities you have for donors to engage with your video, the better you’ll fare!

2. Start by introducing matching gifts as a concept.

Before you dive into the nitty gritty of matching gifts in your donor-facing video, it’s a good idea to cover the basics. After all, tons of donors will have never heard of matching gifts prior to being introduced via your newly developed content.

Thus, we recommend starting at the beginning. Explain what corporate matching gift programs are, provide an overview of the wide availability of the initiatives, and emphasize how matches are made possible through the direct actions of individual donors.

3. Highlight how quick and simple the matching process is.

Most companies with matching gift programs offer a simple request process that can be kicked off online in less than five minutes. However, donors who don’t understand what’s involved in matching gift programs may assume that it’s a significant undertaking.

Be sure to emphasize the speed and simplicity of the donor’s end of the process! Typically, all it takes is some basic information about the donor, their initial donation, and the organization they supported.

You might even mention how it’s typically an entirely digitized submission experience, often involving an online portal or PDF form to complete. Plus, some companies now offer auto-submission, allowing their employees to submit a request in just a few clicks without ever leaving the organization’s giving page!

4. Keep your content short, sweet, and to the point.

There’s a ton you could say about matching gifts if you were, for example, giving a multi-hour lecture on workplace giving programs. In your matching gift video, however, it’s best to keep it short and sweet.

You’ll want to cover the basics of matching gifts and provide enough of a foundation to draw donors in and inspire them to participate. But you don’t want to lose your audience’s attention, so you’ll want to stick with an overview (with a call to action to dive in). 60 seconds is our recommended run time!

5. Incorporate closed captioning for increased accessibility.

If your matching gift video will include a voiceover or other speaking parts, it’s important to add closed captioning for the text. This will allow for optimal accessibility, enabling individuals who are hard of hearing and those watching without volume to get the most out of your video content.

6. Direct viewers to additional resources.

Your matching gift video is great for providing an overview of matching gift programs quickly and effectively. But it’s not the only source of information on matching gifts you should make available to your supporters. Thus, in your video, we recommend directing viewers to additional resources as well. This may include your dedicated matching gift web page, company search tool, or even resources on Double the Donation’s website.

Sample Matching Gift Videos Created That Work

See our best practices in action by exploring existing matching gift videos created and utilized by organizations like yours. As you watch these videos, consider which elements can be brought into your own video production strategy to drive success.

Virginia Commonwealth University ⁠— You could double your donation! | Matching Gifts

Virginia Commonwealth University produced this video in early 2020 to educate donors about the impact and availability of matching gifts. Get inspired by their matching gift video here:

Summary of the Matching Gift Video

Virginia Commonwealth University’s matching gift video stars two sets of look-alikes, each donning VCU apparel to represent matching gift opportunities to their audience.

The video shows the pairs walking through three key steps that a viewer can take to get their donation matched to VCU⁠. These include navigating to the school’s matching gift page with its embedded company search tool, making an individual donation at the provided giving page URL, and following the instructions provided to request a match.

Here are a few standout screengrabs:

What this Matching Gift Video Does Well

Virginia Commonwealth University’s matching gift video stands out for its:

  • Creative utilization of look-alike individuals to represent corporate gift-matching;
  • Communication of school spirit through the incorporation of branded apparel;
  • Step-by-step overview of the donation and matching gift processes;

Case Western Reserve University ⁠— CRWU Annual Giving Matching Gifts

Case Western Reserve University is another example of a higher education institution that uses a top-notch matching gift video to communicate the importance of corporate matching opportunities. Take a look at their video here:

Summary of the Matching Gift Video

CWRU’s matching gift video utilizes animated elements to highlight matching gift opportunities to viewers. The video begins by likening matching gifts to more common “deals” such as BOGO (buy one, get one free) sales, instant rebates, and more to establish the value of these programs.

From there, they continue to convey that matching gifts are widely available and allow donors to create a greater impact with their gifts while directing the audience to their dedicated matching gift web page to learn more. Finally, they concluded with a powerful data point that states that the school collected nearly $300,000 in matching gift funds the previous year, encouraging viewers to follow suit.

Here are a few standout screengrabs:

What this Matching Gift Video Does Well

Case Western Reserve University’s matching gift video stands out for its:

  • Engaging use of animation to tell the story of matching gifts;
  • Incorporation into CWRU’s dedicated matching gift page, in addition to being posted on the institution’s YouTube page;
  • Symbolism regarding 2-for-1 and BOGO sales as a way to reiterate the impact of corporate gift matches for donors and organizations;
  • Utilization of statistics to effectively communicate the power of matching gifts the school has seen in the past.

Other Unique Ideas for Nonprofit Matching Gift Videos

We’ve shared several tips and examples for effective matching gift videos⁠—but what exactly should your video contain?

Here are some content ideas that can help guide the creation of your nonprofit or school’s matching gift video to ensure it stands out, resonates with your supporters, and drives impact.

Share a constituent story.

One of the main reasons donors participate in matching programs is because they want to increase their impact on a cause they care about. Make the most of that idea by telling specific constituent stories that will connect with your audience and urge them to do more.

For example, consider sharing about one student we’ll call Jack. Jack was able to pursue a degree and thrive at your university thanks to a scholarship opportunity made possible by generous donor funding. Now, enter Jill. When donors request matching gifts on behalf of your institution, it allows you to support twice as many students⁠—including Jack’s sister, Jill.

Use relevant imagery to help visualize matching.

Videos rely on incorporated imagery to grab and maintain viewers’ attention and interest. In order to represent an abstract concept such as matching gifts, we recommend utilizing applicable symbols.

A few of our favorites include a pair of matching (or mismatched) socks and identical gift boxes. Other ideas may include twins or look-alikes (human or otherwise), multiple briefcases or stacks of cash, matching games, or complementary puzzle pieces. The more creative, the better!

Example of imagery in matching gift videos

Conduct a brief matching gift FAQ.

Many donors will have questions about matching gift programs, the role they play in fundraising, and how an individual would get involved. Answer some of the most commonly asked questions rapid-fire style to provide all the information an individual would need to get started and remove possible roadblocks before they even arise.

Alternatively, you could ask your audience what questions they might have about corporate gift-matching, then create a matching gift video for your organization based on the inquiries provided.

Highlight matching gift fundraising statistics.

Matching gift statistics can be one of the most effective ways to communicate the power and prevalence of matching gift program opportunities to your audience.

When a donor hears something like, “$4 to $7 billion in matching gift funds goes unclaimed per year,” or “Over 26 million individuals work for companies with matching gift programs,” they may be more inclined to look into their own matching gift eligibility status and, as a result, request a match on your behalf.

Interested in including matching gift stats? Here are a few of our other favorites:

  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer matching gift programs;
  • An estimated $2-$3 billion is donated through matching gift programs annually;
  • 84% of donors say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered;
  • 1 in 3 donors indicates they’d give a larger gift if matching is applied to their donation.

Matching gift statistics to include in matching gift videos

Emphasize local businesses with matching gift programs.

Many businesses have local roots, which means there are likely many opportunities for corporate matching programs right in your neighborhood. Research a few companies’ programs and consider highlighting the opportunities in your matching gift videos!

For example, if you’re fundraising for an organization in Atlanta, you may choose to highlight companies based out of the city, such as Coca-Cola, Home Depot, IBM, and more. Then, don’t forget to inform your audience that tons more companies across the country or even the globe offer these programs as well. They’re typically not restricted to a single geographic location, meaning all donors should look into their employers’ available matching initiatives.

Bonus! Get a Matching Gift Video From Double the Donation

In case you don’t have an in-house production team, we wanted to make it as quick and as easy as possible to acquire an impactful matching gift video for your audience. That’s why Double the Donation is now offering matching gift video production services!

Existing Double the Donation clients have two options…

Free Generic Matching Gift Video

Getting started with a Double the Donation-branded, 60-second overview of the matching gift opportunity and how Double the Donation’s tools can help is easy⁠—and free!

Ready to download your matching gift video? Simply navigate to the Marketing tab in your account. From there, scroll to the Matching Gift Videos section, locate the FREE Matching Gift Video for Donors, and select Download Now. The video will instantly begin to download to your device, and from there you can upload it to your matching gift page and other fundraising resources.

Free Double the Donation-branded matching gift video

Custom-Branded Matching Gift Video

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a video that will match your organization’s branding and style⁠—complete with your logos, colors, and more⁠—a personalized matching gift video is the way to go. And now, you can request one from the Double the Donation team in seconds for a small fee.

To do so, head to the Marketing tab in your Double the Donation account, and locate the Matching Gift Videos module. Select the Learn More button from the Personalized Video for Your Nonprofit section, and you’ll be prompted to complete a brief form that requests your organization name, logo image file, and primary brand color.

Custom-branded matching gift video

From the time you submit your inquiry, you can expect to receive the completed video in approximately five business days⁠—and it will be delivered straight to the email address indicated on the video request form!

Learn more about requesting a matching gift video from Double the Donation here.

That’s a Wrap!

Matching gift videos can be a particularly effective (and memorable) way to communicate information about matching gift programs and encourage donors to participate. With these tips, tricks, and examples in your back pocket, you should be well on your way to creating impactful videos for your nonprofit or educational institution. Best of luck!

Interested in learning more about strategic matching gift marketing best practices? Check out our other blog posts here:

Get started with matching gift best practices, like matching gift videos, with Double the Donation.

Discover how to design your nonprofit logo in 7 steps.

7 Steps to Design Your Nonprofit Logo

At the end of the day, people expect logos from every business, organization, and nonprofit. Having a good logo is integral to your nonprofit’s branding, just like your organization’s name. A good logo is one that stands out, sticks in your supporters’ minds, and represents your mission.

In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of designing a nonprofit logo, including:

A strong logo design strengthens your organization’s branding and makes a strong first impression on prospective supporters. Along with other promotional materials, your logo should be incorporated into your nonprofit’s graphic design strategy. Your organization should strive to deliver a high-quality logo that represents your mission without having to say a thing.

How to Design a Nonprofit Logo

Step 1: Finalize your name.

Ideally, your nonprofit should already have a compelling name before you embark on your logo design journey. If you don’t have a finalized name or aren’t happy with your current one, focus on ironing out any kinks before you start designing.

This nonprofit logo is an example of using the name in the logo design.One reason to develop a strong name for your nonprofit before designing a logo is that names inform the visual elements of your logo. For example, you might be able to create a clever logo that uses text from your nonprofit’s name to create a symbol that represents your cause. In this logo from Handicap International, the name’s initials (HI) are worked into the hand illustration for an innovative graphic.

Your name also conveys information about your mission and the overall tone your organization carries. The name should cultivate an accurate and engaging first impression of your nonprofit to boost brand recognition. Remember to finalize any spelling and formatting preferences before you design your logo.

Step 2: Develop your core message.

Your organization’s name makes it identifiable to your supporters. Your core message, on the other hand, is influenced by your mission statement and slogan to identify what kind of impact your organization is making.

The values in your core message should guide every decision your nonprofit makes. Whether you’re choosing the right fundraising idea or developing your organization’s marketing strategy, come back to the principles outlined in your core message. Your logo serves as a visual, public-facing way to communicate these principles.

Finalizing your mission statement and creating a strong slogan gives you a solid jumping-off point for developing your logo. A slogan condenses the most important parts of what you do into a few key words. If you get stuck or off track while designing, refer back to your slogan to zero in on key concepts from your mission.

Step 3: Build branded elements.

This nonprofit logo is an example of how green signals an environmental cause.This nonprofit logo is an example of how bright colors convey a message.The best way to develop a strong visual brand for your nonprofit is to create a brand guide. A brand guide is a set of instructions on how to properly communicate your branding across various media channels. Brand guides are the best way to keep your branding consistent, especially if multiple team members create content for your organization.

Your brand guide should inform graphic design decisions across all platforms and channels. Include details like hexadecimal (hex) color codes and typeface names in the guide to encourage consistency down to the smallest details. With a thorough brand guide, any designer can reference it and replicate your nonprofit’s branding in their work.

Keep in mind that visual elements like color can signal things about your nonprofit. For example, this logo from Harlem Children’s Zone uses bold, bright colors. Colors like these communicate the nonprofit’s focus on helping children in the Harlem community with visual cues viewers pick up on at a glance.

Another example of the meaning of color in a logo is Greenpeace’s logo. Green is often associated with nature, environmental causes, and health. By using green in their logo, Greenpeace visually signals that their organization is concerned with creating a greener world.

Step 4: Choose a symbol.

Your organization’s name and core message can be translated into a visual symbol to quickly communicate your mission to supporters. The symbol you choose should represent what your organization does and be as unique as possible.

One way to develop a symbol for your logo is to narrow down your mission statement to just two or three main words. If you have a slogan, use it to inform what you create. Then, brainstorm other word associations and visual elements that communicate your mission.

This nonprofit logo is an example of using text in your logo.This nonprofit logo is an example of using powerful symbolism.Sometimes it’s difficult to think of symbols that truly represent your mission, especially if your cause is complex or abstract. If you feel stuck, try looking at some examples from other nonprofits with a similar mission to see what they used. Use these examples to inspire other ideas for your organization, but avoid outright copying.

We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The Girl Scouts of America logo is a great example of how symbols can convey a powerful visual message that might require lines and lines of text. This logo shows a lucky four-leaf clover and layers the silhouettes of three girls looking forward to the future, indicating the organization’s dedication to progress.

For some nonprofits, simpler is better. Organizations like The Water Trust choose to use only text in their logo. Even if you create a more text-heavy logo, there are still clever ways to include symbols that go the extra mile to convey your mission. In its logo, The Water Trust uses text, color, and clever symbols to convey that its mission involves helping people get water.

Step 5: Create the logo.

Use a nonprofit graphic design service like Kwala.

The best way to get a logo for your nonprofit is to use a graphic design service. While creating the logo yourself can save money, it’s best to invest in professional services when dealing with something as central to your brand as your logo. Professional designers have the skills and expertise to ensure your logo is visually and technically sound.

Kwala’s graphic design service will provide you with the perfect nonprofit logo.However, working with traditional graphic design agencies can be stressful for nonprofits. A subscription graphic design service like Kwala takes the stress out of the equation. With this service, your nonprofit will be paired with a graphic design team that specializes in creating graphic design materials for nonprofits.

If your organization chooses to work with Kwala, the process will look something like this:

  • Contact the Kwala team and meet your team of professional designers.
  • Describe what you’re looking for to the designers. Kwala’s flat rate pricing and unlimited designs allow you to get as many high-quality designs as you need each month.
  • Review your designs and submit as much feedback as you’d like with Kwala’s unlimited revisions.
  • Use your new designs to market your nonprofit across all marketing and advertising channels.

After receiving your design from Kwala’s team, your nonprofit can continue using the service for other graphic design materials. Because Kwala focuses on understanding the unique nonprofit landscape, its designs are tailored to address the challenges of nonprofit marketing.

Build the logo yourself.

If you’re unable to work with a professional designer, there are other ways to create a strong logo. To ensure your logo accurately reflects the best parts of your organization, follow these tips:

  • Avoid logo makers. Try not to use logo generators or makers. While some of these tools might yield high-quality logos, most of them look a bit cookie cutter. It’s hard to have a memorable logo if it looks like everyone else’s.
  • Create the logo from scratch. It’s best to create the logo from scratch on a reputable program like Adobe Illustrator. Your logo should be the centerpiece of your branding efforts, and it will be your nonprofit’s chief identifying factor for years to come. Make sure it’s created with care and attention to detail.
  • Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network of supporters for assistance. One of your volunteers could be a professional designer willing to create a logo for free. Even if your supporters with expertise are unable to design a logo for you, you can use them as a knowledgeable resource for questions and concerns.

If you create your own logo, be sure it’s one of a kind. It’s easy to cut corners to save time and money, but your logo is something you should invest in.

Step 6: Review and revise your nonprofit logo.

Use this checklist before finalizing your nonprofit logo.Look over your finished logo for any problems, large or small. Ideally, you should get as many eyes on your logo as possible, including your employees and volunteers. The more people you have to look over your logo, the more likely you are to catch mistakes.

First, make sure the logo is what you want. If you used a designer, make sure they incorporated each element you requested and that it effectively represents your organization. One way to test this is to show the logo to people who aren’t familiar with your organization and ask what their impression of your nonprofit is.

Next, try to envision the logo across the various media channels it will be used on. Picture it in email signatures, on the corner of social media posts, and front and center on t-shirts. Ask yourself if it will look good and represent your mission in all of these scenarios.

Last, do a sweep for any basic mistakes. This could be spelling errors or the use of fonts and colors outside of what is detailed in the brand guide. It’s best to catch these mistakes at this stage rather than after you’ve printed logos with typos on 100 copies of a brochure.

Step 7: Develop variations.

Once you have a complete, finalized version of your logo, consider creating variations. Using your parent logo, tweak the design so the logo will work no matter when, where, how, or why it’s used. Your logo will be used on everything from social media infographics to thank-you letters, so it’s crucial that the style of the logo matches the occasion.

These logos are examples of creating different versions of your nonprofit logo.

For example, the American Heart Association’s full logo includes their symbol and name, and it’s usually used in more formal settings like on their website. However, the organization uses a simplified version for informal content like Instagram posts.

Nonprofit Logo Design Best Practices

Keep your design simple.

Knowing when to stop is one of the most challenging parts of graphic design. It’s easy to get carried away attempting to fit everything you love about your organization into your logo. But fitting everything in your mission statement into a tiny logo is next to impossible.

As you work on creating a clean and simple logo, keep these tips in mind:

  • Only use one trick. Not every element of your logo needs to be revolutionary. Choose one unique or special feature that will help your logo stand out from the crowd and limit everything else to the background.
  • Don’t be afraid to trim. You’ll likely need to cut some of the elements in your logo after the first draft is complete. Take a hard look at the logo and remove anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. Anything that can be qualified as simply “decorative” should be removed.
  • Consider choosing between text and graphics. Text and graphics both have their merits, but sometimes using both of them weighs down logos with unnecessary information. If your symbol seems like it’s repeating your nonprofit’s name or vice versa, consider removing the weaker element from the logo.

Remember that most viewers won’t take much time to study your logo. Social media viewers in particular will likely glance at the logo for one or two seconds before scrolling on. A simple logo is the best way to communicate your message to as many people as you can.

Make sure your logo can stand alone.

Your logo will end up featured across many different websites, pieces of merchandise, social media posts, and other media. You shouldn’t have to explain what your logo means for it to make sense to whoever views it. Make sure it can stand alone in any scenario.

As you design your logo, consider where it will show up. For example, if your logo will be posted on a social media platform like Instagram most frequently, tailor the logo to align with social media users’ preferences. In this case, the logo should be extremely simple so anyone quickly scrolling through their feed on a small smartphone screen can still register and make sense of your logo.

These logos show the difference between simple and busy nonprofit logos.

This logo from the World Wildlife Fund is a great example of a logo that can stand alone, particularly on social media. It doesn’t need a long name or written description to explain what it means. However, the United H.O.P.E. Foundation’s logo might be difficult for viewers to understand without reading five lines of text below the symbol.

Additional Resources

Designing a logo for your nonprofit is a serious undertaking that requires significant amounts of planning. Deep knowledge of your organization’s branding and mission statements is critical, especially for young nonprofit organizations. A strong logo design will help your organization stand out from the competition and show your supporters what you care about.

If you’re looking for more information to help guide your organization’s graphic design journey, check out these resources:

Learn about how you can create your best fundraising flyer with these 8 frequently asked questions.

Creating Your Best Fundraising Flyer: 8 FAQs

As a nonprofit professional, you’re familiar with the important role fundraising plays in keeping your organization up and running. However, not every nonprofit recognizes the importance of marketing fundraisers with graphic design. Fundraising flyers are one of the easiest, most effective ways to promote your fundraiser.

Flyers are great nonprofit marketing tools to promote your fundraiser and maximize revenue. They also communicate important logistical details such as date and time in a succinct, readable format.

As you explore creating fundraising flyers, these topics will help you get started:

Flyers also clearly lay out how and why you are raising money. Adding context as to why your organization needs to raise money and the ways you will be collecting it could motivate more people to participate. Let’s get started by learning how subscription graphic design can help you create effective flyers.

What is subscription graphic design?

Kwala is the best option for nonprofits that don’t have time to create fundraising flyers.Choosing good graphic design software is just as important as choosing strong fundraising software, but making these important decisions can feel overwhelming. For many organizations, staff members simply don’t have the time to craft the perfect flyer in a design program. That’s where subscription-based graphic design services come into play.

Subscription graphic design services like Kwala offer a solution to nonprofit organizations that are pressed for time. This service connects your team with designers who understand the unique needs of nonprofits. Their deep understanding of the nonprofit landscape lends itself to custom graphic design products that address the challenges associated with the nonprofit sector.

With Kwala, you can create promotional materials and gear such as:

  • Flyers
  • T-shirt graphics
  • Yard signs
  • Stickers
  • Table runners
  • Postcards

Each of these items is fully customizable, and designers are committed to aligning designs with your mission and branding. The service offers unlimited requests and revisions to ensure you receive exactly what you want.

Most-Asked Questions About Fundraising Flyers

Why create fundraising flyers?

While many people might assume flyers are a thing of the past, this is far from reality. There are many reasons why fundraising flyers should be included in your marketing strategy, such as:

  • Flyers are a low-cost marketing tool.
  • They are a high-impact way to market.
  • They are easy to create.
  • Updating flyers in the event of changes is simple.

Flyers are a versatile and functional type of graphic design. They inform your supporters about important upcoming events and are easy to distribute, whether sent via email, posted in public areas, or distributed to your supporters.

What is the best way to make fundraising flyers?

Simply put, the best way to create flyers varies for each organization. Depending on factors like team size, time availability, and budget, there is an approach to making flyers that works best for you. For example, a team with busy nonprofit professionals who still want quality graphic design materials can find success with a service like Kwala.

What graphic design tools should I use?

There are many different kinds of graphic design tools for nonprofits, but some are better and more affordable than others. When you’re looking for graphic design tools, keep in mind that flyers are simple and only require basic tools. You probably won’t need software with the longest list of capabilities but one that meets your unique

CanvaCanva has dozens of templates for fundraising flyers.

Canva is a graphic design program that is available online, so you won’t need to download any software. This platform has pre-made templates for just about any graphic design material you’ll need to create, whether that’s a social media post or a fundraising flyer. Canva’s software allows you to customize its templates so you can adjust fonts, colors, and images to match your branding.

As a nonprofit organization, you’re probably eligible for a free Canva Pro membership. You’ll have access to all of the templates, graphics, and project management tools the platform has to offer. You can also add other team members to the account for a collaborative graphic design process.

PexelsWith Pexels, you can find royalty-free images for your fundraising flyer.

Pexels is a service that features royalty-free media. While it is primarily a source for stock photos, the website also has royalty-free videos available. With images from Pexels, you can edit them as much as you like so that they match your branding and the theme of your fundraiser.

High-quality photos make your fundraising flyers shine. Pexels is a convenient source for images, especially if you don’t have the time or budget to take them yourself.

BeFunkyBeFunky is a photo editor with most of the capabilities you’ll need.

BeFunky has everything you need in a photo editor, including the ability to crop, recolor, and resize your photos. This tool is known for its one-click collage generator which creates cohesive collages from the photos you upload.

If you’re planning to integrate photos into your flyer designs, it’s best to work with an editing tool like BeFunky. While other design tools often have built-in photo editing tools, they tend to have limited capabilities. BeFunky, on the other hand, houses every common editing tool on one easy-to-use platform.

Should I try using templates?

Templates can work for any nonprofit, regardless of their design experience, because they streamline the entire process. For nonprofits with small teams, a limited budget, and a packed schedule, drag-and-drop templates are the best option. Templates give your organization the ability to make attractive templates without needing to spend time and money you don’t have on creating them.

While templates are a quick and affordable way to create flyers, they won’t be tailored to your organization and its branding. If you choose a popular free template, chances are other organizations have used the exact same one. Choosing templates you can customize sets your organization apart without demanding too much time from your busy schedule.

If you want unique templates but don’t have the time to create new flyers every time you have a fundraiser or event, consider creating your own templates. Set aside a chunk of time to develop a flyer template that’s consistent with your branding, complete with fields for important details like the fundraiser name, date, and time. Then, the next time you launch a fundraiser, all you’ll need to do is update the fields in the template!

Use this chart to find out if your organization should use a fundraising flyer template.

What should I include in my fundraising flyer?

The main purpose of a fundraising flyer is to promote an event to your supporters. To ensure supporters have all the necessary information to attend, you’ll need to add some specific details to your flyers.

As you create your flyer, be sure to include the following information:

  • Fundraiser name
  • Location
  • Date and time
  • Organization name
  • Fundraiser purpose or name of the cause
  • How supporters can participate
  • Entry fee or donation amount

Use this checklist to make your best fundraising flyer.

Once you start building out flyers for various fundraisers, there may be additional information you need to include. For example, if your nonprofit hosts a picnic fundraiser, you should add a line noting that participants will need to bring their own blankets or chairs.

Flyers should contain the most important information your supporters need to participate in your fundraiser. Your goal should be to create a comprehensive source that covers all of your fundraiser’s bases. To maximize the marketing potential of your flyer and increase brand recognition, include your nonprofit’s logo on the page.

While you should strive to make a flyer that contains all relevant information, avoid bogging it down with too much text. Adding paragraphs of detailed information will make the flyer difficult to skim through, especially on social media. Ensure your supporters will actually read your flyers by sticking to short, bullet-point style lines of text rather than blocks of it.

What design strategies work in a fundraising flyer?

If you feel lost when it comes to graphic design, learning about basic graphic design strategies can help steer you in the right direction. These common strategies can help you leverage the full power of nonprofit graphic design in your communications. Generally, graphic design tips make for a clearer, more readable final product.

Create a plan.

Before you even open your graphic design software, plan out the flyer. Many designers prefer to use pen and paper to jot down or sketch their ideas quickly. Having a solid plan before you start designing prevents you from staring at a blank document until you feel inspired.

Start with a list of the information you’ll need to include in your flyer. Then, you can allow enough space for important fundraiser details. At this stage, it might help to note any ideas you have regarding images or graphics.

Next, begin to sketch a rough layout of your fundraising flyer. If drawing isn’t your strong suit, don’t panic — this step is just a tool for you to organize the basic elements of your flyer before you begin designing it. Once you feel satisfied with your sketch, start drafting the flyer in your graphic design software.

Establish a visual hierarchy.

Simply put, this strategy uses visual elements to signal what is most important about your design. For example, the name of the fundraiser should be the largest, followed by date and time, with less notable details being the smallest. Visual hierarchy directs the viewer’s eye to the most important piece of information first, subtly moving their gaze across the flyer.

It also ensures that viewers who give your flyer a cursory glance see the most important information. If they take anything away from the flyer, it will be whatever you’ve signaled is most important in your design.

There are many different ways to establish a visual hierarchy — namely through creating size differences, using contrasting colors, and organizing typography. Keep in mind that images and graphics catch the eye before any text will, so make these elements count!

Choose a color palette.

Design a color scheme that is effective, whether it is for a single flyer or your entire brand. Effective color pairings should contrast against each other and convey something about your brand. For example, green is associated with nature which makes it perfect for environmental organizations.

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to choosing a color scheme, try a color picker website to generate some combinations that will get you started.

What are some graphic design mistakes should I avoid?

Novice designers are bound to make some missteps at the beginning of their design journey. Unfortunately, mistakes aren’t always harmless, and they can sometimes lead to miscommunications between you and your supporters. Learning about common graphic design mistakes can keep you from making them yourself.

When creating your flyer, try to avoid:

  • Using too many words: Keep your flyers as visual as possible. This means using photos, illustrations, and other graphics in place of large blocks of text. Limit text usage to bullet points or one-line phrases.
  • Using several different fonts: Stick to one or two fonts per design. It’s easy to get excited and throw in three or four fonts that you love, but mismatched fonts are distracting for viewers. To build your branding, consider choosing a default font to use across all graphic design materials.
  • Filling the entire page: Avoid filling every inch of the flyer with text, graphics, or images. Intentionally incorporate negative space, the blank space between graphic elements, into your design. Negative space directs viewers’ focus to the important parts of the flyer.

Some graphic design errors are tell-tale signs of an amateur designer. Keeping these mistakes in mind prevents you from creating flyers that aren’t useful for communicating information to your audience.

These graphic design tips help you make your best fundraising flyer.

How can I save money on fundraising flyers?

While flyers are a low-cost option relative to other promotional materials, creating them on a tight budget can be difficult. One way to make a tight budget go further is to capitalize on matching gift programs and other corporate philanthropy initiatives. However, there are a few ways to cut down costs if you need a quicker solution.

Before you commit to purchasing graphic design software or registering for a paid membership, check for special deals extended to nonprofits. Many graphic design platforms offer free or reduced costs for their product as long as your organization meets their criteria. As you learn to navigate the software, browse the internet for free tutorials or courses so you can design more efficiently.

Printing costs can be high depending on the style of your flyers and how many copies you need. However, the world of social media marketing is growing faster than ever. If needed, your flyers can live totally online so you can cut out printing costs entirely.

Additional Resources

Flyers are an integral part of promoting fundraisers through nonprofit graphic design. With the dozens of graphic design tools available with just a few clicks, there is a way for every nonprofit to create stunning fundraising flyers. If graphic design is something you’re still mystified by, turning to a professional graphic design service is a great alternative to creating them yourself.

  • 5 Steps to Create a Great Graphic Design Strategy. If you’ve researched graphic design strategy, chances are you got lost in jargon and technical language. These five steps clearly outline how you can improve your organization’s graphic design strategy.
  • 5 Nonprofit Graphic Design FAQs to Help You Stand Out. Are you just dipping your toe into the world of nonprofit graphic design? Take a look at some of the common questions beginners ask to understand the basics, best practices, and how to find a graphic designer.
  • 15 Best Nonprofit Graphic Design Examples. Feeling uninspired in your graphic design efforts? Check out these 15 top nonprofit graphic design examples to get some ideas for your next infographic or brochure.
How to identify corporate partnerships with 360MatchPro

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With 360MatchPro]

In today’s corporate world, employees and consumers are becoming increasingly focused on supporting socially responsible businesses. Consequently, more and more companies are developing philanthropic programming. And nonprofits looking to raise much-needed funds for their causes are turning to corporate giving as a way to build mutually beneficial business relationships!

As a nonprofit fundraiser yourself, perhaps you’ve recently developed a strategy in order to leverage matching gift opportunities (one of the most prominent forms of corporate philanthropy) for your mission. Maybe you’ve even invested in a matching gift solution to automate the process, better engage with your donors, and collect more individual and corporate funding for your cause.

Now begs the question: what other types of corporate philanthropy are on the table⁠, and how can you begin leveraging these initiatives for your organization?

For many nonprofits, corporate partnerships are the answer you’re looking for⁠—and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation makes the process as easy as can be.

Check out our overview of 360MatchPro's matching gift automation functionality

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to identify corporate partnerships for nonprofits (and how your team can best pursue the opportunities) by exploring the following topics:

Like matching gifts, corporate partnerships offer a win-win situation for the nonprofits and businesses that partake. However, many organizations have no idea where to begin when it comes to scouring for partnership opportunities, near and far.

Here, we’ll examine the best tips, tricks, and tools available for doing so (and what you can do with the tools you may already have). Let’s dive in!

The Basics of Corporate Partnerships for Nonprofits

Corporate partnerships are a particular form of support nonprofits receive from corporations, often for a specific purpose such as an event or other project.

Defining corporate partnerships

Benefits include not only the increased funding provided by corporate partners but also significantly elevated exposure and awareness brought to your organization through strategic co-marketing efforts.

Corporate partnerships can come in many forms as well, including:

  • Financial ⁠— This is your most typical type of corporate partnership agreement and takes place when a company provides financial support to a nonprofit cause.
  • In-kind ⁠— In-kind sponsorships occur when a company donates non-monetary goods and services to an organization. This may include free or reduced-cost event space rentals, catering services, or even business gift certificates and products for prizes.
  • Media ⁠— Finally, media sponsorships are a unique type of corporate partnership where a company partners with a nonprofit organization in order to take on the cost of promoting the event⁠—such as with radio advertisements, TV commercials, or printed materials.

Then, regardless of the type of agreement offered, the nonprofit typically agrees to recognize the company through event or project marketing content (i.e., signage, merchandise, online advertising, and more).

The Relationship Between Matching Gifts and Corporate Partnerships

Matching gifts and corporate partnerships go hand in hand as two particularly powerful forms of corporate giving. Here’s what you need to know:

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are one of the most popular examples of corporate philanthropy among companies and their employees and nonprofits and their donors. Essentially what occurs with this type of giving program is that businesses agree to provide funding to qualifying nonprofits in order to match charitable donations their employees make to the causes. Thus, individual donors function as arguably the most essential players in the partnership. Companies that offer matching gift programs will typically provide donation matches to a wide range of nonprofit causes that their employees support.

Corporate Partnerships

On the other hand, corporate partnerships take place when companies provide funding to nonprofit causes based on particular agreements made between the company and the nonprofit. Though donors and employees can certainly vie for these types of initiatives to occur, any one individual does not typically play a particularly hands-on role in corporate partnerships being developed. Businesses that participate offer corporate partnerships typically contribute larger amounts of funding to a smaller number of organizations as compared to employee matching gift programs.

Comparing corporate partnerships with matching gifts

However, the two concepts do see significant overlap as well. Specifically, both matching gifts and corporate partnerships function as strategic relationships between nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses, and each philanthropic opportunities offer unique and substantial benefits to both parties involved.

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships Using 360MatchPro | 4 Methods

With more than 32.5 million businesses operating in the United States alone, that’s a lot of potential sponsorships for nonprofit organizations. But how can they know where to begin their efforts⁠—and target their outreach toward companies that are the most likely to respond positively to partnership inquiries?

Here are a few things fundraising professionals can do as they learn how to identify corporate partnerships and other opportunities using Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro functionality:

1. Locate top matching gift companies.

Companies that offer matching gift programs are likely to be some of the best prospective corporate sponsors. After all, they already show an interest in philanthropy and supporting nonprofit causes, which can provide you with an existing “in” to the conversation.

If your organization has access to a 360MatchPro account, locating these companies is made even easier. Double the Donation’s automated matching gift platform offers a detailed dashboard that provides invaluable information for nonprofits about their donors. The page includes daily tracking of donations flowing into the system, the amount of identified matching gift dollars, real-time donor engagement statistics, and a list of the “top 10 companies” being looked up in their search tool.

Here's how to identify corporate sponsorships with 360MatchPro dashboard

Specifically, the top companies tool (which can also expand to show all companies contributing donation matches) provides an opportunity for nonprofits to deepen these relationships. With this functionality, users can quickly locate additional context on some of the most valuable companies to approach for corporate partnership opportunities and more.

When a user views this data, they can easily navigate to the company’s website and retrieve contact information to get in touch. From there, they can utilize the company’s status as a top matching gift company as a rapport-building tool to get their foot in the door.

For example, a nonprofit may communicate something like this to a business with which they’re interested in partnership:

“Our organization has received 620 donations and $28,000 match identified dollars from your company in the past year. We see that you are dedicated to charitable giving, and it seems that we have a lot in common already! Are you interested in partnering with our team as a corporate sponsor for our upcoming fundraising event?”

This can also set the stage for identifying additional corporate partnerships such as in-kind donations (e.g., a food bank or homeless shelter working with a business to set up a donation box at the company’s office or store), corporate volunteer opportunities (as team-building activities), and many more.

2. Utilize custom redirects for ineligible donors.

Unfortunately, not all companies offer matching gift programs⁠—but that doesn’t mean you should remove them from your list of potential corporate partnerships.

In fact, existing donors who work for companies that do not match employee donations can be some of your greatest allies in the process! And Double the Donation makes it as easy as possible to empower these individuals with the tools they need to pitch charitable giving opportunities to their employers with custom redirects and powerful suggested next steps.

Let’s take a look at this idea in action! Here’s an example of a custom redirect from the Denver Rescue Mission:

Here's how one organization identifies corporate sponsorships with a custom redirect.

This organization sends follow-up emails after its donors have been identified as likely ineligible for a matching gift. The message includes a link to a dedicated web page that provides information on other ways the donors can make an impact without existing matching gift programs in place. And that’s something your team can do, too!

We recommend including a number of ways that the receiving donors can get further involved with your nonprofit⁠—even after determining that their gift is not able to be matched by their employer. For example, consider encouraging supporters to take the following next steps:

Make a recommendation for matching gifts.

For companies that don’t have existing matching gift programs, encourage donors to reach out and float the idea upwards. An employee may get in touch with their employer’s HR department to discuss the possibility of launching a matching gift program.

To further simplify the process for your donors, you might even provide a customizable template (such as the one included in this How to Advocate for a Matching Gift Program guide) they can use to pitch matching gifts and highlight the business value available to the company.

And who knows? They might end up developing a matching gift initiative after all!

Look into additional workplace giving opportunities.

Let’s say a donor’s employer doesn’t offer a matching gift program. That’s not to say they don’t have any workplace giving initiatives in place! Encourage donors who work for non-matching gift companies to look into additional corporate giving opportunities they may be eligible to participate in.

Thousands of companies offer volunteer grants, while others may provide annual grant stipends, paid volunteer time off, etc. The possibilities are endless, and all can have a positive impact on your organization.

Multiply their impact in other ways.

Perhaps the donor’s employer is not interested in launching any workplace giving opportunities just yet. That doesn’t mean the donor themselves is not able to amplify their impact on your cause! At this point, be sure to provide recommendations for other ways an individual can get further involved.

For example, if an individual has contributed a one-time donation, see if they’re interested in getting involved in a recurring monthly giving program! Alternatively, you can highlight other ways they can bring value to your cause, such as by volunteering with your organization or even taking on a peer-to-peer fundraising role.

You already know that your donors are invested in your organization and its cause. Having a strategy in place for getting match-eligible donors involved in their employers’ matching gift programs is great. But you don’t want to neglect those who have been identified as match-ineligible, either.

Guiding said donors toward additional opportunities for support is a must. And, if you have 360MatchPro, you don’t have to worry about following up with individual supporters, thanks to your customizable and automated email streams that lead the way.

3. Reach out to companies without matching gift programs.

Sure, your donors can be some of your strongest advocates for corporate partnership opportunities. But you can also reach out to potential sponsors yourself to propose business partnerships and build relationships.

One of the best ways to do so starts with the companies your donors work for that have been determined not to offer matching gift programs. After all, they’re currently missing out on a substantial opportunity for increased business success. Partnering with your organization can empower them to leverage philanthropy to make the most of it.

Consider reaching out to some of the top companies identified through 360MatchPro’s dashboard. From there, you can start with a simple template like this:

“Hi! We see that more than 35 dedicated donors to our nonprofit are employed by your company. Unfortunately, however, it looks like you don’t offer a matching gift program. Because we already have so much in common with us, we were hoping you might be interested in developing a mutually beneficial corporate partnership.”

For the best results, be sure to highlight whatever value proposition you can provide your corporate sponsors in terms of your upcoming event or project. Not only will these companies be inclined to build a relationship based on the overlap between your two teams, but they’ll also be able to examine the tangible benefits made available by the partnership.

4. Pursue custom matching gift opportunities.

Similar to how you could seek a corporate sponsorship by an employer prevalent in your donor network, you might also decide to pursue a “one-off” or custom matching gift program with the company.

Not familiar with that idea? It’s essentially a matching gift initiative that involves a specific agreement between your organization and a dedicated corporate partner. While the partner may not match donations to other nonprofits their employees support, they do commit to doubling donations made by team members to your cause. Since it involves a significantly lower investment of the company’s time, effort, and resources, it may be a more effective ask than if you were to recommend the business launch a new, fully-fledged matching gift program.

Depending on how the conversation goes, you can even share with them our detailed guide on How to Start a Matching Gift Program to help them move through the process. Should they decide to take on the task, 360MatchPro also offers unique functionality for nonprofits managing their side of such programs within the matching gift platform. Not to mention, you can offer groundbreaking auto-submission functionality through Double the Donation, which streamlines the request process for the company’s employees and minimizes the administrative lift for the company itself!

*As a note, this feature is designed specifically for fundraisers looking to manage custom matching gift initiatives—360MatchPro does not work directly with corporations. If you’re a company interested in creating a matching gift program, contact us, and we’ll share information about our corporate vendor partners.

Increasing revenue through corporate philanthropy is an excellent objective for nonprofits of all shapes, sizes, and missions. And learning how to identify corporate partnerships is one of the best steps you can take to get there!

For the greatest results, be sure your team is equipped with the tools you need for ongoing, substantial success. For matching gifts and corporate partnership opportunities, Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro offers the best-in-class technology to drive matching gifts to completion, uncover potential sponsorships, and more.

Interested in learning more about corporate fundraising? Check out these other educational posts from Double the Donation:

  • Why Workplace Giving Matters for Nonprofits + Companies. Workplace giving programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants can make a substantial impact on the nonprofits and companies that participate. Learn more about the benefits of workplace giving and how you can utilize the initiatives for your cause.
  • Corporate Giving Programs: The Ultimate Fundraising Guide. Corporate giving programs are not limited to matching gifts and corporate partnerships! Find out everything there is to know about some of the most popular and effective philanthropy programs offered by companies across the globe with this detailed guide.
  • Matching Gift Databases: Our Comprehensive Guide for 2022. Matching gift software can make a huge difference for matching gift fundraising as well as other forms of corporate giving. Dive into this resource that highlights what to look for in a matching gift database and how it can help your team raise more.

Learn more about identifying corporate sponsorships and increasing matching gifts with Double the Donation.