Tag Archive for: volunteer grants

This guide explains the basics of Dollars for Doers programs, so your nonprofit can leverage these programs.

Dollars for Doers 101: How to Boost Your Volunteers’ Impact

Around 63 million Americans volunteer, making up one-third of the nonprofit workforce. Chances are, your nonprofit relies on volunteers who work hard to fulfill your mission. The value they provide is already incalculable, but what if there was a way for them to take their impact even further at no additional cost? Dollars for Doers grant programs can help your volunteers amplify their impact even more!

Dollars for Doers grants can substantially boost your fundraising revenue and grow volunteer engagement. To tap into these corporate volunteer programs, your organization needs to understand the basics, and we’re here to help.

In this article, we’ll break down the definition of Dollars for Doers grants and guide you through effective strategies for raising more. Specifically, we’ll cover:

From educating volunteers to discovering necessary tools to invest in, you’ll know exactly how to find and take advantage of these programs. Let’s first start with a basic definition.

Don’t let volunteer grant opportunities slip by. Click here to get a demo of our software.

What are Dollars for Doers Grants?

A Dollars for Doers program is a corporate giving program in which companies provide monetary donations to nonprofit organizations based on the volunteer hours contributed by their employees. When employees volunteer their time to eligible nonprofits, the company matches this volunteer effort with a financial grant to the organization, thereby enhancing the impact of the employee’s volunteer work.

A Dollars for Doers program is a corporate giving program in which a company provides monetary grants to nonprofits where its employees regularly volunteer.

Dollars for Doers grants are also frequently referred to by other names, such as:

  • Volunteer Grants
  • Matching Time Programs
  • Dollar-for-Hour Programs
  • Grants for Time Programs
  • Community Service Grants
  • Volunteer Match Programs

These programs encourage corporate philanthropy, increase employee engagement, and provide valuable financial resources to nonprofits.

However, Dollars for Doers programs are often overlooked due to a lack of awareness by both nonprofits and volunteers. Nonprofits don’t always know whether their volunteers work for companies that offer these grants, and volunteers are often unaware their companies even offer such a program.

How Dollars for Doers Programs Work

While every company has its own participation requirements, all volunteer grant programs generally follow the same blueprint. So that your nonprofit can fold these grants into its volunteer management approach, here’s how they work:

The volunteer grant application process, written below.

  1. An individual volunteers with a nonprofit. Dollars for Doers programs require employees to initiate by volunteering like normal. At this stage, eligible supporters volunteer like any other member of your team.
  2. The individual submits a request for a Dollars for Doers grant to their employer. To earn funding from a Dollars for Does program, employees need to alert their employer to their volunteer hours, usually by submitting an application through their employers’ CSR software.
  3. The employer verifies the hours volunteered with the nonprofit. During this stage, some employers may accept employees’ reported volunteer hours without further question, while others might contact you for confirmation. In either case, be prepared by having accurate hour reports.
  4. The employer sends a check to the nonprofit. If the volunteer’s request is approved, your nonprofit should receive a payment from their employer. This payout may come from the business or a CSR software vendor depending on what technology they use to manage their Dollars for Doers program.

It’s that simple! Share this process with your volunteers, let them know you’re there to help, and meticulously track volunteer hours with your volunteer management tools. In no time, you’ll see the volunteer grants start rolling in.

Common Dollars for Doers Criteria

While most Dollar for Doers programs follow similar processes, each company that offers a Dollars for Doers program has unique requirements and guidelines.

These guidelines typically outline:

  • Nonprofit eligibility requirements. Typically, most types of nonprofits, such as arts organizations, health and human services groups, and environmental organizations, will be accepted. The most common types of ineligible nonprofits are political organizations, churches and religious groups, and nonprofits owned by the participating employee or a member of the employee’s family.
  • The minimum number of volunteer hours required to be eligible. There are usually two types of minimum-hour requirements. Some volunteer grant companies provide contributions based on a per-hour basis. Others require employees to volunteer for a certain number of hours in exchange for a flat donation.
  • Grant amounts per volunteer hour or per threshold passed. Most companies put a cap on the number of volunteer hours or the total amount they will donate per employee per year to keep their budgets in check.
  • Employee eligibility requirements. Not every employee who works for a company with a volunteer grant program will be eligible. For instance, some companies may only offer the program to full-time employees who have worked for the business for a certain number of years. In contrast, other organizations may make their program available to part-time employees and retirees.

Here’s an example of a company profile with these criteria:

Google's dollars for doers program guidelines

Dollars for Doers grants depend on a few factors, and it might not be apparent how much of an impact they can make on your nonprofit. In the next section, we’ll outline some eye-opening statistics that demonstrate why your organization should tap into this powerful form of corporate philanthropy.

Types of Dollars for Doers Frameworks

As you start researching different Dollars for Doers companies, you’ll notice a few common frameworks. So that you’re prepared to leverage these opportunities, here are the three approaches you might encounter:

  1. Grant Based on Service Hours: Companies match volunteer hours with donations to the same nonprofit based on an hourly rate. For example, 20 hours at $10/hour equals a $200 donation. Requirements may include minimum hours, budget caps, and organization eligibility.
  2. Credit Grant Per Service Hour (to Any Nonprofit): This is similar to the first framework, but employees can direct the grant to any nonprofit. For example, 20 hours at $10/hour equals a $200 credit grant for any eligible nonprofit. This framework supports company-sponsored volunteer events while also recognizing and supporting causes that employees are passionate about.
  3. Milestone Grant for Volunteer Goal (Can Be Restricted or Open): Employees become eligible for grants after reaching a set number of volunteer hours. For example, an employee becomes eligible for a $250 grant after volunteering a minimum of 20 hours.

Understanding these frameworks will allow your team to better engage with corporate partners and encourage employee participation in volunteer programs. Make sure your team members fully understand these frameworks, so they can help volunteers when the time comes to request a grant!

The Impact of Volunteer Grant Programs

Not convinced that Dollars for Doers programs should be part of your fundraising strategy? Check out these stats that our team at Double the Donation has uncovered:

Dollars for doers grants related statistics, written out below.

  • 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer Dollars for Doers programs, indicating that a significant portion of influential companies support employee volunteerism.
  • The average corporate volunteer rate participation rate is 33%, meaning your nonprofit has a substantial opportunity to engage with active corporate volunteers.
  • About 63 million Americans volunteer each year, totaling 7.7 billion hours, which equates to approximately $175 billion annually.
  • 80% of companies with Dollars for Doers programs provide between $8-15 per volunteer hour, showing that the majority of Dollars for Doers companies offer generous financial contributions.

Dollars for Doers programs are incredibly impactful because they energize volunteer engagement, drive recruitment, and improve retention by rewarding volunteers for their time. Moreover, they can significantly boost nonprofit revenue and forge stronger, mutually beneficial connections with companies, amplifying your organization’s impact and support network.

These statistics show how common Dollars for Doers programs actually are and how many individuals volunteer annually. Chances are good that at least a few of your volunteers are eligible for a volunteer grant and just need your help in learning about them.

Inspire volunteers to donate to make a bigger difference. Discover how matching gifts drive nonprofit donations and workplace giving.

Top Dollars for Doers Companies

Many companies offer generous volunteer grants. For examples of what Dollar for Doers programs look like in action, check out these examples from three top companies:


Overview of This Dollars for Doers Company

Google needs little introduction, but for reference, it’s a multinational technology company specializing in Internet services and products, including a search engine, online advertising, software, hardware, and more.

To cultivate a positive reputation, create a positive work environment, and do good in the world, Google has multiple CSR programs, such as volunteer grants, Google for Nonprofits, and the Google Ad Grant.

Dollars for Doers Grant Information

For every hour of volunteer work a Google employee performs, the company will provide a $10 grant to the nonprofit. The minimum hours requirement is just 1 hour, meaning volunteers start earning for your cause immediately.


Overview of This Dollars for Doers Company

Microsoft is also a major international player in the technology space. It’s a multinational company that develops computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and more.

Similar to Google, Microsoft offers a range of CSR initiatives to engage employees, including a Dollars for Doers program.

Dollars for Doers Grant Information

With no minimum amount of hours required for a grant, Microsoft awards $25 per hour to nonprofits where their employees volunteer.


Overview of This Dollars for Doers Company

Verizon is the second-largest wireless carrier in the United States, serving more than 144 million customers.

Dollars for Doers Grant Information

Verizon offers a Dollars for Doers program with unique requirements. Employees are required to volunteer for 50 hours to earn a $750 grant for a nonprofit. However, each employee can then volunteer another 50 hours at a different nonprofit to earn $750 for that organization each year. This encourages employees to work with multiple causes.

How to Get Dollars for Doers Grants

Now that you understand the fundamentals, the next step is to determine whether any of your volunteers work for a Dollars for Doers company.

To ensure as many eligible volunteers as possible earn volunteer grants, nonprofits should invest in software. A volunteer management platform is a great start for storing accurate volunteer information!

Then, go one step further and research matching gift and volunteer grant databases. This type of software provides your volunteers with access to an extensive database of corporate giving programs, including matching gifts and Dollars for Doers programs. The database can help volunteers discover guidelines, grant amounts, hour requirements, and more, so they have exactly the information they need.

When it comes to comprehensive, up-to-date, and user-friendly software, we have to recommend our matching gift solution 360MatchPro.

360MatchPro by Double the Donation

360MatchPro by Double the Donation is an extensive database that contains up-to-date information on corporate giving programs for 99% of United States businesses and 95% of Canadian companies. It’s the ideal solution for all sorts of nonprofits and universities looking to double their matching gift revenue and tap into Dollars for Doers programs.

When supporters donate on your website, 360MatchPro automatically scans the information they provide, such as their email domain or employer details, to determine their eligibility for corporate giving programs. Depending on their eligibility, the platform triggers customizable emails to the supporter detailing the appropriate next steps to submit either a matching gift or Dollars for Doers grant request.

Use Double the Donation to find more Dollars for Doers grant revenue.

Our software will alert supporters about their eligibility, follow up to drive requests to completion, and thank supporters for submitting an application to their employer, so you don’t have to. Thanks to 100+ integrations with leading nonprofit software, you can rest assured that you’re finding as many volunteer grant and matching gift opportunities as possible!

Marketing Dollars for Doers Grants

Matching gift software ensures these revenue opportunities don’t slip through the cracks, but it’s still important to promote Dollars for Doers grants to your volunteers. After all, many supporters are likely unfamiliar with volunteer grants and will need your nonprofit to give them that initial push to check their eligibility.

Here are some helpful ways to market Dollars for Doers grants:

  • On your website. Create informational content on your website about Dollars for Doers grants. You might include details about these programs on your volunteer information page, add a section to your Ways to Give page about volunteer grants, or create a new page dedicated to corporate giving programs like Dollars for Doers.
  • In your email outreach. In your newsletters, spotlight volunteer grants to encourage your subscribers to research their eligibility. Link them to educational content on your website and let them know they can reach out to you if they have any questions.
  • On social media. Regularly post information about Dollars for Doers grants, and just like with your email outreach, link to your informational content on your website.
  • In direct mail outreach. Include an insert in your direct mail outreach that explains volunteer grants and how volunteers can search for their company’s program guidelines.
  • In volunteer thank-you letters. When thanking volunteers for their hard work, let them know they might be able to take their impact further through their employers’ volunteer grants program.

The easiest way to market available opportunities is by using software like 360MatchPro to embed an employer search tool into your website. By directing your supporters to it across your outreach, they’ll be able to find their employers’ Dollars for Doers program information and successfully submit grant requests. Essentially, the easier it is to submit an application, the more supporters will do it, and 360MatchPro can make the process as streamlined as possible.

Additional Dollars for Doers Resources

Dollars for Doers programs are underutilized funding resources. Set your nonprofit up to secure the grants your volunteers have earned with proper hours recording policies, a volunteer grant education campaign, and the right corporate giving database.

To learn more about volunteer grants and how they impact the social good sector, explore these resources:

Use our software to make the most of dollars for doers programs, matching gifts, and other corporate giving opportunities.

This is a basic guide about how you can use corporate giving to increase employee engagement at your company.

Increase Employee Engagement with Corporate Giving

The importance of employee engagement, which is defined as the emotional and functional commitment an employee has to their organization, cannot be overstated. According to Gallup, companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%.

As we discuss in another article, engaged employees are also happier, stay with companies longer, and are more philanthropically minded.

While the benefits are clear, employee engagement is a struggle for most companies, with over 71% of employees reporting that they are not fully engaged.

One effective way your company can increase employee engagement is through corporate giving. When companies offer accessible ways for employees to get involved in philanthropic endeavors, whether that’s through matching gifts, corporate volunteerism, or other forms of nonprofit support, employees will be more likely to participate. This in turn boosts their engagement level.

In this article, we’ll discuss some basics of employee engagement and dive into how you can use corporate giving programs to increase your employees’ engagement. This includes:

Let’s get started.

Here are the key drivers of employee engagement.

Three Key Drivers of Employee Engagement

It’s said that employees don’t leave companies; they leave people, and it’s true. Many of the reasons employees claim they aren’t engaged in their company have to do with people.

Let’s take a look at these statistics and the key drivers behind employee engagement:

Here are the three key drivers of employee engagement.

  1. Employees’ relationships with their direct managers: 80% of employees who were dissatisfied with their direct manager were disengaged.
  2. Employees’ belief in senior leadership: 70% of employees who lack confidence in the abilities of senior leadership are not fully engaged.
  3. Employees’ pride in working for the company: 54% of employees who are proud of their company’s contributions to society are engaged.

Offering corporate giving programs can have a positive impact on all three drivers of engagement. When leadership takes an interest in corporate philanthropy and makes a point to focus on how the company can help the community, employees tend to view this in a positive light.

Here's how you can increase employee engagement at your company.

How Companies Can Increase Employee Engagement

There are many strategies companies can use to increase employee engagement. Dale Carnegie highlights five great reasons to do so, and we’ve added a few ideas that our own research has shown enhances employee engagement:

  1. Senior leadership must articulate a clear vision to all employees. Without a clear goal, employees will not know what they’re working toward.
  2. Employees should be encouraged to openly communicate and influence the company’s vision with their input.
  3. Direct managers should foster healthy relationships with their employees.
  4. Senior leadership should continuously demonstrate that employees have an impact on their work environment.
  5. Managers should show employees that they are valued as true contributors, giving them a sense of empowerment.
  6. Managers should organize and encourage team volunteerism in communities as a way of giving back and encouraging social interaction outside the office.
  7. Companies should give back to local nonprofits. Corporate giving programs, like matching gift programs and volunteer grants, are a great way for corporations to support organizations that employees care about.

Management and senior leadership should take a hands-on approach to encouraging employees to engage with these opportunities at their company. Now that we’ve covered the basics of employee engagement, let’s jump into corporate giving specifically.

This is how you can use corporate philanthropy to boost your employee engagement levels.

Using Corporate Philanthropy to Increase Employee Engagement

Keeping employees engaged and helping the community at the same time seems like a pretty great deal, right? That’s why many companies are investing in corporate social responsibility (CSR) to help improve the communities in which their employees live and work. 

One major component of CSR is corporate philanthropy, and within that, there are several corporate giving programs companies can offer. When employees participate in those programs, this enhances their view of the company and gives them an opportunity to help nonprofit organizations that they care about. More and more companies are realizing these benefits, leading to an increasing trend of corporate philanthropy programs being implemented and expanded by businesses across the country.

In order to boost employee engagement, companies can:

This is how companies can increase employee engagement using corporate giving programs.

  1. Offer matching gift programs. Nearly two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies offer a matching gift program that makes employees’ charitable contributions go twice as far. Matching gift programs help engage employees by showing them that the company not only encourages donating, but takes part in it as well. Employees can feel proud knowing their employer gives back.
  2. Encourage volunteerism. Whether a company offers paid time off for employees to volunteer or encourages employees to team up and participate in fundraising events, employee engagement can skyrocket when volunteerism is part of a company’s philanthropic culture. Allowing employees to band together to better the community helps them feel like the company supports them and will boost their dedication.
  3. Offer volunteer grants. Volunteer grants are donations that companies make to nonprofits after an employee has volunteered for a certain amount of time. Volunteer grants demonstrate a company’s commitment to helping worthy causes and instills a shared sense of philanthropy among employees, boosting engagement and satisfaction.

When companies support the causes their employees care about, this helps strengthen the relationship between not just the company and its employees, but also between the company and the nonprofits they help. All of these effects come together to create a positive reputation for the company, happy employees, and a better community.

This is how you can implement and maintain your corporate giving program as you focus on employee engagement.

How to Implement or Enhance Your Corporate Giving Program

When it comes to corporate giving, managing your program can be overwhelming. After all, if your company offers a matching gift or volunteer grant program, you’ll need to track each employee donation and volunteer hour, as well as the requests that come through for matches or grants.

Corporate giving software for companies is an effective option that many corporations already take advantage of. These solutions allow companies to manage workplace giving, matching gifts, volunteer opportunities, and more.

For example, the right corporate giving solution equips your company to:

  • Set up and view employee donations, such as automatic payroll deductions.
  • Review and/or automatically approve matching gift requests.
  • List volunteer opportunities for employees.
  • Track employee volunteer hours.
  • Manage and approve volunteer grant requests.

Whether you’re setting up a new corporate giving program or trying to build on what you already have, corporate giving software can help you get the most out of your program. After all, the easier it is for employees to log in and participate, the more engagement you’ll get in the long run.

If you’re looking to get started with corporate giving or improve and better manage your company’s philanthropic programing, working with a software provider will allow you to incorporate all of the recommendations above and begin seeing real results as soon as possible.

This is why corporate giving programs are a win-win for everyone when it comes to employee engagement.

Conclusion: Why Corporate Giving Programs are a Win-Win for Everyone

In summary, there are many benefits of incorporating giving programs like matching gifts, volunteer grants, and volunteerism. These include:

  • Employees getting to experience an enjoyable and rewarding team-building event.
  • The corporation giving back to the community.
  • The corporation’s reputation in the community being enhanced through positive press coverage and other channels.
  • The nonprofits receiving volunteer support and/or additional funding.

While there are a multitude of ways to increase employee engagement, utilizing corporate giving programs can be one of the most beneficial options for employees, companies, and nonprofits alike.

Here are some additional employee engagement and corporate giving resources.

Additional Employee Engagement & Corporate Giving Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about corporate giving and employee engagement, we’ve compiled some excellent resources for you:

Find out how to drive corporate philanthropy at your company!

Check out these Atlanta matching gift companies to find corporate philanthropy opportunities for your nonprofit.

7 Major Atlanta Companies with Matching Gift Programs

While Double the Donation works with nonprofits across the country, the fact that we’re headquartered in Atlanta means we have a special place in our hearts for Atlanta nonprofits.

Through corporate giving programs, nonprofit supporters can double (maybe even triple!) their contributions to eligible organizations, allowing their employers to showcase their social responsibility. These programs boost nonprofits toward their goals by contributing much-deserved revenue. Your organization does not want to overlook these opportunities.

If your nonprofit is based in Atlanta, brush up on these important areas of corporate giving:

  1. Statistics on Atlanta Matching Gift Companies.
  2. Companies in Atlanta with Matching Gift Programs.
  3. Exploring Revenue Opportunities with a Matching Gift Database.

Ready to boost your nonprofit’s revenue by learning about corporate giving opportunities in your area? Let’s get started!

Statistics on Atlanta Matching Gift Companies

From a nonprofit’s standpoint, being located in a major city like Atlanta is ideal for raising money with corporate giving programs. The city is home to many of the largest employers in the world, some of which offer extensive employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs. Here are a few statistics on Atlanta-based companies and their employee giving programs which may interest you:

  • Atlanta ranks 4th, just behind New York City, Houston, and Dallas, in the number of Fortune 500 companies headquartered within city boundaries.
  • 4 Fortune 100 companies call Atlanta home. This includes Coca-Cola, Home Depot, United Parcel Service (UPS), and Delta Air Lines.
  • 26 Fortune 1,000 companies are headquartered in Atlanta, 16 of which are in the Fortune 500.
  • 75% of Fortune 1000 companies have employees in the Atlanta market.
  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies match donations made by their employees.
  • 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grants for employees.

Curious about employee matching gift programs and volunteer grant programs? Click here to explore more corporate philanthropy statistics.

Otherwise, let’s dive into some major companies that offer matching gifts in the Atlanta area!
Take a look at these Atlanta matching gift companies that are known nationwide.

Companies in Atlanta, GA with Matching Gift Programs

With over 75% of Fortune 1000 companies having a presence in Atlanta, there are definitely opportunities for your nonprofit to increase fundraising from employee giving programs. A great place to start is by looking at the largest companies based in Atlanta.

Let’s take a look at a few of the employee giving programs at some of Atlanta’s leading employers.


Coca-Cola is an Atlanta matching gift companies that matches employee donations at a 2:1 ratio.

Coca-Cola offers a very generous employee giving program. The company offers a 2:1 match, which means eligible employee donations are tripled! They’ll match donations anywhere from $25 to $20,000, as long as they’re made to eligible nonprofits.

Coke is willing to match donations to nearly all nonprofits but does have a few restrictions on their matching gift program. For instance, part-time employees are ineligible to participate.

Another aspect of Coca-Cola’s program worth mentioning is that the company does a great job promoting the programs to Coke employees! Read more about this in our previous article that covers employee matching gift participation rates at various companies across the nation.

Click here for additional info on Coke’s matching gift program.

Home Depot

Home Depot, an Atlanta matching gift company, matches donations anywhere from $25 to $3,000.

As one of the major companies based in Atlanta, Home Depot is also a generous supporter of nonprofits in the city. They match donations anywhere from $25 to $3,000 at a 1:1 ratio.

Similar to Coca-Cola, the company has few restrictions in place. For instance, both full-time and part-time employees are eligible, but unlike some other major companies, retired employees are ineligible.

The company has an easy-to-use electronic matching gift submission process, which means your donors can submit matching gift requests in a matter of minutes.

If you’re interested in learning more about the typical process a donor goes through to submit a matching gift request electronically, learn more about Home Depot’s electronic submission process.

Click here for additional info on Home Depot’s matching gift program.


IBM matches donations made by both current employees and retirees.IBM is an Atlanta matching gift company that matches donations with either monetary and equipment grants.

The matching gift ratio varies depending upon whether it’s an employee or retiree making the donation. For instance, IBM will match eligible contributions of up to $5,000 per institution per current employee at a 1:1 ratio. For retired employees, they’ll match at a .5:1 ratio.

Plus, they provide volunteer grants for employees and retirees who prefer to donate their time rather than money. They offer both individual and team volunteer grants. Depending on the amount of volunteered hours, employees can request from $500 to $5,000, starting at 40 hours.

Charitable employees who volunteer for eligible organizations can request either a monetary grant or an equipment grant. Specifically, team volunteer grant requests for eligible schools and nonprofits can be up to $7,500 in equipment. For individuals volunteer grant requests, IBM employees and retirees can request up to $3,500 in technology grants or $1,000 in cash awards each year.

Click here for additional info on IBM’s matching gift program.

Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines matches employee donations up to $5,000.Delta matches employee donations to a wide range of educational institutions, including those that are both public and private. Plus, they make the match request process simpler through electronic forms.

Delta matches up to $5,000 annually per eligible individual at a dollar-for-dollar rate. This is up from a 50% match on up to $2,000 annually just a few years ago.

The program is offered to full-time employees, part-time employees, and retirees.

Click here for additional info on Delta Air Lines’ matching gift program.


AT&T, an Atlanta matching gift company, offers a Cause Cards program as a way to match donations.AT&T is the largest provider of mobile and fixed telephone systems in the United States. As of 2018, it’s the ninth-largest company in the U.S. by total revenue.

While AT&T doesn’t offer a matching gift program, the company supports organizations that full-time employees are passionate about through its Cause Cards program.

Cause Cards are grants from AT&T given to eligible charities recommended by employees. All employees that participate in the annual Employee Giving Campaign are eligible to receive a Cause Card.

The grant amount depends on each individual employee’s total giving amount. These Cause Cards are expected to range from $25 to $250, and once they’re approved, employees are notified of the amount offered by AT&T and the deadline to select an eligible charity.

Click here for additional info on AT&T’s matching gift program.

United Parcel Service (UPS)

UPS, which was originally an Atlanta matching gift company, no longer offers a match program.We get more questions from our nonprofit clients asking us about UPS’s matching gift program than any other company. Unfortunately, this confusion arises from the fact that UPS is still listed on the majority of the random lists of matching gift companies found on various websites.

UPS does not offer an employee matching gift program. Upon hearing this news, our team reached out to the UPS Foundation for confirmation and received the following response:

“The UPS Foundation formerly offered a gift matching program for educational and cultural organizations. However, on February 20, 2009, UPS’s Board of Trustees approved the action to suspend the Gift Matching Program due to the economic climate. At this time, there are no current plans to restart the program.”

While they don’t match employee donations, they are avid supporters of their local communities. For instance, in recent years, they’ve invested over 1.8 million volunteer hours and over $100 million to charitable organizations.


Equifax, an Atlanta matching gift company, matches donations from $50 to $5,000.Equifax matches employee donations to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations. While the company provided us with a paper matching gift form copy, we always encourage employees to check the company intranet to ensure it’s the most up-to-date version.

Both full-time and part-time employees are eligible to participate in the program. Donations of $50 to $5,000 may be matched at a 1:1 ratio. In other words, donations to eligible nonprofits can potentially be doubled!

As with many corporate giving programs, Equifax aims to enable employees to use a part of the company’s budget to support their own philanthropic interests.

Click here for additional info on Equifax’s matching gift program.

Additional Atlanta Matching Gift Companies

Hundreds of other major employers in the Atlanta area also match employee donations. Check out some other Fortune 1,000 companies in Atlanta that offer matching gift programs:

  1. Southern Company
  2. Truist Bank
  3. First Data Corporation
  4. Pulte Group
  5. Aaron’s, Inc.
  6. Carter’s, Inc.
  7. Global Payments, Inc.

By familiarizing yourself with employers who offer corporate giving programs, you set yourself up for a successful fundraising strategy. Otherwise, you may miss out on important revenue opportunities.
A matching gift database can help your nonprofit pinpoint Atlanta matching gift companies.

Exploring Opportunities with a Matching Gift Database

By adding a matching gift database (like Double the Donation) to your nonprofit’s tech toolbox, you’ll substantially increase your revenue potential.

Double the Donation’s database has data on more than 20,000 companies that represent 15+ million match-eligible individuals, making it the world’s leading matching gift database. Here’s how it works:

  1. You embed the search tool across your fundraising channels (e.g. your website and donation webpage).
  2. Donors/Volunteers search for their employers.
  3. Your supporters instantly receive updated info on their employers’ giving programs.

Larger nonprofits may benefit even more from 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. It recognizes match-eligible donors through email domain screening and enables email automation to drive matches to completion.

Want to find out how these tools can help your Atlanta nonprofit increase its fundraising potential?

Atlanta is home to many of the nation’s leading companies that match employee donations. Make sure everyone in your organization is familiar with major employers that offer giving programs in your area.

At the very least, your organization should share the above companies with both your team and your supporters. Making sure they’re familiar with these major companies can help your organization boost its revenue.

You should also consider taking it a step further by providing donors and volunteers with detailed information on their company / their spouse’s employer. By raising awareness and simplifying the match process for supporters, you should increase your fundraising revenue.

Take a tour of Double the Donation’s matching gift service to see if we can help your organization raise more money from these programs.

Here are the top ways corporate volunteer grants help increase employee engagement.

How Corporate Volunteer Grants Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is generally defined as the emotional and functional commitment an employee has to achieving the mission of the organization. At most companies, there’s a lot of lip service paid to making sure employees are engaged. But have you ever wondered why? Have you thought about strategies companies can use to increase employee engagement?

One of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement is through corporate volunteerism—more specifically, volunteer grants.

We’ll outline the basics around employee engagement and volunteer grants in this article. Let’s get started!

These are the basics of employee engagement.

Basic Facts About Employee Engagement

To better understand employee engagement, we turned to Dale Carnegie Training, which has done extensive research into the topic. A few key insights include:

  1. When an employee is disengaged, there is a high likelihood that this individual will seek employment elsewhere.
  2. 71% of employees are not fully engaged.
  3. Companies with engaged employees outperform other companies by about 202%.

When employees feel a strong connection to their company, they are likely to be more engaged and less likely to leave. Disengaged employees tend to view their job as nothing more than a paycheck.

One of the ways your company can encourage employee engagement is through employee engagement software. If you’re going to put a lot of effort into your engagement strategy, it’s important to choose the right solution that encourages employee participation in several of your company-sponsored programs.

Read on to learn more about what to look for in an employee engagement software solution!

Here are some ideas you can use to incorporate corporate volunteer grants and employee engagement.

One of Our Top Employee Engagement Ideas: Volunteer Grants

So, how do you engage your employees? First, you should be aware of four traits that engaged employees exhibit:

  1. They are inspired.
  2. They are confident.
  3. They are enthused.
  4. They are empowered.

While there is a wide array of actions a company can take to help its employees become more engaged, we’ll discuss one very important action in this article: corporate volunteer grants.

Corporate volunteer grants are a type of corporate giving program that encourages employees to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work.

Corporate volunteer grants are a type of corporate giving program that encourages employees to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. Employers provide monetary grants to eligible nonprofits whenever an employee takes time to volunteer.

These grants are generally paid out in two ways:

  1. A set amount per hour of volunteering (e.g., $10 per hour, with a minimum of 10 hours)
  2. A set rate once a certain volunteer threshold has been reached (e.g., $250 once an employee has volunteered 20 hours)

Of course, it’s important to remember that these payment structures vary from company to company. But when employees understand their company’s guidelines and are actively encouraged to participate in their volunteer grant program, that becomes a huge revenue stream for nonprofits.

How can volunteer grants increase employee engagement?

It has also been shown that employers who offer volunteer grants and other volunteer programs and encourage participation in them are more likely to have employees with the same shared sense of philanthropy.

Employees are proud to work for a company that involves itself in the community and are more likely to bring a good name to your business via volunteerism.

Here's how corporate volunteer grants can increase employee engagement.

Beyond corporate volunteer grants, offering opportunities for individual employees to volunteer (like paid time off for volunteer days) can also increase employee engagement.

There are many statistics that back up the idea that workplace giving and volunteer programs can boost engagement. Need some numbers?

  • A study by Dale Carnegie surveyed 1,500 employees and found that 54% of employees who were proud of their company’s contributions to society were engaged.
  • A Lloyd Morgan survey of 50,000 employees showed that by increasing employee engagement levels, organizations could expect an 87% reduction in employees’ probability of departure.
  • A Deloitte survey suggests that 61% of millennials who rarely volunteer would still consider a company’s commitment to giving back to the community when evaluating job opportunities.

Offering volunteer grants and other volunteering opportunities can boost productivity, make employees happier, and increase their tenure with your company.

Group Volunteer Activities

Another good method of increasing employee engagement is to encourage group volunteerism.

Group volunteerism increases camaraderie amongst employees who may not usually interact with each other. It also increases employee engagement by producing a shared sense of purpose among coworkers.

Some companies take it a step further by providing grants when teams of employees volunteer together. It’s a great way for companies to support the organizations that employees are passionate about.

When companies implement programs like corporate volunteer grants and group volunteer activities, the most immediate benefit is that a local nonprofit receives both donations and time from individuals who deeply care about their causes. However, corporate volunteerism can also help boost employee engagement by producing a shared sense of purpose among employees and between themselves and the company.

Here's employee engagement software that can help you approve more volunteer grants.

Employee Engagement Software

While corporate volunteerism means finding opportunities for your team to volunteer together, as well as providing additional monetary grants to nonprofits, it can be challenging to track all of the volunteer hours and grant requests that come through.

If you’re looking for a way to streamline your company’s volunteer opportunities and grants, consider investing in employee engagement software.

This type of software helps bring your team together and promotes an engaged company culture.

For example, by using employee engagement software to manage your volunteer program, you’ll be able to:

  • Create custom volunteer events.
  • Find local opportunities for employees to participate in.
  • Review and approve volunteer grant requests.

When you streamline your process for tracking volunteer opportunities and grant requests, you’ll make it easier for your employees to participate in these activities. Additionally, you can easily track your progress and have a better picture of the impact you’re making.

Here are additional corporate volunteer grant and employee engagement resources.

Additional Volunteering & Employee Engagement Resources

It’s clear that corporate volunteer grants can increase employee engagement. Why not look into other ways you can keep your employees happy, productive, and fulfilled?

Here are some additional resources below:

Learn more about corporate volunteer grants with our guide!

Nonprofit Leadership Traits

Volunteer Grants and Matching Gifts from Board Members of Nonprofits

Many nonprofit organizations have a Board of Directors that make annual monetary contributions. Did you know that certain companies offer bonus matches or higher ratios and limits on matching gifts if their employees serve on nonprofit boards?

Here are some of these companies that offer higher limits on matching gifts from board members:

U.S. Companies Corporate Giving Policies

usbanklogoUS Bancorp/US Bank

US Bancorp is the parent company of U.S. Bank National Association (based in Minneapolis, Minnesota), ranked the fifth largest bank in the U.S. based on assets ($364 billion), and fourth largest based on total branches. The company employs over 64,000 people.

US Bancorp/US Bank Matching Gift Policy

US Bank offers a 1:1 matching ratio of gifts up to $1,000 by all employees. When a board member makes a donation, this limit is raised to $3,000 (still a 1:1 match ratio). US Bank matches donations to most nonprofit organizations.


Learn more about US Bank’s matching gift program.


WestRock is an American packaging company based in Richmond, Virginia. It has approximately 23,000 employees.

WestRock Matching Gift Policy

WestRock matches all employee donations up to $2,500 to education institutions (K-12 included). It also matches donations from employees who serve on the board of directors (or other governing body) of the organization to which the contribution is being made.

Learn more about WestRock’s matching gift program.

DominionDominion Resources, Inc.

Dominion Resources, Inc. (aka Dominion), is a power and energy company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia that supplies electricity in parts of Virginia and North Carolina, and supplies natural gas to parts of West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and eastern North Carolina. As of 2012, Dominion employed 15,500 people.

Dominion Matching Gift Policy

When Dominion employees or retirees serve on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization, Dominion will make a 2:1 match up to $2,500. So, if the employee donated $2,500, Dominion will make a $5,000 donation, totaling $7,500!

Learn more about Dominion’s matching gift program.


PNM Resources

PNM Resources, headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, serves electricity to 498,000 homes and business in northern New Mexico and parts of west Texas. PNM employs about 2,000 people.

PNM’s Volunteer Grant Program

PNM provides 3 different levels of monetary grants for volunteer service provided by an employee:

  1. For every 12 volunteer hours donated, PNM will provide a $100 donation to an eligible nonprofit organization.
  2. For every 25 volunteer hours, PNM will provide a $300 donation.
  3. If an employee volunteers at least 25 hours AND serves on the nonprofit’s board of directors, PNM will provide a $500 donation.

Learn more about PNM’s volunteer grant program.

BSOCBlue Shield of California

With 4,500 employees, Blue Shield of California is based in San Francisco. It is a nonprofit health plan provider that serves more than 3.4 million health plan members and almost 65,000 physicians across California.

BSOC Volunteer Grant Program

Healthcare Organizations:

When a BSOC employee volunteers at a healthcare organization and makes a monetary donation up to $3,000, BSOC will match the donation at a 2:1 ratio, effectively making the total donation $9,000! When a BSOC employee serves on the nonprofit’s organization governing board and makes a monetary donation up to $5,000, BSOC will also match the donation at a 2:1 ratio, totaling $15,000!

Civic and Community Organizations:

BSOC employee volunteers at civic and community organizations can have donations of $1,500 matched at a 1:1 ratio. BSOC employee volunteers who are on the governing body of these organizations can have donations up to $2,500 matched at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about BSOC’s volunteer grant program.

Global Companies Corporate Giving Policies

SchneiderSchneider Electric, Square D NOAD & Subsidiaries

Schneider Electric is a France-based multinational corporation with nearly 10 U.S. business acquisitions that specializes in electricity distribution and automation management. It employs more than 152,000 people as of 2012.

Schneider Electric Matching Gift Policy

Schneider Electric, Square D NOAD & its subsidiaries provide a 1:1 match on all donations up to $10,000! If an employee is also an active member of a nonprofit organization’s board of directors, the match ratio is increased to a 1.5:1 ratio (that would total a $25,000 donation for a board member!)

Learn more about Schneider Electric’s matching gift program.

TakedaTakeda Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Takeda is the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and Asia, boasting 30,000 employees worldwide. It is focused on metabolic disorders, gastroenterology, neurology, and inflammation. Despite being headquartered in Osaka, Japan, Fortune Magazine ranked the Takeda Oncology Company as one the 100 best companies to work for in the United States in January 2012.

Takeda Volunteer Grant Program

When an employee of Takeda Pharmaceuticals serves on the board of directors for eligible nonprofit organizations, said employee can request a $2,500 volunteer grant for the organization.

Learn more about Takeda’s volunteer grant program.

novartisNovartis International AG

Novartis is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland. In 2010 it ranked number two among the worldwide pharmaceutical industry in sales ($46.8 billion). Novartis employs nearly 120,000 people.

Novartis Volunteer Grant Program

Novartis offers three types of volunteer grants:

  1. Individual Volunteer Grants: employees who volunteer at least 40 hours with an eligible nonprofit organization can request a $250 volunteer grant.
  2. Board Service Grants: employees who serve on the board of directors of an eligible organization can request a $750 volunteer grant after one year of board service. These grants are renewable every year for up to three years.
  3. Team Volunteer Grants: when five or more employees volunteer as a team on a special project for an eligible nonprofit, Novartis will donate $500 to the organization. (This is exclusive of Community Partnership Day.)

Learn more about Novartis’ volunteer grant program.

Small Companies Matching Gifts

11 More Companies with Volunteer Grants Greater Than $15/hour

Over the past few months we published multiple lists of companies which provide volunteer grants of more than $15 per hour.

Campbell Soup Company

The Campbell Soup Company provides volunteer grants worth $20 per hour. For every 25 hours which an employee volunteers, the company will provide a $500 grant. Employees can apply for multiple grants each year.

The Campbell Soup Company also matches employee donations to educational institutions.

View additional details on Campbell Soup’s volunteer grant program.


AMD offers multiple types of volunteer grants.

Through the company’s Grant Incentives for Volunteer Efforts (GIVE) program, the company provides volunteer grants of $15 per hour up to $3,000 annually. The program is open to U.S. and Canadian employees as well as their spouses.

AMD also offers Team Development Grants. When teams of five or more AMD employees volunteer together, they can apply for an additional $500 grant. Click here to learn about similar companies which offer team volunteer grants.

AMD also matches donations made to most nonprofits so the impact of employee contributions is doubled.

View additional details on AMD’s volunteer grant program.

Levi Strauss

Levi Strauss provides volunteer grants of $20 per hour. Employees are required to volunteer for a minimum of 10 hours before they can request a volunteer grant. Above 10 hours, there are the following tiers multiple tiers:

10 hours = $200 grant (minimum)
20 hours = $400 grant
40 hours = $800 grant
80 hours = $1200 grant
100 hours = $1600 grant
120 hours = $2000 grant
140 hours = $2400 grant (maximum)

Levi Strauss also matches donations to almost all nonprofit organizations.

View additional details on Levi Strauss’s volunteer grant program.

Peabody Energy Corporation

Peabody Energy not only matches employee donations to nearly all nonprofits dollar for dollar, but the company also provides volunteer grants worth $25 per hour up to $1,000 per employee annually. There are four thresholds which employees can meet:

10 hours =  $250 grant
20 hours = $500 grant
30 hours = $750 grant
40 hours = $1000 grant

View additional details on Peabody Energy’s volunteer grant program.


Through Symantec’s Dollars for Doers program, Symantec encourages employees to volunteer on a regular basis by offering grants of $15 per volunteer hour. Symantec provides up to $1,000 in volunteer grants per employee each year.

Additionally, the company also matches donations up to $1,000 per employee each year.

View additional details on Symantec’s volunteer grant program.

Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)

Hospital Corporation of America offers multiple types of volunteer grants for employees who volunteer in their communities.

  1. Through HCA’s Dollars for Board Service, HCA provides $500 grants when an employee serves on a nonprofit’s board.
  2. Through HCA’s Dollars for Doers program, HCA awards $500 grants to nonprofits when an employee volunteers for at least 25 hours.
  3. Through the Team HCA Project, the company is willing to provide up to $500 in funding for materials when a group of HCA employees volunteer together with a nonprofit.

As an added bonus, the top ten nonprofits based on the total number of volunteer hours registered receive a $1,000 bonus grant each year.

View additional details on HCA’s volunteer grant program.

Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters provides grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer for at least 20 hours in a year. There are two thresholds:

  1. 20-39 hours = $500 grant for the nonprofit
  2. 40+ hours = $1,000 grant for the nonprofit

Additionally, Thomson Reuters matches employee gifts to nonprofits at a 1:1 ratio.

View additional details on Thomson Reuters’ volunteer grant program.

FBR Capital

FBR’s Giving Incentives for Volunteer Efforts (GIVE) Program provides FBR Capital with an opportunity to show its support for the volunteer activities of its employees. For every hour that an employee volunteers at a non-profit organization, FBR will donate $20 to that organization up to 50 hours or $1,000 per year.

FBR Capital also matches employee donations up to $1,000 annually at a dollar for dollar ratio. Any donations above $1,000 are eligible for the company’s incentive match program where the company provides a 10% match.

View additional details on FBR Capital’s volunteer grant program.


SAP supplements the contributions of SAP employees who volunteer their time to
nonprofit organizations with monetary grants. The grant per hour varies based upon the role the employee plays. The three levels are:

  • Level 1: If you serve on a nonprofit board, your time is matched with a $20 grant per hour.
  • Level 2: If you provide hands-on volunteer service, your time is matched with a $40 grant per hour volunteered.
  • Level 3: If you provide emergency services, your time is matched with a  $60 grant per volunteer hour.

In addition to the volunteer grants, through SAP’s Dollars for Dollars (SAP$4$) Program, the company matches employee donations to nearly every nonprofit.

There is a $10,000 combined limit for both SAP’s Dollars for Dollars and Dollars for Doers programs.

View additional details on SAP’s volunteer grant program.

John Wiley & Sons

Employees at John Wiley & Sons are eligible to request volunteer grants of up to $500 annually. There are two different levels of volunteer grants.

  • 12-30 hours = $250 grants
  • 30+ hours  = $500 grants

John Wiley & Sons also offers a matching gift program where they double donations made by employees up to $2,000 annually.

View additional details on John Wiley & Sons’ volunteer grant program.

Learn about the top companies in Baltimore offering matching gift programs.

Matching Gift Opportunities: Top Companies in Baltimore

At Double the Donation, we partner with nonprofits across the country to help them increase their revenue through corporate matching gift programs and volunteer grants. We frequently receive requests from nonprofits asking for information on companies local to their area that offer such programs.

Today, we’re examining the largest city in Maryland– Baltimore– and the matching gift opportunities it holds. We’ve pulled together a shortlist of the city’s top opportunities, and are going to detail the programs of the following companies:

  • Black & Decker
  • Lockheed Martin
  • T. Rowe Price

The above list is by no means comprehensive, and if you have a large donor base in the Baltimore area, consider doing some outside research on the city’s top programs. The best way to do this is by using a dedicated matching gift tool– read on to learn more!

The best way to discover matching gift programs, in Baltimore or elsewhere, is by using matching gift tools.

Using Matching Gift Tools

Dedicated matching gift tools can improve the solicitation processes for both small and large nonprofits alike. Whether you’re just building your matching gift discovery procedures, or improving your existing processes, these tools can aid in the process.

For example, Double the Donation’s comprehensive tool, 360MatchPro can help streamline and automate the matching gift process from beginning to end. With this tool, a donor’s match eligibility is automatically searched upon their donation. Further, as the software is fully automated, the communications following the discovery of eligibility are handled for you as well.

With that, continue reading for a look at corporate philanthropy in Baltimore.

These are the top companies in Baltimore offering matching gift programs.

Top Baltimore Companies with Matching Gift Programs

Check out this list of some of the top companies in the Baltimore area that currently offer corporate matching gifts. Familiarize your fundraising team with these companies to increase awareness among the donors who work for these companies.

Black & DeckerBlack & Decker is a top company in Baltimore offering a matching gift program.

Stanley Black and Decker will match employee donations at a $10 minimum and up to $10,000. The company will match to most nonprofit organizations.

Read more about the Black and Decker matching gift program.


Lockheed MartinLockheed Martin is a top company in Baltimore with a matching gift program.

Lockheed Martin will match employee donations between $25 and $10,000 to US colleges and universities. Part-time employees are also eligible for this program.

Read more about the Lockheed Martin matching gift program.


T. Rowe PriceT. Rowe Price is a top company in Baltimore offering a matching gift program.

T. Rowe Price has one of the more generous programs in the area. They will match gifts between $25 and $20,000 to most nonprofit organizations.

Read more about the T. Rowe Price matching gift and volunteer grant program.



Matching gift programs are a great way to increase donations to your nonprofit with minimal effort. Whether you’re in Baltimore or elsewhere, you should be actively seeking these programs.

While this list is a great place to get started, consider also employing a matching gift tool as you build upon your matching gift processes.


Learn about the top companies in Los Angeles with matching gift programs.

Los Angeles Companies that Match Employee Donations

Double the Donation may be based in Atlanta, but we serve nonprofit clients all across the country. In fact, in the U.S. we offer our services to those as far east as Miami, Florida, and as far west as Los Angeles, California!

In California, our clients range from educational foundations (ex. Lafayette Partners in Education), health and human service organizations (ex. Lazarex Cancer Foundation), civic and community-based nonprofits (ex. YMCA of Orange County), and everything in between.

Today, we want to take a trip to the west coast to highlight some LA-based companies that match employee donations via matching gifts and volunteer grant programs.

We’re going to look at some basic statistics surrounding corporate philanthropy in Los Angeles as well as our favorite method for discovering matching gift opportunities. Then, we’ll examine the matching gift programs of the following top LA-based companies:

  • The Capital Group Companies
  • Edison International
  • Mattel, Inc.
  • Walt Disney Corporation
  • And many more

Follow along for a look at matching gift programs in Los Angeles, CA.

Learn some of the basics of matching gift programs in Los Angeles.

Quick Statistics on Los Angeles Matching Gift Companies

Due to the wealth of companies in Los Angeles focusing their philanthropic efforts on educational institutions, many nonprofits and K-12 public schools are raising tens of thousands of dollars annually just via matching gifts. These opportunities extend to other nonprofit organizations as well.

In order to best target these corporate philanthropy opportunities, it helps to get a sense of the Los Angeles business market. Let’s take a look!

  • In 2022, 50 California-based companies graced the Fortune 500 list—22 of which are headquartered in Los Angeles County.
  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer matching gift programs.
  • 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grant programs.

If your organization isn’t informing donors of the opportunities presented by matching gift programs, you may be missing out.

This is the best method for marketing matching gift programs to your donors.

How do I market matching gifts?

If you have a large donor base in Los Angeles (though these opportunities can be found throughout many other cities, as well), you might be wondering how you can begin spreading the word about matching gifts. It’s an amazing opportunity, and you certainly don’t want to miss out!

Luckily, there are tools to help your organization market matching gift opportunities, such as 360MatchPro. For organizations looking to make the most of the matching gift solicitation process, 360MatchPro is a useful resource. As a matching gift automation software, this tool detects when a donor is match-eligible and educates them via email, if so.

Promote corporate philanthropy opportunities for top Los Angeles matching gift companies

With that in mind, continue reading for a look at the top companies in Los Angeles offering matching gift programs.

Check out the top companies in Los Angeles that have matching gift programs.

Major Companies in Los Angeles with Employee Giving Programs

Check out these top companies participating in matching employee donations in Los Angeles, California!

Capital Group Companies

The Capital Group Companies is a top company in Los Angeles with a matching gift program.

Capital Group Companies is a financial investment services company with assets upward of $1 trillion. With about 7,000 employees worldwide, CGC offers a very generous matching gift program, providing a 2:1 match on donations anywhere from $25-$5,000. That’s essentially tripling a donation!

CGC also offers a volunteer grant program that encourages employees to volunteer at least 10 hours with an organization, after which it will provide a grant of $10 per hour for up to 50 hours.

Click here for additional details on The Capital Group Companies’ matching gift program.

Edison International

Example Los Angeles company that matches giftsEstablished in 1886, Edison International is a public utility holding company headquartered just outside of Los Angeles, California. This forward-thinking company aims to make the world a better place not only through its overarching mission of transforming the energy industry but also by giving back to charitable causes through employee matching donations.

Today, current full-time and part-time employees qualify for donation matches between $25 and $2,000. Made at a dollar-for-dollar rate, Edison International supports organizations across a wide range of sectors, including educational institutions, arts and cultural organizations, health and human services, environmental groups, and more.

Plus, the company and its employees serve their communities in hands-on ways, including environmental clean-up excursions and volunteer events alongside local food banks. In 2021, Edison International employees contributed over $1.9 million to over 2,000 different organizations!

Click here for additional details on Edison International’s matching gift program.

Mattel, Inc.

Example Los Angeles company that matches giftsMattel, Inc. is one of the largest multinational toy companies in the world, with revenue totaling over $5 billion each year. Founded in 1945 and currently based in Los Angeles County, California, Mattel employs more than 32,000 individuals.

And they offer a generous employee matching program that encourages team members to give back to nonprofit causes in key sectors that align with the Mattel brand. Each year, full-time and part-time staff qualify for matching donations of between $25 and $5,000 at a 1:1 ratio to charitable organizations that focus on children and youth services, elementary and secondary schools, and select other groups.

Click here for additional details on Mattel, Inc.’s matching gift program.

Walt Disney Corporation

Example Los Angeles company that matches giftsThe Walt Disney Corporation is a mass media company that was founded in Los Angeles in 1923 and is currently headquartered nearby in Burbank, California. With over 200,000 employees across the globe, Walt Disney Company is dedicated to giving back to the communities in which its team members live and work through generous donation-matching and volunteer grant initiatives.

Currently, the Walt Disney Corporation matches full-time employee and part-time team member donations made to most nonprofit causes in a 1:1 ratio. Donation matches are offered on a yearly basis of between $25 and $25,000 per employee. Plus, Disney staff are also eligible to participate in the Disney VoluntEARS programs, where the company provides generous monetary grants to the nonprofit organizations to which team members dedicate their time.

Click here for additional details on The Walt Disney Corporation’s matching gift program.

Check out these additional Los Angeles companies with matching gift programs.

Additional Los Angeles Matching Gift Programs

There are countless other major employers with a significant presence in the Los Angeles area that match employee donations. These include companies such as:

  • Amgen
  • Bank of America
  • Boeing
  • Home Depot
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Pfizer

We highly encourage your nonprofit organization to share the above companies with your fundraising staff, making sure they’re at least familiar with the companies that will match donations made by employees. For more opportunities, check out this list of the top companies providing matching gift programs.

Small Companies Matching Gifts

10 More Companies with Volunteer Grants Greater Than $15/hour

Volunteer Grants (aka Dollars for Doers) programs are an up and coming form of corporate giving. Unlike matching gift programs, in which corporations match donations from employees, these programs match volunteer effort from employees with corporate donations.

If you haven’t been following Double the Donation’s blog, catch up on part 1 of this topic where we introduced 10 companies which provide grants of at least $15 per volunteer hour.

Due to the positive feedback we received from readers, we’re doing a followup post. So without further ado, here are 10 additional companies which have truly embraced Dollars for Doers programs with generous grants per hour volunteered.

Companies with Volunteer Grants Greater than $15 per hour:

Travelers CompanyTravelers Offers Multiple Types of Employee Donation Programs

Travelers offers two types of employee giving programs.

  1. Matching Gifts of Money
  2. Matching Gifts of Time

Through the “Matching Gifts of Money” program, the company doubles donations made by employees to nearly all nonprofits.

Through the “Matching Gifts of Time” program, the company directs a $500 grant to nonprofit organizations when an employee has volunteered for at least 24 hours with the organization ($20 per hour).

View additional details on Travelers Company’s volunteer grant program.

Macy’sMacy's Employees can Have their Donations Doubled and are Rewarded with Grants for Volunteering

Whereas most companies apply very few restrictions to their volunteer grant programs, Macy’s only provides volunteer grants to educational institutions (including K-12). Through Macy’s “Earnings for Learnings” program, the company provides a $250 grant to schools where employees volunteer for at least 15 hours ($17 per hour).

Macy’s also offers a very generous matching gift program where the company will match each employee’s donations up to $22,500 annually to nearly all nonprofits.

View additional details on Macy’s volunteer grant program.

Kimberly-ClarkEmployee Giving Programs at Kimberly Clark

While Johnson & Johnson made our 2012 ranking of top corporate employee giving programs, Kimberly-Clark isn’t far behind. The company matches donations to nearly all nonprofits up to $10,000 per employee per year.

The Kimberly-Clark Foundation also recognizes the volunteer efforts of employees and their spouses or domestic partners. The company provides $500 grants to nonprofits where employees / spouses / domestic partners volunteer for at least 30 hours in a year ($17 per hour).

View additional details on Kimberly-Clark’s volunteer grant program.

PNC FinancialPNC's Grants for Great Hours

Through PNC’s “Grants for Great Hours” volunteer grant program, employees who volunteer for 40+ hours with a nonprofit early education program earn a grant of $1,000 for that organization ($25 per hour).

Additionally, PNC offers a less restrictive matching gift program where the company matches donations dollar for dollar to nearly every nonprofit and school.

View additional details on PNC Financial’s volunteer grant program.

AmgenAmgen Matching and Volunteering Grants

The Amgen Foundation supports volunteer efforts by providing grants to organizations where employees volunteer. Once an Amgen employee volunteers for 15 hours in a year with a nonprofit, he or she can request a $500 grant ($33 per hour).

Full time employees are eligible for up to $2,000 annually in grants for their nonprofit while part time staff can earn up to $1,000 in grants annually.

Amgen also matches employee contributions of up to $20,000 per employee annually to nearly all nonprofits.

View additional details on Amgen’s volunteer grant program.

PPG IndustriesPPG Grants for Employees and Retirees

PPG Industries offers one of the most generous volunteer grant programs. Through PPG’s “Grant Incentives for Volunteerism by PPG Employees & Retirees (GIVE)” program, after an employee or retiree volunteers for 10 hours with a nonprofit organization, he or she can request a $500 grant for the organization ($50 per hour).

As an added bonus, if an individual also serves on the nonprofit’s board of directors; the company will double the grant and award $1,000 to the nonprofit ($100 per volunteer hour).

PPG Industries also matches donations to select organizations.

View additional details on PPG Industries’ volunteer grant program.

Devon EnergyGrants when Devon Energy Employees Volunteer

Whereas most companies base their volunteer grants off the annual number of hours volunteered, Devon Energy provides grants for regular volunteering during shorter time periods.  The company offers two ways employees can request $250 grants ($20 per hour) for their organization:

  1. Six hours of volunteering per month for two months.
  2. Three hours of volunteering per month for four months.

View additional details on Devon Energy’s volunteer grant program.

Soros Fund ManagementGrant Programs at Soros Fund Management

Soros was recently recognized on our list of companies with the top employee giving programs. The company provides volunteer grants of $50 per hour up to $4,000 annually.

Additionally, the company is one of the many employers which triple or quadruple employee donations.

View additional details on Soros Fund Management’s volunteer grant program.

Chevron CorporationChevron's Grant for Good

Through Chevron’s “Grant for Good” program, the company provides grants as a way to recognize employees and volunteers who volunteer on a regular basis.

After employees volunteer for 20 hours with a single nonprofit, the organization can receive a $500 grant. Each employee or retiree is eligible to obtain two $500 grants per calendar year for either a single nonprofit or two different nonprofits.

Chevron also doubles donations made by employees and retirees through the company’s Humankind Program.

View additional details on Chevron’s volunteer grant program.

PfizerEmployee Grant Programs at Pfizer

Pfizer encourages regular volunteerism among employees and retirees. The company provides $1,000 volunteer grants to organizations where employees volunteer on a regular basis.

After an employee or retiree volunteers for six hours per month for six consecutive months, he or she can submit a request for a $1,000 volunteer grant.

The company also matches donations made by employees and retirees up to $5,000 annually.

View additional details on Pfizer’s volunteer grant program.

Utilizing Resources:

Tour Double the DonationAll of these companies have embraced employee giving programs by offering grants above and beyond corporate averages. While the corporations may benefit from increased employee engagement, your nonprofit can also reap rewards.

These Dollar for Doer programs are a chance to double dip. Earn monetary grants along with benefiting from the assistance volunteers can provide. Make sure your nonprofit is encouraging volunteers to log their volunteer hours and submit these grants to their employers.

Tour Double the Donation to see how we help nonprofits raise more money from Dollar for Doer and matching gift programs. 

Small Companies Matching Gifts

Five Companies Providing Volunteer Grants when Retirees Volunteer

If your organization has a large number of volunteers, you’ve probably received volunteer grants, also known as Dollar for Doer grants.

Not familiar with volunteer grant programs?
Check out this article which outlines the basics of volunteer grant programs. It also provides an overview on how organizations can benefit from this source of corporate giving.

At Double the Donation, we help nonprofits raise more money from employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs. While we recognize that many company programs are geared exclusively towards current employees, some companies extend their grant programs to retirees who volunteer on a regular basis.

Five Companies which Provide Grants when Retirees Volunteer

Bank of AmericaBank of America Retiree Volunteer Grants

Bank of America offers both a matching gift and volunteer grant program. Through Bank of America’s dollars for doers program, the bank offers the following two different thresholds of volunteer grants:

  • 50 volunteer hours = $250 grant
  • 100 volunteer hours = $500 grant

Learn more about Bank of America’s Volunteer Grant Program.

ConocoPhillipsVolunteer Grants for ConocoPhillips Employees and Retirees

Like many other energy providers, ConocoPhillips offers generous employee giving programs. In addition to the ConocoPhillip’s matching gift program, the company also provides donations to nonprofits where employees volunteer on a regular basis. ConocoPhillips also offers two different levels of volunteer grants:

  • 20 volunteer hours = $500 grants
  • 40 volunteer hours = $1,000 grants

Learn more about ConocoPhillips’ Volunteer Grant Program.


In addition to matching up to $5,000 of each employee’s donations, Prudential also offers grants when employees volunteer on a regular basis.

Specific grant amounts vary between $250-$1,000 and are based upon the number of hours and type of volunteer work performed. Each employee must volunteer for a minimum of 40 hours before being eligible for a volunteer grant.

Learn more about Prudential’s Volunteer Grant Program.

Alliant EnergyAlliant Energy Grants for Employee and Retiree Volunteerism

Through Alliant Energy’s Volunteer Program, the company recognizes personal volunteerism performed by employees and retirees by providing grants to the nonprofit. The company has three different volunteer grant thresholds:

  • 50-149 volunteer hours = $100 grants
  • 150- 199 volunteer hours =  $300 grants
  • 200+ volunteer hours = $400 grants

Learn more about Alliant Energy’s Volunteer Grant Program.

ExxonMobilVolunteer Grants for ExxonMobil Employees and Retirees

In addition to ExxonMobil’s generous matching gift program to higher education and arts & cultural organizations, Exxon Mobil also offers two types of volunteer grant programs:

ExxonMobil Individual Volunteer Grants

  • 20 volunteer hours = $500 grants
  • 40 volunteer hours = $1,000 grants
  • 60 volunteer hours = $1,500 grants
  • 80 volunteer hours = $2,000 grants

Spouses and dependent children (ages 12-25) of both employees and retirees are also eligible to participate and request volunteer grants for their volunteer hours.

ExxonMobil Team Volunteer Grants

A $500 grant is awarded to nonprofit organizations when a team of at least five ExxonMobil employees and retirees volunteer together for at least 20 combined hours. Click here to read about other companies providing grants when groups of employees volunteer.

Learn more about Exxon Mobil’s Volunteer Grant Program.

We also encourage you to explore Double the Donation’s matching gift and volunteer grant service to see if it can help your nonprofit raise more money from employee giving programs.