Matching gift guidelines overview

Matching Gift Guidelines | Ratios, Minimums, Maximums & More

Thousands of companies match donations made by employees to a range of nonprofit causes through corporate matching gift programs. However, billions of dollars in available corporate matching revenue go unclaimed each year⁠—largely due to a lack of awareness surrounding the programs and the matching gift guidelines and request process that are required for donors to participate.

A general understanding of corporate giving is a great foundation for maximizing nonprofit revenue. However, in order to succeed in acquiring matching gifts, you’ll need to understand the nitty-gritty elements of program stipulations.

For example, companies are able to decide their specific guidelines for matching gift participation based typically on employee eligibility, nonprofit eligibility, and submission deadlines. From there, the amount that a company will match (per employee per year) is based on a combination of matching gift ratios, minimums, and maximum match amounts.

In this post, we’ll break down the key components of basic matching gift guidelines:

  1. Match Ratios
  2. Minimum Match Amounts
  3. Maximum Match Amounts
  4. Employee Eligibility
  5. Nonprofit Eligibility
  6. Forms and Deadlines

Not to mention, we’ll also provide an overview of the most effective method for determining program eligibility through companies’ matching gift guidelines. Equipped with the right tools, you can easily identify matching gift opportunities and communicate eligibility criteria and next steps to guide donors through the request process.

The match ratio is an important component of corporate matching gift programs.

1. Match Ratios

Companies determine how much to match employee donations based on a preset ratio. In most cases, companies choose to match donations at a dollar-for-dollar rate (otherwise known as a 1:1 ratio).

When a program offers a 1:1 ratio, an employee will donate to an eligible nonprofit, submit their matching gift request to their employer, and then their company will match that gift with the same amount.

For instance, if an employee donates $100 to a nonprofit that’s eligible for the company’s match program, the employer will donate an additional $100. In the end, the nonprofit receives a $200 donation, which is double the original contribution.

Although you can expect to see a lot of 1:1 matching programs, ratios can range from .5:1 (or a $50 corporate donation for a $100 employee gift) all the way up to 4:1 (which would be a $400 company gift in response to a $100 employee contribution). Either way, the nonprofit receiving match funding results in significantly increased amounts flowing to the organization.

Let’s take a look at matching gift ratios in action. Consider these companies, for example:

  • Puget Sound Energy matches employee donations at a .5:1 rate.
  • Apple matches employee donations at a 1:1 rate.
  • Coca-Cola matches employee donations at a 2:1 rate.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to matching gift rates is an individual’s employment type. While ratios are typically standardized across all employee types, some companies will vary amounts depending on an employee’s position or type of employment.

For example, part-time employees, retirees, and even team member spouses may have a lower match rate than corporate executives who work for the same company. Take the following companies as an example:

  • Soros Fund Management matches donations from partners at a 1:1 rate and employees at a 2:1 rate.
  • Johnson & Johnson matches donations from current employees at a 2:1 ratio and retirees at a 1:1 ratio.

Takeaway: Matching gift ratios vary from company to company and may change based on employee position. These stipulations are entirely up to the company, and nonprofits and employees should stay up-to-date on their match opportunities.

Minimum match amounts are common elements of corporate matching gift programs.

2. Minimum Match Amounts

Unfortunately, not every company will match every donation made by an employee⁠—even if they do have a matching gift program in place. In order to qualify for a company match, restrictions are often put in place regarding the minimum donation amount they will match.

If a donor’s contribution falls below that set amount, the company will not match the gift. Keep in mind that this isn’t intended to restrict employees’ philanthropic efforts. Rather, it’s to ensure that employees are requesting matches for causes they truly care about.

Nonetheless, corporate matching gift best practices suggest keeping the minimum low to encourage participation and make the programming accessible to employees of all budget sizes. As a result, some companies will match donations that are as little as $1. However, the most common minimum requirement is $25, with 93% of companies having a minimum match requirement of less than or equal to $50, and the mean minimum amount falling at $34.

Let’s take a look at these companies’ matching gift minimums for a few common examples:

Another thing to note is that, depending on the company, an individual who makes multiple smaller donations within a year may be able to consolidate them into a single donation match request⁠—despite falling beneath their employer’s minimum for any particular gift.

Takeaway: Companies apply minimum matches to ensure that the giving budget goes to nonprofits that employees actually care about. Most often, set minimums are $25, but they range from $1 to $100+.
Learn about maximum match amounts, which are an important element of matching gift programs.

3. Maximum Match Amounts

In addition to match minimums, companies also put caps on match amounts to ensure there’s enough in the giving budget for each employee to participate. If an employee donates more than the maximum match amount, still, only the defined maximum will be matched by the company.

Maximum matches have quite the range, too. Often, you’ll come across upper limits of between $1,000 and $5,000, with $3,728 as the average maximum threshold. However, there are plenty of companies with matches that are way above that scope.

Take a look at these companies with matching gift caps across the spectrum:

Regardless, each philanthropic program is generous and has the power to make a major difference in the nonprofit world.

Takeaway: Each company has a different maximum amount it will match. Typically, these are around $1,000 to $15,000, but it’s not uncommon to see caps that are higher or lower than this.

In order to submit a request, employees must be eligible, and the eligibility component is defined by the corporate matching gift program.

4. Employee Eligibility

Often, companies create eligibility requirements for employees that may depend on their position or another factor.

For example, some companies match donations made by any current employee, regardless of full- versus part-time status. Others will match retired individuals’ donations even after they depart from the business. Others still will even match gifts made by an employee’s spouse.

To get a real-world idea of this concept, take a look at these companies:

  • Acuity Brands matches donations from directors and executives only.
  • British Petroleum (BP) matches donations made from current employees, but not retirees.
  • Sherwin-Williams matches donations made from all current employees and retirees.
  • ExxonMobil matches donations made from employees, spouses, surviving spouses, and retirees.

Keep in mind that, as previously mentioned, different positions can sometimes mean different match ratios and maximum match amounts, too. For instance, some companies may allow current employees to donate up to a higher amount than retired employees. Another common case is programs that offer executive employees higher maximums than other employees.

Some companies also choose to further reward employees who go the extra mile. For example, take a look at these programs’ matching gift guidelines:

  • American Express offers a 1:1 match ratio for employee donations. However, if the donor serves on a nonprofit board or volunteers more than 50 hours in a year, the first $1,000 of their donations will be matched at a 2:1 ratio.
  • RealNetworks offers a standard matching gift program, but if an employee works at the company for 5 years, they receive an additional $500 grant for a nonprofit of their choosing.

Takeaway: In most cases, there aren’t too many requirements employees have to meet to be eligible for matching gifts. However, sometimes, companies adjust program criteria based on employees’ positions.Nonprofit eligibility is a vital component of corporate matching gift programs.

5. Nonprofit Eligibility

Just like there are standards employees have to meet to request matching gift funds, there are requirements for the nonprofits looking to receive match funding, as well.

While companies typically match donations to most registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits, some companies place restrictions on the types of organizations that are eligible. If a company deems a nonprofit ineligible, employee donations made to that organization will not be matched.

Like all other components of corporate giving programs, the eligibility requirements for nonprofits differ from company to company. These restrictions are often put in place because companies want to support organizations that align with their own views and values while avoiding controversial causes.

For example, churches and other religious organizations are often excluded from matching gift programs. However, many companies will match to religiously affiliated organizations that serve a secular purpose (such as an associated K-12 school or food pantry), while others will match to houses of worship all the same.

Other companies may choose a particular type of organization to which it will exclusively match donations. For example, some businesses match only to educational organizations, while others offer higher maximums or match ratios for schools and higher ed institutions.

Take a look at these companies’ nonprofit eligibility criteria:

  • Air Products and Chemicals matches donations made to colleges and universities at a 1:1 ratio up to $5,000, arts and cultural organizations at a 2:1 ratio up to $2,000, and environmental and conservation organizations at a 1:1 ratio up to $1,000.
  • ExxonMobil has a maximum match amount of $22,500 for donations made to educational institutions, while it will only match up to $2,000 for donations made to cultural organizations.
  • Verizon will match up to $5,000 per employee per year to schools or $1,000 per employee per year to other 501(c)(3) organizations.

Takeaway: Companies sometimes place restrictions on which organizations can receive matching gifts. It’s up to donors and nonprofits to be on the lookout for these eligibility requirements.

The final major components of corporate matching gift programs are forms and deadlines.

6. Forms and Submission Deadlines

Once all requirements of a company’s matching gift program have been met, this is when submission forms and deadlines come into play.

As a quick refresher, here’s how the typical process works:

The matching gift process is straightforward once all eligibility requirements have been met.

At this point, we’re coming up on the third step in the above procedure. The donor has previously determined that they’re eligible to participate, and now they’re ready to submit their matching gift request.

Though some companies may still utilize paper request forms, most companies are turning to online portals to manage and process employee requests. The bottom line is that there needs to be a way for employees to submit their match requests and the way in which they expect the request to occur should be outlined within the company’s matching gift guidelines.

Regardless of form type, once the donor has navigated to their company’s matching gift forms, they’ll be prompted to provide basic information for the submission. This typically involves details about themself, the specific gift they made (including donation amount, currency, date of transaction, etc.), and the nonprofit that received the donation (such as the organization name, mailing address, and tax ID number).

In addition to the forms themselves, companies also have to define a specific deadline by which the forms must be submitted. For instance, an employee generally can’t donate to a nonprofit and submit a match request two years later.

Instead, in their guidelines, companies might select a specific annually occurring deadline, accept requests for a specific time period (such as six months or one year) after the individual donation was made, fall in line with the end of the calendar year in which the donation was made, or offer a brief extension beyond the calendar year.

To view a few common types, here are request deadlines for several major companies:

  • CarMax accepts matching gift requests within 180 days from the date of the donation.
  • Microsoft accepts matching gift requests for donations up to 12 months later.
  • Boeing accepts matching gift requests from employees until January 31 of the following year after the donation.

Takeaway: Businesses must create accessible forms and define deadlines before putting a match program in place. Nonprofits and their donors need to be aware of these submission instructions and deadlines, otherwise, they may miss out on matching gifts.

Identifying the key guidelines and elements of corporate matching gift programs is easier with a matching gift database.

Matching Gift Database: Identifying Companies’ Guidelines

Nonprofits need to stay up-to-date on companies’ matching gift guidelines, such as donation minimums, maximums, ratios, eligibility, and so on⁠—and that’s a lot of information to manage. Unfortunately, gathering companies’ guidelines on your own can be a mundane and time-consuming process.

With a matching gift database (like Double the Donation), the research is streamlined and simplified for nonprofits and donors alike.

This type of innovative technology ensures that your organization has access to thousands of companies’ matching gift program guidelines at your fingertips. As a result, you can easily determine donors’ match eligibility potential and communicate the opportunities to qualifying donors.

Specifically, a matching gift database enables you and your donors to:

  • Search for 20,000+ companies’ and subsidiaries’ matching gift programs in seconds
  • View and share available information (e.g. forms and requirements) for easy access
  • Determine matching gift eligibility and next steps

Think your nonprofit can benefit from this type of tool?

With 360MatchPro by Double the Donation, organizations like yours can even automate the process. From collecting employment data directly within the donation process to quickly determining eligibility and following up via email, no match opportunities will be overlooked.

Matching gift programs have several guidelines that need to be met in order to qualify for participation, all defined by the companies that offer them. As you’ve learned, the most commonly defined elements are the match ratio, minimum and maximum match amounts, employee and nonprofit eligibility, and submission deadlines.

Take all of these factors into account, and equip your team with the tools you need for success, and you’ll be able to effectively increase the funding source for your organization and its mission. Now, get out there and boost your matching gift potential!

Interested in learning more about matching gifts? Check out these additional resources for more corporate giving tips and tricks:

Identify more matching gift guidelines with Double the Donation.

How to identify corporate partnerships with 360MatchPro

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With 360MatchPro]

In today’s corporate world, employees and consumers are becoming increasingly focused on supporting socially responsible businesses. Consequently, more and more companies are developing philanthropic programming. And nonprofits looking to raise much-needed funds for their causes are turning to corporate giving as a way to build mutually beneficial business relationships!

As a nonprofit fundraiser yourself, perhaps you’ve recently developed a strategy in order to leverage matching gift opportunities (one of the most prominent forms of corporate philanthropy) for your mission. Maybe you’ve even invested in a matching gift solution to automate the process, better engage with your donors, and collect more individual and corporate funding for your cause.

Now begs the question: what other types of corporate philanthropy are on the table⁠, and how can you begin leveraging these initiatives for your organization?

For many nonprofits, corporate partnerships are the answer you’re looking for⁠—and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation makes the process as easy as can be.

Check out our overview of 360MatchPro's matching gift automation functionality

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to identify corporate partnerships for nonprofits (and how your team can best pursue the opportunities) by exploring the following topics:

Like matching gifts, corporate partnerships offer a win-win situation for the nonprofits and businesses that partake. However, many organizations have no idea where to begin when it comes to scouring for partnership opportunities, near and far.

Here, we’ll examine the best tips, tricks, and tools available for doing so (and what you can do with the tools you may already have). Let’s dive in!

The Basics of Corporate Partnerships for Nonprofits

Corporate partnerships are a particular form of support nonprofits receive from corporations, often for a specific purpose such as an event or other project.

Defining corporate partnerships

Benefits include not only the increased funding provided by corporate partners but also significantly elevated exposure and awareness brought to your organization through strategic co-marketing efforts.

Corporate partnerships can come in many forms as well, including:

  • Financial ⁠— This is your most typical type of corporate partnership agreement and takes place when a company provides financial support to a nonprofit cause.
  • In-kind ⁠— In-kind sponsorships occur when a company donates non-monetary goods and services to an organization. This may include free or reduced-cost event space rentals, catering services, or even business gift certificates and products for prizes.
  • Media ⁠— Finally, media sponsorships are a unique type of corporate partnership where a company partners with a nonprofit organization in order to take on the cost of promoting the event⁠—such as with radio advertisements, TV commercials, or printed materials.

Then, regardless of the type of agreement offered, the nonprofit typically agrees to recognize the company through event or project marketing content (i.e., signage, merchandise, online advertising, and more).

The Relationship Between Matching Gifts and Corporate Partnerships

Matching gifts and corporate partnerships go hand in hand as two particularly powerful forms of corporate giving. Here’s what you need to know:

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are one of the most popular examples of corporate philanthropy among companies and their employees and nonprofits and their donors. Essentially what occurs with this type of giving program is that businesses agree to provide funding to qualifying nonprofits in order to match charitable donations their employees make to the causes. Thus, individual donors function as arguably the most essential players in the partnership. Companies that offer matching gift programs will typically provide donation matches to a wide range of nonprofit causes that their employees support.

Corporate Partnerships

On the other hand, corporate partnerships take place when companies provide funding to nonprofit causes based on particular agreements made between the company and the nonprofit. Though donors and employees can certainly vie for these types of initiatives to occur, any one individual does not typically play a particularly hands-on role in corporate partnerships being developed. Businesses that participate offer corporate partnerships typically contribute larger amounts of funding to a smaller number of organizations as compared to employee matching gift programs.

Comparing corporate partnerships with matching gifts

However, the two concepts do see significant overlap as well. Specifically, both matching gifts and corporate partnerships function as strategic relationships between nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses, and each philanthropic opportunities offer unique and substantial benefits to both parties involved.

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships Using 360MatchPro | 4 Methods

With more than 32.5 million businesses operating in the United States alone, that’s a lot of potential sponsorships for nonprofit organizations. But how can they know where to begin their efforts⁠—and target their outreach toward companies that are the most likely to respond positively to partnership inquiries?

Here are a few things fundraising professionals can do as they learn how to identify corporate partnerships and other opportunities using Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro functionality:

1. Locate top matching gift companies.

Companies that offer matching gift programs are likely to be some of the best prospective corporate sponsors. After all, they already show an interest in philanthropy and supporting nonprofit causes, which can provide you with an existing “in” to the conversation.

If your organization has access to a 360MatchPro account, locating these companies is made even easier. Double the Donation’s automated matching gift platform offers a detailed dashboard that provides invaluable information for nonprofits about their donors. The page includes daily tracking of donations flowing into the system, the amount of identified matching gift dollars, real-time donor engagement statistics, and a list of the “top 10 companies” being looked up in their search tool.

Here's how to identify corporate sponsorships with 360MatchPro dashboard

Specifically, the top companies tool (which can also expand to show all companies contributing donation matches) provides an opportunity for nonprofits to deepen these relationships. With this functionality, users can quickly locate additional context on some of the most valuable companies to approach for corporate partnership opportunities and more.

When a user views this data, they can easily navigate to the company’s website and retrieve contact information to get in touch. From there, they can utilize the company’s status as a top matching gift company as a rapport-building tool to get their foot in the door.

For example, a nonprofit may communicate something like this to a business with which they’re interested in partnership:

“Our organization has received 620 donations and $28,000 match identified dollars from your company in the past year. We see that you are dedicated to charitable giving, and it seems that we have a lot in common already! Are you interested in partnering with our team as a corporate sponsor for our upcoming fundraising event?”

This can also set the stage for identifying additional corporate partnerships such as in-kind donations (e.g., a food bank or homeless shelter working with a business to set up a donation box at the company’s office or store), corporate volunteer opportunities (as team-building activities), and many more.

2. Utilize custom redirects for ineligible donors.

Unfortunately, not all companies offer matching gift programs⁠—but that doesn’t mean you should remove them from your list of potential corporate partnerships.

In fact, existing donors who work for companies that do not match employee donations can be some of your greatest allies in the process! And Double the Donation makes it as easy as possible to empower these individuals with the tools they need to pitch charitable giving opportunities to their employers with custom redirects and powerful suggested next steps.

Let’s take a look at this idea in action! Here’s an example of a custom redirect from the Denver Rescue Mission:

Here's how one organization identifies corporate sponsorships with a custom redirect.

This organization sends follow-up emails after its donors have been identified as likely ineligible for a matching gift. The message includes a link to a dedicated web page that provides information on other ways the donors can make an impact without existing matching gift programs in place. And that’s something your team can do, too!

We recommend including a number of ways that the receiving donors can get further involved with your nonprofit⁠—even after determining that their gift is not able to be matched by their employer. For example, consider encouraging supporters to take the following next steps:

Make a recommendation for matching gifts.

For companies that don’t have existing matching gift programs, encourage donors to reach out and float the idea upwards. An employee may get in touch with their employer’s HR department to discuss the possibility of launching a matching gift program.

To further simplify the process for your donors, you might even provide a customizable template (such as the one included in this How to Advocate for a Matching Gift Program guide) they can use to pitch matching gifts and highlight the business value available to the company.

And who knows? They might end up developing a matching gift initiative after all!

Look into additional workplace giving opportunities.

Let’s say a donor’s employer doesn’t offer a matching gift program. That’s not to say they don’t have any workplace giving initiatives in place! Encourage donors who work for non-matching gift companies to look into additional corporate giving opportunities they may be eligible to participate in.

Thousands of companies offer volunteer grants, while others may provide annual grant stipends, paid volunteer time off, etc. The possibilities are endless, and all can have a positive impact on your organization.

Multiply their impact in other ways.

Perhaps the donor’s employer is not interested in launching any workplace giving opportunities just yet. That doesn’t mean the donor themselves is not able to amplify their impact on your cause! At this point, be sure to provide recommendations for other ways an individual can get further involved.

For example, if an individual has contributed a one-time donation, see if they’re interested in getting involved in a recurring monthly giving program! Alternatively, you can highlight other ways they can bring value to your cause, such as by volunteering with your organization or even taking on a peer-to-peer fundraising role.

You already know that your donors are invested in your organization and its cause. Having a strategy in place for getting match-eligible donors involved in their employers’ matching gift programs is great. But you don’t want to neglect those who have been identified as match-ineligible, either.

Guiding said donors toward additional opportunities for support is a must. And, if you have 360MatchPro, you don’t have to worry about following up with individual supporters, thanks to your customizable and automated email streams that lead the way.

3. Reach out to companies without matching gift programs.

Sure, your donors can be some of your strongest advocates for corporate partnership opportunities. But you can also reach out to potential sponsors yourself to propose business partnerships and build relationships.

One of the best ways to do so starts with the companies your donors work for that have been determined not to offer matching gift programs. After all, they’re currently missing out on a substantial opportunity for increased business success. Partnering with your organization can empower them to leverage philanthropy to make the most of it.

Consider reaching out to some of the top companies identified through 360MatchPro’s dashboard. From there, you can start with a simple template like this:

“Hi! We see that more than 35 dedicated donors to our nonprofit are employed by your company. Unfortunately, however, it looks like you don’t offer a matching gift program. Because we already have so much in common with us, we were hoping you might be interested in developing a mutually beneficial corporate partnership.”

For the best results, be sure to highlight whatever value proposition you can provide your corporate sponsors in terms of your upcoming event or project. Not only will these companies be inclined to build a relationship based on the overlap between your two teams, but they’ll also be able to examine the tangible benefits made available by the partnership.

4. Pursue custom matching gift opportunities.

Similar to how you could seek a corporate sponsorship by an employer prevalent in your donor network, you might also decide to pursue a “one-off” or custom matching gift program with the company.

Not familiar with that idea? It’s essentially a matching gift initiative that involves a specific agreement between your organization and a dedicated corporate partner. While the partner may not match donations to other nonprofits their employees support, they do commit to doubling donations made by team members to your cause. Since it involves a significantly lower investment of the company’s time, effort, and resources, it may be a more effective ask than if you were to recommend the business launch a new, fully-fledged matching gift program.

Depending on how the conversation goes, you can even share with them our detailed guide on How to Start a Matching Gift Program to help them move through the process. Should they decide to take on the task, 360MatchPro also offers unique functionality for nonprofits managing their side of such programs within the matching gift platform. Not to mention, you can offer groundbreaking auto-submission functionality through Double the Donation, which streamlines the request process for the company’s employees and minimizes the administrative lift for the company itself!

*As a note, this feature is designed specifically for fundraisers looking to manage custom matching gift initiatives—360MatchPro does not work directly with corporations. If you’re a company interested in creating a matching gift program, contact us, and we’ll share information about our corporate vendor partners.

Increasing revenue through corporate philanthropy is an excellent objective for nonprofits of all shapes, sizes, and missions. And learning how to identify corporate partnerships is one of the best steps you can take to get there!

For the greatest results, be sure your team is equipped with the tools you need for ongoing, substantial success. For matching gifts and corporate partnership opportunities, Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro offers the best-in-class technology to drive matching gifts to completion, uncover potential sponsorships, and more.

Interested in learning more about corporate fundraising? Check out these other educational posts from Double the Donation:

  • Why Workplace Giving Matters for Nonprofits + Companies. Workplace giving programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants can make a substantial impact on the nonprofits and companies that participate. Learn more about the benefits of workplace giving and how you can utilize the initiatives for your cause.
  • Corporate Giving Programs: The Ultimate Fundraising Guide. Corporate giving programs are not limited to matching gifts and corporate partnerships! Find out everything there is to know about some of the most popular and effective philanthropy programs offered by companies across the globe with this detailed guide.
  • Matching Gift Databases: Our Comprehensive Guide for 2022. Matching gift software can make a huge difference for matching gift fundraising as well as other forms of corporate giving. Dive into this resource that highlights what to look for in a matching gift database and how it can help your team raise more.

Learn more about identifying corporate sponsorships and increasing matching gifts with Double the Donation.

Nonprofit Stock Donations and Matching Gifts: What to Know

Nonprofit Stock Donations and Matching Gifts | What to Know

Donations of stocks, mutual funds, and other securities are increasing in popularity as a way for individuals to support their favorite causes. After all, these gifts offer exclusive financial benefits both to the donor contributing the gift and the nonprofit receiving it. But what about nonprofit stock donations and matching gifts? Are gifts of securities typically eligible to be matched by donors’ employers?

These are good questions⁠—and they’re cropping up more around nonprofits and donors alike. As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you surely understand the value of corporate matching gifts and are seeking to get as many company matches flowing into your mission as possible.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide that will cover everything your team should know about stock donations and matching gifts by exploring the following topics:

Ready to dive into the world of securities and gift matches? Let’s begin with a brief overview of nonprofit stock donations.

Donating Stock to Nonprofits: FAQ

Just getting started with nonprofit stock donations? These are some frequently asked questions⁠—and answers⁠—on the topic.

What are stock donations?

The basics of nonprofit stock donations and matching giftsStock donations are a unique method of giving in which individual donors can support nonprofit causes by transferring ownership of stock shares from themselves to the organization in question.

Stock donations are also referred to as gifts of securities, which typically encompasses transfers of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

In order to secure the full financial benefits of a stock donation, the donor should have held the stock for at least one year from the time of the gift. The organization then has the option to sell the stock immediately upon receiving the donation or allow its shares to continue to appreciate in value. Nonprofits typically outline their generally accepted types of donations and liquidation procedures in their gift acceptance policies.

Other Key Terms to Know:

Mutual fund donations

While stock donations typically involve the transfer of shares within a single company, mutual funds can include a portfolio of thousands of stocks, bonds, and other securities compiled as a single entity.

But when it comes to donating assets to charity, mutual fund donations function similarly to stock donations⁠—and similar rules apply regarding mutual fund and stock donations and matching gifts. Most companies that match gifts of stock will also match mutual fund donations and vice versa.

One thing to note, however, is that the mutual fund transfer process can be a bit more complicated than that of single stocks and may require a more hands-on process by the organization receiving the securities.

Marketable securities

Another term you might see in the realm of nonprofit stock giving is marketable securities. These are a specific category or type of investment, and most publicly traded stocks, and those most likely to be donated to a nonprofit, will fall under this umbrella.

Also known as marketable equity or marketable investments, these are essentially financial assets that are easily liquidated or readily convertible into cash. These are typically considered short-term investments and can be sold with minimal impact on their market value.

Why do individuals donate stocks to nonprofit causes?

Nonprofit stock donations are becoming a favorite giving method among donors for multiple reasons. For one, gifts of securities such as stocks enable donors to contribute more to an organization and its mission than they might be able to on their own.

If an individual purchases $100 in stock from a company that has since appreciated to double in value, they will be able to funnel $200 toward a cause that they care about⁠—despite having only paid $100 for the initial stock shares! (And if the donor’s employer will match their stock donation, the end value can reach higher than $400⁠—but more on that later.)

Additionally, when donating stocks that have been appreciating for more than a year, donors actually contribute 20% more to the nonprofit than if they had first sold their stocks and made a cash donation with the proceeds. That’s because when an individual sells their stock, they’re subject to pay significant capital gains taxes, which are not applicable should they transfer the stock to the receiving organization.

Are all stocks able to be donated to nonprofit organizations?

Most stocks will be eligible for donation purposes to most nonprofit causes. However, some organizations may place certain stipulations on the types of companies whose stocks they will and will not accept.

For example, the American Heart Association refuses donations of stock or other interests in companies relating to tobacco, nicotine delivery, or cannabis. In the case that an individual attempts a stock donation that is not accepted by the organization to which they gave, the securities will ultimately be returned to the donor.

Nonprofits That Accept Stock Donations

Many nonprofit organizations accept charitable gifts of stocks and mutual funds, and the trend is continuing to grow. In the next few years, we can expect more and more charitable causes to collect and incorporate gifts of securities into their overall fundraising strategies.

Donors interested in contributing stock to a particular cause are encouraged to explore their website, as the information regarding stock donation acceptance is often included within the organization’s “ways to give” page.

As of now, we’ve pulled a list of ten well-known causes and their current guidelines for donating stock.

American Heart Association accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

1. American Heart Association

The American Heart Association (or AHA) gladly accepts gifts of stocks (and mutual funds) from generous donors and provides easily accessible guidelines and instructions for multiple methods of doing so.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“You can use stock to support the organization through:

  • Electronic transfer – Your broker can transfer shares using the AHA’s Depository Trust Company (DTC) number and account number to ensure delivery.
  • Mail – You can mail paper certificates to the AHA.

Electronic Delivery of mutual fund shares is the most secure and practical delivery process available. If you would like to donate a gift of mutual funds to the American Heart Association, please contact us to confirm AHA’s brokers can accept the funds.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

LLS accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

2. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, also known as LLS, encourages charitable donations of stock and mutual fund assets as well. They even provide a brief overview of the tax benefits offered to stock donors who are considering the option!

Here’s what their website had to say:

“If you own stock or a mutual fund that has appreciated in price since you purchased it, consider using that asset for your charitable giving. You get an income tax deduction for the full market value of donated securities that you have owned more than one year and you will avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciated value.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

ASPCA accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

3. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The ASPCA is another organization that accepts stock transfer donations as a way for donors to support their cause. Within their plethora of suggested giving methods, gifts of security are highlighted along with detailed instructions on how to conduct the transfer process.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“For credit to ASPCA – American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Prior to transfer, please call the organization with the name of stock and number of shares to be transferred.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Syracuse University accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

4. Syracuse University

Syracuse University provides donors and prospects with information regarding multiple kinds of stock donations⁠—including marketable securities, closely-held securities, electronic stock transfers via DTC, and mutual fund transfers. Their site also prominently displays contact information for the university’s advancement department which will help facilitate the transfer!

Here’s what their website had to say:

“When planning to make a gift of securities to Syracuse University, please notify Advancement Services. Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to claim a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date the gift is made. You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation.

Gifts of stock in closely held corporations may result in substantial tax benefits in the form of charitable deductions and avoidance of capital gains taxes. Closely held securities can be especially attractive in funding charitable remainder trusts or charitable remainder lead trusts. Because special regulations apply to gifts of this kind, we encourage you to consult your tax adviser and the University’s development staff when considering such a gift.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Piedmont Healthcare accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

5. Piedmont Healthcare

Piedmont Healthcare utilizes its website to encourage stock donations by interested supporters. One way they do so is by briefly highlighting the benefits to both their institution as well as to the donor contributing the appreciated securities (of both stocks and mutual funds).

Here’s what their website had to say:

“Gifts of appreciated securities, such as stocks or mutual funds, that have been held for over a year are a wonderful way to support Piedmont while potentially realizing important benefits for yourself.

Instruct your broker to transfer shares to Piedmont Healthcare Foundation by contacting Truist Bank via phone or email.

Contact your mutual fund company about the process of transferring mutual fund shares. A special form and signature guarantee will likely be required by them to initiate a charitable transfer.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

FSU accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

6. Florida State University

Florida State University provides stock donors (and prospective donors) with detailed instructions that outline the securities transfer process. The FSU Foundation incorporates tips and tricks for donors aiming to contribute stock to the university, whether electronically or with physical certificates.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“When donors’ securities are held in a brokerage account, the donor instructs their broker to transfer the securities to the university’s account.

Donors should also request that their brokers send confirmation of transfer to the FSU Foundation, Inc. The confirmation should indicate the donor’s name, the security being transferred, the Foundation account which should be used, and the date of transfer. Donors should then follow up with a letter to the FSU Foundation with instructions regarding their gift designation so that the gift can be properly credited.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

National Kidney Foundation accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

7. National Kidney Foundation

The National Kidney Foundation includes stock donations as one of their suggested ways to support the institution⁠—along with other giving ideas such as cryptocurrency, vehicle donations, fundraising events, and more.

This organization provides interested stock donors with a downloadable PDF made available through their “Get Involved” web page.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“Please complete and email the included form to Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management prior to transfer.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Lazarex accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

8. Lazarex Cancer Foundation

The Lazarex Cancer Foundation also encourages stock donations within their “How You Can Help” page. This section quickly highlights the significant tax benefits to the organization and the subsequently increased impact a supporter’s gift can make.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“Did you know that your gift could go further by donating stock directly? Direct stock gifts let us use 100% of your donation, rather than losing up to 37% of it to capital gains tax. Thus, you can make a bigger impact at zero additional cost to you. If you would like to make a stock donation, please contact the Lazarex team.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

St. Jude is an example of a nonprofit that accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

9. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

One of the largest youth-focused research hospitals in the nation, St. Jude receives support from a widespread supporter base. Under its “Ways to Give” page, the organization provides a detailed guide on the benefits of stock donations with a step-by-step walkthrough of the process.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“Donating stock directly to a charitable organization, like St. Jude, can increase the amount of money received by the charity while reducing the tax burden for the donor. When you donate appreciated securities (investments that have increased in value from the time they were purchased), some individuals and households may be able to take advantage of IRS tax provisions to claim a charitable tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the securities.

  • Step 1: Choose what type of stock and how many shares you want to donate.
  • Step 2: Contact your financial institution to request the transfer.
  • Step 3: Contact us to inform us of your gift.
  • Step 4: Look for a tax receipt and acknowledgment letter for St. Jude.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

American Cancer Society is an example of a nonprofit that accepts stock donations and matching gifts.

10. American Cancer Society

For individuals looking to support the American Cancer Society, gifts of security are marketed as a key form of philanthropy under the “Ways to Give” umbrella on the organization’s website. Upon navigating to the “Stock Gifts” page, donors are met with information on various ways to donate stock in support of ACS⁠—including online, physical delivery, and electronic transfer authorization.

Here’s what their website had to say:

“A gift of appreciated securities held for more than one year may provide significant benefits to you as a contributor, such as:

  • Entitling you to a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the gifted securities as of the date of the gift.
  • Eliminating capital gains tax that would ordinarily become due if you had sold the appreciated securities on the open market and donated the proceeds from the sale to charity
  • Claiming your charitable deduction against up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Any unused deductions can be carried forward over the next five years.
  • Providing a way to help you achieve your long-term financial objective of reducing your income and estate taxes.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Matching Stock Donations: The Basics

Clearly, stock donations are a great stream of additional fundraising revenue for nonprofits, and they’re becoming an increasingly sought after resource. At the same time, organizations are looking to get their charitable donations matched by donors’ employing companies.

So, do the two ideas coincide at all? Here’s what your fundraising team needs to know about the relationship between nonprofit stock donations and matching gifts.

Are stock donations typically eligible for corporate matching gift programs?

The #1 factor that determines whether an individual’s stock donation is eligible for a match through their employer is who their employer is and what that company has established in its matching gift program guidelines.

For example, some companies consider gifts of securities a particular form of in-kind donation (which the company chooses whether or not to match based on their program guidelines). In that case, stock donations made by employees of these companies will be eligible as long as that company matches in-kind gifts.

On the other hand, many businesses have classified stock donations as a form of monetary gift (in the likes of cash, debit/credit payments, or bank transfers) or a common exception to the in-kind donation rule. Donors employed by these companies are typically able to secure a gift match on behalf of your organization⁠—so long as the value of the stock falls between the businesses’ predetermined thresholds.

All of that to say, many corporations choose to match the tax-deductible value of a contribution regardless of how it was given to a nonprofit organization – yet, this does vary based on company, so make sure you’re aware of your match-eligible donors’ company parameters.

Additionally, you’ll want to keep in mind that, as gifts of securities continue to grow in popularity among donors, we can expect many companies to begin adopting stock-inclusive matching gift program criteria for employee gifts in the near future.

How can I know if an individual’s stock donation qualifies for a match?

Let’s say your organization has just received a generous stock donation from a supporter of your cause. You may already know that their employer offers a matching gift program, and you’re looking to determine whether the stock gift is eligible for a match as well. Or, perhaps you’re unaware of whether the employing company matches any sort of employee donations to begin with. In either case, the answer should be located within the corporation’s matching gift program guidelines.

Nonprofits looking for this information may decide to conduct an online search for a company’s publicly-facing matching gift program guidelines to determine whether stock donations are mentioned. Donors seeking the information on their employers’ giving program can do a similar search of online resources, or they may look to internal documentation in an office policy handbook, workplace giving portal, etc.

However, the easiest way to uncover match-eligibility status for any donation⁠—stock or otherwise⁠—is by utilizing a matching gift company database.

Luckily, Double the Donation offers the most comprehensive database available, with detailed listings for tens of thousands of companies. Nonprofits and donors alike can begin typing a company’s name within the embedded autocompleting search tool and be instantaneously met with match qualifications, types of eligible donations, and more.

Find out a company's policies for nonprofit stock donations and matching gifts with a searchable company database.

If the provided guidelines mention stock donations as a viable option for matching donations, you have your answer⁠—the gift of stock is likely matchable for your cause!

If available documentation fails to reference gifts of securities at all, we recommend encouraging donors to inquire about the possibility with their companies to find the most definitive answer to the question at hand. Sometimes corporations might not list specific contribution methods, yet those gifts will still qualify for a match!

What are corporate stock donation matches worth?

When a stock donation⁠ (that has previously been identified as eligible for a corporate matching gift⁠) is requested by a donor, the employer typically agrees to match the value of the stock on the day on which the stock transfer was made.

Thus, nonprofit donors are able to secure a match by their employer equal to the purchase price plus the appreciated value of the stock⁠—which is typically greater than the individual’s initial financial investment!

Nonprofit stock donations and matching gifts process

What trends are expected regarding stock donations and matching gifts?

As of 2024, it’s estimated that many companies are willing to match the tax deductible value of a charitable gift, regardless of how that gift was made – the gift just has to benefit a charity and provide tax deductible value. With that being said, this can vary by company-specific program guidelines. As more and more companies match stocks and mutual fund contributions, it’s important for donors to check with their employer to know which types of gifts might qualify for a match.

The more popular stock grows as a form of nonprofit giving, the more companies will adopt stock-inclusive matching gift program guidelines.

And when you take a look at the financial benefits to parties on both sides of the transaction (one research study reported fundraising growth of up to 55% for organizations that allowed non-cash donations such as stock as viable donation options!), and the ease with which gifts of securities are becoming, this form of gift matching will likely continue to grow.

Examples of Companies That Match Stock Donations

Companies that match employee stock donations do so for the same reason as to why they match cash donations. These typically include corporate tax benefits, increased employee engagement, and positive public relations efforts.

Here are a few examples of companies that match stock donations made by their employees to qualifying charities!

Chevron matches gifts of stock donations.

1. Chevron

Chevron is well-regarded as having a generous corporate matching gift program, agreeing to match up to $10,000 in charitable donations per employee on an annual basis. And the best part is that they do match the market value of stock donations that their employees transfer to nearly all nonprofit organizations.

Here’s a glimpse at what Chevron says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Gifts can be given to nonprofits on the Chevron Humankind site via a payroll deduction or credit card payment, or given directly to the nonprofit offline (e.g. check, cash, stock, etc.).”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Google matches gifts of stock donations.

2. Google

Google offers both full and part-time employees the opportunity to participate in its corporate gift-matching initiative! Gifts worth up to $10,000 (including stock donations) will be matched to many nonprofit causes, including educational institutions, health and human services, cultural and community organizations, environmental nonprofits, and more.

Here’s a glimpse at what Google says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Your gift must be in the form of check, credit card or marketable securities with a quoted market value. Gifts of securities will be matched with cash. The value of the stock will be calculated using the price at the close of the market on the day of transfer of the security.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

General Electric matches gifts of stock donations.

3. General Electric

General Electric has matched a wide range of employee donations since 1954. In fact, it was the first corporation to roll out a corporate gift-matching program, though it was a fairly limited offering compared to what we see now!

Since then, GE has expanded its employee giving program to encompass new methods of giving⁠—including contributing securities⁠ such as stocks—as well as more nonprofits being eligible to receive funding.

Here’s a glimpse at what General Electric says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Gifts may be made via cash, check, debit/credit card, or stock. Gifts may also be made by current payment from an entity such as a personal foundation or donor advised fund if that entity has been funded solely by the eligible GE participant.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Merck matches gifts of stock donations.

4. Merck

Merck & Co. matches numerous types of employee donations to charitable organizations. Within the company’s matching program criteria, they include a fairly detailed account of stock donations⁠—including the process for requesting a corporate match and the benefits employees receive from giving this way.

Here’s a glimpse at what Merck says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Matching funds can be requested for one-time cash, check, credit card, or stock donations, via the Merck Gives Back (MGB) website.

When making a stock donation, enter the market value of the stock on the day you issued the stock to the nonprofit organization. The organization will be asked to confirm the realized value of the stock donation and the Merck Foundation P4G program will match funds equal to the realized value of donated stock.

You can deduct the full current value of the stock (regardless of purchase price) and avoid the capital gains taxes associated with selling the stock for profit; therefore, you pay no taxes on the appreciated value of the stock and take the full deduction for the current value of the stock.

You may not donate Merck stock options; however, you may donate Merck stock after you exercise your options.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

State Farm matches gifts of stock donations.

5. State Farm

State Farm Insurance matches donations made by current full-time employees, part-time team members, and retired workers alike⁠—in any way they give to nonprofits. This includes gifts of securities and mutual funds, for which they detail a few stipulations of match eligibility.

Here’s a glimpse at what State Farm says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Donations of Mutual Funds Units and Securities traded on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange or NASDAQ National Market meeting the following requirements:

  • The eligible donor must be the sole owner or have final authority to transfer ownership of the security or mutual fund unit to the eligible organization.
  • Ownership must be signed over to the eligible organization.

Please note: The exact value of the donated securities or mutual fund units will be based on the closing market price the date the transfer is complete.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Verizon matches gifts of stock donations.

6. Verizon

Verizon offers its employees multiple matching gift program options, the individual matching grants program being the one in which stock donations are considered match-eligible contributions. The company matches to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations (or an equivalent internationally), with schools being eligible for a $5,000 donation or stock match and other nonprofits for a $1,000 donation or stock match.

Here’s a glimpse at what Verizon says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Donations must be in one of the following forms: Personal check, Paypal, money order, payroll deduction, credit/debit card payment, wire/bank transfer, transfer of stock certificate.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Apple matches gifts of stock donations.

7. Apple

Apple offers a slightly different type of corporate stock donation-matching program but will match certain gifts of securities nonetheless. Apple matches any type of stock donations as well as donations of just Apple stock.

Here’s a glimpse at what Apple says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Visit the Employee Giving portal to request a matching donation for your volunteer time or to make a one-time or repeating monetary donation to the charitable organization (or cause) of your choice using a credit card or PayPal account. You can also request a match for a monetary or stock donation you’ve already made.

To be eligible, your monetary donations must be paid in full — not pledged — via cash, personal check, credit card, PayPal, or Apple stock.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Edwards Lifesciences Matching Gift Logo

8. Edwards Lifesciences

Edwards Lifesciences, a leading medical technology company based in Irvine, California, matches donations up to $5,000 per full-time employee per year.

Here’s a glimpse at what the company says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Edwards Foundation will match the tax-deductible portion of employee’s gifts made by cash, check and credit card. The Foundation will also match stock donations, as well as gifts coming out of an employee’s donor-advised fund (DAF).”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Bank of America matches gifts of stock donations.

9. Bank of America

With a matching gift program that doubles team member gifts of between $24 and $5,000 per person per year, Bank of America reports contributing more than $25 million in matching gifts per year!

Here’s a glimpse at what the company says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Gifts must be personal contributions paid directly to organizations (cash, check, credit card, securities, etc.) or paid through Bank of America’s employee giving platform via payroll deduction or credit card.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

PNC Financial Services matches gifts of stock donations.

10. PNC Financial Services

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. incentivizes its employees to give back to the causes they care about. And it does so with a matching gift ratio of up to 4:1—and a program that’s inclusive of gifts of stock.

Here’s a glimpse at what the company says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Gifts must be in the form of a check, credit card, or marketable securities with a quoted market value. You may be asked to provide proof of your contribution in the form of a canceled check, bank statement, credit card statement, or a transfer of stock certificate. Gifts of securities are valued based on the date of the gift.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

EOG Resources matches gifts of stock donations.

11. EOG Resources

EOG Resources encourages giving among its workforce with a particularly generous matching gift program. In fact, its matching gift annual maximum of $75,000 is one of the highest program caps available, inspiring team members to give bountifully as well.

Here’s a glimpse at what the company says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“Employee must attach a copy of the 1) check, 2) debit/credit card receipt, 3) brokerage statement for a stock donation, or 4) check issued by my personal or family foundation or donor-advised fund.”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

Eli Lilly matches gifts of stock donations.

12. Eli Lilly ⁠and Company

Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly invites its current full-time, part-time, and retired employees to get involved with its philanthropic efforts! Matching up to $30,000 for current team members and $7,500 for retirees on an annual basis, the company demonstrates its commitment to doing good by giving back to the organizations its staff supports.

Here’s a glimpse at what the company says about stock donations and matching gifts:

“A contribution must be in the form of a check, credit card, or marketable securities (with an established market value determined by the average price on the day the contribution is made).”

Read up on the full program guidelines here.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to nonprofit stock donations and matching gifts. Some companies will match employee gifts of securities, while others will not.

But the good news is that more and more corporations are beginning to be inclusive of stock and mutual fund donations within their employee matching programs. That means you’ll want to keep an eye out for new programs being established and existing matching gift companies expanding their eligibility criteria.

Interested in learning more about matching gifts and other nonprofit fundraising opportunities? Check out these other Double the Donation resources:

Maximize stock donations and matching gifts with Double the Donation.

Find out what happens when two spouses, who both work at matching gift companies, donate to a nonprofit.

Matching Gifts: When Spouses Both Donate to a Nonprofit

For most nonprofits, the topic of matching gifts is confusing enough as it is. However, the fine print can make it even more confusing, often turning donors away from taking advantage of corporate philanthropy. For instance, what happens when two spouses (both of which work for companies with matching gift programs) submit matching gifts separately to your organization?

Oftentimes, when a nonprofit’s fundraising team can’t find out the answer, the organization gives up when it could have received both matches. To fully understand situations like this, let’s dive into a few key questions:

  1. Are Both Spouses Eligible to Receive a Match for the Same Organization?
  2. How Can Nonprofits Promote Matching Gift Programs for Spouses?
  3. How Can a Matching Gift Database Help Identify These Opportunities?

Corporate philanthropy, like matching gift programs, is vital to nonprofit success. Let’s dive into common matching gift guidelines for situations like this.
When two spouses work for matching gift companies donate to your nonprofit, are they both eligible to have their donations matched?

1. Are Both Spouses Eligible to Receive a Match for the Same Organization?

In most cases, both spouses are able to submit a matching gift request to their respective employers. Assuming the standard case where companies match donations dollar-for-dollar, a single donation would effectively be tripled. We rarely, if ever, see a rule preventing a gift from being matched by multiple companies.

A more common occurrence is for both spouses to work for the same company that offers matching gifts. If that’s the case, one of three things typically occurs:

  1. The company will provide a double match. For example, rather than matching at a 1:1 ratio, the company will match at a 2:1 ratio.
  2. The company will provide the same matching gift ratio but will double the limit. For instance, instead of matching all donations up to $5,000 annually, the company will match donations up to $10,000 annually.
  3. The company provides the couple with the same benefit that an individual employee receives.

To stay up-to-date on your donors’ matching gift eligibility, jump ahead to learn about matching gift databases.
Learn how your nonprofit can promote matching gift programs to donors who are spouses.

2. How Can Nonprofits Promote Matching Gift Programs for Spouses?

Your organization may already incorporate many of our top ways to promote employee matching gifts, but don’t forget to also promote matching gifts for spouses.

For instance, do you provide donors with acknowledgement letters after they submit the matching gift request or upon receiving the actual grant from the company? If so, that would be a great time to encourage donors to ask their spouse if his or her company offers a matching gift program, too.

Simply reminding them that their donation could make even more of an impact increases the likelihood that they’ll look into it. Once a donor has gone through the match request process themselves, they’ll realize how straightforward it is.

From here, ask them to also find out if their spouse’s employer offers a similar program so the donation can be tripled! Since they’ve gone through the simple match request process themselves, they can relay the necessary information to their spouse.

Remember, if you subscribe to Double the Donation’s service, direct your supporters to your organization’s matching gift and volunteer grant webpage with our tool. That way, they can instantly determine their eligibility and submit the appropriate forms.
Learn how a matching gift database can clear up guidelines for donors who are spouses and both work for matching gift companies.

3. How Can a Matching Gift Database Help Identify These Opportunities?

While most employers will match both donations made by spouses, company guidelines do vary. As a nonprofit professional, you’ll need to stay on top of your donors’ personal data, such as their eligibility for matches through their employers. The research phase is an ongoing, arduous process. That’s where Double the Donation, the industry’s leading matching gift database, can help!

With Double the Donation, both your nonprofit team and your donors can instantly receive up-to-date information on their employers’ giving programs. This includes available guidelines, forms, requirements (e.g. donation minimums and maximums), and other relevant information. Plus, it easily integrates with other software, so you won’t have to worry about transferring all your data.

For larger organizations, check out 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. This comprehensive software enables email automation, customizable matching gift tracking, and other useful automation features!

With either platform, your nonprofit won’t miss out on important corporate giving opportunities. Whenever two spouses donate to your organization, they’ll instantly know if they are both eligible for matches through their employer, simply by searching their companies’ names. No more confusion on anyone’s part!

Think your organization could benefit?

Matching gifts are not something your nonprofit wants to overlook. They’re fairly straightforward to acquire, but it can get tricky when two spouses both donate to your nonprofit. In some cases, they work for separate matching gift companies, and in others, they work for the same company. It’s all about making sense of companies’ guidelines.

Now that you know typical outcomes and how to identify these opportunities, start maximizing your matching gift potential!

Learn more about matching gifts and higher education, including top companies that match gifts to colleges and universities.

Matching Gifts & Higher Education: Companies That Match [+Tips]

If you’ve graduated college, chances are, your alma mater has contacted you asking for a donation at some point. Perhaps this happened even before you graduated. Statistics show that many alumni actually do donate to their colleges and universities. Luckily, many of these generous gifts can be matched by alumni’s employers.

If you’d like to optimize your school’s matching gift fundraising efforts by targeting impactful corporate programs, incorporating tried-and-true best practices, and exploring examples put in place by similar institutions, this is the guide for you! We’ll cover:

Most matching gift programs began with only matching to colleges and universities. Since then, many companies have expanded their programs to include most other nonprofit organizations. However, there still remains a large contingent of companies that only match to higher education, excluding K-12 educational organizations and schools. And that means extra potential matching opportunities for your institution!

Let’s dive right in.

Here are some top companies that match gifts to colleges and universities to boost your matching gifts and higher education strategies.Top Companies that Match Gifts to Colleges and Universities

Almost all the companies you’ve heard offer matching gift programs (such as Bank of America, GE, Coca-Cola, Home Depot) will match gifts to colleges or universities, too. However, for this post, we decided to put together a list of some companies with lesser-known matching gift programs. Oftentimes, when a company only matches to higher education colleges and universities, their program flies under the radar.

If your college or university is looking to boost its matching gift revenue, be on the lookout for these popular matching gift companies!

Allstate Insurance

Allstate, a company that matches gifts to colleges and universities, that also offers volunteer grants.Allstate has an employee matching gift program completely devoted to higher education. Through the Good Hands Matching Grant Program, Allstate matches donations made to higher education institutions at a 1:1 rate. In other words, employee donations can potentially be doubled.

The company will match a range of donations from $25 to $5,000. Individuals who are eligible include employees, agency owners, personal financial representatives, and retirees.

Plus, Allstate also offers volunteer grants for employees who’d rather donate their time than money. Through the Hands in the Community Grants Program, employees and agency owners who volunteer more than 16 hours in a calendar year are eligible for volunteer grants.

The volunteer grant amount depends on the employee’s position. While regular employees are eligible for $500 volunteer grants, agency owners are eligible for $1,000 volunteer grants.

Read more about Allstate’s matching gift program.

ConAgra Foods, Inc.

ConAgra is a company that matches gifts of $25 to $1,000 made to colleges and universities.ConAgra will match gifts made to higher education between $25 and $1,000. Both full-time and part-time employees are eligible. However, retirees are not eligible. They also donate to other educational organizations, such as nutrition education programs.

To submit a request, employees either fill out a paper form or an electronic form. Unlike most companies, employees aren’t restricted to just one type of form. However, they do have to submit the matching gift request within 90 days of the initial donation. After that point, the company will no longer match the donation.

Read more about the ConAgra Foods matching gift program.

eBay, Inc.

eBay is a popular company that matches gifts to higher education as well as volunteer grants.The popular online auction site, eBay, will match employee donations made between $25 and $10,000 per year. The company increased the maximum from $500 just a few years ago, which is a substantial jump!

While full-time and part-time employees are eligible for the program, retired employees are not. In addition to matching gifts to education, eBay will also match gifts to most other nonprofit organizations. Unlike some companies, employees are urged to submit matching gift requests as soon as possible, because there’s a company-wide annual limit.

As part of its corporate philanthropy initiative, eBay also offers volunteer grants. Grant amounts are tier-based, depending on the number of volunteer hours employees finish:

  • 8-24 hours = a $100 grant
  • 25-49 hours = a $250 grant
  • 50+ hours = a $500 grant

Be on the lookout for this popular employer when developing your corporate giving strategy.

Read more about eBay’s matching gift program.


Sherwin Williams is a major company that offers matching gifts for colleges and universities.Sherwin-Williams offers a matching gift program where the company matches up to $3,000 in donations to a wide variety of nonprofits. This includes higher education institutions. The company’s matching gift program is open to both current employees as well as retirees.

The company matches at a 1.5:1 ratio. For instance, if a match-eligible individual donates $100 to your school, your institution will receive a $150 match, totaling $350.

In case that’s not impressive enough, Sherwin-Williams also has a great volunteer grant program. After an employee volunteers 50 hours, Sherwin-Williams provides the eligible organization or school with $200. Each employee can request up to three separate grants each year, totaling $600.

Read more about Sherwin-Williams’ matching gift program.


ExxonMobil, a company that offers matching gifts to colleges and universities, has a giving program dedicated to higher education.ExxonMobil is very well-known for its corporate philanthropy, specifically for its efforts toward educational institutions. The company offers two matching gift programs, the Arts and Cultural Matching Gift Program and the Educational Matching Gift Program.

Through the Educational Matching Gift Program, ExxonMobil will match donations to higher education institutions, including U.S. colleges and universities. They’ll provide up to $22,500 in matching gift funds per year. However, for cultural organizations, the company only matches up to $2,000.

Plus, the company offers two volunteer grant programs. For its individual grant program, when an employee or retiree volunteers for 20 hours, ExxonMobil provides a volunteer grant of $500. Each individual can request up to four grants per year. For its team volunteer involvement program, ExxonMobil awards a $500 grant when a team of five or more eligible participants volunteers for a combined total of at least 20 hours. While employees are limited to $2,000 in grants per year, individual organizations are limited to $5,000.

Read more about ExxonMobil’s matching gift program.

Here are some top tips for making the most of matching gifts and higher education, including partnering with companies that match gifts to colleges and universities.7 Best Practices for Matching Gifts and Higher Education

Now that you know of a few major companies that offer matching gifts to higher education institutions, let’s dive into a few ways you can incorporate them into your fundraising strategy. Let’s explore seven tried-and-true tips here!

1. Ensure your team understands the importance of matching gifts and higher education.

Before you can promote (and communicate the value of) matching gifts to your institution’s donor base, it’s critical that your fundraising team is up to speed. Be sure to incorporate department-wide meetings to explore matching gift opportunities, what that means for your institution, and how you can collect more corporate funding for your efforts.

And if you’re not sure your team understands the impact of matching gifts, consider sharing powerful statistics like these:

  • More than 26 million individuals work for companies that offer matching gift programs.
  • Over 78% of that 26 million (or approximately 20.3 million) people have no idea whether their employer matches gifts.
  • An estimated $2 to $3 billion is donated annually through corporate matching gift programs.
  • An additional $4 to $7 billion in available match funding is left on the table each year, largely due to a lack of awareness.
  • 84% of survey participants reported that they’d be more likely to donate to a nonprofit if their employer was matching the donation.
  • 1 in 3 participants stated that they’d likely make a larger donation if it was being matched.

Then, once they’re on board, you’ll likely want your development and fundraising staff to be familiar with top companies that match gifts to colleges and universities, common matching gift program guidelines to look out for, and how to assist donors as they walk through the process of requesting their employer matches.

And that’s just the beginning! As you continue to develop your matching gift strategy to direct more corporate dollars toward your school, it’s essential that everyone stays on the same page.

2. Enlist multiple methods for collecting alumni employment information.

Your alumni are likely some of your school’s most dedicated supporters. As they move on from your institution and begin their careers in the real world, make sure you have a process in place for collecting and tracking graduates’ employment information. This will enable you to screen donors and alumni against some of the most generous matching gift companies, such as those mentioned above.

More than likely, your alumni employment data search will include some combination of the following:

  • Matching gift software
  • Email domain screening
  • Employer appends
  • Alumni outreach

But you don’t have to pick just one method, either! The more you know, the better. Our research shows even that incorporating more than one approach for identifying matching gift eligible donors results in 77% more identified potential matches. So perhaps you might leverage domain screening and donor outreach, then utilize an employer appending service to help fill in any remaining gaps. You can even attend fundraising conferences to uncover new techniques for determining matching gift eligibility.

3. Screen donors and prospects for employers with matching gift programs.

Once you’ve located donor and alumni employment data, you can utilize the information to identify matching gift eligible donors. Here are a few best practices you can follow as you do so:

  • Check out top matching gift programs from well-known companies like these.
  • Emphasize companies that match gifts to colleges and universities.
  • Explore additional matching gift companies with a comprehensive database.

Studies show that more than 26 million individuals work for companies that offer some form of matching gift program. More than likely, that’s a significant portion of your school’s donors⁠—you just have to figure out which ones are eligible and where to go from there.

4. Communicate the value of matching gifts and higher education impact to donors.

Donors love participating in their employers’ gift-matching programs because the initiatives enable them to make a larger impact through their initial donations. Because this is one of the top motivating factors for participation, it’s a good idea to place a significant emphasis on doubled (and sometimes even tripled!) benefits that a matching gift can bring.

For example, let’s say a donor contributed $500 to provide 100 books for your newly built library. Be sure to highlight that, should that individual secure a match for their already-generous donation, they can essentially provide 200 books to make twice the impact⁠—all without having to reach back into their own wallets.

5. Follow up with donors on match-eligible gifts and provide employer-specific guidelines.

Your school’s online donation process should gather ample information about your donors as they complete the giving process⁠—including their employment status. After the transaction is complete, your fundraising team can (and should) leverage those collected insights in order to drive more matches to completion.

Picture this: Let’s say Donor Johnny entered his employer’s name in your donation page search tool, and you see that he works for the Home Depot. Afterward, you’ve collected that information, along with the data on the $1,000 gift that he made, to determine that his donation is matching gift eligible. But Johnny might not know that himself!

That’s why we recommend that you follow up with donors post-transaction to share whichever insights you’ve collected about their employers’ matching gift program availability. This should include minimum and maximum match amounts, match ratios, types of qualifying donors and organizations, and submission deadlines. And in order to really seal the deal, you can even equip donors with direct links to their employers’ matching program online submission forms!

6. Integrate matching gifts in your university’s Giving Day strategy.

Hundreds of higher education institutions host annual Giving Days as a way to drive engagement with their schools each year. These efforts are often particularly effective fundraising campaigns, with many schools collecting the majority of their revenue in a short, 24-hour period.

With such high levels of traffic interacting with an institution’s donation forms in that time-frame, it makes sense to use the opportunity to promote employer matching gifts. And doing so enables donors to double (or sometimes even triple!) their impact on your school.

Matching gifts and giving days

If you’re planning an upcoming Giving Day for your school, we recommend getting up and running with innovative matching gift software beforehand—which brings us to our next tip!

7. Streamline your efforts with matching gifts and higher education software.

By adding a matching gift database like Double the Donation to your tech toolkit, you significantly boost your fundraising potential without putting a ton of added work on your team members’ plates. This fully automated matching gift platform identifies more match-eligible donors, automatically follows up with them, and even creates an automated match plan for you.

Not to mention, you can easily integrate Double the Donation’s matching gift automation tool⁠—360MatchPro⁠—across higher education fundraising channels such as GiveCampus, Anthology, Almabase, Ellucian, and more. Thanks to available matching gift and higher education software partnerships, institutions like yours can quickly raise more by adding company gift-matching functionality to their existing fundraising systems!

Take a look at these examples of using a matching gift tool to pinpoint companies that offer matching gifts to colleges and universities. Boost matching gifts and higher education!

Matching Gifts and Higher Education: Examples to Follow

Hundreds of schools and universities have successfully implemented these strategies to effectively promote matching gift fundraising opportunities to donors, alumni, and their overall communities. Let’s look at a few examples of how the right matching gift solutions can help boost your college’s funds!

Flagler College’s Dedicated Matching Gift Page

If alumni are looking for different ways to support their alma mater, well-designed matching gift pages can offer helpful information about multiplying their contributions. Check out this example of a dedicated matching gift page from Flagler College!

Some colleges and universities promote matching gifts and higher education companies on a dedicated matching gift webpage.

Flagler College’s web page provides alumni with instructions on how to obtain a matching donation from their employer. Plus, they’ve embedded the search tool and encouraged donors to look for more in-depth information about their employers’ matching gift programs. Not to mention, they offer vital contact information in case donors have additional questions.

Eckerd College’s Donation Form

Donation forms are another great way to start the conversation about matching gifts. At this stage, Eckerd College knows its users are ready to give and will be more motivated to multiply their contributions without reaching back into their own pockets.

Check out this example of this school’s donation form and how it promotes matching gifts:

Eckerd College example - matching gifts and higher education donation page

In addition to the other donation options on the page, Eckerd College offers donors the chance to look into their employers’ matching gift programs with a searchable database tool (specifically through Double the Donation!).

University of Utah’s Ways to Give Page

Many institutions have a Ways to Give page on their university or alumni website—the University of Utah being one of them. In order to drive fundraising efforts, this school includes different donation methods (e.g. online with a credit card or through the mail) through which donors can contribute. And the University of Utah also knows that its Ways to Give page is a key location to promote corporate matching gift programs!

Here’s what this school’s Ways to Give page looks like:

Some higher education institutions promote matching gifts on their Ways to Give pages to elevate their matching gifts and higher education strategies simultaneously.

This school not only shares general information about matching gift programs but also provides donors with Double the Donation’s embedded search tool to learn more about their specific employer’s gift matching policies. The more ways a donor or prospect knows to support your institution (including corporate gift-matching), the more likely they are to follow through with the process!

Matching gifts are a valuable resource, so ensure that your institution is taking advantage of all available revenue. In fact, the colleges and universities that have the most matching gift success incorporate matching gifts throughout their broader fundraising efforts. It won’t take much, but, as you can see from the corporate guidelines sampled above, a little goes a long way with matching gifts.

This list, while helpful, doesn’t come close to covering all matching gift opportunities. Rather, it’s a sampling of well-known companies with matching gift programs. While these major companies do offer generous matching gift programs for educational institutions, they aren’t the only companies that do. Make sure to stay up-to-date with your donors’ employers. That way, you can maximize your revenue potential!

Watch the video below to hear how University of Lynchburg leverages 360MatchPro to boost matching gift revenue.

University of Lynchburg- Matching Gift Success with 360MatchPro from Double the Donation on Vimeo.

Interested in learning more about matching gifts for colleges and universities? Check out these educational resources:

  • Top Matching Gift Companies. For more matching gift companies (most of which match gifts to higher educational institutions), go over this list of some standout opportunities. Then, see if your alumni or donors work for these businesses!
  • 12 School & Higher Ed Fundraising Platforms That Grow Matching Gifts. Looking for top software that will help you grow matching gifts and higher education fundraising efforts? Check out our list of twelve fantastic solutions.
  • Marketing Matching Gifts. Learn how to promote matching gifts for higher education with this Double the Donation guide. Ensure your school doesn’t miss out on revenue opportunities by incorporating these practices.

Matching gifts and higher education can benefit from Double the Donation's software.

Check out these Atlanta matching gift companies to find corporate philanthropy opportunities for your nonprofit.

7 Major Atlanta Companies with Matching Gift Programs

While Double the Donation works with nonprofits across the country, the fact that we’re headquartered in Atlanta means we have a special place in our hearts for Atlanta nonprofits.

Through corporate giving programs, nonprofit supporters can double (maybe even triple!) their contributions to eligible organizations, allowing their employers to showcase their social responsibility. These programs boost nonprofits toward their goals by contributing much-deserved revenue. Your organization does not want to overlook these opportunities.

If your nonprofit is based in Atlanta, brush up on these important areas of corporate giving:

  1. Statistics on Atlanta Matching Gift Companies.
  2. Companies in Atlanta with Matching Gift Programs.
  3. Exploring Revenue Opportunities with a Matching Gift Database.

Ready to boost your nonprofit’s revenue by learning about corporate giving opportunities in your area? Let’s get started!

Statistics on Atlanta Matching Gift Companies

From a nonprofit’s standpoint, being located in a major city like Atlanta is ideal for raising money with corporate giving programs. The city is home to many of the largest employers in the world, some of which offer extensive employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs. Here are a few statistics on Atlanta-based companies and their employee giving programs which may interest you:

  • Atlanta ranks 4th, just behind New York City, Houston, and Dallas, in the number of Fortune 500 companies headquartered within city boundaries.
  • 4 Fortune 100 companies call Atlanta home. This includes Coca-Cola, Home Depot, United Parcel Service (UPS), and Delta Air Lines.
  • 26 Fortune 1,000 companies are headquartered in Atlanta, 16 of which are in the Fortune 500.
  • 75% of Fortune 1000 companies have employees in the Atlanta market.
  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies match donations made by their employees.
  • 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grants for employees.

Curious about employee matching gift programs and volunteer grant programs? Click here to explore more corporate philanthropy statistics.

Otherwise, let’s dive into some major companies that offer matching gifts in the Atlanta area!
Take a look at these Atlanta matching gift companies that are known nationwide.

Companies in Atlanta, GA with Matching Gift Programs

With over 75% of Fortune 1000 companies having a presence in Atlanta, there are definitely opportunities for your nonprofit to increase fundraising from employee giving programs. A great place to start is by looking at the largest companies based in Atlanta.

Let’s take a look at a few of the employee giving programs at some of Atlanta’s leading employers.


Coca-Cola is an Atlanta matching gift companies that matches employee donations at a 2:1 ratio.

Coca-Cola offers a very generous employee giving program. The company offers a 2:1 match, which means eligible employee donations are tripled! They’ll match donations anywhere from $25 to $20,000, as long as they’re made to eligible nonprofits.

Coke is willing to match donations to nearly all nonprofits but does have a few restrictions on their matching gift program. For instance, part-time employees are ineligible to participate.

Another aspect of Coca-Cola’s program worth mentioning is that the company does a great job promoting the programs to Coke employees! Read more about this in our previous article that covers employee matching gift participation rates at various companies across the nation.

Click here for additional info on Coke’s matching gift program.

Home Depot

Home Depot, an Atlanta matching gift company, matches donations anywhere from $25 to $3,000.

As one of the major companies based in Atlanta, Home Depot is also a generous supporter of nonprofits in the city. They match donations anywhere from $25 to $3,000 at a 1:1 ratio.

Similar to Coca-Cola, the company has few restrictions in place. For instance, both full-time and part-time employees are eligible, but unlike some other major companies, retired employees are ineligible.

The company has an easy-to-use electronic matching gift submission process, which means your donors can submit matching gift requests in a matter of minutes.

If you’re interested in learning more about the typical process a donor goes through to submit a matching gift request electronically, learn more about Home Depot’s electronic submission process.

Click here for additional info on Home Depot’s matching gift program.


IBM matches donations made by both current employees and retirees.IBM is an Atlanta matching gift company that matches donations with either monetary and equipment grants.

The matching gift ratio varies depending upon whether it’s an employee or retiree making the donation. For instance, IBM will match eligible contributions of up to $5,000 per institution per current employee at a 1:1 ratio. For retired employees, they’ll match at a .5:1 ratio.

Plus, they provide volunteer grants for employees and retirees who prefer to donate their time rather than money. They offer both individual and team volunteer grants. Depending on the amount of volunteered hours, employees can request from $500 to $5,000, starting at 40 hours.

Charitable employees who volunteer for eligible organizations can request either a monetary grant or an equipment grant. Specifically, team volunteer grant requests for eligible schools and nonprofits can be up to $7,500 in equipment. For individuals volunteer grant requests, IBM employees and retirees can request up to $3,500 in technology grants or $1,000 in cash awards each year.

Click here for additional info on IBM’s matching gift program.

Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines matches employee donations up to $5,000.Delta matches employee donations to a wide range of educational institutions, including those that are both public and private. Plus, they make the match request process simpler through electronic forms.

Delta matches up to $5,000 annually per eligible individual at a dollar-for-dollar rate. This is up from a 50% match on up to $2,000 annually just a few years ago.

The program is offered to full-time employees, part-time employees, and retirees.

Click here for additional info on Delta Air Lines’ matching gift program.


AT&T, an Atlanta matching gift company, offers a Cause Cards program as a way to match donations.AT&T is the largest provider of mobile and fixed telephone systems in the United States. As of 2018, it’s the ninth-largest company in the U.S. by total revenue.

While AT&T doesn’t offer a matching gift program, the company supports organizations that full-time employees are passionate about through its Cause Cards program.

Cause Cards are grants from AT&T given to eligible charities recommended by employees. All employees that participate in the annual Employee Giving Campaign are eligible to receive a Cause Card.

The grant amount depends on each individual employee’s total giving amount. These Cause Cards are expected to range from $25 to $250, and once they’re approved, employees are notified of the amount offered by AT&T and the deadline to select an eligible charity.

Click here for additional info on AT&T’s matching gift program.

United Parcel Service (UPS)

UPS, which was originally an Atlanta matching gift company, no longer offers a match program.We get more questions from our nonprofit clients asking us about UPS’s matching gift program than any other company. Unfortunately, this confusion arises from the fact that UPS is still listed on the majority of the random lists of matching gift companies found on various websites.

UPS does not offer an employee matching gift program. Upon hearing this news, our team reached out to the UPS Foundation for confirmation and received the following response:

“The UPS Foundation formerly offered a gift matching program for educational and cultural organizations. However, on February 20, 2009, UPS’s Board of Trustees approved the action to suspend the Gift Matching Program due to the economic climate. At this time, there are no current plans to restart the program.”

While they don’t match employee donations, they are avid supporters of their local communities. For instance, in recent years, they’ve invested over 1.8 million volunteer hours and over $100 million to charitable organizations.


Equifax, an Atlanta matching gift company, matches donations from $50 to $5,000.Equifax matches employee donations to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations. While the company provided us with a paper matching gift form copy, we always encourage employees to check the company intranet to ensure it’s the most up-to-date version.

Both full-time and part-time employees are eligible to participate in the program. Donations of $50 to $5,000 may be matched at a 1:1 ratio. In other words, donations to eligible nonprofits can potentially be doubled!

As with many corporate giving programs, Equifax aims to enable employees to use a part of the company’s budget to support their own philanthropic interests.

Click here for additional info on Equifax’s matching gift program.

Additional Atlanta Matching Gift Companies

Hundreds of other major employers in the Atlanta area also match employee donations. Check out some other Fortune 1,000 companies in Atlanta that offer matching gift programs:

  1. Southern Company
  2. Truist Bank
  3. First Data Corporation
  4. Pulte Group
  5. Aaron’s, Inc.
  6. Carter’s, Inc.
  7. Global Payments, Inc.

By familiarizing yourself with employers who offer corporate giving programs, you set yourself up for a successful fundraising strategy. Otherwise, you may miss out on important revenue opportunities.
A matching gift database can help your nonprofit pinpoint Atlanta matching gift companies.

Exploring Opportunities with a Matching Gift Database

By adding a matching gift database (like Double the Donation) to your nonprofit’s tech toolbox, you’ll substantially increase your revenue potential.

Double the Donation’s database has data on more than 20,000 companies that represent 15+ million match-eligible individuals, making it the world’s leading matching gift database. Here’s how it works:

  1. You embed the search tool across your fundraising channels (e.g. your website and donation webpage).
  2. Donors/Volunteers search for their employers.
  3. Your supporters instantly receive updated info on their employers’ giving programs.

Larger nonprofits may benefit even more from 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. It recognizes match-eligible donors through email domain screening and enables email automation to drive matches to completion.

Want to find out how these tools can help your Atlanta nonprofit increase its fundraising potential?

Atlanta is home to many of the nation’s leading companies that match employee donations. Make sure everyone in your organization is familiar with major employers that offer giving programs in your area.

At the very least, your organization should share the above companies with both your team and your supporters. Making sure they’re familiar with these major companies can help your organization boost its revenue.

You should also consider taking it a step further by providing donors and volunteers with detailed information on their company / their spouse’s employer. By raising awareness and simplifying the match process for supporters, you should increase your fundraising revenue.

Take a tour of Double the Donation’s matching gift service to see if we can help your organization raise more money from these programs.

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches for Run/Walk/Rides

At Double the Donation, we often discuss corporate matching gifts—or initiatives through which employers financially match the donations made by individual employees to qualifying nonprofits. However, there’s another powerful⁠ (yet even lesser-known⁠) opportunity to keep an eye out for. And that is companies that offer fundraising matches!

Fundraising match programs also involve employer matching. However, unlike typical matching programs that solely cover financial donations made from an employee’s own wallet, fundraising match programs involve a company matching all of the funds raised by an employee during a fundraising activity. This is particularly important to consider in regard to one of the most popular fundraisers in the nonprofit world: the Run/Walk/Ride event.

These events involve participants running/walking/cycling (or partaking in another activity!) for a certain distance and collecting pledges on your organization’s behalf according to the distance they cover. And for volunteer fundraisers that work for a company offering fundraising matching, these fulfilled pledges can be doubled for even greater impact.

Now, you might be wondering what kinds of employers offer these initiatives⁠—and how your team can locate donors who qualify. Lucky for you, there are a ton of available programs.

We’ve selected a selection of companies that offer fundraising matches, which we’ll discuss below:

  • Intuit, Inc.
  • BP
  • State Street Corporation
  • Penguin Random House
  • CVS Health
  • Boeing
  • Numerator
  • The Estee Lauder Companies
  • Northstrat

Keep in mind that there are a ton more participating businesses, too. These are just a sample!

But before diving into the above companies, we’re going to look at the easiest way to uncover these opportunities⁠—with dedicated matching gift tools.

Matching gift tools are the best way to discover these programs.

The Best Way to Discover Matching Gifts

To best capitalize on these fundraising matching programs, you first need to discover where they exist. The easiest way to do that is by using dedicated matching gift software.

Matching gift software allows your organization to easily uncover and pursue these opportunities within your network of support. For example, Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro is a fully automated matching gift platform that uncovers a donor’s match eligibility once a donation is made and triggers automated outreach with company-specific program guidelines to drive next steps. Thousands of nonprofits trust Double the Donation to fuel their matching gift fundraising needs⁠—including more than 70% of the nation’s largest organizations!

And, built on the industry’s most comprehensive database of employee giving program information, it doesn’t just provide insights on individual matching opportunities, either. 360MatchPro enables donors to seamlessly locate details regarding their employers’ volunteer grant and fundraising match programs as well! And it’s made easy to get started thanks to technology integrations with most online donation forms and CRMs.

With that, check out these top examples of companies that offer fundraising matches.
These are some of the top companies offering fundraising match programs.

Companies that Match Gifts to Run/Walk/Ride Events

Tons of companies participate in fundraising match programs which ultimately amplify the result of individual (or team) employee fundraising efforts. A few standout programs that we’ve selected to highlight include the following:

Intuit, Inc.

Intuit is a top company offering a fundraising match program.

Intuit is a software company that develops financial and tax preparation software. It employs over 17,000 team members and offers a comprehensive matching gift program to its employees.

Intuit’s matching gift program includes an individual match, in which the company will match an employee’s donation of up to $5,000 to a nonprofit organization or educational institution of their choosing. In addition, Intuit’s corporate giving programs include a fundraising match. Intuit matches funds personally raised by an employee for a fundraising event.

Learn more about Intuit’s matching gift program.

BP (Formerly British Petroleum)

BP is a top company that offers a fundraising match program.

As one of the top 20 largest companies in the world by revenue, BP is an international oil and gas company headquartered in London. BP employs nearly 80,000 people across the world with a large presence in the United States.

With employee grant programs that include traditional personal donation matches, as well as matches for money raised from employees’ friends and family members, BP will match a maximum of $5,000 per employee, per year.

Learn more about BP’s matching gift program.

State Street Corporation

State Street Corporation is a top company that offers a fundraising match program.

State Street is a financial services holding company founded in Boston in 1792. After many years of successful growth, the company now employs more than 42,000 people internationally.

State Street offers a matching gift program for employee donations called GiveMore, which matches at a 1:1 ratio. Within this program, annual matching limits are extremely generous, varying by role. For example…

  • The Board of Directors, CEO, President, and Vice Chairs can receive up to $35,000 in matching funds.
  • Executive Vice Presidents can receive up to $25,000.
  • Senior Vice Presidents can receive up to $15,000.
  • All other employees can receive up to $5,000 in matching funds.

State Street also offers a fundraising match program called CollectMore, where the company will match an employee’s fulfilled fundraising pledges as they partake in walk, bike, or ride types of events benefiting qualifying nonprofits. CollectMore is available up to $10,000 per team member, inclusive of the GiveMore total as well.

Learn more about State Street’s matching gift program.

Penguin Random House

Penguin Random House is a top company offering a fundraising match program.

Penguin Random House engages employees by matching donations of up to $2,500 per employee per year to most 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

To sweeten their program even further, Penguin Random House has also established a Fundraising Match Program. With this initiative, the company will match up to $1,500 per employee (included in the $2,500 per employee annual maximum), per calendar year. This essentially allows employees to double the money raised via fundraising events to qualifying nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Types of qualifying events include (but are not limited to) walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, and 5K’s, though Penguin Random House indicates that each fundraising request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about Penguin Random House’s matching gift program.

CVS Health

CVS is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.CVS Health matches employee donations made through their Community Crew Portal to many nonprofit causes throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. This includes just about any registered 501(c)(3) organization.

But they don’t stop there! The company also offers a generous fundraising match program for individuals and team participants. When an individual staff member participates in a Run/Walk/Ride fundraising challenge, CVS Health agrees to match the funds raised between $250 and $1,000.

And when a team of five or more CVS Health employees participate in a similar type of fundraising event, the company offers to match fulfilled pledges up to $5,000.

Learn more about CVS Health’s matching gift program.


Boeing is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.American multinational aircraft corporation Boeing Co. offers a particularly generous matching gift initiative that encompasses personal employee donations, gifts made by retirees and spouse/domestic partners, volunteer grants, and even funds contributed through fundraising walks participated in by employees.

Each year, a team member is eligible to request up to $10,000 at a 1:1 match rate to a wide range of nonprofit organizations⁠—including educational institutions, health and human services, arts and cultural organizations, civic and community organizations, environmental nonprofits, and more.

Learn more about Boeing’s matching gift program.


Numerator is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.Numerator is a consumer insights and data company that aims to engage and incentivize its employees with unique and impactful giving opportunities.

Every year, employees are encouraged to participate in the company’s fundraising match program. When doing so, funds raised through peer-to-peer fundraising efforts to most nonprofit causes⁠—including schools, health and human services, community organizations, and tons more⁠—are matched, dollar-for-dollar.

Each employee (full- and part-time alike) qualifies to request up to $500 in fundraising match grants on a rolling annual basis, with no minimum amount required to get involved!

Learn more about Numerator’s matching gift program.

The Estee Lauder Companies

Estee Lauder is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.With brands such as Too Faced, M·A·C, Clinique, and Tom Ford Beauty, the Estee Lauder Companies have established a number of charitable giving programs that aim to give back to their communities.

These include⁠—but are not limited to⁠—matching individual staff donations, offering volunteer grants to the nonprofits their team members volunteer with, and providing impactful fundraising matches when employees partake in events or other peer-to-peer fundraising challenges.

Each year, qualifying members of the Estee Lauder Companies’ workforce can request up to $5,000 in corporate funding, inclusive of their matching gifts, dollars for doers, and fundraising match initiatives.

Learn more about The Estee Lauder Companies’ matching gift program.


Northstrat is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.Northstrat, an employee-owned Information Technology company providing solutions to a number of US government agencies, participates in corporate philanthropy with a particular focus on education. Currently, the company offers to “match funds raised in sponsorship of events where employee collects donations based on their activity” in addition to a more traditional employee matching gift program of up to $500 per employee per year.

Qualifying nonprofit recipients include accredited public and private K-12 institutions, junior and community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, professional and graduate schools, and select other organizations.

Learn more about Northstrat’s matching gift program.

How Can Your Organization Make the Most of These Opportunities?

Now that you’re aware of the vast array of fundraising matching gift programs available to your organization through qualifying donors, you’re likely wondering what actionable steps your team can take to make the most of the opportunity.

Ultimately, the most critical component of a fundraising matching strategy involves driving supporter awareness! Like traditional matching gifts, tons of qualifying supporters remain unaware of the programs in place by their employers. So in order to drive participation, it’s important that you inform them.

Check out a few of our favorite ideas for doing so:

Share general information on social media. Post a fun graphic that states, “Many companies match donations collected by employees for peer-to-peer fundraising events. Find out how to get involved here!” Then, be sure to link to your organization’s dedicated matching gift page where they can learn more about their employers’ programs.

Reach out to existing P2P volunteers directly. Send an email⁠ or text—or make a phone call⁠—to supporters who are already fundraising on your nonprofit’s behalf. Let them know how they can find out if they qualify for a fundraising match from their employer and how to get started. As you do, remember to emphasize the increased impact that fundraising match initiatives can bring!

Wrapping Up

Fundraising match programs are the perfect addition to any Run/Walk/Ride or other peer-to-peer giving based event. And being aware of the companies that offer fundraising matches is an essential first step.

If you’re planning such an event, check to see if any of your donors work for the above companies. If your participants qualify, you may ultimately receive twice the fundraised donations for that supporter!

However, keep in mind that they themselves may not be aware of the opportunity at hand. Thus, it helps to provide guidance and resources throughout the process to drive more available fundraising matches to completion.

Explore matching gifts and fundraising matches with Double the Donation.

Matching Gifts-in-Kind: Are In-Kind Donations Match-Eligible?

Matching Gifts-In-Kind | Are In-Kind Donations Match-Eligible?

At Double the Donation, we receive a wide range of inquiries from organizations seeking to maximize their matching gift revenue by proactively pursuing matches for all qualifying donations. One question that comes up on occasion has to do with matching gifts-in-kind⁠—and whether in-kind donations are eligible to be matched through corporate matching gift programs.

The answer to this question can be a bit nuanced as the matching gift eligibility of gifts can vary based on company-specific guidelines. But let’s dive deeper into the subject by exploring some of the most commonly asked questions along with hearing from real companies’ matching gift programs.

In this guide, we’ll cover the following:

Interested in learning more about matching gift best practices, leveraging in-kind donations, and how the two fit together? Let’s begin!

FAQ from Nonprofits and Donors on Matching Gifts-in-Kind

Understanding matching gifts and in-kind donations can be tricky. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from nonprofits like yours (and sometimes even their donors!).

What are in-kind donations?

In-kind donations⁠—or gifts-in-kind⁠—are typically considered any type of non-monetary contribution to a nonprofit cause. While many donors provide cash (or check, credit card, bank transfer, etc.) that allows the organization to purchase goods and services required to keep their mission running, in-kind donations are offerings of the goods and services themselves.

One of the most common examples of gifts-in-kind is that of a canned food drive for a local food bank or pantry. People within a community are asked to provide donations of non-perishable food items which will then be distributed to the organization’s beneficiaries, as opposed to providing funds that the organization uses to make food purchases themselves.

Other types of in-kind donations you might see include crypto-currency gifts, vehicle donations, clothing drives, fundraising event prizes (such as auction items), technology and office equipment, free rentals (such as meeting spaces), or volunteer hours of specialized skills (such as graphic design, tax consulting, etc.).

Are gifts-in-kind eligible to be matched through matching gift programs?

This is a frequently asked question regarding gifts-in-kind⁠—by both the donors contributing the in-kind donations and the nonprofits receiving them. Here are a few examples of inquiries you might see:

From a donor ⁠—

“I work for a company with a matching gift program and want to donate food and supplies to a nonprofit to assist with a recent natural disaster. Do most companies match these in-kind donations?”

From a nonprofit ⁠—

“We’re reviewing our list of donors from the past few months and noticed that some individuals who made in-kind donations work for companies with matching gift programs. Are these donations eligible to be matched?”

If you’re looking for a quick explanation, you can assume the answer can vary depending on the company being asked, especially if the in-kind donation is given in the form of stocks or crypto-currencies.

This nuance adds a layer of complexity to matching gift programs – even if some parties define stock or crypto donations as “in-kind” gifts of property, many corporations classify these assets differently than personal property like a tractor trailer or canned food.

Because each company develops its own unique set of matching gift program guidelines, it can be difficult to provide a blanket answer for for which types of in-kind gifts are match-eligible. However, we’ll explore a few businesses’ eligibility criteria below to get a better sense of the relationship between matching gifts and in-kind donations.

Another thing to keep an eye out for when it comes to in-kind donations of time and services (rather than goods and products) is volunteer grants!

Similar to matching gifts, volunteer grants are workplace giving programs offered by companies where they agree to financially support the nonprofits their employees are involved with. Though not all volunteer work is considered an in-kind donation (it typically must be an individual volunteering their “specialized skills”), supporters who work for companies with volunteer grants may want to look into these offerings as well.

How do you determine whether a gift-in-kind is match-eligible?

The easiest way to find out if any nonprofit donation is matchable is by utilizing a company database such as Double the Donation. This is true for gifts-in-kind as well as your traditional monetary contributions.

With this tool in hand, all you (or your donors) need to do is begin a quick search of the company’s name⁠—the database widget will even autocomplete search inquiries and account for spelling errors, name variations, and subsidiaries⁠—and the specific matching gift guidelines will be available in seconds.

If a donor’s employer is listed in the database, it should include a document or online portal where users can go to find out more information about program eligibility. This is likely where the information about in-kind match qualifications is housed, which will provide you with your answer.

What Popular Matching Gift Companies Say About In-Kind Gifts

Thousands of companies offer corporate matching gift programs where they agree to financially match donations made by their employees. Employees and nonprofits want to know whether gifts-in-kind are matching gift eligible, but it can be difficult to determine as it varies from company to company.

But let’s hear from some real companies! Here are excerpts from a few companies with matching gift programs and what they say about in-kind matching in their program guidelines!

It’s important to note: While some of these companies do not offer matches on personal or real property, they do offer matches for stock and marketable securities – this distinction shows the nuance in matching gift programs that are important to learn. If you have employees who work for a match-eligible company, make sure they know if their stock or crypto-currency gifts qualify for a match, even if their “property” (as defined by their company), does not!

Here's what Google has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.


Google is well known for offering a variety of employee giving programs. With matching gifts on personal donations, a fundraising match, and a dollars for doers program, Google supports organizations that employees are passionate about in a number of ways.

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what Google’s program guidelines have to say:

“Your gift must be in the form of check, credit card, or marketable securities with a quoted market value. Gifts of securities will be matched with cash. The value of the stock will be calculated using the price at the close of the market on the day of the transfer of the security. We don’t match any other forms of personal or real property, including in-kind gifts.

Google does offer a volunteer grant program where they contribute $10 for each hour an employee volunteers with a charitable organization.”

Learn more about Google’s matching gift program >

Here's what John Deere has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.

John Deere:

John Deere offers a matching gift program for employees where each employee is able to request matching funds on up to $1,000 of personal contributions each year. John Deere matches donations to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations.

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what John Deere’s program guidelines have to say:

“To qualify for a program match, employee gifts must:

  1. Be paid before a match is paid – pledges do not qualify.
  2. Be paid in cash, by check or credit card.
  3. Qualify as a deductible charitable contribution by the U. S. Internal Revenue Service.
  4. Be personal contributions by employees only – funds cannot be collected from others and pooled for program match purposes.

John Deere also offers a generous volunteer grant program, where eligible employees may request grants worth $25 for each hour they volunteer with an organization⁠—up to $1,000 per year!”

Learn more about John Deere’s matching gift program >

Here's what General Electric has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.

General Electric:

Did you know that General Electric was the first company to institute a matching gift program? Yes it’s true. Back in 1954, General Electric created the Corporate Alumni Program to support its employees in their personal philanthropy and charitable giving. Since then, it has become a model for countless other employee matching gift programs.

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what General Electric’s program guidelines have to say:

“Gifts may be made via cash, check, credit card or stock.  Gifts may also be made by current payment from an entity such as a personal foundation or donor advised fund if that entity has been funded solely by the eligible GE participant (note that gifts made to such an entity cannot be matched). The GE Foundation will not match real estate, in-kind, or non-monetary contributions (e.g. services, materials, supplies, etc.).”

Learn more about General Electric’s matching gift program >

Here's what Beam Inc. has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.

Beam Inc:

Beam Inc. matches donations from employees to a wide range of organizations, including educational institutions (K-12 and higher education alike), arts and cultural organizations, and youth-based nonprofit causes.

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what Beam Inc.’s program guidelines have to say:

“Examples of donations that are not eligible for a matching gift are those involving:

  1. Dues, payments, subscriptions, and contributions which accrue significant personal benefits to the donor (e.g., gifts, which cover the cost of services, tuition, fees, subscriptions, tickets, or other considerations).
  2. In-kind donations.”

Learn more about Beam Inc’s matching gift program >Here's what Alvaria has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.


Alvaria offers both an employee matching gift program as well as a volunteer grant program. Through its matching gift program, Alvaria matches up to $1,000 annually per employee per year. Additionally, through its Dollars for Doers program, the company provides $10 per every hour an employee volunteers (max $250 annually).

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what Alvaria’s program guidelines have to say:

“What gifts are ineligible?

  1. Gifts that result in a benefit to the employee. Examples include dues, subscriptions, fees, loan repayments, bequests, insurance premiums, tuition, tickets, and dinners.
  2. Gifts or payments for primarily political or religious purposes, unless specified for a community outreach program, such as a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
  3. In-kind gifts or gifts of real estate.
  4. And a number of other common restrictions.

Alvaria will provide $10 per hour in volunteer grants up to $250 per employee per year”

Learn more about Alvaria’s matching gift program >

Here's what State Farm has to say about matching gifts-in-kind.

State Farm:

State Farm Insurance offers a generous employee matching gift program where they agree to match up to $4,500 in individual donations per year. And all sorts of employees⁠—including current full-time, part-time, and retired team members alike⁠—are eligible to participate.

In terms of matching gifts-in-kind, here’s what State Farm’s program guidelines have to say:

“Ineligible Donations/Contributions and Designations –

  1. Contributions that are directed toward event tickets, dinners, gala, entry fees, and raffles.
  2. Bequests.
  3. Dues to organizations, groups, or clubs.
  4. Magazine or newsletter subscriptions.
  5. Payments for books, loans, or student fees.
  6. Tuition payments or other contributions that reduce or eliminate tuition.
  7. Unpaid, pledged contributions.
  8. In-kind donations and gifts made in lieu of a pledge.
  9. Insurance premiums other than life insurance.

State Farm offers a volunteer grant program (known as State Farm’s Good Neighbor Grant Program) which entitles an employee to request a $500 grant on behalf of a nonprofit organization they volunteered 40 hours of time with”

Learn more about State Farm Insurance’s matching gift program >

Each type of donation offers organizations like yours the opportunity to better pursue their mission and make their mark on the world. Unfortunately, most in-kind donations are not going to be eligible for corporate matches through donors’ employers. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have successful matching gift strategies alongside your in-kind fundraising efforts!

Learn more about matching gifts and the opportunities they bring nonprofit fundraisers with other Double the Donation resources:

Nonprofit Leadership Traits

Volunteer Grants and Matching Gifts from Board Members of Nonprofits

Many nonprofit organizations have a Board of Directors that make annual monetary contributions. Did you know that certain companies offer bonus matches or higher ratios and limits on matching gifts if their employees serve on nonprofit boards?

Here are some of these companies that offer higher limits on matching gifts from board members:

U.S. Companies Corporate Giving Policies

usbanklogoUS Bancorp/US Bank

US Bancorp is the parent company of U.S. Bank National Association (based in Minneapolis, Minnesota), ranked the fifth largest bank in the U.S. based on assets ($364 billion), and fourth largest based on total branches. The company employs over 64,000 people.

US Bancorp/US Bank Matching Gift Policy

US Bank offers a 1:1 matching ratio of gifts up to $1,000 by all employees. When a board member makes a donation, this limit is raised to $3,000 (still a 1:1 match ratio). US Bank matches donations to most nonprofit organizations.


Learn more about US Bank’s matching gift program.


WestRock is an American packaging company based in Richmond, Virginia. It has approximately 23,000 employees.

WestRock Matching Gift Policy

WestRock matches all employee donations up to $2,500 to education institutions (K-12 included). It also matches donations from employees who serve on the board of directors (or other governing body) of the organization to which the contribution is being made.

Learn more about WestRock’s matching gift program.

DominionDominion Resources, Inc.

Dominion Resources, Inc. (aka Dominion), is a power and energy company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia that supplies electricity in parts of Virginia and North Carolina, and supplies natural gas to parts of West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and eastern North Carolina. As of 2012, Dominion employed 15,500 people.

Dominion Matching Gift Policy

When Dominion employees or retirees serve on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization, Dominion will make a 2:1 match up to $2,500. So, if the employee donated $2,500, Dominion will make a $5,000 donation, totaling $7,500!

Learn more about Dominion’s matching gift program.


PNM Resources

PNM Resources, headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, serves electricity to 498,000 homes and business in northern New Mexico and parts of west Texas. PNM employs about 2,000 people.

PNM’s Volunteer Grant Program

PNM provides 3 different levels of monetary grants for volunteer service provided by an employee:

  1. For every 12 volunteer hours donated, PNM will provide a $100 donation to an eligible nonprofit organization.
  2. For every 25 volunteer hours, PNM will provide a $300 donation.
  3. If an employee volunteers at least 25 hours AND serves on the nonprofit’s board of directors, PNM will provide a $500 donation.

Learn more about PNM’s volunteer grant program.

BSOCBlue Shield of California

With 4,500 employees, Blue Shield of California is based in San Francisco. It is a nonprofit health plan provider that serves more than 3.4 million health plan members and almost 65,000 physicians across California.

BSOC Volunteer Grant Program

Healthcare Organizations:

When a BSOC employee volunteers at a healthcare organization and makes a monetary donation up to $3,000, BSOC will match the donation at a 2:1 ratio, effectively making the total donation $9,000! When a BSOC employee serves on the nonprofit’s organization governing board and makes a monetary donation up to $5,000, BSOC will also match the donation at a 2:1 ratio, totaling $15,000!

Civic and Community Organizations:

BSOC employee volunteers at civic and community organizations can have donations of $1,500 matched at a 1:1 ratio. BSOC employee volunteers who are on the governing body of these organizations can have donations up to $2,500 matched at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about BSOC’s volunteer grant program.

Global Companies Corporate Giving Policies

SchneiderSchneider Electric, Square D NOAD & Subsidiaries

Schneider Electric is a France-based multinational corporation with nearly 10 U.S. business acquisitions that specializes in electricity distribution and automation management. It employs more than 152,000 people as of 2012.

Schneider Electric Matching Gift Policy

Schneider Electric, Square D NOAD & its subsidiaries provide a 1:1 match on all donations up to $10,000! If an employee is also an active member of a nonprofit organization’s board of directors, the match ratio is increased to a 1.5:1 ratio (that would total a $25,000 donation for a board member!)

Learn more about Schneider Electric’s matching gift program.

TakedaTakeda Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Takeda is the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and Asia, boasting 30,000 employees worldwide. It is focused on metabolic disorders, gastroenterology, neurology, and inflammation. Despite being headquartered in Osaka, Japan, Fortune Magazine ranked the Takeda Oncology Company as one the 100 best companies to work for in the United States in January 2012.

Takeda Volunteer Grant Program

When an employee of Takeda Pharmaceuticals serves on the board of directors for eligible nonprofit organizations, said employee can request a $2,500 volunteer grant for the organization.

Learn more about Takeda’s volunteer grant program.

novartisNovartis International AG

Novartis is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland. In 2010 it ranked number two among the worldwide pharmaceutical industry in sales ($46.8 billion). Novartis employs nearly 120,000 people.

Novartis Volunteer Grant Program

Novartis offers three types of volunteer grants:

  1. Individual Volunteer Grants: employees who volunteer at least 40 hours with an eligible nonprofit organization can request a $250 volunteer grant.
  2. Board Service Grants: employees who serve on the board of directors of an eligible organization can request a $750 volunteer grant after one year of board service. These grants are renewable every year for up to three years.
  3. Team Volunteer Grants: when five or more employees volunteer as a team on a special project for an eligible nonprofit, Novartis will donate $500 to the organization. (This is exclusive of Community Partnership Day.)

Learn more about Novartis’ volunteer grant program.

Learn about which major companies match gifts made to elementary schools.

Companies that Match Gifts to Elementary Schools

Often, educational institutions have avid supporters who make major donations. However, pinpointing which employers will match these donations can be difficult. This is because of the multitude of guidelines surrounding eligible organizations.

High schools and higher education institutions often receive matching gift funds, but elementary schools and PTAs can also be major recipients of match-eligible donations.

If your school is fortunate enough to have a large donor base, make sure you’re researching large employers in your area. To revamp your fundraising strategy, you’ll need to raise awareness and make it easy for donors to submit match requests.

It’s well-known that almost all companies with matching gift programs will match donations made to higher education. However, the policies surrounding K-12 schools can be confusing. Let’s review a few companies that match employee donations to elementary schools, such as:

  1. The Home Depot
  2. McDonald’s
  3. Texas Instruments
  4. The Walt Disney Corporation
  5. Additional Matching Gift Companies

Elementary schools have a lot to gain from corporate matching. Companies want to actively support their local elementary schools, and there’s no better way to do that than matching donations made to them by employees. Let’s take a look at a few of these major matching gift corporations.

The Home Depot

Home Depot, a company that matches gifts made to elementary schools, matches donations anywhere from $25 to $3,000.Home Depot will match gifts to almost all 501(c)(3) organizations and educational institutions (elementary schools included). The company matches employee donations starting at as little as $25. Like many companies, Home Depot matches at a dollar-for-dollar ratio. In other words, eligible donations can be doubled!

Home Depot matches up to $1,000 annually per employee for each organization to which they donate. However, there’s a maximum amount of $3,000, too. Also, they simplify the match process by allowing employees to submit their requests electronically—no paperwork necessary!

Both full-time employees and part-time employees are eligible, so be on the lookout for this popular employer.

Read more about Home Depot’s matching gift program.

McDonald’s Corporation

McDonald's, a company that matches gifts made to elementary schools, offers the program to both full-time and part-time corporate employees.As one of the largest employers in the world, McDonald’s matching gift program has the potential to impact schools across the United States. In addition to its work with the Ronald McDonald House, the company has a generous philanthropy program.

The company will match corporate employee donations a year to elementary schools. While full-time and part-time corporate employees are eligible to participate, franchise employees are not eligible.

Additionally, McDonald’s will match up to $5,000 per employee per year and $10,000 per vice president and board of director member per year. There are a few more restrictions surrounding eligible employees, so make sure to do a bit more research on the company before submitting a request.

Read more about the McDonald’s matching gift program.

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments is a company that matches gifts made to elementary schools and encourages its employees to volunteer.Not only does Texas Instruments produce classroom technology, but it also supports elementary schools with its matching gift program. Plus, TI stands out for doing an exceptional job of notifying employees and retirees of its programs.

The company matches donations of between $25 and $10,000 per employee each year. As an added benefit, Texas Instruments also matches donations from retirees. Double the Donation has a full list of Texas Instruments’ matching gift guidelines for educational institutions.

In addition to its matching gift program, TI encourages its employees to volunteer. After an employee volunteers 20 hours with an eligible educational institution (K-12 included), they can request a $250 grant for the school. Employees and retirees can request up to four volunteer grants (i.e. $1,000) each year.

Read more about the Texas Instruments matching gift program.

The Walt Disney Corporation

The Walt Disney Corporation, a company that matches gifts made to elementary schools, also offers a generous volunteer grant programs.The Walt Disney Corporation will match donations to elementary schools made by current full-time employees, part-time employees, and retirees of between $25 and $25,000 annually. The company matches to all K-12 schools.

Additionally, Walt Disney offers a volunteer grant program, called Disney VoluntEARS. Once an employee volunteers a minimum of 10 hours, they can request a grant. Like most corporate giving programs, the amount received depends on the number of volunteer hours. In other words, 10-24 hours equals a $100 grant, 25-49 hours represents a $250 grant, and so on. Once an employee exceeds 150 hours, they receive a $2,000 grant.

Also, the company recognizes exceptional individual volunteers with its “VoluntEARS of the Year” grants of $2,500.

However, Walt Disney’s grant request process is slightly different from other companies. Employees register their donations online and then email the certificate to the nonprofit. The certificate includes a “Gift ID” which the nonprofit uses to claim the matching gift funds.

Read more about Walt Disney’s matching gift program.

Additional Matching Gift Companies

While these companies offer generous matching gifts to educational institutions, they aren’t the only companies that do this. Here are a few other major employers that match gifts made to elementary schools:

  1. HP, Inc.
  2. Chevron
  3. Microsoft
  4. Verizon
  5. Coca-Cola

When developing your corporate philanthropy fundraising plan, make sure to research all your donors’ employers, not just those listed here. However, these are great companies to consider when kicking off your research!

Learn how Double the Donation can help your nonprofit pinpoint companies that match donations made to elementary schools.

How a Matching Gift Database Can Help

A matching gift database ensures that your elementary school, along with most other organizations, isn’t missing out on any corporate philanthropy opportunities.

Double the Donation works with organizations (including K-12 schools) across the country. The search tool, which can be embedded across online fundraising tools, has information on over 20,000 companies. Here’s what it does:

  • Enables donors to search their employers.
  • Provides users with forms and up-to-date information about companies.
  • Allows nonprofits to pinpoint matching gift opportunities.

This tool automatically recognizes match-eligible donors, follows up with them until the match process is complete, and even creates an automated matching gift plan for you.

Determine which tool is best for your elementary school (or other organization) and start boosting your matching gift revenue!

Matching gift programs are an additional source of funding for elementary schools that most individuals overlook. By identifying all of your match opportunities, you maximize your revenue potential. Plus, a lot of companies also have volunteer grant programs, where your generous volunteers can receive grant money for your school!

By knowing about employers in your area that offer matching gifts, you set your school up for fundraising success. Start looking for these opportunities, and maximize your revenue now!

If you’re looking to learn more about corporate giving programs, make sure to check out these useful articles:

  1. Corporate Giving Programs: The Ultimate Fundraising Guide. Matching gifts aren’t the only type of corporate philanthropy. Learn about other corporate giving programs with this comprehensive fundraising guide.
  2. 30+ School Fundraising Ideas That Work (Year After Year!) Spark a few ideas for your next school fundraiser with this creative list by Snowball Fundraising.
  3. Marketing Matching Gifts. Learn a few ways to promote matching gifts to your generous donors. That way, you can boost your fundraising potential.