Marketing Corporate Volunteerism _ A How-To Guide For Orgs

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism | A How-To Guide For Orgs

Corporate volunteerism refers to the practice of businesses encouraging employees to volunteer their time and skills to charitable causes. This can take a number of forms, including company-wide volunteer days, paid time off for volunteer activities, skills-based volunteering, and volunteer grant programs.

For nonprofits and schools, corporate volunteerism is a vital tool that can significantly enhance their capacity to achieve their missions. How? Corporate volunteer programs provide these organizations with increased manpower, diverse skill sets, enhanced visibility, and even the potential for financial support and long-term corporate partnerships.

Meanwhile, the companies offering the programs see increased employee engagement and enhanced CSR. However, for each group to reap the rewards of these programs, it’s essential that the efforts are marketed well. And that’s where this guide comes in!

Read on to uncover top corporate volunteer marketing strategies and tips you can implement in your own organization’s engagement plan.

Understanding Corporate Volunteerism Opportunities

Corporate volunteerism provides nonprofits, schools, and similar fundraising groups with easy access to skilled volunteers and other invaluable resources. Understanding the types of programs available to your organization and its supporters through their employers allows you to better target lucrative opportunities, deepen engagement with volunteers, and achieve your goals overall.

We recommend familiarizing yourself (and the rest of your team) with the following types of corporate volunteer initiatives:

Individual Volunteer Grants

Volunteer grants, also known as “Dollars for Doers,” are corporate programs where companies offer monetary donations to nonprofits where their employees volunteer. Typically, an employee must spend a set number of hours at the nonprofit for the organization to qualify for a grant, which may be paid out as a lump sum or based on a predetermined hourly rate.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program incentivizes volunteerism and rewards nonprofits with additional financial support!

Team Volunteer Grants

Similar to individual volunteer grants, team volunteer grants provide funding for the organizations at which their employees volunteer. The difference, however, is that team volunteer grants are awarded when a group of employees from the same company volunteer together. Team grants are generally larger in amount, too, providing lucrative funding when groups of employees get involved.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program incentivizes group volunteering among corporate staff and provides generous financial support.

Paid Volunteer Time Off

Paid volunteer time off (or VTO for short) is a corporate benefit where companies provide their employees with a set number of hours they can spend volunteering for nonprofits or community service activities. In other words, employees are encouraged to engage in volunteer work during regular work hours without sacrificing their regular pay.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program provides a powerful incentive for volunteer recruitment, engagement, retention, and more.

Skills-Based Volunteerism

Skills-based volunteerism involves employees offering their professional skills and expertise to nonprofits rather than general volunteer work. For example, a marketing professional might help a nonprofit develop a communications strategy, or an accountant might assist with financial planning.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program allows nonprofits to benefit from specialized knowledge that can significantly advance their mission.

Company-Sponsored Volunteer Days

Company-sponsored volunteer days are organized events where companies designate a day for their employees to volunteer as a group at a specific nonprofit, school, or community project. The company often arranges the logistics, and employees participate during work hours, incentivizing involvement with a free day out of the office!

Benefit for nonprofits: This program empowers organizations to rally corporate employees in group activities, allowing significant progress to be made on large-scale projects in a short amount of time.

Identifying Corporate Volunteer Programs in Your Network

Before you can market corporate volunteerism to your audience, it’s a good idea to uncover the best opportunities in your network. We recommend following these practical tips to do so:

Before you can market corporate volunteerism to your audience, it’s a good idea to uncover the best opportunities in your network. We recommend following these practical tips to do so:

1. Collecting Employment Information From Supporters:

Start by gathering employment details from your donors, volunteers, and other supporters. This can be done through surveys, event registration forms, or during volunteer sign-ups.

Knowing where your supporters work allows you to explore potential corporate volunteer programs they have access to, which could benefit your organization.

2. Researching Employers with Well-Known Volunteer Programs:

Once you have a list of where your supporters are employed, research whether these companies offer volunteer programs. Many large corporations, like Disney, Microsoft, Google, and thousands of others, have established volunteer programs.

Understanding the specifics of these programs can help you tailor your outreach efforts to match their requirements. Get started by looking into top companies offering volunteer grants, top VTO opportunities, and more.

Plus, there’s a significant overlap between companies offering matching gifts and those offering volunteer programs. If you already know of businesses in your network that match employee donations, it’s worth investigating whether they also offer volunteer grants or other volunteer opportunities.

3. Using Corporate Volunteer Databases:

Utilize databases and online platforms that track corporate volunteer programs to make the research process easier than ever before. Double the Donation offers the industry’s most comprehensive database of corporate volunteer information, complete with listings on thousands of companies’ programs.

Leveraging this database can help you quickly identify which companies have programs your organization could benefit from!

4. Conducting Manual Research:

Sometimes, a simple online search can yield valuable information. Try searching for a specific company’s name along with keywords like “volunteering” or “volunteer programs” (e.g., “Home Depot + Volunteering”).

While it will be a more time-intensive approach, this idea can help you discover details about a company’s volunteer initiatives, including opportunities they offer to their employees.

5. Encouraging Supporters to Check with Their Employers:

Lastly, be sure to motivate your supporters to inquire about volunteer programs within their workplaces. Many employees might not be aware that their companies offer volunteer grants or paid volunteer time off. By encouraging them to ask, you can uncover opportunities that might have been overlooked.

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism to Supporters

Marketing corporate volunteerism to individual supporters involves educating and motivating them to participate in and promote these opportunities within their workplaces. Here’s how you might approach this:

Educate Supporters on Corporate Volunteerism:

Start by informing your supporters about what corporate volunteerism is and how it works. Use newsletters, emails, and social media posts to explain the various types of corporate volunteer programs, such as paid volunteer time off, volunteer grants, and team volunteer days.

(P.S.; Check out our customizable marketing templates available for clients within the 360MatchPro platform to get started!)

You’ll also want to include a section about corporate volunteer incentives on your Volunteers page⁠—and embed a company search tool so supporters can easily uncover their available programming.

Communicate the Impact of Corporate Volunteerism:

Share stories and testimonials that demonstrate the positive impact corporate volunteerism has had on your organization. Show how previous corporate volunteer efforts have helped achieve specific goals, whether it’s through completing a project, raising funds, or expanding your programs. This helps supporters see the tangible outcomes of their potential involvement.

Encourage Inquiries at Work:

For those who don’t find corporate volunteer information in your database widget, encourage them to check in with their employers about any available programs.

Many employees may not be aware of the opportunities available to them, so you’ll want to provide them with language they can use to approach their managers or HR leaders about the programs, making it easier for them to initiate the conversation and drive impact for your team.

Promote Suitable Corporate Volunteer Opportunities:

Regularly communicate the volunteer opportunities available at your organization that are suitable for corporate teams or individuals looking to volunteer through their workplace programs. Highlight any upcoming events or projects where corporate volunteers could make a significant difference and make sure these opportunities are well-advertised through your existing channels.

Offer Recognition:

Recognize and celebrate individual supporters and companies that engage their companies in corporate volunteerism. You can even publicly acknowledge their efforts through newsletters, social media, or at events.

Recognition not only makes the individual feel valued but also serves as an example to other supporters who might be inspired to take similar actions.

Leverage Peer Influence:

Encourage supporters who have successfully engaged their employers in corporate volunteerism to share their experiences with others. Peer recommendations can be very persuasive, so consider featuring these stories in your communications to inspire others to take similar steps. You can even encourage eligible volunteers to organize team events with their colleagues to support your cause!

Marketing Volunteerism to Corporate Partners

Marketing corporate volunteerism to corporate partners—both new and existing—requires a strategic approach that highlights mutual benefits, aligns with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals , and fosters long-term relationships.

Here’s how you can effectively market these opportunities to companies.

Understand Corporate Goals and CSR Objectives:

Before reaching out to corporate partners, research their CSR goals, values, and past volunteer initiatives. Tailor your pitch to show how partnering with your organization can help them achieve these objectives.

Emphasize how corporate volunteerism aligns with their brand, enhances employee engagement, and contributes to community impact. If possible, provide data that demonstrates how other companies have benefited from similar partnerships with your organization in the past.

Develop Tailored Volunteer Packages:

Create customizable volunteer opportunities that align with the company’s needs and interests. Offer a range of options, from one-day events to ongoing projects, and include both skills-based and general volunteer opportunities. Tailoring these packages makes it easier for companies to see how they can get involved in a way that suits them and their teams.

Highlight the Impact of Volunteerism:

Quantify and communicate the impact of corporate volunteerism on your organization. Provide reports that show how corporate volunteers have contributed to your mission, including metrics like the number of hours volunteered, projects completed, and the overall community impact. Why? Companies are more likely to invest in programs where they can see measurable outcomes.

Recognize Corporate Support:

Publicly recognize and celebrate the contributions of your corporate partners. This can include awards, mentions in your annual report, shout-outs on social media, or hosting a special recognition event. Acknowledging their efforts not only strengthens your relationship but also encourages continued contributions.

Facilitate Employee Engagement:

Make it easy for companies to involve their employees in volunteer opportunities. To do so, you can provide them with promotional materials, sign-up sheets, and detailed information on how to participate. Offer flexibility in scheduling and types of volunteer work to accommodate different levels of employee engagement and interest, too!

5 Organizations Marketing Corporate Volunteerism Well

As you look to revamp your own team’s corporate volunteerism marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to solicit inspiration from other organizations’ efforts. For this reason, we’ve selected a few nonprofits with standout promotional strategies to consider.

Organization #1: NFED

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Dollars for Doers Blog Post

The NFED, or National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias, is a nonprofit devoted to research, education, and support for those affected by ectodermal dysplasias. In order to supercharge their efforts, the organization promotes Dollars for Doers (also known as volunteer grants) as a key way for supporters to enhance their impact.

Take a look at this snippet of the blog post below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_NFED example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Defines the importance of corporate social responsibility
  • Mentions and links to a matching gifts page for additional information
  • Encourages volunteers to look into volunteer grant opportunities through their employers
  • Emphasizes the value and doubled impact of matching gift and volunteer grant programs

Organization #2: United Way

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Volunteer Time Off Blog Post

United Way of the National Capital Area is a branch of the United Way organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. This nonprofit understands the value that volunteerism can offer its cause, and it promotes Volunteer Time Off as a key way to recruit, engage, and retain supporters.

Take a look at this snippet of the blog post below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_United Way example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Uses research to demonstrate the prevalence and widespread availability of Volunteer Time Off programs
  • Highlights the benefits for companies, their employees, and the organization itself
  • Provides powerful insights into where VTO programs can be found, including by sector and geographic location
  • Showcases top opportunities for companies offering volunteer time off for their employees

Organization #3: LLS

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Volunteer Grant Page (With Employer Search Tool!)

LLS, or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, is a medical research-based nonprofit dedicated to leading the fight against blood cancers. The organization receives generous support from a wide range of volunteers, and the team provides a number of resources, including a corporate database search tool from Double the Donation, to streamline and increase participation in volunteer incentive programming.

Take a look at the landing page below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_LLS example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Offers an embedded company search tool for volunteers to quickly locate program details, instructions, and forms
  • Provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the volunteer grant process
  • Shares important information volunteers may need to complete their volunteer grant applications
  • Highlights an easy way for supporters to get in touch with additional questions or inquiries

Organization #4: Habitat for Humanity

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Corporate Volunteer Page and Blog Post

Habitat for Humanity is a largely volunteer-based organization dedicated to ensuring every person has a place to live. As a result, the team does a lot to promote corporate volunteer incentives.

Take a look at these resources below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_Habitat for Humanity example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Uses multiple communication channels to promote corporate volunteer programs to their audience
  • Highlights both volunteer grants and volunteer time off programs, demonstrating a range of opportunities in which individuals can participate
  • Speaks directly to companies that are considering implementing corporate volunteer programs
  • Actively drives engagement with a call to action button leading users to a volunteer sign-up page

Organization #5: Florida State Parks

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Corporate Volunteer Opportunities Page

Florida State Parks is a nonprofit organization that works with local governments, park users, researchers, and more to ensure maintenance and upkeep of more than 175 award-winning state parks, trails, and historic sites across the state. A big part of its mission involves empowering volunteers to play a role, and it often leverages corporate volunteer opportunities as a way to do so.

Take a look at the landing page below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_Florida State Parks example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Highlights recent companies and teams that support the parks with corporate volunteer programs
  • Provides contact information for companies or individuals interested in organizing a company-sponsored volunteer event
  • Enlists photos of real corporate volunteer teams to leverage social proof
  • Provides examples of various types of volunteer projects companies could host to get involved

Bottom line: Spreading the word about corporate volunteerism is essential, and an organization’s website is one of the best opportunities to do so.

Wrapping Up & Next Steps

Successfully marketing corporate volunteerism requires a thoughtful and strategic approach that highlights the benefits for your organization, its supporters, their employers, and your community as a whole.

By effectively communicating about available initiatives, you can build a stronger, more engaged volunteer base that’s increasingly incentivized to give back to your cause. And you might even get some extra funding out of it all!

Ready to learn more about marketing corporate volunteerism? Check out our recommended resources and further reading:

Matching Gift Q&A with Workplace Giving Expert Tom Mansmith

Matching Gift Q&A with Workplace Giving Expert Tom Mansmith

Matching gifts hold an incredible yet often untapped potential in the world of nonprofit and educational fundraising. To shed light on this powerful tool, we’re excited to present a matching gift Q&A session with Tom Mansmith, consultant and renowned expert in workplace giving and matching gifts.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field as the former Senior Director of Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts for the American Cancer Society, Tom offers invaluable insights and first-hand experience into how nonprofits can maximize their matching gift revenue, engage donors more effectively, and overcome common challenges to drive success.

Whether you’re a seasoned fundraising professional or new to the concept of matching gifts, this conversation is packed with practical advice and actionable strategies. Feel free to watch the video mini-series and read through the transcript below!

1. What are corporate vendor platforms, and what role do they have in matching gifts?

There are a number of corporate vendors who facilitate employee philanthropic giving. These technology providers work on behalf of businesses to streamline and to integrate the employee giving programs, which can include payroll deduction, matching gifts, volunteer grants, cause cards, and incentive programs.

Generally speaking, these providers supply an online platform where companies are able to manage their employee programs. They allow employees to give to accredited nonprofits, log their volunteer hours, pledge their payroll deductions, etc.

On the backend of these sites, nonprofits are able to verify the original contributions for matching gifts, see donor details, and confirm volunteer hours.

These platforms really are an integral part of the matching gift program. It’s not a company’s core business, but it’s part of their core value in employee engagement, so these corporate matching gift vendors play a vital role in the matching gift process.

💡 Recommended Reading: Registering Your Org with CSR Platforms + Key Steps For Each

2. What is the general processing flow when you receive a matching gift payment?

Most matching gifts your organization receives will come from a corporate matching gift vendor who processes the payments on behalf of a company.

Here’s how it works:

→ You’ll navigate to a third-party corporate vendor platform.

→ Go to the “Giving” section, where you’ll see a section for payments and transactions.

→ Once there, it’s going to give you a list of all of the payments your organization has received. Now, it’s a good idea to have the check number, the amount, and whether it was a check or a direct deposit.

→ When you’re on that page, search with the payment ID or date so you get the exact payment.

→ Once you’ve located the payment, you can go through all the donor details, including which employees the company was matching specifically.

This information can be viewed online, but you also have the option to download the reconciliation sheet. I recommend that you download the reconciliation sheet, as it will allow your finance department or yourself to process the payment accurately.

💡 Recommended Reading: Matching Gift Disbursement FAQ: Your Top Questions Answered

3. What are some common roadblocks for nonprofit organizations trying to earn more matching gifts?

That’s a long list, but let’s try to tackle a couple of them.

Leadership buy-in

You should make a real case to your organization’s leadership that matching gifts is a vital part of their overall revenue strategy.

When it says Double the Donation, it truly means doubling a donation.

So, I would make a strong case to leadership that matching gifts is a vital part of their overall strategy, and what that unlocks for you, hopefully, is additional marketing and FTEs, which are critical for processing and marketing for matching gifts.

Lack of staffing

I think everyone has been struggling with this, but if you’re someone who’s handling all of the matching gifts for your organization, you know what I’m talking about.

As you begin to scale, you’ll likely need additional staff. Without leadership’s buy-in, that’s a tough thing.

However,  having the appropriate amount of staff for the scale of your matching gift revenue stream is essential. I don’t know about your organization, but I imagine that for small or medium organizations, one or two people can do the job. And for larger organizations, many are stretched, but I would say that more than three people is appropriate for payroll deductions, volunteer grants, and matching gifts as they continue to grow.

Marketing dollars

I think it’s a real roadblock not to look at this both internally and externally. So, communication dollars should be used to socialize matching gifts internally to development staff that are running peer-to-peer events (gala, golf, other types of fundraising) and your corporate development staff, if you have that.

They really all should know something about matching gifts so that when they see an opportunity, they’re able to talk about matching gifts to the decision-makers in companies.

Lack of employment data

Many organizations hesitate to ask for and retain employment information. If you don’t know that someone works for a corporation that has a matching gift program, however, you miss the opportunity to tie their original contribution to that matching gift.

And I know that you can get pushback from your IT team or your event staff, for instance, that they don’t want something else on the registration page. But I’d argue that because it allows you to actually fundraise for the staff, adding “Who do you work for?” is critical for registrations for peer-to-peer events and on the main URL of your fundraising page.

Not taking advantage of technology

For the best matching gift results, you want to really take advantage of all the technology that Double the Donation has to offer in matching gifts.

What I mean by this, one, is that you have a matching gift activation on all of your fundraising pages. And, secondarily, that you’re utilizing 360MatchPro to data-mine contributions that hadn’t been matched, but you find meet the criteria for matching.

💡 Recommended Reading: How Donor Employer Information Boosts Fundraising + Workplace Giving

4. How can I earn more matching gifts?

There are probably three things that I’d tell you. Here’s the first:

Socialize the impact of matching gifts with your developmental team.

Show them the impact and the dollars that donors are leaving on the table by not matching gifts. In fact, I’d even point out some key donors who didn’t take advantage of their matching gift program. That’s a really powerful motivator.

One of the best ways to do so is by providing your team with access to the Matching Gift Academy, which is free for Double the Donation clients to use ($199/year value).

Take full advantage of Double the Donation’s technology.

Make sure all of your donation pages have the DTD matching gift activation on them so employees can take full advantage of that.

Note: Double the Donation integrates with nearly all leading fundraising solutions, donation tools, and CRMs to make it increasingly easy to do so! Check out our integration partners here to see if you can connect your platform!

Regularly check your database through 360MatchPro.

Look for those donors who were eligible for matching gifts but didn’t take advantage of it in the first round. That’s a goldmine for your organization to be receiving additional revenue!

💡 Recommended Reading: 360MatchPro Overview: Scale Up Your Matching Gifts

5. How do you recommend getting matching gift buy-in from your team?

Making an internal business case with different stakeholders will advance matching gifts across your organization. Here are three teams you should consider engaging and getting on board with matching gifts.

Corporate development staff

Those are the individuals who go out and talk to corporations about grants and cause marketing. The third area that they really ought to be talking about is employee engagement, whether that’s payroll deductions, matching gifts, or other programs.

One of the things that matching gifts does is provide specific corporate information about employee engagement. Usually, the decision-makers don’t have a good idea of the level of affinity or employee participation in your cause.

What matching gifts will do is provide that corporate development staff member with some very specific talking points about your organization and the affinity of their employees.

It’ll show increased employee affinity, corporate engagement, and more. There’ll even be some great impact stories that you can research and provide for your corporate development team. Whether those are specific or anecdotal, that storytelling can be a huge part of your corporate development meeting.

And then finally, it provides an opportunity for your corporate development team to upsell. If there’s a big engagement with that company’s employee base, the company is going to be more likely to consider corporate grants or even a cause marketing deal.

Peer-to-peer staff

Whether you’re hosting a golf event, a gala, or a fundraising walk, all of those gifts are matchable for the participants who work for corporations that have matching programs. We’re talking about 65% of Fortune 500 companies.

And so, what does that do for peer-to-peer? Well, #1, it’s a lower cost of fundraising.

That doubled dollar, that second dollar you receive, lowers their overall event fundraising cost. And for most organizations, that’s a metric that leadership is looking at, so matching gifts is the way to do that.

You can even show the dollars that are left on the table. So, a good project is to do a little deep dive on those participants who were eligible for matching gifts. Then, show the potential dollars that could have been collected had matching gifts been presented. Those are dollars that are left on the table, and that’s probably the biggest motivator for peer-to-peer teams: to see what they could have had. And, of course, you’re offering what they can have, so that’s super important.

Then the final thing with peer-to-peer is that matching gifts allows for a deeper dive into that donor or employee profile. Now that you know who they work for, that can lead to more teams coming to support your cause from that corporation, maybe not just localized but a national team.

IT staff

For a lot of organizations, that main donation page URL is managed by the IT staff, so one of the things that I found when we had point of contribution activations for matching gifts is that we saw a greater conversion rate because when individual donors who work for companies think about the fact that their company would double that donation, they’re more likely to give.

We saw an increase in the original contribution, which was great. We also saw people going back in and raising their contribution, then going forward with the matching gift.

And then again also, those donor profiles, knowing who the individual works for, is very important for establishing a good CRM. Not to mention, increased security and API transfers is important to your IT staff, and Double the Dontion’s technology is highly secure with seamless data integrations, too.

💡 Recommended Reading: Matching Gift Buy-In: How to Spark Team-Wide Engagement

6. What are your top 3 tips for communicating matching gifts to your donors?

Communicating the matching gift opportunity is essential for fundraisers such as yourself. Here’s what I recommend doing to get the message across in the most impactful way possible.


I’m a big proponent of storytelling, and I think this is both true for pre-donation and post-donation. A very concise story about the impact of matching gifts should be provided, where the employer acknowledges the donor’s original contribution and recognizes the philanthropic choices of their employees. That’s a great partnership inside of that company, and I think you can tell a story about what those partnerships do to advance your cause. Be concise; I don’t think you have to be too specific but tell the story about their impact.

Generational appropriateness

I’m a Baby Boomer, and I consume information in a way that might be, or is, different from Millennials or Gen Z. I think that you ought to take the time to learn about generational communication differences. What do I mean by that? When you’re creating communications, you should do something more than just send an email, a flyer, or a leave-behind. Instead, you ought to, for example, do TikTok. Maybe you have Instagram or social media posts that can tell that story but in a generationally appropriate way.

Acknowledge the employee-employer partnership

The final thing, and I talked about this a little in the storytelling section, and this may be more true for your development staff that are engaging with corporate decision-makers, but making sure that they have the information available to them to acknowledge the partnership and the impact that it made on your cause.

In this sense, I think that you can be specific, so look at total matching gift dollars raised by employees, total matching gift dollars raised by that employer. Then, put that information in the hands of staff going out to corporations so that they can tell a story about the impact.

💡 Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Matching Gifts

7. What other fundraising opportunities can matching gifts uncover?

I think there’s probably three, maybe four. So, let’s take a look at those.

Corporate teams

My guess is that most of you have peer-to-peer fundraising. I would look for an individual who’s on a team, maybe it’s not a corporate team, but you have their employment information. Let’s say they work for a Fortune 1000 company, or that they donated online on your main web page. When they ask to have their gift matched, you uncover that they work for a major corporation.

Those are leads for developing teams within corporations. They obviously have an affinity toward your organization, and I wouldn’t shy away from recruiting from that pool of matching gift donors. Maybe they weren’t on a corporate team, but I would ask them next year to form one for your next big peer-to-peer fundraising event.

Cause marketing and corporate grants

I know this can seem like a stretch; you got a matching gift for $25 or $100, and now you’re going to go ask for a cause marketing deal or a corporate grant. But hear me out⁠—in scale, let’s say you had 50 employees who contributed to your organization, perhaps through a peer-to-peer event, and they all matched. Maybe they’ve even been doing it for a couple of years.

What you have in that organization is a group of employees who have an affinity for your cause. And I think it’s safe to say that the people who make the decisions within the company’s community development or corporate citizenship teams don’t have any idea that that’s going on. So, raising that with those decision-makers is the first step to start talking about other things that the corporation can do. It’s their corporate dollars that make a matching gift. It may not be the meeting, but it’s the knock on the door for upselling in corporate grants and in cause marketing.

Because you can show the affinity of their employees, which, by the way, companies hold very highly, you can begin to hold conversations about how else your organization could partner with a corporation.

Major gifts

How does a $100 matching gift get a major giver? Well, I think you’ll find that if you look in your database, you may have people who are giving much more than $100. Anyone who gives a $500 gift and has asked to match it could be a candidate for a major gift⁠—certainly to pursue it or to investigate it. One of the things I would do is, in your database, look at not just single donations but total annual giving.

If you have people who are giving more than $1,000, and then having that gift matched, I think that those are good candidates for larger gifts. They are obviously people who work for corporations, they may or may not have higher incomes, and those could be pursued by your major gift staff.”

💡 Recommended Reading: How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With 360MatchPro]

Ready to get started? Schedule a personalized demo with our matching gift experts to see if 360MatchPro is right for you.

Wrapping Up

Tom’s expertise underscores the immense value that matching gifts can bring to any organization or fundraising strategy. By understanding the nuances of these programs and effectively communicating them to donors, teams like yours can unlock a significant source of additional funding.

We hope this matching gift Q&A has provided you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to enhance your matching gift fundraising efforts. By implementing these insights, your organization can not only boost its success but also deepen its connection with donors who are eager to maximize their impact.

Good luck!

DTD_Matching Gifts CTA

Examples & Insights from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

10 Examples & Insights from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

In June 2024, Double the Donation organized the industry’s first-ever Matching Gift Idea Exchange. This was an opportunity for nonprofits, schools, and other groups to share their best matching gift materials and be inspired by their peers’ ideas as well.


Matching gifts are a powerful tool for fundraising organizations, allowing them to maximize donations and engage supporters more deeply. However, few organizations are truly maximizing their matching gift potential, and a lack of promotion is a leading reason why.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into 10 inspiring examples and key insights from the completed Matching Gift Idea Exchange. From streamlined matching processes to creative promotional tactics, these examples demonstrate the power of matching gifts to significantly enhance fundraising with valuable inspiration and practical tips.

  1. Supplement your match page with video content.
  2. Make the page accessible from your site navigation.
  3. Host a matching gifts tool on event pages, too. ⁠
  4. Meet your donors where they are with SMS messaging. ⁠
  5. Leverage direct mail to promote matching opportunities.
  6. Pair corporate matching with matching gift challenges. ⁠
  7. Thoroughly thank donors for matching their gifts.
  8. Acknowledge companies that match to your cause. ⁠
  9. Promote matching through personal and mass emails.
  10. Turn corporate matching into a dedicated campaign effort.

Note: Explore how many clients use Double the Donation’s tools to streamline and enhance their matching gift promotions. Not a client yet? No worries! Click here to request a personalized demo.

1) Supplement your match page with video content.

An organization’s matching gifts page is one of its most invaluable assets, especially when it comes to marketing matching gifts effectively. Implementing the right content on the page is essential for driving more matches to completion!

What this Organization Did Well:

OKCMOA, or Oklahoma City Museum of Art, has embedded a minute-long informational video on their matching gifts page. This resource, which the organization submitted as part of our Matching Gift Idea Exchange, quickly overviews the matching gift opportunity, how it helps nonprofits, and how donors can determine their eligibility and next steps using Double the Donation’s matching gift database embedded above.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Take a multimedia approach on your organization’s dedicated matching gifts page. We recommend incorporating a combination of text, video, and graphic elements to best grasp and retain your audience’s attention while they learn about matching gifts on your site.

Double the Donation clients can access a free, pre-made matching gift video (plus a ton of other graphics and materials) or request a custom-branded version for a fee within the platform.

2) Make the page accessible from your site navigation.

It hardly matters how well-designed your matching gifts page is if no donors can locate it on your website. That’s why making your information easily accessible is a must! Prominently featuring matching gifts on your navigation menu ensures a seamless donor experience and signifies the importance of matching gifts in your fundraising.

What this Organization Does Well:

Blue Faery (the Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association) makes matching gift information easy to locate. All a user has to do is access the drop-down menu from the main “Donate” button and select “Matching Gifts.”

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Add a link to your matching gifts page to your main site navigation! Feel free to nest it under relevant parent pages, such as your “Donate” button or “Ways to Give” compilation for the best results.

3) Host a matching gifts tool on event pages, too. ⁠

Sometimes, an organization will host separate event pages or microsites to market upcoming opportunities (hint: this is a fairly common practice for run/walk/rides and other peer-to-peer fundraisers!). If that’s the case for your team, you’ll want to be sure you’re promoting matching gifts throughout your event pages as well⁠—after all, those gifts are often eligible to be matched, too.

What this Organization Does Well:

The Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research is a largely peer-to-peer-based organization, and much of its revenue comes from large-scale fundraising events like the annual Tour de Pier. In order to ensure eligible gifts get successfully matched, the nonprofit has implemented a dedicated Matching Gifts page on its event microsite⁠—complete with a matching gift search tool and an overview of the programs.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

And, in order to mitigate any confusion, the fundraising team even provides the correct name and tax ID number an individual should use when they go to submit their matching gift requests.

Best Practice For Your Team:

At the very least, mention matching gifts with a dedicated callout on your event or campaign pages. Even better? Establish a separate matching gifts page on your event site to ensure your audience is exposed to the idea and provided with the information they need to get started.

4) Meet your donors where they are with SMS messaging.

According to Nonprofits Source, mobile donations have increased by more than 205% in the past year, and 51% of nonprofit website traffic originates from a mobile device.

What does that mean for you? Your donors’ phones are where they’re at⁠—and you can meet them there with text message engagement strategies.

What this Organization Does Well:

This text message campaign from Save the Children demonstrates the ease with which a matching gift can be requested right from a donor’s mobile device. An individual receives one or both of the texts below and can initiate their match without hesitation simply by clicking the provided link. Talk about frictionless giving experiences!

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Take a multi-channel engagement approach by incorporating SMS into your outreach strategy in addition to standard follow-up emails and more.

Note: Double the Donation offers automated SMS messaging for its Enterprise-level users. Interested? Learn more about upgrading your account here.

5) Leverage direct mail to promote matching opportunities.

In today’s digital world, it can be easy to forget about the power of direct mail marketing. However, incorporating snail mail into your matching gift promotional strategy can have a big impact.

What this Organization Does Well:

Scripps College leverages beautifully designed, eye-catching direct mail cards as a way to draw its supporters’ attention to matching gifts. And, to empower donors to take the next steps without delay, the institution implements a scannable QR code that directs recipients to its online matching gifts page.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Diversify your messaging with direct mail! If you already have a direct mail fundraising package going out, try adding an insert dedicated to matching gifts. Otherwise, consider a matching gift-focused postcard to spread the word.

6) Pair corporate matching with matching gift challenges.

Did you know that corporate or employee matching gifts represent only a single form of matching donation opportunity an organization might have? Matching gift challenges, or major donor matches, can also play a significant role in boosting a nonprofit’s fundraising. And they’re typically not mutually exclusive⁠, either—meaning donors can have the chance to multiply their gifts twice!

What this Organization Does Well:

UWC-USA noted in the Matching Gift Idea Exchange that it combines the power of corporate matching gifts with other forms of donation matching, including major donor matching gift challenges. In a campaign, interest is typically generated by offering a major donor match. Then, once supporters have navigated to the campaign page, UWC promotes corporate matching gift opportunities as well.

The results? The organization shared that campaign revenue is typically about 30% higher than for those without a matching gift offer. Plus, a significantly higher percentage of donors check to see if their companies provide a donation match!

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Try running a double-matching campaign! If you can find a major donor willing to put up a significant match amount, leverage that opportunity in addition to corporate matching gifts to get donors’ gifts multiplied again and again.

7) Thoroughly thank donors for matching their gifts.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to getting a gift matched. Thanking your donors for their involvement allows you to communicate your gratitude and close the loop at each step of the process.

What this Organization Does Well:

UNCF makes a serious effort to thank its matching gift donors at multiple touch points in the supporter journey. That includes upon the submission of their matching gift request and after the company pays out the matching donation.

To best grab the recipient’s attention and get their message across, the organization does so with a well-designed postcard (or two!).

A sample screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Showing thanks is essential for any donor relationships, and communicating gratitude to your matching gift donors is essential for retaining their support in the long run. As you do so, remember that they went above and beyond in requesting a matching gift. You, too, should go above and beyond in your thanksgiving.

8) Acknowledge companies that match to your cause. ⁠

When it comes to thanking donors for matching gifts, it’s generally recommended that you center your efforts around the individual who requested the match. However, acknowledging the company (AKA the entity that pays out the match) can go a long way in building long-term relationships, too.

What this Organization Does Well:

Michigan Technological University uses its matching gifts page for an additional purpose: highlighting leading matching gift companies that have completed matches to the school in the past year. This way, the companies listed can feel the appreciation of their support and donors accessing the page can gain at-a-glance insights into top matching gift companies in their network.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Shine a spotlight on examples of companies that have supported your cause with matching gifts in the past. Not only is this an excellent way to thank these matching gift contributors (with additional publicity), but it can also inspire more donors (from the spotlighted companies and otherwise) to want to get involved.

9) Promote matching through personal and mass emails.

More than likely, email makes up a significant portion of your supporter engagement strategy. There are emails you send to all donors (mass marketing) and those you send one at a time.

For the best matching gift results, consider a mix of both types of outreach to grab your audience’s attention and drive more submissions to completion.

What this Organization Does Well:

Save the Boundary Waters takes a multi-faceted approach to promoting matching gift opportunities through email marketing. When a donor gives, they receive a personalized copy of the automated email (powered by Double the Donation) on the left. This encourages them to pursue a match for their recent gift while they are still at the height of their engagement with the organization.

Then, the team also regularly promotes matching gifts through a segment of its digital newsletter sent to all donors, on the right. This allows the organization to drive awareness of the programs across its entire audience at once!

Ideas and Insights From the Matching Gift Idea Exchange_Save the Boundary Waters A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Double the Donation research indicates that organizations that send a single matching gift email see an estimated 31% of eligible donations submitted for matching. Meanwhile, a second reminder email increases submissions by 45%, and a third email brings the total percentage of submitted eligible gifts to 49%.

So, what does that mean for you? To engage the greatest number of donors and achieve the best results, incorporate more than one matching gift email into your follow-up cadence. For even better results, vary the formatting and structure between newsletters, email blasts, personal reminders, and more.

10) Turn corporate matching into a dedicated campaign effort.

Rallying support around matching gifts can significantly amplify the support received from donors. Generating enthusiasm through campaigns, events, and other dedicated communications can go a long way in increasing awareness and participation in the programs.

What this Organization Does Well:

In this final submission from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange, Community Ministry has launched a dedicated campaign effort called the “Hunger Heroes.” This initiative included a campaign logo, a one-pager overviewing the opportunity and how donors can get involved, an email blast, and a number of related social media posts.

Donors who get their gifts matched by their employers then earn the “Hunger Heroes” designation as a way to celebrate their above-and-beyond support and leverage social proof to drive additional engagement in the campaign.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Make matching gifts fun and exciting by adding a layer of novelty. Try providing donors with a digital “Matching Gift Donor” certificate or hosting an event alongside a big matching gift push.

Final Thoughts & Next Steps

As the above examples from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange show, there are countless ways for nonprofits and schools to innovate and improve their matching gift efforts. By implementing the strategies highlighted above, organizations can unlock additional funding, strengthen relationships with donors, and drive greater community impact.

All in all, we hope these insights have inspired you to bring your matching gift efforts to new heights. Stay tuned to participate in the Matching Gift Idea Exchange next year!

In the meantime, check out these additional resources to grow your knowledge of all things matching gifts:

Matching Gift Insights and Ideas CTA

This guide reviews 12 of the best nonprofit conferences and provides advice for maximizing the impact of your attendance.

12 of the Best Nonprofit Conferences in 2024 and Beyond

Nonprofits thrive on collaboration and the pursuit of positive change. Nonprofit conferences serve as a vital platform professionals from various organizations to come together, share insights, and strategize on achieving both collective and individual goals..

Attending a nonprofit conference is one of the best ways to grow professionally, make powerful personal and professional connections, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest fundraising techniques and tools.

In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of attending nonprofit conferences and provide our top recommendations for must-attend events. Here’s what you can expect:

When choosing which conferences to attend, it’s essential to consider both your nonprofit’s objectives and your personal development goals. For instance, are you aiming to enhance your strategies for corporate giving, leverage nonprofit technology, or engage more effectively with major donors? Keep these goals in mind as you browse the conferences in this list to find opportunities that align with your interests and needs.

Download our free guide, so you can learn how to maximize fundraising with cutting-edge matching gift software.

The Basics of Nonprofit Conferences

Use the answers to these frequently asked questions to help guide your search for the best nonprofit conferences.

What are nonprofit conferences?

Nonprofit conferences serve as essential gatherings where nonprofit professionals come together to learn, collaborate, and share best practices. These events provide a platform for networking and knowledge-sharing, empowering organizations to enhance their impact and strengthen their connections within the sector.

Additionally, nonprofit conferences raise awareness and support for various causes by showcasing the work of nonprofits. They attract potential donors, sponsors, and volunteers, fostering personal and organizational growth. Ultimately, these conferences enable nonprofits to better serve their communities and fulfill their missions.

Why are nonprofit conferences important?

Attending a nonprofit conference requires an initial investment of your organization’s time and resources. For example, you may have to block out a work day to participate, pay a registration fee, and travel to the conference location (if it isn’t a virtual event). Considering all of those requirements, is attending a nonprofit conference really worth it for you and your organization?

To help answer this question, consider a these benefits of attending a nonprofit conference:

The benefits of nonprofit conferences, written below

  • Stay up to date with trends and innovations. Targeted advertising, artificial intelligence, social media trends, and livestreaming are just a few of the innovative technological considerations that nonprofit professionals are talking about now. By attending nonprofit conferences, you can stay on the cutting edge of these new technologies and trends to ensure your organization is using technology to its full potential.
  • Network with fellow nonprofit professionals. The networking aspect of most nonprofit conferences allows you to make professional connections that can help your organization down the road. You can learn about other organizations’ successes and failures and ask questions about how other nonprofits have tackled specific issues that you’re also facing. The relationships you build with other nonprofit professionals can help your organization well into the future as you continue collaborating and sharing resources.
  • Learn fundraising best practices. Whether the conference topics include the benefits of corporate philanthropy for businesses and nonprofits, innovative marketing strategies, or insightful tips on engaging with different generations of donors, you’re bound to leave with new knowledge in your pocket. You can apply what you learn to your organization’s ongoing activities, programs, projects, and outreach strategies.

Many nonprofit professionals find that the value of attending conferences often makes up for the time and resources required to attend. Nevertheless, be sure to carefully consider whether conference attendance is something that you can fit into your organization’s budget.

The Best Nonprofit Conferences in 2024

Nonprofit conferences happen throughout the year at different locations across the country (and virtually). Some events occur annually, so if you’ve missed one you were interested in this year, don’t worry! Check the host’s website to see if they’ll have it again next year.

Here are 12 of the best conferences to consider adding to your 2024 calendars:

Double the Donation's Matching Gift Summit is one of the top nonprofit conferences.

Double the Donation’s Fall 2024 Matching Gift Summit for Nonprofits and K-12 Schools

About this conference: 

Matching gifts are an incredible yet often untapped source of fundraising support for nonprofits, universities, and other fundraising organizations. In matching gift programs, corporations match the donations that their employees make to charitable organizations. According to recent matching gift statistics, companies donate $2-3 billion annually through matching gift programs, but an estimated $4-$7 billion is left unclaimed.

Double the Donation’s goal is to assist organizations in securing the matching gift revenue available to them. This includes through resources provided in our Matching Gift Summit, matching gift automation platform, and more.

Specifically, the Summit is dedicated to sharing matching gift best practices, resources, success stories, and more to help nonprofits and K-12 schools manage this fundraising channel more effectively. Attendees will learn about forming strong business partnerships and earning valuable corporate sponsorships to support their projects, events, programs, and more. Plus, attendees have the opportunity to engage with fundraising peers in round table discussions.

Date: September 29th–October 1st, 2024

Location: Atlanta, GA


Can’t wait? Check out Double the Donation’s online Matching Gift Academy to explore powerful matching gift insights in the meantime.

What Fundraisers Are Saying:

“Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Summit is invaluable for corporate philanthropy professionals. I would recommend this event to anyone who is interested in growing their matching gift fundraising. The Summit has served as an incredibly helpful resource for our team as we have implemented insights and learnings from the event into our matching gift fundraising strategy.”

— Ariana Romanelli, Lead Associate, Corporate Partnerships at Save the Children

Register for our Matching Gift Summit and learn how to maximize your corporate giving revenue.

Double the Donation’s Fall 2024 Matching Gift Summit for Higher Education

About this conference: 

For professionals in the higher education space, we offer another conference that’s tailored to the specific and advanced fundraising needs of these organizations. Matching gifts are an incredible source of university funding. With 26 million individuals eligible for matching gifts, educational institutions likely have alumni and other donors who are eligible for these powerful corporate giving opportunities.

Double the Donation’s strives to empower organizations to secure available matching gift revenue through our powerful matching gift automation platform, educational resources, and our Matching Gift Summit.

Similar to our Summit for nonprofits and K-12 schools, you’ll connect with other higher ed professionals, hear success stories, discover matching gift best practices, and more through powerful roundtable discussions. Attendees will discover how to form strong business partnerships to support their projects, events, programs, and more. We’ll explore matching gift data across top higher education institutions and helpful topics like messag strategies to inspire alumni to complete their matching gift requests.

By the end of the conference, you’ll be able to manage this fundraising channel more effectively at your institution.

Date: October 1-3, 2024

Location: Atlanta, Georgia


Can’t wait? Check out Double the Donation’s online Matching Gift Academy to explore powerful matching gift insights in the meantime.

The Nonprofit Marketing Summit is a top nonprofit conference for expanding your marketing knowledge.

Nonprofit Marketing Summit

About this nonprofit conference: 

There are several marketing conferences on this list, and for good reason. Digital tools and strategies evolve constantly, making it imperative for nonprofit professionals to stay updated on the latest trends.

That’s where the Nonprofit Marketing Summit comes in. This virtual conference brings together 30,000+ nonprofit marketing professionals featuring 75+ High Impact Sessions about new digital marketing strategies. You’ll hear directly from the most influential thought leaders in the space. Although this event is virtual, there are plenty of networking opportunities to take advantage of, including getting connected on social media and joining a text community.

Date: August 20-22, 2024

Location: Virtual


Collaborative is a nonprofit technology conference.


About this nonprofit conference: 

Collaborative is a virtual and in-person conference run by Classy, an online fundraising software platform. The conference is focused on helping nonprofit professionals understand fundraising best practices and how to leverage nonprofit technology effectively.

As the conference’s name suggests, the event is focused on bringing nonprofit professionals together in collaborative sessions and workshops. The goal is to challenge your thinking, explore the future of fundraising, and stay on the cutting edge of technology. You’ll leave with new ideas to raise more for your cause.

Plus, speakers include leaders from some of the most prominent nonprofit organizations across the country, connecting attendees directly with experienced leaders and influencers.

Date: May 15-16, 2024 — stay tuned for 2025’s dates

Location: TBD for 2025


The Nonprofit Technology Conference is a great place to expand your nonprofit tech knowledge.

Nonprofit Technology Conference

About this nonprofit conference: 

From matching gift software to constituent relationship management systems (CRMs), nonprofit technology is what keeps the nonprofit sector in motion.

The Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is an annual gathering hosted by NTEN, an organization that unites nonprofit professionals to discuss using technology for social good. This conference educates attendees on nonprofit tech best practices and how to use technology to promote change in your community.

Attendees include everyone from nonprofit staff members and volunteers to board members, consultants, and tech vendors. By attending, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in breakout sessions, share resources with fellow attendees, and make long-lasting connections. Plus, the NTC is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and accessible environment, with racial affinity spaces, a dedication to accessibility for all, and more.

Date: April 16–18, 2025

Location: Baltimore, MD and virtual


AFP ICON is often considered the largest nonprofit fundraising conference in the world.


About this nonprofit conference: 

AFP ICON is often considered the largest fundraising conference in the world. Hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), ICON features dozens of speakers covering a wide range of topics. Past sessions include topics like using donor data to improve future fundraising efforts and ending mental health stigma in the nonprofit workplace.

Attending AFP ICON can help you set yourself and your organization up to effectively tackle the biggest fundraising challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.

Date: April 7-9, 2024 — stay tuned for 2025’s dates

Location: TBD for 2025


Cause Camp is another top nonprofit conference to consider attending.

Cause Camp

About this nonprofit conference: 

Designated a “must-attend” nonprofit conference by Forbes, Cause Camp is an annual gathering of nonprofit leaders, professionals, and industry experts to share resources and discuss every aspect of the nonprofit sector. Cause Camp’s breakout sessions go beyond simple discussions to equip attendees with actionable insights and training materials.

Additionally, participants can browse a comprehensive exhibit hall to connect with vendors and learn more about other nonprofit organizations in attendance. Plus, the conference’s fun evening gatherings allow attendees to get to know one another in a more relaxed environment.

Date: October 21-22, 2024

Location: Colorado Springs, CO


Engage for Good is a conference that links nonprofit and corporate professionals.

Engage for Good

About this nonprofit conference: 

Engage for Good links nonprofit professionals with leaders from the corporate world whose organizations are dedicated to furthering positive social change. Attendees can participate in targeted workshops and networking sessions that bring together individuals who face similar issues or focus on similar topic areas.

As a nonprofit professional, attending this conference will enable you to understand corporate philanthropy from a business perspective and make connections with prospective corporate partners. Then, you can return to your organization with deeper insights that can optimize your corporate partnership strategy.

Date: May 14-16, 2024 — stay tuned for 2025’s dates

Location: TBD for 2025

Registration: TBA for 2025

Upswell is an annual virtual nonprofit conference.

Upswell Summit

About this nonprofit conference: 

The Upswell Summit is an annual event for community changemakers who are focused on making their communities stronger and more equitable. Organized by Independent Sector, the event connects professionals from various sectors to address pressing social issues and drive positive change. More information on speakers and panel topics is to come, so keep an eye on the Upswell website.

Date: Fall 2025

Location: Atlanta, GA


The Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization Summit ensures all attendees leave with strategies and advice for growing their online fundraising.

The Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization Summit

About this nonprofit conference: 

The Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization Summit (NIO) is an annual conference focused on equipping nonprofit organizations with the latest strategies, tools, and techniques for digital fundraising and marketing. Speakers include the leading experts in fundraising and marketing innovation, meaning attendees can receive insights into cutting-edge outreach techniques to better engage their audiences.

In addition, nonprofit leaders can browse new technology solutions in a sales-free environment to see which tools might work best for their organizations.

Date: September 18-19, 2024

Location: Indianapolis, IN


The Nonprofit Storytelling Conference is designed to help nonprofit professionals tell better stories to raise more donations.

Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

About this nonprofit conference: 

The foundation of any powerful fundraising or marketing initiative is compelling storytelling. A story can help build a strong emotional connection with your nonprofit’s supporters, inspiring them to lend a hand and support your cause.

The Nonprofit Storytelling Conference is designed to help nonprofit professionals tell better stories to raise more donations. The conference offers three types of sessions:

The “Main Stage Sessions” are designed to reimagine the way you connect with donors by sharing groundbreaking strategies and mind-bending concepts. The “Deep Dive Intensives” are 2.5-hour intensive workshops intended to give you a framework for major donor, direct mail, event, and creative fundraising campaigns. “Implementation Workshops” are 60-minute sessions with small groups, and each workshop teaches a new storytelling and fundraising skill. Attendees will receive personalized help applying each new skill to their organization.

Date: November 11-13, 2024

Location: Santa Ana Pueblo, NM


Good Tech Fest is a nonprofit conference that focuses on how to use technology for good.

Good Tech Fest

About this nonprofit conference:

Good Tech Fest focuses on how to use technology and data to make a positive difference in the world. Sessions are led by data scientists, product managers, and fundraising and tech professionals. Attendees have the opportunity to learn about everything from machine learning tools and equity issues in the tech world to crypto philanthropy.

This year, Good Tech Fest will be hosting three conferences on separate dates and in separate locations.

Dates: October 7-8, 2024; April 28-May 1, 2025; May 20-21, 2025

Locations: Nairobi (Fall 2024); Utah (April-May 2025); Virtual (May 2025)


the Bridge Conference is an annual gathering of nonprofit fundraising professionals and nonprofit leaders along with consultants, agencies, and other marketing professionals.

Bridge Conference

About this nonprofit conference: 

The Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference, also known as the Bridge Conference, is an annual gathering of nonprofit fundraising professionals, leaders, consultants, agencies, and other marketing professionals. The conference covers both innovative fundraising and marketing strategies along with common issues nonprofits have traditionally faced, such as how to keep donors engaged and transform them into recurring givers.

Date: July 31-August 2, 2024 — stay tuned for 2025’s dates

Location: TBD for 2025

Tips for Making the Most of Your Conference Attendance

Your conference preparation shouldn’t end after you complete the registration form. Conferences are concentrated, action-packed events that seem to fly by once you’re there. That’s why it’s important to go in with a plan of who you want to speak with and what you want to do while at the conference.

Here are a few tips for making the most of your conference attendance:

Follow these tips to make the most of the nonprofit conferences you attend.

  1. Do your research beforehand. Who will be at the conference? Who do you absolutely want to talk to before the event concludes? How can you start a natural conversation with those individuals that builds on things you have in common? Make a list of individuals you’d like to connect with and a few facts you already know about them.
  2. Decide who will attend the conference. Should a group of staff members from your nonprofit attend the conference or just one or two individuals? Determine who will be the best representatives for your cause and benefit the most from attending.
  3. Participate in everything you can. You probably won’t be able to attend every single session or panel. However, make an effort to attend a wide array of presentations and discussions based on the topics that interest you the most or that you think will be most beneficial for your organization. This allows you to get the most value out of the event.
  4. Seek out presentations that are outside of your purview. Consider attending one or two sessions or panels that don’t directly relate to what you do daily. These sessions could end up being the most valuable, because they show you a different perspective or share information about something that you aren’t very familiar with.
  5. Collect business cards. Gather business cards for organizations and individuals that you interact with and follow up with them after the nonprofit conference. In these messages, thank them for their conversation or presentation and ask any follow-up questions you may have thought of since. If the individual lives nearby, see if you can schedule an in-person meeting or lunch with them to maintain the connection you’ve built.
  6. Share the information you’ve learned with your team. Create a short presentation for your nonprofit’s other team members who didn’t attend the conference. Summarize the key takeaways you received from the conference and any changes or strategies you think the team should implement going forward. Let team members chime in with their thoughts and feedback on any proposed changes.

We also recommend carrying a folder and notebook with you during the conference to take notes and store business cards, handouts, and other printed materials.

A Final Note About Nonprofit Conferences

When signing up for any nonprofit conferences, remember to approach these events with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Be prepared to engage in meaningful conversations, share your own experiences, and learn from others who are equally passionate about creating positive change.

For more information about nonprofit conferences, bookmark the Double the Donation and NXUnite websites. These sites offer ongoing updates on nonprofit webinars, panels, and conferences that any nonprofit professional can join to expand their skill set and fundraising knowledge.

Attend our Matching Gift Summit to ensure your nonprofit fulfills its corporate donation potential.

The title of the article next to an image of people implementing data hygiene best practices.

Top Data Hygiene Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations

Picture this: Your wildlife conservation foundation is gearing up for an email marketing campaign. Your marketing team composes an engaging series of emails, complete with stories about real beneficiaries you’ve helped, statistics that illustrate your impact, and testimonials from donors and volunteers. Once the materials are ready, you send out the first batch of emails to your supporters.

However, when you check the open and click-through rates of your email, they’re much lower than you anticipated, and your bounce rate is way too high. What could have gone wrong?

While it’s possible your email didn’t catch your audience’s attention, it’s perhaps more likely that many of your supporters didn’t receive your email in the first place due to typos in your saved email addresses, switches to new email addresses, or a multitude of other reasons.

This scenario demonstrates the importance of keeping your database organized and up-to-date through data hygiene best practices. In this guide, we’ll equip your team with the skills they need to clean up your constituent data by covering the following topics:

With these tips, you’ll be prepared to maintain a clean database filled with information that can help you get in touch with your audience and earn more support.

Explore our data append services to fuel your nonprofit's marketing and fundraising.

What Is Data Hygiene?

Data hygiene refers to the process of cleaning your database. In this context, “cleaning” refers to updating, verifying, and supplementing the supporter information you’ve stored so it’s accurate and actionable.

While clean data is error-free, up-to-date information, “dirty data” refers to outdated, incomplete, duplicated, or incorrect information. During the data hygiene process, your team will remove and correct as much dirty data as possible to ensure you’re basing decisions on accurate information and preserving resources for the right people with viable contact information.

In the case of our opening example, the organization’s email address data was “dirty” because it contained outdated and incorrect supporter email addresses, preventing their messages from reaching supporters and limiting their fundraising potential.

Data hygiene best practices provide a framework for fixing errors and filling in gaps so you have your database is a comprehensive, reliable source of truth for supporter information.

Benefits of Following Data Hygiene Best Practices

Most organizations know that data is a useful tool for making decisions and reaching supporters. Even so, this information is only helpful to your nonprofit’s team if it’s accurate and up-to-date, and data can quickly become outdated.

In fact, data decays at an average rate of 30% per year. This means that every year, nearly a third of the information you have stored about your supporters, finances, marketing efforts, fundraising campaigns, and any other area of your nonprofit is no longer viable.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your data clean. By updating outdated information and removing incorrect data, you can prevent data decay. The benefits of following data hygiene best practices include:

The benefits of following data hygiene best practices for nonprofits, as discussed in the text below.

  • Improved decision-making. When you regularly update your database, you can be confident you’re basing decisions on accurate information. Without following data hygiene best practices, you’re more likely to launch campaigns that don’t reach your audience, resonate with them, or generate a positive return on your investment.
  • Higher engagement. Not only does clean data help you personalize your campaigns to your current audience, but it also encourages your supporters to interact with your content as it’ll be more relevant and engaging to them. For instance, if the nonprofit in the opening example were to append email addresses to their database, segment supporters into groups based on shared characteristics, and send targeted communications, they could potentially increase their open rate by 82% and their click-through rate by 75%.
  • Enhanced stakeholder relationships. Data-driven campaigns can help you build stronger relationships with prospects, donors, volunteers, and sponsors. Targeted, personalized messages make people feel seen and heard as individuals, enticing them to continue supporting your organization long-term.
  • Increased fundraising efficiency. Just like a for-profit organization, you have to spend money to make money, expending resources on marketing materials and staff member time. With clean data, you’ll reach the right people the first time, allowing you to reserve time and resources for those most likely to convert.
  • Reduced costs. With more efficient fundraising operations, you’ll naturally save on costs associated with dirty data, such as sending materials to the same people multiple times and managing returned mail.
  • Compliance with data regulations. Following data hygiene best practices ensures compliance with data laws and regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). You can highlight your compliance with these regulations on your website to build trust with donors and demonstrate your commitment to protecting their sensitive information.
  • More accurate reporting. Updated, organized information makes it easier to compile accurate reports about your programs’ impact and share them with stakeholders like donors and board members.
  • Streamlined internal collaboration. Keeping your database up-to-date improves internal communication and team member collaboration. For instance, if your fundraising team determines your organization’s major gift range based on recent fundraising data, your marketing team can develop branded outreach materials that are aligned with your major donors’ giving capacity.

Leveraging clean data creates a better experience for everyone involved in your nonprofit—from donors to staff members to sponsors to beneficiaries to volunteers.

Top Data Hygiene Best Practices for Your Nonprofit

Now that you understand the importance of proper data hygiene, it’s time to dive into some data hygiene best practices your nonprofit can implement.

The top data hygiene best practices for nonprofits, as discussed in the text below.

Audit your database or CRM.

You can’t start fixing data errors if you’re not sure what’s wrong. Start your data hygiene process strong with a database audit.

An audit provides an opportunity to survey your database or CRM and identify potential problem areas. It allows you to focus your data hygiene efforts and establish a clear plan of action.

During your audit, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Clarify your goals. Your current fundraising campaign or marketing initiative’s goals should guide your data hygiene process. For example, if you’re running a direct mail campaign, focus on updating your supporters’ mailing addresses. This way, the process is more manageable, especially if you’re tackling data hygiene for the first time.
  2. Move all data to a central location. If you have any information stored in spreadsheets or physical forms, consolidate it in one platform for easier organization and analysis.
  3. Seek out inaccuracies. Lastly, identify any data inaccuracies, and form a plan for how you’ll resolve them.

Once your audit is complete, share the results with your team to get everyone on the same page about your data priorities and data hygiene plan.

Assign data responsibilities.

Once you have a clear data hygiene plan, it’s time to assign specific responsibilities to your team members. You may select a main data steward in charge of overseeing all data hygiene procedures and separate supporting roles amongst your staff.

For example, you may have team members responsible for verifying supporter mailing addresses, merging duplicate records, researching mailing address append services, and segmenting your supporters into relevant groups. As a result, you’ll streamline the data hygiene process and complete your objectives more efficiently.

Reevaluate your data collection strategy.

You likely collect data from your supporters through multiple methods, such as donation forms, surveys, and newsletter signups. Additionally, your organization generates data from its fundraising, marketing, and program activities.

While much of this information is helpful, more is not always better. Prioritize what information you need to collect and store to fuel your mission. This way, you’ll prevent unnecessary data buildup and make your database easy to navigate.

Common types of data you’ll likely gather include:

Nonprofit data types, as discussed in the text below.

  • Supporter information. When you know who your supporters are, you can personalize your messages to them. Supporter information you collect may include name, age, gender, employer data, and contact information.
  • Giving data. Basing donation requests on donors’ giving history can help you retain their support and encourage them to make larger contributions. Store information related to donors’ giving amounts and frequency so your communications match their level of commitment to your organization. Additionally, identify whether any of your donors are also involved in your nonprofit as volunteers, event attendees, or cause advocates so you can reference their nonmonetary contributions to your organization as well.
  • Campaign metrics. Keep track of the outcomes of your marketing and fundraising campaigns so you know which techniques resonate with your audience. This data may include event attendance rates, fundraising revenue, campaign conversions, and donor and volunteer retention rates.
  • Financial data. Planning a feasible budget depends on storing and analyzing accurate financial data. Pay attention to the revenue you generate from donations, membership fees, merchandise sales, sponsorships, and other revenue streams, as well as the expenses you incur for costs like staff compensation, marketing material production, and program expenses. Updated, accurate financial data is also important for filing your Form 990 correctly to maintain your 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
  • Marketing metrics. Assess your marketing strategy with data like email open rate, ad click-through rate, website engagement rate, and social media likes, comments, and shares. Storing this information helps you identify successes and establish appropriate benchmarks for future campaigns.

When discussing your data priorities with your team, review each data category and which metrics are essential to monitor. For example, if you’re running an email marketing campaign aimed at recurring donors, you’ll likely want to focus on tracking gift amounts and email open rates.

Develop data standards.

To avoid data errors and disorganization in the future, create data standards that determine how team members should input information. These rules will ensure everyone is on the same page and make it easy to find the data points you need within your CRM.

For example, you may develop standardization rules for inputting:

  • Mailing addresses. While some organizations may like to use the abbreviations “St,” “Rd,” and “Ln,” others may spell out “Street,” “Road,” and “Lane.” Neither option is wrong—it just depends on your team’s preferences!
  • Phone numbers. You may put parentheses around the area code or use dashes between each number sequence. Additionally, nonprofits with international constituents may opt to add the country code while local organizations may omit that detail.
  • Titles and abbreviations. Job titles or name titles like “Chief Financial Officer” or “Senior” can also be entered as their abbreviations “CFO” or “Sr.”

In addition to data input rules, you’ll also need to develop standards for how to fix problems as they arise. For example, would you like your staff to merge duplicate records or just delete extraneous entries? When everyone knows exactly how to respond to different data errors, they’ll work more efficiently and effectively.

Continuously update and validate your data.

Considering how often people move, change email addresses, and switch jobs, it’s essential to stay on top of your data and develop a plan for regularly updating it. This is the best way to ensure your database reflects your everchanging supporter base.

One of the most common ways to update your database is through data appends. A data append involves supplementing your current database with supporter information from third-party sources. Organizations use data appends to keep their supporter data up to date and fill in gaps in their CRM.

While the types of data you can append with depend on your provider, most data append companies will offer:

  • Address appends. With an address append filling in missing or outdated postal addresses in your database, you can be confident that your direct mail will reach your supporters, whether you’re sending newsletters, thank-you notes, fundraising appeals, or event invitations.
  • Employer appends. Appending employer data to your CRM can help you identify corporate giving opportunities and encourage your supporters to help you earn more for your cause.
  • Email appends. As we mentioned before, email addresses can quickly become outdated, between supporters switching email addresses, changing jobs or schools, or even inputting their addresses wrong. An email append ensures you can reach your supporters via this channel.
  • Phone number appends. Soliciting donations via text-to-give, running phone-a-thons, and thanking major donors through phone calls all require updated supporter phone numbers. Through a phone number append, you can fuel these outreach efforts.
  • Date of birth appends. When you know how old your supporters are through date of birth appends, you can segment them by age and send them relevant communications through their preferred channels. Additionally, you can send them birthday messages and well wishes to build strong relationships with them.

When investing in data appending, seek out a provider that works with nonprofits. That way, you can be confident they’ll understand your organization’s needs and work diligently to help you reach your goals.

How Does Nonprofit Data Hygiene Relate to Matching Gifts?

At Double the Donation, our specialty is helping nonprofits like yours earn more in matching gift revenue. If you’re not familiar, matching gifts are contributions that employers make when their employees donate to a charitable cause. They’re called “matching” gifts because companies typically match their employees’ contributions at a 1:1 ratio, but they may have a higher or lower match ratio depending on their matching gift policies.

You may be wondering, “How exactly does nonprofit data hygiene relate to matching gifts?” When you adhere to data hygiene best practices, you’ll see the following benefits for your matching gift process:

How nonprofit data hygiene relates to matching gifts, as discussed in the text below.

  • Easier identification of matching gift opportunities. Storing accurate, updated employer information in your database simplifies the process of assessing your supporters’ eligibility. Using a combination of precise employer data and Double the Donation’s matching gift software, 360MatchPro, you can help donors recognize matching gift opportunities and how they can act on them.
  • Timely follow-up. When you already have up-to-date donor contact information, you can quickly follow up with them about matching gift opportunities and encourage them to send matching gift requests to their employers. Additionally, 360MatchPro automates these communications so you can focus on your mission.
  • Maximized matching gift revenue. With more donors checking their matching gift eligibility and receiving communications about matching gifts, you’ll increase your matching gift revenue. As a result, you’ll unlock valuable funding for your organization at no additional cost to your supporters, helping you strengthen your mission and donor relationships.

Overall, clean data streamlines the matching gift process from beginning to end and ensures you get the most out of this giving channel.

Download the matching gift guide to learn how you can improve donor relationships even further with matching gifts.

Wrapping Up and Additional Data Hygiene Resources

While you might have once thought data was the key to a successful marketing or fundraising strategy, it should now be clear that clean data is the true driving force behind powerful nonprofit communications. Remember that nonprofit data hygiene is an ongoing process. Continue following data hygiene best practices, and update your procedures as needed.

If you’re looking to learn more about nonprofit data management, check out these additional resources:

Dive into our data append services to keep your database clean in accordance with data hygiene best practices.

Best CSR Companies: These Businesses Are Making an Impact

Best CSR Companies | These 9 Businesses Are Making an Impact

In today’s business landscape, corporate social responsibility (or CSR) is more than just a buzzword—it’s a crucial aspect of how companies operate and influence the world. Leading CSR companies are recognizing the importance of giving back to their communities, investing in sustainable practices, and driving positive change. This commitment not only enhances their brand reputation but also attracts conscious consumers and employees who value ethical practices.

In this post, we’ll highlight nine exemplary companies that are setting the standard in CSR. From innovative environmental initiatives to impactful social programs, these businesses are making a significant difference in their industries.

What is CSR?

Corporate Social Responsibility is a business model that helps companies be socially accountable—to themselves, their stakeholders, and the public. By practicing CSR, companies can be conscious of the impact they have on all aspects of society, including the environment, the economy, and beyond.

Critical aspects of CSR include:

  • Philanthropic Responsibility: Businesses engage in activities that benefit society. This can involve community development programs, charitable donations, volunteer efforts, and supporting social causes like education, health, and equality.
  • Ethical Responsibility: Organizations operate in a fair and ethical manner. This involves treating employees fairly, ensuring product safety, and conducting business with integrity.
  • Legal Responsibility: Businesses comply with all relevant laws and legal regulations, ensuring they operate safely and fairly on a consistent basis.
  • Economic Responsibility: Companies adopt practices that ensure fair trade, ethical labor practices, and transparent business operations. They strive to create economic value while also producing value for society.

These are the four components of the pyramid of CSR companies.

All in all, CSR initiatives help companies build a positive brand image, foster customer loyalty, attract and retain employees, and ultimately contribute to long-term business success.

What defines the best CSR companies?

The best CSR companies are defined by key characteristics that demonstrate their commitment to philanthropic, ethical, economic, and legal responsibilities. These companies go beyond mere compliance with legal requirements and actively seek to make a positive impact.

Wondering if your company meets the criteria? Looking for leading businesses to seek support for your nonprofit? No matter your intent, here are the defining attributes of the best CSR companies to consider:

Best CSR Companies Criteria

  • They have a well-defined CSR vision and strategy that aligns with their core business values and goals, and their CSR initiatives are integrated into their overall business operations. This information should be available online, in employee-facing materials, and more.
  • They invest in community development and social programs that address local and global challenges such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and more.
  • They prioritize employee welfare and active involvement in CSR activities such as giving and volunteerism.
  • They collaborate with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and other businesses to amplify their impact.
  • They maintain transparency in their CSR efforts by regularly reporting on their progress and outcomes.
  • They demonstrate a long-term commitment to CSR by continuously evaluating and improving their initiatives with measurable goals and plans for achieving tangible results.

By embodying these characteristics, the best CSR companies create value not only for their business but also for society and the environment, setting a powerful example for others to follow.

And we’ve compiled a list of companies by which to be inspired below!

How does the CLMA designation reflect CSR efforts?

One of the greatest indicators of a company’s CSR efforts is its devotion to matching employee gifts. As a result, the CLMA designation, which is awarded to Certified Leaders in Matching Automation, reflects a company’s commitment to ongoing philanthropy and corporate social responsibility.

Graphic of the CLMA badge with benefits of the badge written in a circular pattern

This certificate directly reflects a company’s devotion to CSR by showcasing its dedication to facilitating seamless and accessible support for a wide range of nonprofit causes. Top companies that hold this designation exemplify the integration of automated processes to foster a culture of giving and social responsibility.

Why does this matter for nonprofits and other fundraisers?

Understanding the offerings of top CSR companies and other CLMA-certified employers is essential for nonprofits, schools, and fundraisers for several reasons. First, familiarity with companies offering standout matching gift programs allows organizations to effectively double or even triple the donations received, significantly boosting fundraising efforts.

These companies can also be significant suppliers of grants, sponsorships, volunteer services, and more, making them valuable targets for establishing lucrative long-term partnerships.

Top Companies with Standout CSR Strategies & More

Familiarity with top CSR companies can help nonprofits and schools identify partners committed to the greater good. At the same time, understanding the successes of leading examples can provide invaluable insights and ideas for improving a business or organization’s own practices and initiatives.

Read on to explore our selection of standout CSR initiatives and see which elements you can adopt in your efforts.

Chipotle is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #1: Chipotle

Company Overview:

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is a renowned fast-casual restaurant chain headquartered in Newport Beach, California. It is best known for its focus on serving high-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients in its customizable burritos, bowls, and tacos.

Chipotle currently operates over 2,800 restaurants across the world, with more than 120,000 employees, and continues to expand its global footprint.

CSR Focus:

Chipotle’s CSR efforts primarily revolve around sustainability (including responsible sourcing and healthy living) and employee giving. The company places a strong emphasis on food with integrity, as well as giving to a variety of nonprofit causes its team members support.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

By integrating sustainability and giving into its core business model and engaging with stakeholders transparently, Chipotle sets a benchmark in the restaurant industry for socially conscious practices. This commitment not only enhances its brand reputation but also contributes positively to the communities it serves.

In doing so, Chipotle Mexican Grill has become a CLMA-certified leader in the matching gift industry. By partnering with Double the Donation-integrated corporate giving solution, Chipotle has implemented matching gift auto-submission functionality, making the request process seamless and accessible for its staff. This efficient system not only simplifies the donation matching process but also significantly boosts CSR by growing the amount of corporate funding paid out through successful matches and more.

Danone is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #2: Danone

Company Overview:

Danone is a multinational food-products corporation headquartered in Paris, France, with nearly 90,000 employees worldwide. It operates in four main business segments: Essential Dairy and Plant-Based Products, Waters, Early Life Nutrition, and Advanced Medical Nutrition.

Globally, Danone is known for its dairy and plant-based products, including brands like Activia, Evian, and Alpro.

CSR Focus:

Danone’s CSR efforts are centered around sustainability, nutrition, and social innovation. The company aims to promote healthier eating habits, support the communities in which its staff live and work, and reduce its environmental impact across operations.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Danone actively engages its employees in promoting sustainable practices through philanthropy, volunteerism, and other initiatives.

As a result, the food company is also CLMA-certified for its exemplary matching gift program. With the help of Double the Donation, Danone has integrated matching gift auto-submission into its CSR initiatives, providing an effortless experience for employees looking to double their charitable contributions. This streamlined approach enhances Danone’s CSR efforts by maximizing the impact of corporate funding through successful donation matches.


BerlinRosen is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #3: BerlinRosen

Company Overview:

BerlinRosen is a leading strategic communications firm based in New York City, specializing in PR, media relations, and digital strategy. With over 400 employees across New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and more, the firm serves nonprofits, advocacy organizations, progressive campaigns, and corporate entities.

CSR Focus:

BerlinRosen’s CSR efforts are centered around social justice, environmental sustainability, and community empowerment through effective communication strategies. The firm leverages its expertise in public relations to amplify voices and advocate for positive social change.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

BerlinRosen distinguishes itself by actively supporting organizations that drive meaningful community impact. This includes offering pro-bono services to nonprofits, advocacy groups, and more.

BerlinRosen is also recognized as a CLMA-certified employer due to its outstanding matching gift program. By collaborating with Double the Donation, BerlinRosen has implemented a user-friendly matching gift auto-submission system, simplifying the process for its employees.

Overall, the company’s commitment to supporting employee philanthropy⁠—as well as its dedication to communication as a tool for social good⁠—sets it apart as a leader in CSR within the public relations industry and beyond.

Creative Circle is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #4: Creative Circle

Company Overview:

With more than 18,000 employees, Creative Circle is a specialized staffing agency headquartered in Los Angeles, California. This company focuses on connecting creative professionals with businesses in various industries, such as advertising, marketing, and design.

CSR Focus:

Creative Circle’s CSR efforts are centered around promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the creative industry, supporting creative professionals, and fostering inclusive workplaces.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Creative Circle stands out for its commitment to CSR, supporting philanthropic initiatives that advance equality and equity in the creative sector.

As a CLMA-certified company, Creative Circle has implemented a robust matching gift program. Partnering with Double the Donation, Creative Circle offers a seamless matching gift auto-submission process, which makes it easy for employees to participate in corporate philanthropy. This innovative approach drives more revenue through the programs, focusing on facilitating employee generosity and reflecting its dedication to social responsibility and community engagement.

Toyota Connected is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #5: Toyota Connected

Company Overview:

A subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Connected focuses on developing data-driven mobility solutions and connected vehicle technologies to enhance customer experiences and drive innovation in the automotive industry.

CSR Focus:

Toyota Connected’s CSR efforts revolve around sustainable mobility, environmental stewardship, and leveraging technology for social good. The company aims to create smarter, safer, and more sustainable transportation solutions for all.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

By integrating data-driven insights and technology with sustainability goals, Toyota Connected demonstrates leadership in CSR by driving positive social, environmental, and economic impacts through its innovative initiatives.

The company is also a pioneer in matching gifts, establishing a CLMA-certified program designed to provide its employees with a seamless and hassle-free matching experience that boosts their impact for their favorite causes (like yours!).

Teachable is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #6: Teachable

Company Overview:

With over 1,500 employees worldwide, Teachable is an online platform that empowers individuals and organizations to create and sell online courses. This company’s efforts ultimately provide tools and resources to facilitate online learning and entrepreneurship.

CSR Focus:

Teachable’s CSR efforts center on educational equity, supporting online educators, and empowering diverse voices in online learning and digital entrepreneurship.

Image of badge indicating that an organization is a certified leader in matching gift automation (CLMA)

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Teachable, which stands out for its commitment to democratizing education and empowering educators from diverse backgrounds, is also CLMA-certified for its exemplary matching gift program. In collaboration with Double the Donation, Teachable offers a hassle-free matching gift auto-submission process, making it simple and straightforward for employees to enhance their charitable donations. This streamlined system amplifies Teachable’s CSR efforts by maximizing the corporate funding distributed through successful matches.

Overall, Teachable’s focus on facilitating employee generosity and supporting various causes demonstrates its strong commitment to social responsibility and community impact.

Microsoft is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #7: Microsoft

Company Overview:

Microsoft Corporation is a global technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. With more than 220,000 employees across the world, Microsoft is known for its software products, cloud computing services, and hardware devices.

CSR Focus:

Microsoft’s CSR efforts focus on digital inclusion, environmental sustainability, and leveraging technology for social impact. The company aims to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more through its technology and initiatives.

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Matching gifts up to $15,000 per employee on an annual basis, Microsoft devotes significant resources to its corporate matching gift program. Plus, it offers each team member a full week’s worth of paid VTO and supplies volunteer grants equal to $25 for each hour an employee spends volunteering with nonprofit causes.

Microsoft also stands out for its comprehensive approach to CSR, integrating sustainability into its core business strategy and promoting ethical AI and data privacy practices. The company leads initiatives to address global challenges such as environmental sustainability, accessibility, and humanitarian crises, too. Plus, it offers free and reduced technology services for nonprofits and schools!

Google is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #8: Google

Company Overview:

Google LLC is a multinational technology company (with an employee count greater than 180,000 worldwide) that specializes in Internet-related services and products. This includes search engines, cloud computing, software, hardware, and more.

CSR Focus:

Google’s CSR efforts encompass environmental sustainability, digital literacy, and empowering businesses and individuals through technology. The company strives to make a positive impact on the world through innovation and responsible business practices.

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Google stands out for its commitment to sustainability and philanthropy, exemplified by its matching gift program, volunteer grant initiative, VTO offering, and more. Each year, employees can request up to $10,000 in matching gifts, $10 for each hour they volunteer, and 8 hours of volunteer time off.

The company also supplies free advertising credits to registered nonprofits, providing access to its paid advertising platform, and empowering nonprofit teams to promote their efforts, at no cost.

DIsney is one of the best CSR companies

Top CSR Company #9: Disney

Company Overview:

The Walt Disney Company is a global entertainment conglomerate headquartered in Burbank, California, known for its iconic film studios, theme parks, media networks, and consumer products. Inclusive of its subsidiaries, which include ABC, Hulu, Marvel, and more, Disney employs more than 225,000 people worldwide.

CSR Focus:

Disney’s CSR efforts focus on environmental stewardship, community engagement, and promoting creativity and innovation through entertainment and education.

What Makes This Company’s Programming Stand Out:

Disney matches gifts up to $25,000 per employee, encouraging its full-time and part-time employees to double their charitable donations to the organizations they care about. At the same time, the company promotes volunteerism through its EARs to You grant program (worth up to $2,000 each) and by offering up to 8 hours of paid VTO each year.

The company also stands out for its commitment to environmental conservation, exemplified by its goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and zero waste across its operations. By integrating CSR into its business practices and entertainment offerings, Disney not only entertains audiences but also contributes to societal progress and environmental preservation on a global scale.

Final Thoughts & Next Steps

In an era where CSR is no longer an option but a necessity, the companies highlighted in this post stand out as true leaders, setting benchmarks for others to follow. Their commitment to philanthropy partnerships, volunteerism, and beyond not only enhances their brand reputation but also drives meaningful change in the world.

For businesses, emulating these strategies can lead to improved stakeholder relationships, enhanced employee engagement, and increased consumer loyalty. For nonprofits, forming partnerships with these companies and others like them will allow you to unlock funding, leverage new resources, and foster long-term innovation.

Interested in learning more about CSR and how it can impact businesses and organizations like yours? Check out these additional resources:


Access more CLMA-certified companies with seamless and accessible matching gift programs.


Company CTA - Explore the CLMA

See how your platform can become CLMA-certified to demonstrate your commitment to CSR.

This article will go over the basics of corporate sponsorships and how to secure one for your nonprofit.

How to Unlock Corporate Sponsorships: Get More Support

Securing corporate sponsorships involves building relationships with corporate prospects on top of all the other important work you’re doing to raise support for your nonprofit. But these partnerships are well worth it, as corporate giving can be an invaluable source of revenue, positive social image, and ongoing support.

In this article, we’ll discuss some corporate sponsorship best practices your organization can leverage to secure the best partnership suited to your cause, as well as some of the top corporate sponsors. We’ll cover the following topics:

  1. What is a Corporate Sponsorship?
  2. How to Find Corporate Sponsorships
  3. Companies with Excellent Corporate Sponsorship Programs
  4. How to Ask for a Corporate Sponsorship
  5. How to Cultivate Relationships with Corporate Sponsors
  6. Developing Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Auto-Submission
  7. Additional Corporate Giving Programs

Understanding the importance of corporate sponsorships is just the beginning. Securing the right corporate sponsorship is another story entirely. Let’s get started!

Click here to demo the top matching gift platform, Double the Donation.

What is a Corporate Sponsorship?

A corporate sponsorship is a form of support nonprofits receive from corporations to fund events, nonprofit programs, or specific projects. The benefits are twofold: nonprofits receive the help they need to continue serving their missions, while the company receives tax deductions and a positive reputation for its brand.

Corporate Sponsorship Types

Corporate sponsorships can take many forms. Here are a few examples of the most common types:

The four types of corporate sponsorships are shown and explained below.


This is when a company donates money to sponsor an event or program. Generally, nonprofits recognize the company through various event materials, such as signage, merchandise, and online advertising, in exchange for its support.


An in-kind sponsorship involves a company donating goods or services to an event or project. For example, a restaurant might provide catering services, or a spa may donate free spa packages as a raffle prize.


Some companies cover the cost of promoting a nonprofit event through media sponsorships. This could include radio promotions, TV ads, or printed advertisements.

Corporate and Employee Giving

Beyond typical corporate sponsorships, other forms of corporate giving can help your nonprofit. These include automatic payroll deductions, volunteer programs, and corporate matching gifts. Read more about these below!

Match More Gifts With Double the Donation

Get a sneak peek of the industry-leading matching gift automation solution, 360MatchPro.

Benefits of matching gift automation software

Benefits of Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate sponsorships benefit both companies and nonprofits in the following ways:

Benefits for Nonprofits

  • Increased awareness. By leveraging a company’s audience, nonprofits can share their mission with more people.
  • Acquisition of new supporters. Corporate sponsorships can transform a company’s customers into their nonprofit partner’s supporters.
  • Boosted credibility. If potential supporters see a well-known company supporting your nonprofit, they can be confident they’re contributing to a legitimate cause and organization.

Benefits for Companies

  • Positive brand recognition. Helping nonprofits gives companies a chance to live up to their proclaimed values and demonstrate their community involvement.
  • Attracting new customers. Just as a company’s customers can turn into a nonprofit’s supporters, a nonprofit’s supporters can also be converted into the corporate sponsor’s customers.
  • Happy employees. When companies practice social responsibility, their employees can feel good knowing they’re working somewhere that honors their values and supports worthy causes.

Considerations to Keep In Mind Before Getting Started

Clearly, corporate sponsorships benefit all parties. But before getting started, there are a few things to be aware of to prepare for a sponsorship:

  • Legal compliance. Depending on what kind of agreement you make with a business, the sponsorship may be qualified as a commercial co-venture. This usually occurs during cause marketing campaigns that involve sharing revenue (e.g., a retailer selling a shirt and giving your organization part of the proceeds). However, it’s best to check with a lawyer to ensure you are complying with the law and meeting your state’s licensing requirements.
  • Dependency. Relying too heavily on support from sponsors, particularly just one or two businesses, could leave your nonprofit financially vulnerable if a business cannot or decides not to continue supporting your organization. Build a robust network of corporate connections and diversify your revenue sources to ensure your nonprofit is sustainable.
  • Potential conflicts. Conflicts are a possibility in any relationship, ranging in seriousness from a misread email to ethical concerns. You can limit conflicts by selecting corporate sponsors with values that align with yours and clearly communicating shared responsibilities and expectations early in the relationship. Ensuring all sponsorship agreements are detailed in writing can be useful for preventing and navigating conflicts that may occur.

Don’t let these factors prevent your nonprofit from taking advantage of the benefits of a corporate sponsorship. Proper due diligence, careful documentation, and clear communication can help you manage and even prevent these concerns altogether.

How to Find Corporate Sponsorships

When it comes to asking for corporate sponsorships, be intentional about who you choose to work with. As you research potential partners, consider the following tips to narrow down your search:

The four ways of finding corporate sponsors are detailed and explained below.

Contact Local Businesses

Start local! Approach the businesses in the immediate area of your event. To find candidates, use resources like:

  • Your local chamber of commerce directory
  • Networking events
  • Professional networking sites like LinkedIn
  • Social media platforms

These businesses are more likely to see the value in sponsoring an event in their own community, which can greatly impact their decision to partner with you.

Seek Out Shared Values

A corporate partner should align with your organization’s mission. For instance, if you’re an environmental organization, you should work with a corporation that values sustainability, environmental conservation, and other related issues. Your organization could end up losing credibility if you partner with a corporation that substantially harms the environment or has received bad press.

Browse a business’s website, social media platforms, and other resources to get a feel for its values. Many companies list their values publicly. Then, discuss these values with the company’s point of contact before confirming the sponsorship to ensure you understand what they mean in practice.

Look Online

Search for lists of companies that donate to nonprofits online. These companies have a reputation for their philanthropic behaviors, so they might be more interested in forming a partnership than a business with no previous interest in charitable giving. You might find one you haven’t thought of before.

Leverage Points of Contact

If your board members or other members of your organization have connections or contacts at a particular company, ask them to directly reach out and request a sponsorship. Additionally, companies may be looking to fulfill the ethical and philanthropic obligations laid out in the pyramid of CSR.

Top 10 Companies With Excellent Corporate Sponsorship Programs

Zipsprout’s guide to corporate sponsors shares some interesting corporate sponsorship statistics. We’ve combined these statistics with insights from our robust database of matching gift and volunteer grant programs to highlight the best corporate sponsorship and relationship opportunities.

Check out these top corporate sponsors!

Programs Offered
Wells Fargo Matching gifts and volunteer grants
State Farm Matching gifts and volunteer grants
PepsiCo Matching gifts and volunteer grants
U.S. Bank Matching gifts and volunteer grants
Bank of America Matching gifts and volunteer grants
Anheuser-Busch Matching gifts
Clif Bar Matching gifts
The Coca-Cola Company Matching gifts
Walmart Matching gifts and volunteer grants
McDonald’s Matching gifts

1. Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo has sponsored 2.89% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #1 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“Wells Fargo is committed to building an inclusive, sustainable future for all through a focus on opening pathways to economic advancement, championing quality, affordable homes, empowering small businesses to thrive, and driving an equity-focused transition to a low-carbon economy.”

– Wells Fargo’s Community Giving Page

Corporate Giving Information

Wells Fargo offers both matching gifts and volunteer grants. The company matches up to $2,000 per employee at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Wells Fargo’s corporate giving programs!

2. State Farm

State Farm has sponsored 1.07% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #5 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“With more than 19,000 agents around the country, State Farm is a committed member of your community and we welcome any opportunities that build our brand and tie into our marketing strategies on both a local and national level.”

– State Farm’s Marketing Sponsorships Page

Corporate Giving Information

State Farm offers both a matching gift program and volunteer grant opportunities. The company matches up to $4,500 at a 1:1 ratio for full-time employees.

Learn more about State Farm’s corporate giving programs!

3. PepsiCo

PepsiCo has sponsored 0.98% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #6 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“At the heart of the PepsiCo Foundation is our belief in the potential possessed by the people and communities we serve. There are far too many communities around the world, however, that are systemically excluded from access to the essential resources they need to grow, prosper and thrive — like nutritious food, safe water and economic opportunity. That is why the PepsiCo Foundation’s work focuses on the creation of sustainable and innovative solutions to these three critical socioeconomic issues.”

– PepsiCo’s Philanthropy Page

Corporate Giving Information

PepsiCo matches employee donations up to $10,000, with a minimum donation amount of $25. The company also offers a volunteer grant program.

Learn more about PepsiCo’s corporate giving programs!

4. U.S. Bank

U.S. Bank has sponsored 0.97% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #7 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“Nonprofit donations and sponsorship are an integral part of our company’s philanthropic initiatives. In 2022, U.S. Bank contributed more than $32 million in corporate contributions and nonprofit sponsorships.”

– U.S. Bank’s Charitable Giving and Volunteerism Page

Corporate Giving Information

U.S. Bank matches up to $3,000 in donations made by active full- and part-time employees at a 1:1 ratio. The company also offers a “Dollars for Doing” volunteer grant program.

Learn more about U.S. Bank’s corporate giving programs!

5. Bank of America

Bank of America has sponsored 0.92% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #8 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“We have countless strong nonprofit alliances around the country, which include grants and sponsorships to local organizations that help improve financial lives and entire communities. Some areas we concentrate on are workforce development and education, basic needs like food and housing, and community development.”

– Bank of America’s Grants & Sponsorships Page

Corporate Giving Information

Bank of America offers matching gifts and volunteer grant opportunities. The company matches up to $5,000 in donations to most nonprofits at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Bank of America’s corporate giving programs!

6. Budweiser/Bud Light (Anheuser-Busch)

Budweiser has sponsored 0.76% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #9 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“We are business partners, collaborators, and community leaders working to make a difference around the corner and around the globe. We create jobs. We help our neighbors when natural disasters strike. We remain unwavering in our advocacy for responsible drinking. We put sustainable innovation at the center of our business by reducing our use of precious natural resources and continuously striving to leave our world a cleaner place for the future.”

– Anheuser-Busch’s Community Page

Corporate Giving Information

Anheuser-Busch’s matching gift program matches donations up to $5,000 per year at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Anheuser-Busch’s corporate giving programs!

7. Clif Bar

Clif Bar has sponsored 0.74% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #10 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“From the volunteer work we do locally to the way we source ingredients globally, our commitment to the communities we touch is an important part of who we are.”

– Clif Bar’s Aspirations Page

Corporate Giving Information

Clif Bar offers a matching gift program to active employees, matching up to $2,500 in donations at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Clif Bar’s corporate giving programs!

8. The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company has sponsored 0.72% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #11 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“Our mission is to make a difference in communities around the world by investing in transformative ideas and institutions that address some of our most pressing global challenges.”

– The Coca-Cola Foundation

Corporate Giving Information

The Coca-Cola Company offers a very generous matching gift program. The company contributes up to $20,000 per employee per year, matching at a 2:1 ratio.

Learn more about The Coca-Cola Company’s corporate giving programs!

9. Walmart

Walmart has sponsored 0.68% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #12 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“We seek to create value in the communities around the world where we operate, strengthening them through local grants supporting programs that help them thrive.”

– Walmart’s Local Community Support Information

Corporate Giving Information

Walmart matches up to $25,000 in donations made by executive-level employees at a 3:1 ratio. The company also offers a volunteer grant program.

Learn more about Walmart’s corporate giving programs!

10. McDonald’s

McDonald’s has sponsored 0.67% of nonprofits in a database of nonprofits that publicly list their sponsors, placing them at #14 on the list of top corporate sponsors.

“We show our commitment to helping others by facilitating fundraising and engaging volunteers for Ronald McDonald House Charities® programs and the McDonald’s® HACER® National Scholarships. Through involvement in youth sports, local charities and events that inspire the world, giving back is an essential part of the way we operate every day.”

– McDonald’s Community Page

Corporate Giving Information

McDonald’s offers a very generous matching gift program, matching up to $10,000 in employee donations (depending on role) per year at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about McDonalds’ corporate giving programs!

How to Ask for a Corporate Sponsorship

Once you’ve identified corporations you want to partner with, it’s time to plan how you’ll approach them. Forming the right ask depends on your goals, who you’re reaching out to, and when you plan to make contact. Here’s a helpful list of strategies to help you make the ask:
This image and the following text show a variety of ways you can effectively ask for a corporate sponsorship.

Promote Your Sponsorship Page

Creating a sponsorship page on your nonprofit’s website is a great way to condense the must-know information about sponsoring your organization. Include information like:

  • Your sponsorship levels
  • A case for support that explains why you need sponsors
  • How an interested company can reach out to your team

Then, promote this page across different channels, such as social media and paid advertising platforms like Google Ads. You can tap into paid advertising for free with the Google Ad Grant! If you apply and are approved, you can promote content like your sponsorship page on Google Search Results for relevant keywords.

Finding the right keywords can take some work, but you can always turn to a professional to handle the work for you. A Google Ad Grants expert like Getting Attention can help you optimize your sponsorship landing page and promote it using Google Ads.

Be Creative

You can ask a company to sponsor just about anything. Use aspects of your event that already exist, and turn them into sponsorship perks. Then, be sure to position them as excellent sponsorship opportunities for your potential partners.

Set the Right Sponsorship Levels

Just like you receive a variety of donation amounts from individual supporters, establish multiple levels of sponsorship for corporations to agree to. If you have an event with hundreds or thousands of people, make sure your sponsorship levels are high enough (such as $1,000 and up). You don’t want sponsorship to be priced so high that no one will want to participate, but by keeping levels elevated, sponsors will feel like the event is well-run and that you have confidence in what you’re doing.

On the other hand, if you’re planning a smaller event and have difficulty securing a large sponsorship, consider offering a lower sponsorship level with fewer perks. For instance, you could offer a $100 level for smaller businesses not interested in the larger sponsorship opportunity.

Click here to read Double the Donation’s ultimate guide to setting corporate sponsorship tiers.

Explain Why You’re a Perfect Fit

As you make your ask, explain how this corporate partnership will contribute to building up the company’s brand. Do your missions align? What will working with your nonprofit help the company achieve in terms of its own goals? Keep these in mind and communicate them as clearly as possible.

Ask About the Company’s Objectives

That said, asking the company directly about its objectives and priorities demonstrates that you’re genuinely interested in bringing value to the partnership. Remember, your corporate sponsors have objectives, or “missions,” of their own. They’ll want to know they’re supporting a nonprofit that aligns with these goals and that the sponsorship can help them achieve them.

Tell a Story

Explain to potential sponsors how their sponsorship and support can directly impact someone as part of your mission. For instance, “$1,000 will help us provide meals to 5 families of 4 for a week.” Additionally, share how last year’s sponsors were able to help your organization accomplish its goals.

Tailor Your Ask

Rather than using one main template and filling in names, make your ask personal and write individualized letters. These should be addressed to a relevant person at the company who is most likely to be receptive to hearing about your cause. Make sure you do your research on who to ask. Go beyond just marketing contacts and speak to anyone who will sympathize with your mission and also be in a position to create a plan of action!

Consider In-Kind Donations

If a business declines to offer a monetary sponsorship, consider asking for a non-monetary sponsorship instead, such as coupons for free services on event day. You can also request that a portion of their proceeds on the event day be donated back to the organization. A business in the area could serve as a location for the kick-off party, packet pick-up, or after-event party.

You can also reach out to companies to provide services you’ll need at the event, such as photography, DJ/entertainment, signage, food, portable toilets, and tent/chair rentals. The value of their goods or services can certainly equate to a sponsorship level.

Leverage Your Data

Always back up your corporate sponsorship asks with supporter data! Determine what demographics a sponsor is targeting, and provide them with information about your event that would be relevant. For example, if a company tends to target women aged 50 to 60, let the company know how many people or what percentage of participants attending your event fall into that group.

Find the Right Timing

The timing of your sponsorship ask is important. A lot of larger companies earmark a specific amount of money each calendar year for charitable giving, so be sure to ask when is the best time for them to consider a sponsorship.

Oftentimes, you have to get your ask in very early to even be considered. Other times, you have to adjust your strategy to the business you’re reaching out to. For instance, if you’re reaching out to an accounting firm during tax season, you’re most likely not top-of-mind, and your request may go unanswered.

Propose a Plan

Part of crafting an appealing sponsorship ask means outlining your campaign initiatives and success metrics. This means defining your fundraising goal and the impact it will have first and foremost.

As mentioned before, use numbers and data to support your proposal. But also be sure to define your success metrics and use KPI benchmarks that show when you’ve achieved your fundraising goals. Be specific about how your organization plans to meet its objectives, and link this process to ongoing projects, as well.

Draft a Sponsorship Agreement

The biggest thing that will demonstrate that you’re professional and committed to the partnership is a sponsorship agreement. It should be written down to outline your goals, expectations, and other deliverables for your organization and the company. It’s also a good idea to include how you’re going to recognize the company for its support, such as through advertising materials, merchandise, or event printouts.

Follow Up

Haven’t heard back? Don’t give up! Continue to communicate with companies after you’ve reached out with a corporate sponsorship request. Always check back to ensure someone has received your call, email, or letter. If not, ask to speak to the appropriate person at the company, and/or resend your ask to that person.

How to Cultivate Relationships with Corporate Sponsors

Once you’ve secured your corporate sponsorship, don’t let the relationship fall by the wayside! In addition to presenting your partnership in a professional light, continuing to recognize and work with your sponsor can have a huge impact on your organization.

Here are some effective ways to work with a sponsor after they’ve agreed to support your cause:

This image shows ways to cultivate relationships with corporate sponsors.

Treat Them Like Part of the Team

Treat your corporate sponsors like part of the team, because they are part of the team. Many sponsors will feel more engaged and recognize that they’re getting more from their sponsorship if they hear from you often. This doesn’t mean sending them an email every day, but rather, treating them like a team member.

Use the same engagement tools and approaches you use with participants to connect with your sponsors. For fundraising events, offer them a free team captain registration, help them get their page set up, and provide fundraising coaching. The more a sponsor raises and the larger their team, the more exposure they will get. This will in turn make them feel like they’re getting more out of the sponsorship.

Pay Attention to the Little Things

Yes, big perks matter, but the little touchpoints make a big difference, too. Send a handwritten thank-you letter or a note from a participant or beneficiary of your cause’s work. If the sponsor also fundraised for your campaign, create a top fundraisers certificate that you send to them by mail.

These little touchpoints show that you acknowledge the importance of their support, yet the cost is minimal, which demonstrates good stewardship by not wasting the sponsor’s money.

Thank Your Sponsors Publicly

Feature sponsor logos and information in your event materials, such as merchandise, pamphlets, and online advertisements and emails. Then, give a shoutout on social media! Tag their company or business page, and publicly thank them in a post.

This will help your sponsor gain exposure as a reward for supporting your event, and it will also help solidify your partnership as beneficial and worthwhile in terms of the company’s branding. Most likely, the company will then re-post your original post to its full audience to help your event reach new constituents.

Additional Corporate Giving Programs

Corporate sponsorships are a fantastic source of funding and support for your nonprofit’s events and projects. But you should also research other forms of corporate philanthropy. Especially when combined with a corporate partnership, other types of philanthropy can maximize your fundraising revenue and keep your supporters engaged.

Of course, managing different areas of workplace giving like matching gifts, volunteer grants, payroll giving, and more can be tricky if you don’t have a centralized platform. Seek out software that can help you identify opportunities, collect data, and share insights for oft-overlooked types of corporate giving. This way, you’ll be able to capitalize on more opportunities for support, growing your funding and support through one organized database.

Here are a few of the different types of corporate giving opportunities your nonprofit can seek out and manage with software:

Matching Gifts and Fundraising Matches

Corporate matching gifts are the most popular type of corporate giving program with more than 26 million individuals working for companies with matching gift programs.

Through these programs, companies match the donations their employees make to eligible nonprofits. Typically, these matching gifts occur at a 1:1 ratio, but some companies will match at a higher rate. This means that your donors’ gifts could be doubled (or even tripled!) at no additional cost to the supporter.

Additionally, some employers match funds their employees raise on behalf of a nonprofit. For example, if you hold a walk-a-thon and an employee raises $250 in pledged donations, the match would bring it to a grand total of $500!

If you’ve already set up a partnership with a company, their employees will be encouraged to donate to your cause. While they are a popular form of corporate giving, matching gifts are still an overlooked revenue source. That’s why it’s important to raise awareness among all of your donors and supporters, whether they’re connected to known sponsors or not.

Did you know you can make workplace giving even easier? Explore matching gifts auto-submission.
To help raise awareness among your supporters about matching gifts, consider investing in matching gift software. A solution like 360MatchPro by Double the Donation offers:

  • A comprehensive matching gift database that houses information about thousands of companies and their corporate giving programs. Donors can search for their employers using a straightforward search tool, which can be easily embedded into your website.
  • Email tools that help you identify matching gift opportunities within your existing donor database and trigger emails to relevant donors.
  • Email address detection tools that can identify opportunities based on a donor’s email domain. For example, 360MatchPro can automatically pick up that an email address like means the donor likely works for Wells Fargo.
  • Follow-up emails that remind donors to check with their employer for matching gift opportunities.
  • Automatic match request submission for donors whose employers use a CSR software vendor that partners with Double the Donation.

These are just a few of the features that 360MatchPro offers to spread awareness of matching gifts, remind employees to apply for them, and allow you to take advantage of this key revenue stream.

Find more matching gift revenue beyond your corporate sponsorship with Double the Donation!

Want to cut down your matching gift submission process steps? Leveraging autosubmission is the best way to get started.

Corporate Grants

Corporate grants are gifts that businesses make to nonprofit organizations, usually for a specific purpose. Like other grants, these may involve an application process and often require your nonprofit to report how the grant was spent and the impact that funding had.

These grants can vary in size and scope, and they may be given in the form of:

  • Cash
  • In-kind donations (e.g, free products or pro bono services)
  • Other resources your organization may need

When it comes to finding corporate grants for your nonprofit, start with corporations you’ve already worked with during event sponsorships or other partnerships. Additionally, check online grant directories to source new funding opportunities.

Volunteer Grants

When you’re running your mission-relevant programs or any kind of fundraising event, it’s likely that your team will need volunteer assistance. But what if there was a way to turn these already beneficial volunteer hours into another source of fundraising revenue?

Volunteer grants are another common form of corporate philanthropy in which companies provide monetary grants to organizations where their employees regularly volunteer. If you fold this into your already established corporate partnerships, you may very well end up with extra funds for your mission!

Ask corporate sponsors to encourage their employees to volunteer at your event—especially if those volunteers offer specific skill sets that can benefit your cause. If the company also offers a volunteer grant program, this means you’ll get much-needed help at the event itself and you’ll raise more money.

Even if your volunteers don’t come from corporate partners, encourage them to look up their eligibility for a volunteer grant. Many matching gift databases also offer information about volunteer grants! 360MatchPro’s search tool allows volunteers to find their employers’ volunteer grant program details. Embed the search tool into your volunteer page for easy access.

Volunteer Time Off (VTO)

Volunteer time off (VTO) is paid time off that employees can use to volunteer. VTO hours are designated specifically for volunteer opportunities with registered nonprofit organizations, meaning employees can take time off during the workday to help your organization.

These programs provide employees with flexibility and help them fulfill their desire to better their communities. For your nonprofit, VTO policies can bring significant benefits like:

  • Providing more volunteers without investing time and resources into recruiting.
  • Expanding your volunteer pool can lead to more regular volunteers, a boost in volunteer referrals, and additional support for future events, programs, and campaigns.
  • Attracting volunteers with diverse skill sets (e.g., professional services like graphic design) to help you accomplish more with just the help of your supporters.
  • Boosting retention by giving these new volunteers an easy way to fit future volunteer shifts into their busy schedules.

Similar to volunteer grants, you can leverage your partner company’s VTO policy during the sponsorship. For example, employees might take an afternoon off of work to visit your facility the day before an event and help set up. Or, they might return after the event to help you write thank-you notes for donors.

Payroll Giving

Payroll giving, sometimes called automatic payroll deductions, is another perk of building relationships with companies. Employees can arrange to have a certain amount deducted from their paycheck and automatically donated to a nonprofit of their choice.

Some of the top advantages of encouraging employees to engage in payroll giving include:

  • A lack of transaction fees.
  • The ability to build long-term relationships (particularly if you provide updates about the impact of these gifts).
  • Funding you can count on.

These recurring donations can make a huge difference for your organization. Like a monthly giving program, they provide sustainable, reliable funding that you can expect each month. This makes budgeting easier and more accurate, helping you plan projects to fulfill your mission and maximize your funding.

In-Kind Donations

As you probably guessed from reading about in-kind sponsorships above, in-kind donations involve companies donating equipment, products, or services, rather than money. This expands beyond your fundraising events. Maybe your team needs marketing or tax assistance. Many companies are willing to provide these services to nonprofits free of charge!

Educating your organization about the various corporate giving programs out there can help boost your fundraising revenue. Pair that with strong corporate partnerships, and you’ll have the resources you need to continue serving your mission!

Developing Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Auto-Submission

The most successful corporate partnerships are built on a mutually beneficial foundation between charitable organizations and for-profit companies. One of the best ways to improve both parties’ sponsorship outcomes is to make the process as easy as possible for everyone involved. That’s why we recommend implementing corporate giving auto-submission!

A graphic explaining how auto-submission creates mutually beneficial corporate sponsorships, as explained below.

Double the Donation’s auto-submission functionality is a groundbreaking development in the world of matching gifts and corporate partnerships. And it can aid nonprofit fundraising in a few key ways.

How Auto-Submission Improves Standard Matching Gift Experiences

Auto-submission makes matching gifts easier than ever for nonprofit organizations, their donors, and the companies that support them. Specifically, it enables eligible individuals to complete their match requests in significantly fewer steps⁠—meaning more matches are ultimately completed and fulfilled.

It also reduces the administrative workload for the nonprofit and business, which allows each group to make a larger impact. Not to mention, auto-submission capabilities include improved reporting practices, complete with new data points that allow organizations to better track matches through the process.

Introducing Custom Matching Gift Partnerships

On the other hand, there’s a wide range of companies that may not feel prepared to jump into a full-fledged matching gift program for their staff. However, they want to find a way to support nonprofit causes and inspire their employees to do the same.

Our recommendation for these types of partnerships is a custom (or “one-off”) matching gift program⁠—where a company will agree to match employee donations to a single organization. These are typically more targeted partnerships than a standard matching gift program, which allows for deepening relationships between a nonprofit and a corporate sponsor. And auto-submission allows these partners to facilitate their offering with minimal lift.

Custom matching gift programs are a unique way to secure corporate sponsors.

Organizations that use 360MatchPro can create custom match programs that are exclusive to their own database tool. And when auto-submission is enabled, employee giving transaction details are automatically passed from the nonprofit’s donation page to the business offering the program.

Additional Resources on Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate sponsorships can have a huge impact on more than just the money your organization brings in. They also affect your organization’s brand recognition, exposure, and credibility. Be sure to choose the right corporate partners for your sponsorships and put in the required research to find the best match. 

Looking for even more information about corporate philanthropy? Check out these resources below:

How to Track Volunteer Grants Tools, Metrics & More

How to Track Volunteer Grants: Tools, Metrics & More

Volunteer grants, also known as “dollars for doers” programs, are a form of corporate giving that rewards employees’ volunteerism by providing monetary donations to the organizations they support.

These programs supply an invaluable source of funding for nonprofits and schools⁠—however, identifying, pursuing, and managing funding through the programs can be challenging without the right tools and strategies in place. So, if you’re looking for new insights to help track volunteer grants effectively for your team, you’ve come to the right place.

Tracking volunteer grants through the process

In this guide, we’ll explore the essential tools and metrics needed to track and report on volunteer grant opportunities⁠—from identification through completion. Empowering your organization with the following information will ensure your team maximizes its potential from the programs with ease:

Ready to get tracking? Let’s dive in.

Why Should Organizations Track Volunteer Grants?

Corporate volunteer grants offer immense potential for nonprofits, but few organizations are making the most of the opportunities before them. Why? A lack of an established volunteer grant tracking process can certainly play a role. Meanwhile, tracking volunteer grants effectively allows fundraisers to supercharge their corporate giving and volunteer engagement efforts alike.

If you’re wondering why your team should invest in revamping its volunteer grant tracking system, our leading reasons include:

Benefits of tracking volunteer grants

  1. Increasing Financial Support: Volunteer grants provide additional funding, which can be significant for nonprofits relying on external support. Tracking volunteer grants through completion allows organizations to increase revenue ultimately collected through the programs. More money = more beneficiaries receiving value from your services!
  2. Enhancing Volunteer Engagement: Encouraging volunteers to apply for grants increases their commitment and engagement with your organization. By tracking volunteer grants⁠—and your volunteers’ involvement in the programs⁠—you can grow stronger relationships with supporters who participate.
  3. Building Corporate Relationships: Strengthening ties with corporations that offer dollars for doers programs can lead to further partnership opportunities as well. Source tailored insights from tracking volunteer grants to demonstrate employees’ devotion to their causes. For example, you can let a company that has already contributed volunteer grant funding to your organization know that you appreciate their existing support⁠—and that of their staff⁠—and recommend additional ways they can get involved.
  4. Powering Tangible Impact Measurement: Tracking volunteer grants helps measure the financial impact of volunteer efforts, ultimately showcasing the value of each contribution. When volunteers see that their efforts are being appreciated and converted into nonprofit funding, they’ll be more likely to remain dedicated to the cause.

Explore and track volunteer grants better with this guide.

Key Volunteer Grant Metrics & KPIs to Monitor

The best way to determine the success of your organization’s volunteer grant marketing efforts is to track select KPIs (or key performance indicators). The metrics you choose to measure can help your team assess its overall impact, improve outreach efforts, demonstrate value to stakeholders, and more.

Here are a few metrics we recommend tracking within your volunteer grant strategy.

Recommended KPI: Volunteer Grant Eligibility Rate

Why it Matters: This metric represents the portion of your volunteer network identified as eligible for a volunteer grant program through their employers. The figure allows your team to better understand and pursue the volunteer grant opportunity.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Use a volunteer grant database tool to triage volunteers based on whether their employers offer volunteer grant programs. Then, divide the number of volunteers who work for participating companies by the total number of volunteers in your community.

Recommended KPI: Volunteer Grant Completion Rate

Why it Matters: This metric represents the portion of your volunteer-eligible supporter base that ultimately submit in a volunteer grant. Understanding this figure allows you to measure the efficiency of the full volunteer grant process and identifies areas for improvement in your strategy.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Divide the number of volunteer-grant eligible individuals who ultimately produce a volunteer grant for your organization by the total number of volunteer-grant eligible individuals.

Recommended KPI: Total Volunteer Grant Funding Received

Why it Matters: This metric represents the direct financial benefit from companies through volunteer grant programs, indicating the overall level of support.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Add the sum of each volunteer grant you receive in a given time period.

Recommended KPI: Grant Amount per Volunteer

Why it Matters: This metric represents the average value a volunteer grant brings. It also allows you to more accurately forecast incoming grant revenue and aids in tailoring realistic targets and expectations for the results of your implemented strategies.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Add the sum of each volunteer grant you receive in a given time period, then divide the total amount of funds by the number of volunteer grants received.

Recommended KPI: Number of Companies Providing Volunteer Grants

Why it Matters: This metric represents the extent of your organization’s current corporate volunteer grant contributor network, and demonstrates your potential for future growth.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Count each company that contributes one or more volunteer grants to your organization in a given time period. See if these top volunteer grant companies are supporting your efforts!

Volunteer grant tracking dashboard

Top Tools to Track Volunteer Grants Accurately & Efficiently

Equipping your team with the right tools to track volunteer grants is an essential component of the process. After all, doing so allows for increasingly accurate and efficient management of volunteer data. Plus, innovative technology allows you to enhance reporting capabilities and strengthen relationships with individual volunteers and corporate partners alike.

Effective tracking tools will help your organization streamline volunteer grant identification and promotional efforts, too, ultimately leading to increased funding, improved engagement, and better, more-informed decision-making.

Here’s what we suggest:

A specialized volunteer grant database

For example, Double the Donation can provide exclusive access to forms and guidelines for thousands of companies that provide volunteer grants (and matching gifts, VTO, etc.). This ultimately simplifies the process of securing volunteer grants, making it easier for volunteers to do their part in the request and driving more volunteer grants to completion.

Tracking volunteer grants with a volunteer grant database

Comprehensive volunteer time-tracking tools

For volunteers to submit grant requests to their employers, they’ll generally need to supply some sort of record of their activities.

For that purpose, you’ll want to ensure you’re making it easy for volunteers by equipping them with tools to track and verify the hours they spend with your organization.

Time-tracking tools are a key addition to any volunteer grant database

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) portals

Many companies facilitate volunteer grants through their CSR platforms. In that case, your team will need to log in to the portals to verify volunteer hours. (Don’t worry⁠—we have a handy guide here on navigating those platforms.)

These portals will also allow you to see how many volunteer grants have made it to this step!

Supplement your volunteer grant database with CSR platforms

Remember: the right tools can go a long way. Effective tracking tools will help streamline your identification and promotional efforts, too. In the end, it ultimately leads to increased funding, improved engagement, and better, more-informed decision-making.

Next Steps for Tracking More Volunteer Grants

Tracking and reporting on volunteer grant opportunities is a vital component of a successful corporate engagement strategy. With the right tools and key metrics, your team can track volunteer grants more seamlessly than ever before.

As a result, your organization can boost its financial resources, strengthen relationships with corporate partners, and encourage greater volunteer involvement.

Interested in learning more about how you can track volunteer grants and other forms of corporate giving? Check out these recommended resources:

Tracking volunteer grants is an excellent way to leverage corporate philanthropy.

The Volunteer Grant Research Guide Finding More Funding

The Volunteer Grant Research Guide | Finding More Funding

Volunteer grants (also known as dollars for doers programs) present a lucrative opportunity for nonprofits to maximize their available resources and bolster their impact. However, navigating the complex world of research, engagement, eligibility guidelines, and submissions can be daunting. Lucky for you, that’s where our complete guide to volunteer grant research comes into play.

Designed to demystify volunteer grant research and more, this resource equips nonprofits with the knowledge and tools they need to identify, pursue, and secure more dollars for doers revenue than ever before.

In order to build much-needed familiarity with the programs, we’ll walk you through each step of the volunteer grant research process here. These phases include:

Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer manager or new to the corporate volunteerism sector, our guide will help you uncover more funding opportunities, allowing your organization to thrive.

Let’s begin!

Understanding the Volunteer Grant Opportunity 🧠

Volunteer grants are financial contributions provided by corporations to nonprofits where their employees volunteer. These programs are offered by thousands of businesses of all shapes, sizes, and sectors⁠—including IBM, Google, Home Depot, Starbucks, Microsoft, Disney, and 40% of the Fortune 500.

However, a lack of volunteer grant awareness among teams and supporters alike has resulted in a significant gap in the programs being utilized and funding being secured. Therefore, for the best results, it’s crucial that a nonprofit’s team has a solid understanding of the volunteer grant opportunity before it can maximize its funding potential. After all, a well-informed team can more effectively communicate the benefits to volunteers, encouraging greater participation and maximizing the organization’s grant earnings.

Familiarity with companies offering these programs⁠—and the specific eligibility criteria for each⁠—is also essential for effectively targeting the right opportunities. Since each volunteer grant program is unique, having extensive knowledge of the programs allows nonprofits to tailor their outreach and engagement strategies according to each supporter’s eligibility.

Recommended resource to take your corporate volunteer knowledge to the next level: Double the Donation’s free downloadable Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

Identifying Your Organization’s Needs & Goals 🎯

For a nonprofit to effectively pursue volunteer grants, it should first identify the unique needs and goals related to these grants. What, specifically, is holding your organization back from reaching its volunteer grant potential?

Perhaps you need better data on where your supporters work.

Or, if you do have accurate and up-to-date employment information for your volunteers, perhaps the roadblock is determining which individuals qualify for volunteer grant programs.

Or maybe you experience drop-off getting supporters to complete the request process on your behalf.

Regardless of the reason, once you’ve determined what’s stopping you from fully leveraging the opportunity, make a plan for overcoming the challenge. Clearly defined goals provide a roadmap for targeting volunteer grants in a way that will have the most significant impact on your cause. We recommend establishing goals that are SMART⁠—or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example: “To secure $1,000 in volunteer grant funding by the end of the fiscal year.”

A detailed understanding of your objectives allows your team to craft compelling narratives for volunteer grant-related content. As a result, you can better demonstrate how a volunteer’s participation enables your organization to achieve tangible outcomes, thus making a stronger case for engagement.

It also ensures that everyone⁠—staff, volunteers, and beyond⁠—is working toward a common objective: maximizing the potential for volunteer grant success.

Collecting Employment Information from Supporters 💼

Collecting employment information from supporters is a strategic approach for nonprofits to identify and leverage volunteer grant opportunities to their greatest potential. By understanding which companies their supporters work for, organizations can pinpoint potential sources of volunteer grants.

Fortunately, there are a few ways for fundraisers to source this information. For the best results, we recommend implementing a combination of the following methods:

Once you have this employment information on hand, you can use it to tailor your outreach and engagement efforts. For instance, knowing that a significant number of volunteers are employed by a company with a grant program might lead you to focus on building relationships with the business.

Uncovering Eligible Volunteers in Your Network 🔎

Volunteer grants are a specific type of grant generally tied to an employee engagement program offered by the company. As a result, an employer donates money to the nonprofit based on the number of volunteer hours contributed by their employees.

Recognizing which volunteers work for participating companies allows nonprofits to strategically identify and pursue the opportunities available to them.

Identifying eligible supporters within the volunteer grant research process

Ultimately, this targeted strategy leverages existing volunteer efforts to generate more substantial funding, enabling the nonprofit to further its mission and enhance its programs and services.

You might want to scan your entire database for opportunities, too⁠—including existing volunteers, donors, and prospects. From there, you can alert current volunteers of their eligibility while informing donors and other non-volunteers about how they can provide more comprehensive support for your cause, empowering them to get involved in a new way.

Top tip: Jump to the section on volunteer grant databases below to learn the best way to identify volunteer grant-eligible supporters in your network!

Encouraging Volunteers to Pursue Corporate Grants ✍️

Once you know who qualifies for volunteer grants from your network, it’s important to take time to encourage them to actually participate. By motivating eligible supporters to apply for said grant opportunities, nonprofits can unlock significant funding and supercharge their volunteer engagement.

Many volunteers are unaware that their employers offer such programs, so simply providing information on eligibility and involvement can inspire volunteers to take action. Help supporters navigate the submission process and remind them to take advantage of their eligibility before it expires. By encouraging volunteers to pursue corporate grants, your organization can significantly increase its funding, thereby enhancing its ability to fulfill its mission and expand its reach in the community.

Encouraging volunteers to log their hours and apply for grants can lead to substantial financial contributions from their employers. This approach not only boosts the organization’s funding but also strengthens volunteer engagement, as volunteers see a direct impact of their work being amplified through additional resources.

Bonus: Enlisting a Volunteer Grant Database Tool 🦾

Our final recommendation is one that is powered by innovative technology: a corporate giving or volunteer grant database.

Enlisting a volunteer grant solution like 360MatchPro in your nonprofit’s engagement strategy is an excellent way to efficiently manage and maximize volunteer grants. A database tool can centralize information, provide direct links to online submission forms and eligibility criteria, and streamline the grant application process for volunteers.

Using a volunteer grant databases within the volunteer grant research process

By aggregating all the information you need in one place, the tool saves time and effort for both the nonprofit team and its supporters. Volunteers can easily access up-to-date information about available grants, application deadlines, and eligibility requirements, and being equipped with the right information makes them more inclined to complete the process.

Next Steps & More Volunteer Grant Resources

Securing funding through volunteer grants can be transformative for mission-focused organizations. Not only do the programs provide access to new streams of corporate philanthropy revenue, but they also incentivize greater levels of engagement among volunteers in the first place.

By leveraging this guide, nonprofits like yours can systematically approach the grant research and application process with greater confidence and efficiency. Remember, the key to success lies in thorough preparation, a clear understanding of the opportunity before you, and a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.

Let this guide be your roadmap to making a greater difference in the communities you serve. Good luck!

Interested in learning more about volunteer grant research and other workplace giving programs? Check out these recommended resources:

Benefit more from 360MatchPro's volunteer grant research tools.

How to Get Matching Gifts Trending at Your Organization

How to Get Matching Gifts Trending at Your Organization

Employee matching gifts are one of the most popular forms of corporate philanthropy. Still, the source is widely untapped, largely due to a lack of knowledge surrounding the programs. If you’re looking to drive participation at your organization (in order to maximize funding and elevate donor engagement), it’s time to get matching gifts trending among supporters.

But how can you go about doing so? Start a buzz around matching gifts at your nonprofit with these helpful tips:

  1. Share a blog post.
  2. Use hashtags on social media.
  3. Prioritize video content.
  4. Explore artificial intelligence and tech for content creation.
  5. Host a real-time Q&A online.
  6. Consider influencers and peer advocates.
  7. Make the most of free advertising with Google Grants.
  8. Keep up with shifting trends.

Our hope is that, by incorporating our recommended practices, matching gifts will become a well-known and fully utilized source of support among you and your supporters.

Let’s jump in with our first trick.

1. Share a blog post.

Blog articles are an effective medium for marketing matching gifts and other employee giving forms to your
supporters. A well-written post provides an opportunity to share an in-depth explanation of the philanthropy programs, along with showing donors that your organization is focused on maximizing fundraising from every source.

Not sure where to get started? We’ve written the following article that your team can use to kick off your matching gift blogging strategy. From there, you can send a link to the newly published resource in your newsletters and other communications to ensure donors know about this opportunity to increase their impact.

Corporate Employee Matching Gift Programs: The Secret to Boosting Revenue

For nonprofit organizations, every dollar counts. Corporate employee matching gifts offer the opportunity to turn one dollar donated by a match-eligible employee into two, three, or even four dollars!

Did you know that more than 26 million employees work for companies with matching gift programs? You might be one of them!

In this article, we’re going to explore exactly what to expect when working with matching gifts and how to make the most of this incredible fundraising opportunity.

What are corporate matching gift programs?

Employee matching gift programs are a type of corporate philanthropy set up to encourage employees to give back to their communities. These companies encourage community outreach by making donations to the same nonprofits that their employees have donated to.

These programs have become quite widespread, but many donors have not heard of them or aren’t aware of their own match-eligibility. $4-7 billion in matching gift revenue is left on the table each year, and we want to work with our donors to claim as much of it as possible.

While the specifics of these programs vary from company to company, the elements that shape these guidelines are generally the same:

  • Match ratio: This defines what kind of donation the company will make in relation to the employee’s initial contribution. A 1:1 ratio indicates that the company will donate the exact same amount, doubling the contribution to the employee’s chosen nonprofit.
  • Minimum and maximum: The minimum refers to the amount an employee must donate to qualify for a matching gift. The maximum is the total amount that a company will donate in matching contributions per employee annually.
  • Employee status: Sometimes, the employee’s role at the company can affect the match that they qualify for. For example, Gap Inc. offers a $1,000 maximum to part-time employees and a $10,000 maximum to Senior VP’s.
  • Nonprofit eligibility: Some programs offer different matches based on the mission of the organization being donated to. However, most companies offer “unrestricted” programs where any registered nonprofit can receive funds.
  • Submission deadline: Every program identifies a deadline when the matching gift request must be submitted by the employee. This deadline can be either a firm date (December 31st is common) or a threshold based on the date of the initial donation (90 days after donation is made).

Here are a few examples:

  • Johnson & Johnson — Triples donations with a 2:1 match up to $20,000 for current employees, while also doubling donations (1:1 match) for retirees
  • Bank of America — Matches donations 1:1 between $24 and $5,000 annually per employee
  • Home Depot — Matches donations 1:1 up to $3,000 annually per employee

The impact of these programs can be substantial! In fact, Microsoft has been known to match over $48 million worth of employee donations to schools and 501(c)(3) nonprofits in a single year.

Want to help [your organization’s name]?

Increasing revenue with matching gifts isn’t too tricky, but we need our donors’ help. Last year we received [insert number] matching gifts, which helped us raise [insert dollar amount]. We’ve set a goal of raising [insert dollar amount] from these programs.

If we meet our goal, we’ll be able to better [insert organization’s mission and how the organization would use the additional funding].

You can help us reach these goals by searching for your own match-eligibility. Immediately assess your eligibility and gain access to detailed information about your employer’s corporate giving program by searching our database of companies with matching gift programs [link to your dedicated matching gifts page or Double the Donation hosted URL].

We’ll provide you with as much of the following as possible:

  • Up-to-date, company-specific program guidelines for your employer
  • Links to the correct online matching gift request forms or downloadable PDFs
  • Our contact information (Tax ID, address, fundraising contact), which you may need for your matching gift request

If your company isn’t listed, make sure to check with your company’s HR department. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to double the impact of your donation!

Meanwhile, if you choose to write a blog post from scratch, we recommend:

  • Providing an overview of employee matching gift and/or volunteer grant programs
  • Sharing examples of companies that offer employee giving programs
  • Explaining the positive impact these additional funds will have on your organization’s work
  • Requesting that donors and volunteers search for their employer’s matching gift information using your matching gift search tool from Double the Donationa

2. Use hashtags on social media.

Your organization likely relies on social media as a core tenet of your digital marketing strategy. But do you have a plan in place to maximize your reach and engagement on key networking platforms?

Research indicates that incorporating hashtags in your posts goes a long way in terms of visibility, audience engagement, and more. A hashtag, which is essentially an octothorpe symbol followed by a key word or phrase, is a social media tool used to organize posts based on content topic. And including one or more in your postings can drive engagement by up to 100% compared to posts without hashtags.

In your next social media post about matching gifts for your organization, consider utilizing a few related hashtags and see how your audience responds. Here are a few examples you can use:

  • #match
  • #matchinggifts
  • #doubleyourdonation
  • #donationmatch
  • #amplifyingimpact
  • #[nonprofit name]matchinggifts
  • #getyourgiftmatched
  • #nonprofitmatching
  • #matchingdonations
  • #corporatematching
  • #doyoumatch
  • #doublethelove
  • #corporatephilanthropy
  • #employeegiving
  • #makeyourmatch

It’s also important to note that the way you use hashtags can and should vary depending on the social platforms you use. For example, studies show that Tweets with 1-2 hashtags see more than twice as much engagement as those without hashtags. But Tweets with more than two hashtags actually see a drop in engagement.

Meanwhile, the most-interacted-with Instagram posts typically include 11+ hashtags!

3. Prioritize video content.

According to content marketing research for nonprofits, video content is one of the most essential components of an optimized engagement plan. In fact, 66% of individuals find short-form videos to be the most engaging type of material published on social media.

Not to mention, of an organization’s audience…

  • Over 75% find videos useful when determining whether to give;
  • 57% then go on to donate;
  • 39% purposefully research the nonprofit within 24 hours of watching a video.

In the age of YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, Snapchat, and more, video-sharing is becoming an increasingly integral part of nonprofit marketing. And when it comes to matching gifts, producing video content can play a critical role in informing and inspiring action among donors.

For example, check out this exemplary matching gift video that demonstrates the ease with which a donor can complete the process to amplify their impact on behalf of a cause they care about:

Once they had the video created, the organization opted to share the content on both its website and social media channels to further its reach.

Take a look at the Facebook post here:

Get matching gifts trending by sharing video content on social media

Want to make your own video? Here’s a sample script you can use to get started:

“Increasing revenue with matching gifts isn’t too tricky, but we need our donors’ help. Last year we collected $[total revenue] worth of matching gifts. This year, we’d like to receive even more. We’ve set a goal to raise over $[revenue goal] from these programs by the end of the year. If we meet our goal, we’ll be able to [summary of your nonprofit mission and/or specific project or programming].

You can help us reach these goals by searching for your own match eligibility. Immediately assess your eligibility and gain access to detailed information about your employer’s corporate giving program. All you have to do is search our database of companies with matching gift programs. Click the link in the caption [to your organization’s dedicated matching gift page] to learn more.”

4. Explore artificial intelligence and technology for content creation.

A significant roadblock facing all sorts of nonprofits is a lack of time and effort dedicated to their marketing strategies⁠—especially when it comes to matching gifts. In fact, Nonprofits Source finds that over 80% of nonprofits report difficulty building strong workplace giving strategies due to limited staff and resources.

One unique and innovative solution? Artificial intelligence and smart technology.

AI-powered tools are currently sweeping the nation, particularly in regard to brands streamlining content creation while putting more time back into the hands of staff members. To provide some examples of how this can impact matching gifts, we tested a few artificial intelligence tools to see what they could come up with.

Here’s a sample social media caption written by one AI chatbot tool, ChatGPT (from the emojis to the hashtags and everything in between):

“Did you know that matching gifts can double or even triple your impact as a donor? 💰💸 Not only does this benefit your favorite nonprofit, but it also shows your employer’s commitment to supporting causes that matter to their employees. 🤝 Learn more about the power of matching gifts and how you can get involved to make a difference today!

#MatchingGifts #DoubleYourImpact #NonprofitImpact”

Not to mention, our very own 360MatchPro can help streamline donor communications while maintaining targeted and personalized efforts. With this tool, you can easily collect and track donor employment data, identify match-eligible donations, and trigger automated email follow-ups that drive more matching gifts to completion. And it can all take place without your fundraising team having to lift a finger!

5. Host a real-time Q&A online.

From the perspective of a donor who has never requested a matching gift, the entire process can seem a bit overwhelming. What your team can do, as the nonprofit they’re supporting, is make an effort to answer any questions your supporters may have.

And what better way to do so than with a real-time Q&A session? According to recent live-streaming research, real-time content generates 27% more watch time per viewer than on-demand video. Users like interacting with their favorite organizations, and doing so as a nonprofit can help facilitate deeper relationships with donors. In fact, 79% of marketers indicate that a more authentic interaction with their audience is a top benefit of live-streamed video.

While you’ll likely aim to answer a number of questions in any pre-recorded content you share, it can be hard to predict what exactly your donors will want to know. So let them tell you in real time. We recommend:

  • Sharing the date and time beforehand so supporters can plan accordingly;
  • Accepting matching gift Q&A submissions ahead of time through email or an online form on your site;
  • Encouraging live viewers to ask questions in real-time using the streaming site’s chat or comment functions;
  • Preparing your team with a number of in-depth resources on corporate matching gift programs (hint: check out our webinars, blog posts, and free eBooks here);
  • Posting your live-stream recording to your website and/or social media pages, so those who missed the real-time engagement can still savor the insights shared.

Today, most social media platforms offer some sort of live-streaming option⁠—including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and even Twitter. So pick your favorite platform (ideally one that already sees a lot of user engagement with your nonprofit) and go live!

6. Consider influencers and peer advocates.

Influencer marketing and peer-to-peer fundraising are based on a shared principle: social proof. Social proof revolves around the psychological finding that people are more likely to assume the actions of others when making their decisions.

Luckily, you can use this idea in your next matching gifts campaign!

The first step in leveraging social proof for matching gifts involves locating a number of individuals who you’d like to promote matching gifts to your audience. When donors see other supporters participating in matching gift initiatives, it can be the inspiration they need to get involved themselves.

These so-called “influencers” might be someone closely associated with your nonprofit cause, such as:

  • Major donors to your organization
  • Well-known board members
  • Dedicated volunteers
  • Well-connected P2P fundraisers
  • Your nonprofit’s executive director, president, or CEO

Or, you might even be able to get a popular influencer (or micro-influencer) on board! For the best results, look for individuals who share a similar target audience to your nonprofit. Plus, existing connections to your organization or its mission can go a long way toward making that connection.

Regardless of who you choose to get involved, encourage these individuals to share information about gift-matching opportunities⁠—such as your new matching gift videos⁠—on their personal social media pages. Provide them with pre-made images, suggested captions, video scripts or outlines, and more, empowering champions to advocate for matching gifts and encourage others to get involved.

From there, your nonprofit can typically re-post the content to your own pages (depending on the platform or platforms used), furthering the reach of the posts.

7. Make the most of free advertising with Google Grants.

Another marketing strategy that you won’t want to overlook is paid search engine advertising. And don’t be alarmed by the word “paid,” either. Google offers nonprofits access to a generous in-kind grant in the form of free ad space (the equivalent of up to $10,000 per month), known as the Google Ad Grant.

Now, why should you promote matching gifts to your audience with the Google Grant? First of all, it’s a free marketing opportunity. Of course you want to make the most of it! Not to mention, research indicates that search advertisements (such as Google Ads) have the highest ROI for nonprofit paid advertising⁠—with an average value of $4.78 for every dollar.

When you participate in the Google Ad Grant, you essentially choose a page (or pages) and the keywords you’d like to advertise for. Then, when a donor or prospect searches the phrase (e.g., matching gifts for Cat Rescue Club), they’ll be met with your relevant sponsored content (i.e., your donation form, dedicated match page, ways to give page, blog article) at the top of the results page.

Get matching gifts trending by leveraging Google Grants

The Google Grant is a great way to increase visibility and expand the reach of your organization’s fundraising efforts. And when done well, it can drive more match-eligible donors through the giving⁠—and matching⁠—processes.

Ready to apply for the Google Grant? Check out this step-by-step guide from the experts at Getting Attention.

8. Keep up with shifting trends.

When it comes to getting donation-matching (or just about anything else) “trending” at your organization, it’s important that you have a solid understanding of current trends. After all, trends can change fairly quickly, along with the introduction and development of new technology, changing consumer⁠—and supporter⁠—preferences, and more.

And in order to get matching gifts trending effectively, there are a few key types of trends to consider as you craft your strategy. These include…

  • Marketing and engagement trends ⁠— Things like new social media platforms emerging, communications best practices (e.g., optimal number of hashtags per post), etc.
  • Workplace giving trends ⁠— Things like which companies offer matching gift programs (so far, it keeps trending upward!), new technology enabling innovative matching processes (i.e., auto-submission), and more

It ultimately boils down to this: just because something is a key trend today doesn’t mean it will necessarily be the same five years from now. So keep an eye out, make a note of any significant shifts you see, and reconvene with your marketing team on a regular basis.

And if you’re a Double the Donation user, we’ll always keep you up to date with the latest trends that our team is seeing! Check back with our blog, attend upcoming webinars, or explore our online Matching Gift Academy to stay at the forefront of matching gift innovation.

Next Steps

You’ve heard the tips⁠. Now, get started by implementing these tried-and-true practices in your own organization’s strategy.

Just remember: the more familiar your audience is with the idea of matching gifts, the more likely they are to partake in their employers’ programming. And the more funding you’ll ultimately receive from corporate philanthropy opportunities available to your cause.

Want to learn more? Explore additional resources and discover how you can double your organization’s fundraising impact with matching gifts:

Get matching gifts trending at your nonprofit with the help of Double the Donation.