Double the Donation and PlanHero Release Powerful Volunteer Integration

Double the Donation and PlanHero Release Powerful Volunteer Integration

Double the Donation is thrilled to unveil its latest partnership with PlanHero, expanding the accessibility of integrated matching gift technology to corporate volunteerism and beyond. Through the integration of 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub with PlanHero’s volunteer management software, organizations can now seamlessly enhance their corporate volunteer strategies to recruit, engage, and retain support more effectively than ever before.

“At PlanHero, we are thrilled to partner with Double the Donation to revolutionize the way nonprofits can leverage volunteer grants and volunteer time off,” said Julie Farrell, Founder of PlanHero. “This integration was a no-brainer, and it demonstrates our joint commitment to empower development teams and maximize their impact. We are excited to provide our clients with this cutting-edge solution, making it easier than ever for fundraisers to tap into the power of volunteerism and drive meaningful change.”

This new integration enables individuals to supply employment information as they register for volunteer events and identify available incentives, such as volunteer grants and volunteer time off programs, through their companies. With actionable steps provided post-registration, volunteers can quickly submit their corporate volunteer requests, ensuring nonprofits maximize their potential with ease.

“As corporate social responsibility continues to grow, it’s vital for nonprofits to leverage these opportunities,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “This includes corporate volunteer programs, which is why we’re excited to bring 360MatchPro’s automation functionality to PlanHero’s platform, helping organizations boost their volunteer engagement and corporate funding alike.”

This image shows a PlanHero registration form with the 360MatchPro search field integrated.

The PlanHero and 360MatchPro integration is now available for mutual clients. Follow our integration guide to get connected.

Ready to enhance volunteer engagement with corporate incentives? Request a personalized demo with the Double the Donation team today. Be sure to mention you use PlanHero!

About PlanHero:

PlanHero offers a comprehensive volunteer management platform designed to streamline the organization and communication of volunteer activities. Specializing in tools for nonprofit organizations, schools, and community groups, PlanHero provides an intuitive, user-friendly solution that simplifies volunteer scheduling and engagement. For more information, visit PlanHero’s website .

About Double the Donation:

Automate your matching gift fundraising and corporate volunteering with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify individuals who qualify for corporate philanthropy initiatives, drive increased participation, and gain actionable insights from the programs. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, volunteer management platforms, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up with donors accordingly. To learn more, visit Double the Donation .

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism _ A How-To Guide For Orgs

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism | A How-To Guide For Orgs

Corporate volunteerism refers to the practice of businesses encouraging employees to volunteer their time and skills to charitable causes. This can take a number of forms, including company-wide volunteer days, paid time off for volunteer activities, skills-based volunteering, and volunteer grant programs.

For nonprofits and schools, corporate volunteerism is a vital tool that can significantly enhance their capacity to achieve their missions. How? Corporate volunteer programs provide these organizations with increased manpower, diverse skill sets, enhanced visibility, and even the potential for financial support and long-term corporate partnerships.

Meanwhile, the companies offering the programs see increased employee engagement and enhanced CSR. However, for each group to reap the rewards of these programs, it’s essential that the efforts are marketed well. And that’s where this guide comes in!

Read on to uncover top corporate volunteer marketing strategies and tips you can implement in your own organization’s engagement plan.

Understanding Corporate Volunteerism Opportunities

Corporate volunteerism provides nonprofits, schools, and similar fundraising groups with easy access to skilled volunteers and other invaluable resources. Understanding the types of programs available to your organization and its supporters through their employers allows you to better target lucrative opportunities, deepen engagement with volunteers, and achieve your goals overall.

We recommend familiarizing yourself (and the rest of your team) with the following types of corporate volunteer initiatives:

Individual Volunteer Grants

Volunteer grants, also known as “Dollars for Doers,” are corporate programs where companies offer monetary donations to nonprofits where their employees volunteer. Typically, an employee must spend a set number of hours at the nonprofit for the organization to qualify for a grant, which may be paid out as a lump sum or based on a predetermined hourly rate.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program incentivizes volunteerism and rewards nonprofits with additional financial support!

Team Volunteer Grants

Similar to individual volunteer grants, team volunteer grants provide funding for the organizations at which their employees volunteer. The difference, however, is that team volunteer grants are awarded when a group of employees from the same company volunteer together. Team grants are generally larger in amount, too, providing lucrative funding when groups of employees get involved.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program incentivizes group volunteering among corporate staff and provides generous financial support.

Paid Volunteer Time Off

Paid volunteer time off (or VTO for short) is a corporate benefit where companies provide their employees with a set number of hours they can spend volunteering for nonprofits or community service activities. In other words, employees are encouraged to engage in volunteer work during regular work hours without sacrificing their regular pay.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program provides a powerful incentive for volunteer recruitment, engagement, retention, and more.

Skills-Based Volunteerism

Skills-based volunteerism involves employees offering their professional skills and expertise to nonprofits rather than general volunteer work. For example, a marketing professional might help a nonprofit develop a communications strategy, or an accountant might assist with financial planning.

Benefit for nonprofits: This program allows nonprofits to benefit from specialized knowledge that can significantly advance their mission.

Company-Sponsored Volunteer Days

Company-sponsored volunteer days are organized events where companies designate a day for their employees to volunteer as a group at a specific nonprofit, school, or community project. The company often arranges the logistics, and employees participate during work hours, incentivizing involvement with a free day out of the office!

Benefit for nonprofits: This program empowers organizations to rally corporate employees in group activities, allowing significant progress to be made on large-scale projects in a short amount of time.

Identifying Corporate Volunteer Programs in Your Network

Before you can market corporate volunteerism to your audience, it’s a good idea to uncover the best opportunities in your network. We recommend following these practical tips to do so:

Before you can market corporate volunteerism to your audience, it’s a good idea to uncover the best opportunities in your network. We recommend following these practical tips to do so:

1. Collecting Employment Information From Supporters:

Start by gathering employment details from your donors, volunteers, and other supporters. This can be done through surveys, event registration forms, or during volunteer sign-ups.

Knowing where your supporters work allows you to explore potential corporate volunteer programs they have access to, which could benefit your organization.

2. Researching Employers with Well-Known Volunteer Programs:

Once you have a list of where your supporters are employed, research whether these companies offer volunteer programs. Many large corporations, like Disney, Microsoft, Google, and thousands of others, have established volunteer programs.

Understanding the specifics of these programs can help you tailor your outreach efforts to match their requirements. Get started by looking into top companies offering volunteer grants, top VTO opportunities, and more.

Plus, there’s a significant overlap between companies offering matching gifts and those offering volunteer programs. If you already know of businesses in your network that match employee donations, it’s worth investigating whether they also offer volunteer grants or other volunteer opportunities.

3. Using Corporate Volunteer Databases:

Utilize databases and online platforms that track corporate volunteer programs to make the research process easier than ever before. Double the Donation offers the industry’s most comprehensive database of corporate volunteer information, complete with listings on thousands of companies’ programs.

Leveraging this database can help you quickly identify which companies have programs your organization could benefit from!

4. Conducting Manual Research:

Sometimes, a simple online search can yield valuable information. Try searching for a specific company’s name along with keywords like “volunteering” or “volunteer programs” (e.g., “Home Depot + Volunteering”).

While it will be a more time-intensive approach, this idea can help you discover details about a company’s volunteer initiatives, including opportunities they offer to their employees.

5. Encouraging Supporters to Check with Their Employers:

Lastly, be sure to motivate your supporters to inquire about volunteer programs within their workplaces. Many employees might not be aware that their companies offer volunteer grants or paid volunteer time off. By encouraging them to ask, you can uncover opportunities that might have been overlooked.

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism to Supporters

Marketing corporate volunteerism to individual supporters involves educating and motivating them to participate in and promote these opportunities within their workplaces. Here’s how you might approach this:

Educate Supporters on Corporate Volunteerism:

Start by informing your supporters about what corporate volunteerism is and how it works. Use newsletters, emails, and social media posts to explain the various types of corporate volunteer programs, such as paid volunteer time off, volunteer grants, and team volunteer days.

(P.S.; Check out our customizable marketing templates available for clients within the 360MatchPro platform to get started!)

You’ll also want to include a section about corporate volunteer incentives on your Volunteers page⁠—and embed a company search tool so supporters can easily uncover their available programming.

Communicate the Impact of Corporate Volunteerism:

Share stories and testimonials that demonstrate the positive impact corporate volunteerism has had on your organization. Show how previous corporate volunteer efforts have helped achieve specific goals, whether it’s through completing a project, raising funds, or expanding your programs. This helps supporters see the tangible outcomes of their potential involvement.

Encourage Inquiries at Work:

For those who don’t find corporate volunteer information in your database widget, encourage them to check in with their employers about any available programs.

Many employees may not be aware of the opportunities available to them, so you’ll want to provide them with language they can use to approach their managers or HR leaders about the programs, making it easier for them to initiate the conversation and drive impact for your team.

Promote Suitable Corporate Volunteer Opportunities:

Regularly communicate the volunteer opportunities available at your organization that are suitable for corporate teams or individuals looking to volunteer through their workplace programs. Highlight any upcoming events or projects where corporate volunteers could make a significant difference and make sure these opportunities are well-advertised through your existing channels.

Offer Recognition:

Recognize and celebrate individual supporters and companies that engage their companies in corporate volunteerism. You can even publicly acknowledge their efforts through newsletters, social media, or at events.

Recognition not only makes the individual feel valued but also serves as an example to other supporters who might be inspired to take similar actions.

Leverage Peer Influence:

Encourage supporters who have successfully engaged their employers in corporate volunteerism to share their experiences with others. Peer recommendations can be very persuasive, so consider featuring these stories in your communications to inspire others to take similar steps. You can even encourage eligible volunteers to organize team events with their colleagues to support your cause!

Marketing Volunteerism to Corporate Partners

Marketing corporate volunteerism to corporate partners—both new and existing—requires a strategic approach that highlights mutual benefits, aligns with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals , and fosters long-term relationships.

Here’s how you can effectively market these opportunities to companies.

Understand Corporate Goals and CSR Objectives:

Before reaching out to corporate partners, research their CSR goals, values, and past volunteer initiatives. Tailor your pitch to show how partnering with your organization can help them achieve these objectives.

Emphasize how corporate volunteerism aligns with their brand, enhances employee engagement, and contributes to community impact. If possible, provide data that demonstrates how other companies have benefited from similar partnerships with your organization in the past.

Develop Tailored Volunteer Packages:

Create customizable volunteer opportunities that align with the company’s needs and interests. Offer a range of options, from one-day events to ongoing projects, and include both skills-based and general volunteer opportunities. Tailoring these packages makes it easier for companies to see how they can get involved in a way that suits them and their teams.

Highlight the Impact of Volunteerism:

Quantify and communicate the impact of corporate volunteerism on your organization. Provide reports that show how corporate volunteers have contributed to your mission, including metrics like the number of hours volunteered, projects completed, and the overall community impact. Why? Companies are more likely to invest in programs where they can see measurable outcomes.

Recognize Corporate Support:

Publicly recognize and celebrate the contributions of your corporate partners. This can include awards, mentions in your annual report, shout-outs on social media, or hosting a special recognition event. Acknowledging their efforts not only strengthens your relationship but also encourages continued contributions.

Facilitate Employee Engagement:

Make it easy for companies to involve their employees in volunteer opportunities. To do so, you can provide them with promotional materials, sign-up sheets, and detailed information on how to participate. Offer flexibility in scheduling and types of volunteer work to accommodate different levels of employee engagement and interest, too!

5 Organizations Marketing Corporate Volunteerism Well

As you look to revamp your own team’s corporate volunteerism marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to solicit inspiration from other organizations’ efforts. For this reason, we’ve selected a few nonprofits with standout promotional strategies to consider.

Organization #1: NFED

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Dollars for Doers Blog Post

The NFED, or National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias, is a nonprofit devoted to research, education, and support for those affected by ectodermal dysplasias. In order to supercharge their efforts, the organization promotes Dollars for Doers (also known as volunteer grants) as a key way for supporters to enhance their impact.

Take a look at this snippet of the blog post below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_NFED example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Defines the importance of corporate social responsibility
  • Mentions and links to a matching gifts page for additional information
  • Encourages volunteers to look into volunteer grant opportunities through their employers
  • Emphasizes the value and doubled impact of matching gift and volunteer grant programs

Organization #2: United Way

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Volunteer Time Off Blog Post

United Way of the National Capital Area is a branch of the United Way organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. This nonprofit understands the value that volunteerism can offer its cause, and it promotes Volunteer Time Off as a key way to recruit, engage, and retain supporters.

Take a look at this snippet of the blog post below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_United Way example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Uses research to demonstrate the prevalence and widespread availability of Volunteer Time Off programs
  • Highlights the benefits for companies, their employees, and the organization itself
  • Provides powerful insights into where VTO programs can be found, including by sector and geographic location
  • Showcases top opportunities for companies offering volunteer time off for their employees

Organization #3: LLS

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Volunteer Grant Page (With Employer Search Tool!)

LLS, or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, is a medical research-based nonprofit dedicated to leading the fight against blood cancers. The organization receives generous support from a wide range of volunteers, and the team provides a number of resources, including a corporate database search tool from Double the Donation, to streamline and increase participation in volunteer incentive programming.

Take a look at the landing page below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_LLS example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Offers an embedded company search tool for volunteers to quickly locate program details, instructions, and forms
  • Provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the volunteer grant process
  • Shares important information volunteers may need to complete their volunteer grant applications
  • Highlights an easy way for supporters to get in touch with additional questions or inquiries

Organization #4: Habitat for Humanity

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Corporate Volunteer Page and Blog Post

Habitat for Humanity is a largely volunteer-based organization dedicated to ensuring every person has a place to live. As a result, the team does a lot to promote corporate volunteer incentives.

Take a look at these resources below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_Habitat for Humanity example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Uses multiple communication channels to promote corporate volunteer programs to their audience
  • Highlights both volunteer grants and volunteer time off programs, demonstrating a range of opportunities in which individuals can participate
  • Speaks directly to companies that are considering implementing corporate volunteer programs
  • Actively drives engagement with a call to action button leading users to a volunteer sign-up page

Organization #5: Florida State Parks

Corporate Volunteer Marketing Spotlight | Corporate Volunteer Opportunities Page

Florida State Parks is a nonprofit organization that works with local governments, park users, researchers, and more to ensure maintenance and upkeep of more than 175 award-winning state parks, trails, and historic sites across the state. A big part of its mission involves empowering volunteers to play a role, and it often leverages corporate volunteer opportunities as a way to do so.

Take a look at the landing page below:

Marketing Corporate Volunteerism A How-To Guide For Orgs_Florida State Parks example

Here’s what this marketing example does well:

  • Highlights recent companies and teams that support the parks with corporate volunteer programs
  • Provides contact information for companies or individuals interested in organizing a company-sponsored volunteer event
  • Enlists photos of real corporate volunteer teams to leverage social proof
  • Provides examples of various types of volunteer projects companies could host to get involved

Bottom line: Spreading the word about corporate volunteerism is essential, and an organization’s website is one of the best opportunities to do so.

Wrapping Up & Next Steps

Successfully marketing corporate volunteerism requires a thoughtful and strategic approach that highlights the benefits for your organization, its supporters, their employers, and your community as a whole.

By effectively communicating about available initiatives, you can build a stronger, more engaged volunteer base that’s increasingly incentivized to give back to your cause. And you might even get some extra funding out of it all!

Ready to learn more about marketing corporate volunteerism? Check out our recommended resources and further reading:

Matching Gift Q&A with Workplace Giving Expert Tom Mansmith

Matching Gift Q&A with Workplace Giving Expert Tom Mansmith

Matching gifts hold an incredible yet often untapped potential in the world of nonprofit and educational fundraising. To shed light on this powerful tool, we’re excited to present a matching gift Q&A session with Tom Mansmith, consultant and renowned expert in workplace giving and matching gifts.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field as the former Senior Director of Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts for the American Cancer Society, Tom offers invaluable insights and first-hand experience into how nonprofits can maximize their matching gift revenue, engage donors more effectively, and overcome common challenges to drive success.

Whether you’re a seasoned fundraising professional or new to the concept of matching gifts, this conversation is packed with practical advice and actionable strategies. Feel free to watch the video mini-series and read through the transcript below!

1. What are corporate vendor platforms, and what role do they have in matching gifts?

There are a number of corporate vendors who facilitate employee philanthropic giving. These technology providers work on behalf of businesses to streamline and to integrate the employee giving programs, which can include payroll deduction, matching gifts, volunteer grants, cause cards, and incentive programs.

Generally speaking, these providers supply an online platform where companies are able to manage their employee programs. They allow employees to give to accredited nonprofits, log their volunteer hours, pledge their payroll deductions, etc.

On the backend of these sites, nonprofits are able to verify the original contributions for matching gifts, see donor details, and confirm volunteer hours.

These platforms really are an integral part of the matching gift program. It’s not a company’s core business, but it’s part of their core value in employee engagement, so these corporate matching gift vendors play a vital role in the matching gift process.

💡 Recommended Reading: Registering Your Org with CSR Platforms + Key Steps For Each

2. What is the general processing flow when you receive a matching gift payment?

Most matching gifts your organization receives will come from a corporate matching gift vendor who processes the payments on behalf of a company.

Here’s how it works:

→ You’ll navigate to a third-party corporate vendor platform.

→ Go to the “Giving” section, where you’ll see a section for payments and transactions.

→ Once there, it’s going to give you a list of all of the payments your organization has received. Now, it’s a good idea to have the check number, the amount, and whether it was a check or a direct deposit.

→ When you’re on that page, search with the payment ID or date so you get the exact payment.

→ Once you’ve located the payment, you can go through all the donor details, including which employees the company was matching specifically.

This information can be viewed online, but you also have the option to download the reconciliation sheet. I recommend that you download the reconciliation sheet, as it will allow your finance department or yourself to process the payment accurately.

💡 Recommended Reading: Matching Gift Disbursement FAQ: Your Top Questions Answered

3. What are some common roadblocks for nonprofit organizations trying to earn more matching gifts?

That’s a long list, but let’s try to tackle a couple of them.

Leadership buy-in

You should make a real case to your organization’s leadership that matching gifts is a vital part of their overall revenue strategy.

When it says Double the Donation, it truly means doubling a donation.

So, I would make a strong case to leadership that matching gifts is a vital part of their overall strategy, and what that unlocks for you, hopefully, is additional marketing and FTEs, which are critical for processing and marketing for matching gifts.

Lack of staffing

I think everyone has been struggling with this, but if you’re someone who’s handling all of the matching gifts for your organization, you know what I’m talking about.

As you begin to scale, you’ll likely need additional staff. Without leadership’s buy-in, that’s a tough thing.

However,  having the appropriate amount of staff for the scale of your matching gift revenue stream is essential. I don’t know about your organization, but I imagine that for small or medium organizations, one or two people can do the job. And for larger organizations, many are stretched, but I would say that more than three people is appropriate for payroll deductions, volunteer grants, and matching gifts as they continue to grow.

Marketing dollars

I think it’s a real roadblock not to look at this both internally and externally. So, communication dollars should be used to socialize matching gifts internally to development staff that are running peer-to-peer events (gala, golf, other types of fundraising) and your corporate development staff, if you have that.

They really all should know something about matching gifts so that when they see an opportunity, they’re able to talk about matching gifts to the decision-makers in companies.

Lack of employment data

Many organizations hesitate to ask for and retain employment information. If you don’t know that someone works for a corporation that has a matching gift program, however, you miss the opportunity to tie their original contribution to that matching gift.

And I know that you can get pushback from your IT team or your event staff, for instance, that they don’t want something else on the registration page. But I’d argue that because it allows you to actually fundraise for the staff, adding “Who do you work for?” is critical for registrations for peer-to-peer events and on the main URL of your fundraising page.

Not taking advantage of technology

For the best matching gift results, you want to really take advantage of all the technology that Double the Donation has to offer in matching gifts.

What I mean by this, one, is that you have a matching gift activation on all of your fundraising pages. And, secondarily, that you’re utilizing 360MatchPro to data-mine contributions that hadn’t been matched, but you find meet the criteria for matching.

💡 Recommended Reading: How Donor Employer Information Boosts Fundraising + Workplace Giving

4. How can I earn more matching gifts?

There are probably three things that I’d tell you. Here’s the first:

Socialize the impact of matching gifts with your developmental team.

Show them the impact and the dollars that donors are leaving on the table by not matching gifts. In fact, I’d even point out some key donors who didn’t take advantage of their matching gift program. That’s a really powerful motivator.

One of the best ways to do so is by providing your team with access to the Matching Gift Academy, which is free for Double the Donation clients to use ($199/year value).

Take full advantage of Double the Donation’s technology.

Make sure all of your donation pages have the DTD matching gift activation on them so employees can take full advantage of that.

Note: Double the Donation integrates with nearly all leading fundraising solutions, donation tools, and CRMs to make it increasingly easy to do so! Check out our integration partners here to see if you can connect your platform!

Regularly check your database through 360MatchPro.

Look for those donors who were eligible for matching gifts but didn’t take advantage of it in the first round. That’s a goldmine for your organization to be receiving additional revenue!

💡 Recommended Reading: 360MatchPro Overview: Scale Up Your Matching Gifts

5. How do you recommend getting matching gift buy-in from your team?

Making an internal business case with different stakeholders will advance matching gifts across your organization. Here are three teams you should consider engaging and getting on board with matching gifts.

Corporate development staff

Those are the individuals who go out and talk to corporations about grants and cause marketing. The third area that they really ought to be talking about is employee engagement, whether that’s payroll deductions, matching gifts, or other programs.

One of the things that matching gifts does is provide specific corporate information about employee engagement. Usually, the decision-makers don’t have a good idea of the level of affinity or employee participation in your cause.

What matching gifts will do is provide that corporate development staff member with some very specific talking points about your organization and the affinity of their employees.

It’ll show increased employee affinity, corporate engagement, and more. There’ll even be some great impact stories that you can research and provide for your corporate development team. Whether those are specific or anecdotal, that storytelling can be a huge part of your corporate development meeting.

And then finally, it provides an opportunity for your corporate development team to upsell. If there’s a big engagement with that company’s employee base, the company is going to be more likely to consider corporate grants or even a cause marketing deal.

Peer-to-peer staff

Whether you’re hosting a golf event, a gala, or a fundraising walk, all of those gifts are matchable for the participants who work for corporations that have matching programs. We’re talking about 65% of Fortune 500 companies.

And so, what does that do for peer-to-peer? Well, #1, it’s a lower cost of fundraising.

That doubled dollar, that second dollar you receive, lowers their overall event fundraising cost. And for most organizations, that’s a metric that leadership is looking at, so matching gifts is the way to do that.

You can even show the dollars that are left on the table. So, a good project is to do a little deep dive on those participants who were eligible for matching gifts. Then, show the potential dollars that could have been collected had matching gifts been presented. Those are dollars that are left on the table, and that’s probably the biggest motivator for peer-to-peer teams: to see what they could have had. And, of course, you’re offering what they can have, so that’s super important.

Then the final thing with peer-to-peer is that matching gifts allows for a deeper dive into that donor or employee profile. Now that you know who they work for, that can lead to more teams coming to support your cause from that corporation, maybe not just localized but a national team.

IT staff

For a lot of organizations, that main donation page URL is managed by the IT staff, so one of the things that I found when we had point of contribution activations for matching gifts is that we saw a greater conversion rate because when individual donors who work for companies think about the fact that their company would double that donation, they’re more likely to give.

We saw an increase in the original contribution, which was great. We also saw people going back in and raising their contribution, then going forward with the matching gift.

And then again also, those donor profiles, knowing who the individual works for, is very important for establishing a good CRM. Not to mention, increased security and API transfers is important to your IT staff, and Double the Dontion’s technology is highly secure with seamless data integrations, too.

💡 Recommended Reading: Matching Gift Buy-In: How to Spark Team-Wide Engagement

6. What are your top 3 tips for communicating matching gifts to your donors?

Communicating the matching gift opportunity is essential for fundraisers such as yourself. Here’s what I recommend doing to get the message across in the most impactful way possible.


I’m a big proponent of storytelling, and I think this is both true for pre-donation and post-donation. A very concise story about the impact of matching gifts should be provided, where the employer acknowledges the donor’s original contribution and recognizes the philanthropic choices of their employees. That’s a great partnership inside of that company, and I think you can tell a story about what those partnerships do to advance your cause. Be concise; I don’t think you have to be too specific but tell the story about their impact.

Generational appropriateness

I’m a Baby Boomer, and I consume information in a way that might be, or is, different from Millennials or Gen Z. I think that you ought to take the time to learn about generational communication differences. What do I mean by that? When you’re creating communications, you should do something more than just send an email, a flyer, or a leave-behind. Instead, you ought to, for example, do TikTok. Maybe you have Instagram or social media posts that can tell that story but in a generationally appropriate way.

Acknowledge the employee-employer partnership

The final thing, and I talked about this a little in the storytelling section, and this may be more true for your development staff that are engaging with corporate decision-makers, but making sure that they have the information available to them to acknowledge the partnership and the impact that it made on your cause.

In this sense, I think that you can be specific, so look at total matching gift dollars raised by employees, total matching gift dollars raised by that employer. Then, put that information in the hands of staff going out to corporations so that they can tell a story about the impact.

💡 Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Matching Gifts

7. What other fundraising opportunities can matching gifts uncover?

I think there’s probably three, maybe four. So, let’s take a look at those.

Corporate teams

My guess is that most of you have peer-to-peer fundraising. I would look for an individual who’s on a team, maybe it’s not a corporate team, but you have their employment information. Let’s say they work for a Fortune 1000 company, or that they donated online on your main web page. When they ask to have their gift matched, you uncover that they work for a major corporation.

Those are leads for developing teams within corporations. They obviously have an affinity toward your organization, and I wouldn’t shy away from recruiting from that pool of matching gift donors. Maybe they weren’t on a corporate team, but I would ask them next year to form one for your next big peer-to-peer fundraising event.

Cause marketing and corporate grants

I know this can seem like a stretch; you got a matching gift for $25 or $100, and now you’re going to go ask for a cause marketing deal or a corporate grant. But hear me out⁠—in scale, let’s say you had 50 employees who contributed to your organization, perhaps through a peer-to-peer event, and they all matched. Maybe they’ve even been doing it for a couple of years.

What you have in that organization is a group of employees who have an affinity for your cause. And I think it’s safe to say that the people who make the decisions within the company’s community development or corporate citizenship teams don’t have any idea that that’s going on. So, raising that with those decision-makers is the first step to start talking about other things that the corporation can do. It’s their corporate dollars that make a matching gift. It may not be the meeting, but it’s the knock on the door for upselling in corporate grants and in cause marketing.

Because you can show the affinity of their employees, which, by the way, companies hold very highly, you can begin to hold conversations about how else your organization could partner with a corporation.

Major gifts

How does a $100 matching gift get a major giver? Well, I think you’ll find that if you look in your database, you may have people who are giving much more than $100. Anyone who gives a $500 gift and has asked to match it could be a candidate for a major gift⁠—certainly to pursue it or to investigate it. One of the things I would do is, in your database, look at not just single donations but total annual giving.

If you have people who are giving more than $1,000, and then having that gift matched, I think that those are good candidates for larger gifts. They are obviously people who work for corporations, they may or may not have higher incomes, and those could be pursued by your major gift staff.”

💡 Recommended Reading: How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With 360MatchPro]

Ready to get started? Schedule a personalized demo with our matching gift experts to see if 360MatchPro is right for you.

Wrapping Up

Tom’s expertise underscores the immense value that matching gifts can bring to any organization or fundraising strategy. By understanding the nuances of these programs and effectively communicating them to donors, teams like yours can unlock a significant source of additional funding.

We hope this matching gift Q&A has provided you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to enhance your matching gift fundraising efforts. By implementing these insights, your organization can not only boost its success but also deepen its connection with donors who are eager to maximize their impact.

Good luck!

DTD_Matching Gifts CTA

Examples & Insights from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

10 Examples & Insights from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

In June 2024, Double the Donation organized the industry’s first-ever Matching Gift Idea Exchange. This was an opportunity for nonprofits, schools, and other groups to share their best matching gift materials and be inspired by their peers’ ideas as well.


Matching gifts are a powerful tool for fundraising organizations, allowing them to maximize donations and engage supporters more deeply. However, few organizations are truly maximizing their matching gift potential, and a lack of promotion is a leading reason why.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into 10 inspiring examples and key insights from the completed Matching Gift Idea Exchange. From streamlined matching processes to creative promotional tactics, these examples demonstrate the power of matching gifts to significantly enhance fundraising with valuable inspiration and practical tips.

  1. Supplement your match page with video content.
  2. Make the page accessible from your site navigation.
  3. Host a matching gifts tool on event pages, too. ⁠
  4. Meet your donors where they are with SMS messaging. ⁠
  5. Leverage direct mail to promote matching opportunities.
  6. Pair corporate matching with matching gift challenges. ⁠
  7. Thoroughly thank donors for matching their gifts.
  8. Acknowledge companies that match to your cause. ⁠
  9. Promote matching through personal and mass emails.
  10. Turn corporate matching into a dedicated campaign effort.

Note: Explore how many clients use Double the Donation’s tools to streamline and enhance their matching gift promotions. Not a client yet? No worries! Click here to request a personalized demo.

1) Supplement your match page with video content.

An organization’s matching gifts page is one of its most invaluable assets, especially when it comes to marketing matching gifts effectively. Implementing the right content on the page is essential for driving more matches to completion!

What this Organization Did Well:

OKCMOA, or Oklahoma City Museum of Art, has embedded a minute-long informational video on their matching gifts page. This resource, which the organization submitted as part of our Matching Gift Idea Exchange, quickly overviews the matching gift opportunity, how it helps nonprofits, and how donors can determine their eligibility and next steps using Double the Donation’s matching gift database embedded above.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Take a multimedia approach on your organization’s dedicated matching gifts page. We recommend incorporating a combination of text, video, and graphic elements to best grasp and retain your audience’s attention while they learn about matching gifts on your site.

Double the Donation clients can access a free, pre-made matching gift video (plus a ton of other graphics and materials) or request a custom-branded version for a fee within the platform.

2) Make the page accessible from your site navigation.

It hardly matters how well-designed your matching gifts page is if no donors can locate it on your website. That’s why making your information easily accessible is a must! Prominently featuring matching gifts on your navigation menu ensures a seamless donor experience and signifies the importance of matching gifts in your fundraising.

What this Organization Does Well:

Blue Faery (the Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association) makes matching gift information easy to locate. All a user has to do is access the drop-down menu from the main “Donate” button and select “Matching Gifts.”

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Add a link to your matching gifts page to your main site navigation! Feel free to nest it under relevant parent pages, such as your “Donate” button or “Ways to Give” compilation for the best results.

3) Host a matching gifts tool on event pages, too. ⁠

Sometimes, an organization will host separate event pages or microsites to market upcoming opportunities (hint: this is a fairly common practice for run/walk/rides and other peer-to-peer fundraisers!). If that’s the case for your team, you’ll want to be sure you’re promoting matching gifts throughout your event pages as well⁠—after all, those gifts are often eligible to be matched, too.

What this Organization Does Well:

The Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research is a largely peer-to-peer-based organization, and much of its revenue comes from large-scale fundraising events like the annual Tour de Pier. In order to ensure eligible gifts get successfully matched, the nonprofit has implemented a dedicated Matching Gifts page on its event microsite⁠—complete with a matching gift search tool and an overview of the programs.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

And, in order to mitigate any confusion, the fundraising team even provides the correct name and tax ID number an individual should use when they go to submit their matching gift requests.

Best Practice For Your Team:

At the very least, mention matching gifts with a dedicated callout on your event or campaign pages. Even better? Establish a separate matching gifts page on your event site to ensure your audience is exposed to the idea and provided with the information they need to get started.

4) Meet your donors where they are with SMS messaging.

According to Nonprofits Source, mobile donations have increased by more than 205% in the past year, and 51% of nonprofit website traffic originates from a mobile device.

What does that mean for you? Your donors’ phones are where they’re at⁠—and you can meet them there with text message engagement strategies.

What this Organization Does Well:

This text message campaign from Save the Children demonstrates the ease with which a matching gift can be requested right from a donor’s mobile device. An individual receives one or both of the texts below and can initiate their match without hesitation simply by clicking the provided link. Talk about frictionless giving experiences!

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Take a multi-channel engagement approach by incorporating SMS into your outreach strategy in addition to standard follow-up emails and more.

Note: Double the Donation offers automated SMS messaging for its Enterprise-level users. Interested? Learn more about upgrading your account here.

5) Leverage direct mail to promote matching opportunities.

In today’s digital world, it can be easy to forget about the power of direct mail marketing. However, incorporating snail mail into your matching gift promotional strategy can have a big impact.

What this Organization Does Well:

Scripps College leverages beautifully designed, eye-catching direct mail cards as a way to draw its supporters’ attention to matching gifts. And, to empower donors to take the next steps without delay, the institution implements a scannable QR code that directs recipients to its online matching gifts page.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Diversify your messaging with direct mail! If you already have a direct mail fundraising package going out, try adding an insert dedicated to matching gifts. Otherwise, consider a matching gift-focused postcard to spread the word.

6) Pair corporate matching with matching gift challenges.

Did you know that corporate or employee matching gifts represent only a single form of matching donation opportunity an organization might have? Matching gift challenges, or major donor matches, can also play a significant role in boosting a nonprofit’s fundraising. And they’re typically not mutually exclusive⁠, either—meaning donors can have the chance to multiply their gifts twice!

What this Organization Does Well:

UWC-USA noted in the Matching Gift Idea Exchange that it combines the power of corporate matching gifts with other forms of donation matching, including major donor matching gift challenges. In a campaign, interest is typically generated by offering a major donor match. Then, once supporters have navigated to the campaign page, UWC promotes corporate matching gift opportunities as well.

The results? The organization shared that campaign revenue is typically about 30% higher than for those without a matching gift offer. Plus, a significantly higher percentage of donors check to see if their companies provide a donation match!

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Try running a double-matching campaign! If you can find a major donor willing to put up a significant match amount, leverage that opportunity in addition to corporate matching gifts to get donors’ gifts multiplied again and again.

7) Thoroughly thank donors for matching their gifts.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to getting a gift matched. Thanking your donors for their involvement allows you to communicate your gratitude and close the loop at each step of the process.

What this Organization Does Well:

UNCF makes a serious effort to thank its matching gift donors at multiple touch points in the supporter journey. That includes upon the submission of their matching gift request and after the company pays out the matching donation.

To best grab the recipient’s attention and get their message across, the organization does so with a well-designed postcard (or two!).

A sample screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Showing thanks is essential for any donor relationships, and communicating gratitude to your matching gift donors is essential for retaining their support in the long run. As you do so, remember that they went above and beyond in requesting a matching gift. You, too, should go above and beyond in your thanksgiving.

8) Acknowledge companies that match to your cause. ⁠

When it comes to thanking donors for matching gifts, it’s generally recommended that you center your efforts around the individual who requested the match. However, acknowledging the company (AKA the entity that pays out the match) can go a long way in building long-term relationships, too.

What this Organization Does Well:

Michigan Technological University uses its matching gifts page for an additional purpose: highlighting leading matching gift companies that have completed matches to the school in the past year. This way, the companies listed can feel the appreciation of their support and donors accessing the page can gain at-a-glance insights into top matching gift companies in their network.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Shine a spotlight on examples of companies that have supported your cause with matching gifts in the past. Not only is this an excellent way to thank these matching gift contributors (with additional publicity), but it can also inspire more donors (from the spotlighted companies and otherwise) to want to get involved.

9) Promote matching through personal and mass emails.

More than likely, email makes up a significant portion of your supporter engagement strategy. There are emails you send to all donors (mass marketing) and those you send one at a time.

For the best matching gift results, consider a mix of both types of outreach to grab your audience’s attention and drive more submissions to completion.

What this Organization Does Well:

Save the Boundary Waters takes a multi-faceted approach to promoting matching gift opportunities through email marketing. When a donor gives, they receive a personalized copy of the automated email (powered by Double the Donation) on the left. This encourages them to pursue a match for their recent gift while they are still at the height of their engagement with the organization.

Then, the team also regularly promotes matching gifts through a segment of its digital newsletter sent to all donors, on the right. This allows the organization to drive awareness of the programs across its entire audience at once!

Ideas and Insights From the Matching Gift Idea Exchange_Save the Boundary Waters A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Double the Donation research indicates that organizations that send a single matching gift email see an estimated 31% of eligible donations submitted for matching. Meanwhile, a second reminder email increases submissions by 45%, and a third email brings the total percentage of submitted eligible gifts to 49%.

So, what does that mean for you? To engage the greatest number of donors and achieve the best results, incorporate more than one matching gift email into your follow-up cadence. For even better results, vary the formatting and structure between newsletters, email blasts, personal reminders, and more.

10) Turn corporate matching into a dedicated campaign effort.

Rallying support around matching gifts can significantly amplify the support received from donors. Generating enthusiasm through campaigns, events, and other dedicated communications can go a long way in increasing awareness and participation in the programs.

What this Organization Does Well:

In this final submission from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange, Community Ministry has launched a dedicated campaign effort called the “Hunger Heroes.” This initiative included a campaign logo, a one-pager overviewing the opportunity and how donors can get involved, an email blast, and a number of related social media posts.

Donors who get their gifts matched by their employers then earn the “Hunger Heroes” designation as a way to celebrate their above-and-beyond support and leverage social proof to drive additional engagement in the campaign.

A samples screenshot from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Best Practice For Your Team:

Make matching gifts fun and exciting by adding a layer of novelty. Try providing donors with a digital “Matching Gift Donor” certificate or hosting an event alongside a big matching gift push.

Final Thoughts & Next Steps

As the above examples from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange show, there are countless ways for nonprofits and schools to innovate and improve their matching gift efforts. By implementing the strategies highlighted above, organizations can unlock additional funding, strengthen relationships with donors, and drive greater community impact.

All in all, we hope these insights have inspired you to bring your matching gift efforts to new heights. Stay tuned to participate in the Matching Gift Idea Exchange next year!

In the meantime, check out these additional resources to grow your knowledge of all things matching gifts:

Matching Gift Insights and Ideas CTA

Double the Donation Releases 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub for Corporate Volunteer Benefits

Double the Donation, the leader in corporate matching gifts automation for nonprofits, is proud to expand its horizons with the new 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub, designed to help organizations connect their volunteers with volunteer grant and volunteer PTO opportunities provided by their employers.

Taking advantage of corporate volunteering benefits has never been easier with the 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub by Double the Donation.

The Volunteer Hub, now available to existing 360MatchPro clients, gives organizations the opportunity to use a plugin specifically designed to surface information about volunteer grants, a.k.a. “dollars for doers”, and volunteer time off programs from Double the Donation’s extensive database. Now, donors, volunteers, and other supporters can easily find if their employer offers special incentives for volunteerism.

“Double the Donation has led the charge helping nonprofits and schools raise more from matching gifts for over a decade now,” said Adam Weinger, President at Double the Donation. “We felt it was a natural next step for us to help organizations pursue corporate volunteering initiatives for their supporters in the same way.”

Read on to learn more about how your organization can use Volunteer Hub to raise more in volunteer grants or get more supporters through volunteer PTO!

What’s Available within 360MatchPro’s Volunteer Hub?

Double the Donation clients can easily access the 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub through the 360MatchPro top navigation. A new dashboard highlights top volunteer grant programs as well as top volunteer PTO programs. Organizations can also see available resources and templates to help their push for volunteer grants, and can also stay up to date on upcoming events hosted by Double the Donation.

Additionally in Volunteer Hub, organizations have access to a new plugin that puts volunteer grant and volunteer time off information front and center. Nonprofits can both use the plugin directly from within Volunteer Hub, as well as embed the plugin on their website for visitors to use and search from. 

Keep an eye out for updates as Double the Donation adds more features very soon!

Get Started with 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub

360MatchPro Volunteer Hub by Double the Donation empowers fundraisers and corporate philanthropy coordinators to deepen their relationships with supporters by exposing them to the benefits companies make available to them. 

Ready to learn more about both Volunteer Hub and Matching Hub by Double the Donation? Access both with 360MatchPro! Request a demo today to learn more about how both can help your organization raise more with every supporter interaction.

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit and request a demo at 

The Future of Matching Gifts: Auto-Submission Functionality

The nonprofit landscape is continuously changing, and our team at Double the Donation is constantly making improvements to our matching gift solution, 360MatchPro, to evolve along with it. To provide users with the best possible software for their fundraising needs, we’re proud to add the latest cutting-edge technology in matching gifts to our platform: auto-submission. 

This revolutionary feature makes it easier than ever for donors to complete and submit their matching gift requests to employers by turning a multi-step process into a single click. 

Looking to learn more about the functionality? You’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ll share everything you need to know to make the most of matching gift auto-submission.

We’re excited to be the leading provider of matching gift technology, and if you or your team has any questions about auto-submission not answered by this guide, our team is more than happy to help. 

Make sure matching gift strategy is the best it can be. Download our guide.

What is matching gift auto-submission?

Matching gift auto-submission is essentially the automation of the corporate matching gift request process.

Traditionally, for donors to participate in their employers’ matching gift programs, they have to take the following steps:

This graphic shows the matching gift request process without auto-submission and how that can negatively impact a company’s workplace giving platform.

  • Make a donation. Employees interested in matching gifts start by donating like normal. If the donor uses their workplace email address for their contact information and the nonprofit uses matching gift software like 360MatchPro, they’ll automatically be provided with their employer’s matching gift information. If not, they can still complete a matching gift by moving on to step two. 
  • Look up matching gift eligibility guidelines. If donors use a personal email address, they can still participate in a matching gift program by using the nonprofit’s matching gift database to look up their employer. For nonprofits that lack matching gift software, the donor will need to be aware of matching gifts and look up their employer’s information on their own. 
  • Navigate to their employer’s matching gift management portal. To access the matching gift application, many companies direct their employees to submit a match request form through their CSR software. 
  • Search for the organization they contributed to. Employees will use their company’s CSR software provider to look up the nonprofit they donated to. This is typically done by entering the nonprofit’s name, mailing address, and tax ID number.
  • Select the correct organization. Upon entering the nonprofit’s name, donors must choose the right organization to give to, which can be especially important for enterprise-size nonprofits that have multiple branches. 
  • Complete a matching gift application form. Once the individual has selected the correct listing from the organization search tool, they’ll be prompted to provide information about their donation⁠, such as payment type, donation amount, currency, and date of the gift. They might even be asked to upload a copy of their donation receipt.
  • Confirm the details on the form. To ensure their match request is approved, donors should review the application to double-check that all information is correct. 
  • Submit the matching gift request. Finally, the form is sent to the employer for review. If approved, the nonprofit will receive the match donation. 

When developing a matching gift program, companies should eliminate as many barriers to participation as possible. If a company has a laborious and complex matching gift application submission system, employees might not participate in the program.

In contrast to this lengthy process, when donors can automatically submit their match requests, the process looks like this:

Visuals of the three-step matching gift auto-submission process on alumni websites, listed in the text below

  • The supporter makes a donation. Supporters who give to nonprofits that use 360MatchPro can complete the donation process as normal. 
  • The donor enters their corporate email address. If eligible, the donor is asked to provide their corporate email address for the match request. Then, before clicking to submit their email address⁠ on the confirmation screen—and, by extension, their matching gift request⁠—the individual is asked to confirm that they give Double the Donation permission to submit a match request to their company on their behalf.
  • The match request process is complete. Double the Donation gathers data relevant to the donation and nonprofit organization and transfers the information to the donor’s employer’s matching gift management platform to process the request.

With a user-friendly matching gift process, companies can do more good for their communities, better engage employees, and build strong relationships with nonprofits. 

Key benefits of matching gift auto-submission

Streamlining the matching gift process with auto-submission benefits every party involved in the process. Let’s take a look at how auto-submission improves matching gifts for each stakeholder. 

The benefits of matching gift auto-submission, detailed below.

Benefits for Donors

Donors appreciate knowing their gifts will go further with matching gifts, but complicated request processes can discourage even the most dedicated supporters. Double the Donation has long worked to streamline the matching gift submissions by:

  • Helping supporters check their eligibility during the donation process
  • Directing donors to their employers’ matching gift request forms
  • Giving nonprofits the tools to follow up with matching gift eligible donors to drive their matches through to completion 

Now auto-submission functionality brings simplicity to the next level. With auto-submission, corporate employees can give directly to a nonprofit through their website, a peer-to-peer fundraising page, or other donation tool. From there, submitting their match requests to their company is so quick and easy that participating is practically a no-brainer.

Benefits for Nonprofits

The link between an easy matching gift process and greater nonprofit revenue is clear; when more donors successfully submit their matches, more matching gift funds get sent your way. 

This means nonprofits can tap into additional income streams to pursue their missions. Plus, since matching gift funds are likely to be unrestricted revenue, nonprofits are free to spend these extra donations on important but underfunded overhead costs. When the process is automated from start to finish, your team can focus on programming rather than chasing down donors. 

Benefits for Companies

Companies offer employee programs like matching gifts to increase employee engagement and better appeal to existing and prospective consumers. The more their employees participate in matching initiatives, the more the companies give to nonprofit causes and the better their reputation becomes. When employees see the ease of matching gift auto-submission, their participation in employee giving programs goes up. 

Benefits for Corporate Giving Vendors

Corporate giving vendors design software for companies that streamlines and improves workplace giving programs like matching gifts. When vendors offer matching gift auto-submission functionality, they make it easier for companies, employees, and nonprofits to tap into a widespread employee giving program, matching gifts. As a result, these CSR platforms see increased usage and satisfaction among corporate clients who want to optimize their employees’ giving experiences. In the end, this improves these software vendors’ SaaS renewal rates, attracts new corporate clients, and drives up long-term revenue.

Benefits of auto-submission with Auto-Submission

The quicker and simpler it is to participate in corporate matching gift programs, the more likely individuals are to take the required steps. As a result, nonprofits and companies alike can expect significantly more match-eligible donations driven to completion⁠, which is a win-win for everybody!

How new auto-submission functionality works

Auto-submission sounds great, but how does it actually work?

We’ve already gone over the basic process, but let’s hone in on a few key steps. Particularly, we’ll look at steps two through four in the following infographic which explains just what the software does with a donor’s employment information.

The matching gift auto-submission process, detailed below.

  • During the donation process, the individual supplies the name of their employer. This allows the nonprofit to determine whether the individual qualifies for a corporate match. By embedding Double the Donation’s auto-complete company search tool into the donation form, supporters can provide this information straightaway during the giving process.
  • Matching gift program guidelines are provided. As soon as the donor is redirected to the gift confirmation screen, they’ll be met with matching gift criteria specific to their employer’s matching gift program. This should include minimum and maximum donation amounts, match ratios, qualifying employee and nonprofit types, submission deadlines, and more. This way, they can easily determine whether their donation is eligible for a corporate match.
  • The individual is asked to enter their corporate email address. With a donor’s corporate email address and permission to submit their matching gift application on their behalf, Double the Donation utilizes data collected during the donation process to provide the donor’s employer’s corporate giving partner platform with the information it needs to process the request. Data transferred will typically include the donation amount, organization given to, payment date, and more.

In the end, corporate matching gifts are paid out to your organization the same way as if an individual had manually submitted their matching gift request on their own. To learn more about how this technology works, check out this video exploring 360MatchPro’s auto-submission functionality:

Our trailblazing auto-submission partners

Double the Donation leverages partnerships with other innovative technology providers to expand its services and functionality. Matching gift auto-submission is no different.

Auto-submission is on the rise, and we’re happy to show off three CSR vendors who have partnered with Double the Donation to bring this cutting-edge technology to donors:

The matching gift auto-submission ecosystem.


Millie is a social impact platform designed to make workplace giving and volunteering accessible, fun, and impactful. They are big believers that change comes from everyone, and Millie is on a mission to empower businesses of all sizes to start and grow social impact programs. Whether a company has 100 employees, 5,000 employees, or anything in between, Millie helps engage teams with donation matching, volunteer programming, fundraising campaigns, gifting, ERG tools, and more.

Employees of companies that utilize Milie’s software can leverage matching gift auto-submission to submit match requests to their employers more easily. For nonprofits using 360MatchPro, donors will be asked on the gift confirmation page to enter their corporate email address. From there, an email will be sent requesting the donor verify their recently submitted donation and subsequent matching gift request⁠, which will then be completed and processed by Millie.

Millie offers matching gift auto-submission with Double the Donation.




POINT is known for being a robust yet user-friendly volunteer management app for nonprofits, volunteers, and companies. POINT aims to be an all-in-one solution for corporate social responsibility needs⁠, including volunteering, giving, matching, and partnering⁠.

To leverage matching gift auto-submission through POINT, qualifying donors enter their email address into the POINT app. The email address is automatically verified with POINT, providing the user with a list of nonprofits associated with their app profile to choose from. They will then be asked to select the organization the donation match should be sent to. From there, the submission is processed behind the scenes.

POINT offers matching gift auto-submission with Double the Donation.


Selflessly helps HR and company culture leaders increase employee engagement through its corporate giving and volunteering software solution. Selflessly makes it easy to make a social impact by providing companies with all the tools they need in one platform. Employees can donate to nonprofits, coordinate volunteer opportunities, create team campaigns, receive matching gifts, and more. They prioritize inclusive workplaces to support all employees and the causes they care about.

Individuals working for companies that use Selflessly to manage their matching gift programs can log into their employer’s Selflessly portal and request a donation match to their favorite organizations. Now, when those organizations utilize Double the Donation’s auto-submission technology, the request process is as easy as entering their corporate email address when giving. Double the Donation and Selflessly will handle the rest!

Selflessly offers matching gift auto-submission with Double the Donation.

Discover even more about matching gift auto-submission

Matching gift auto-submission goes a long way toward increasing the number of completed match donation requests. For organizations like yours, that will mean more corporate revenue and engagement opportunities, with fewer eligible gifts slipping through the cracks. And, best of all⁠, your donors are going to love it!

Interested in learning more about matching gifts and best practices your organization can take to increase corporate revenue? Check out these other educational resources:

Auto-submission all starts with the right matching gift software. Jumpstart the process with 360MatchPro. Request a demo.

How to Track Volunteer Grants Tools, Metrics & More

How to Track Volunteer Grants: Tools, Metrics & More

Volunteer grants, also known as “dollars for doers” programs, are a form of corporate giving that rewards employees’ volunteerism by providing monetary donations to the organizations they support.

These programs supply an invaluable source of funding for nonprofits and schools⁠—however, identifying, pursuing, and managing funding through the programs can be challenging without the right tools and strategies in place. So, if you’re looking for new insights to help track volunteer grants effectively for your team, you’ve come to the right place.

Tracking volunteer grants through the process

In this guide, we’ll explore the essential tools and metrics needed to track and report on volunteer grant opportunities⁠—from identification through completion. Empowering your organization with the following information will ensure your team maximizes its potential from the programs with ease:

Ready to get tracking? Let’s dive in.

Why Should Organizations Track Volunteer Grants?

Corporate volunteer grants offer immense potential for nonprofits, but few organizations are making the most of the opportunities before them. Why? A lack of an established volunteer grant tracking process can certainly play a role. Meanwhile, tracking volunteer grants effectively allows fundraisers to supercharge their corporate giving and volunteer engagement efforts alike.

If you’re wondering why your team should invest in revamping its volunteer grant tracking system, our leading reasons include:

Benefits of tracking volunteer grants

  1. Increasing Financial Support: Volunteer grants provide additional funding, which can be significant for nonprofits relying on external support. Tracking volunteer grants through completion allows organizations to increase revenue ultimately collected through the programs. More money = more beneficiaries receiving value from your services!
  2. Enhancing Volunteer Engagement: Encouraging volunteers to apply for grants increases their commitment and engagement with your organization. By tracking volunteer grants⁠—and your volunteers’ involvement in the programs⁠—you can grow stronger relationships with supporters who participate.
  3. Building Corporate Relationships: Strengthening ties with corporations that offer dollars for doers programs can lead to further partnership opportunities as well. Source tailored insights from tracking volunteer grants to demonstrate employees’ devotion to their causes. For example, you can let a company that has already contributed volunteer grant funding to your organization know that you appreciate their existing support⁠—and that of their staff⁠—and recommend additional ways they can get involved.
  4. Powering Tangible Impact Measurement: Tracking volunteer grants helps measure the financial impact of volunteer efforts, ultimately showcasing the value of each contribution. When volunteers see that their efforts are being appreciated and converted into nonprofit funding, they’ll be more likely to remain dedicated to the cause.

Explore and track volunteer grants better with this guide.

Key Volunteer Grant Metrics & KPIs to Monitor

The best way to determine the success of your organization’s volunteer grant marketing efforts is to track select KPIs (or key performance indicators). The metrics you choose to measure can help your team assess its overall impact, improve outreach efforts, demonstrate value to stakeholders, and more.

Here are a few metrics we recommend tracking within your volunteer grant strategy.

Recommended KPI: Volunteer Grant Eligibility Rate

Why it Matters: This metric represents the portion of your volunteer network identified as eligible for a volunteer grant program through their employers. The figure allows your team to better understand and pursue the volunteer grant opportunity.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Use a volunteer grant database tool to triage volunteers based on whether their employers offer volunteer grant programs. Then, divide the number of volunteers who work for participating companies by the total number of volunteers in your community.

Recommended KPI: Volunteer Grant Completion Rate

Why it Matters: This metric represents the portion of your volunteer-eligible supporter base that ultimately submit in a volunteer grant. Understanding this figure allows you to measure the efficiency of the full volunteer grant process and identifies areas for improvement in your strategy.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Divide the number of volunteer-grant eligible individuals who ultimately produce a volunteer grant for your organization by the total number of volunteer-grant eligible individuals.

Recommended KPI: Total Volunteer Grant Funding Received

Why it Matters: This metric represents the direct financial benefit from companies through volunteer grant programs, indicating the overall level of support.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Add the sum of each volunteer grant you receive in a given time period.

Recommended KPI: Grant Amount per Volunteer

Why it Matters: This metric represents the average value a volunteer grant brings. It also allows you to more accurately forecast incoming grant revenue and aids in tailoring realistic targets and expectations for the results of your implemented strategies.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Add the sum of each volunteer grant you receive in a given time period, then divide the total amount of funds by the number of volunteer grants received.

Recommended KPI: Number of Companies Providing Volunteer Grants

Why it Matters: This metric represents the extent of your organization’s current corporate volunteer grant contributor network, and demonstrates your potential for future growth.

How to Track This Volunteer Grant Metric: Count each company that contributes one or more volunteer grants to your organization in a given time period. See if these top volunteer grant companies are supporting your efforts!

Volunteer grant tracking dashboard

Top Tools to Track Volunteer Grants Accurately & Efficiently

Equipping your team with the right tools to track volunteer grants is an essential component of the process. After all, doing so allows for increasingly accurate and efficient management of volunteer data. Plus, innovative technology allows you to enhance reporting capabilities and strengthen relationships with individual volunteers and corporate partners alike.

Effective tracking tools will help your organization streamline volunteer grant identification and promotional efforts, too, ultimately leading to increased funding, improved engagement, and better, more-informed decision-making.

Here’s what we suggest:

A specialized volunteer grant database

For example, Double the Donation can provide exclusive access to forms and guidelines for thousands of companies that provide volunteer grants (and matching gifts, VTO, etc.). This ultimately simplifies the process of securing volunteer grants, making it easier for volunteers to do their part in the request and driving more volunteer grants to completion.

Tracking volunteer grants with a volunteer grant database

Comprehensive volunteer time-tracking tools

For volunteers to submit grant requests to their employers, they’ll generally need to supply some sort of record of their activities.

For that purpose, you’ll want to ensure you’re making it easy for volunteers by equipping them with tools to track and verify the hours they spend with your organization.

Time-tracking tools are a key addition to any volunteer grant database

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) portals

Many companies facilitate volunteer grants through their CSR platforms. In that case, your team will need to log in to the portals to verify volunteer hours. (Don’t worry⁠—we have a handy guide here on navigating those platforms.)

These portals will also allow you to see how many volunteer grants have made it to this step!

Supplement your volunteer grant database with CSR platforms

Remember: the right tools can go a long way. Effective tracking tools will help streamline your identification and promotional efforts, too. In the end, it ultimately leads to increased funding, improved engagement, and better, more-informed decision-making.

Next Steps for Tracking More Volunteer Grants

Tracking and reporting on volunteer grant opportunities is a vital component of a successful corporate engagement strategy. With the right tools and key metrics, your team can track volunteer grants more seamlessly than ever before.

As a result, your organization can boost its financial resources, strengthen relationships with corporate partners, and encourage greater volunteer involvement.

Interested in learning more about how you can track volunteer grants and other forms of corporate giving? Check out these recommended resources:

Tracking volunteer grants is an excellent way to leverage corporate philanthropy.

The Volunteer Grant Research Guide Finding More Funding

The Volunteer Grant Research Guide | Finding More Funding

Volunteer grants (also known as dollars for doers programs) present a lucrative opportunity for nonprofits to maximize their available resources and bolster their impact. However, navigating the complex world of research, engagement, eligibility guidelines, and submissions can be daunting. Lucky for you, that’s where our complete guide to volunteer grant research comes into play.

Designed to demystify volunteer grant research and more, this resource equips nonprofits with the knowledge and tools they need to identify, pursue, and secure more dollars for doers revenue than ever before.

In order to build much-needed familiarity with the programs, we’ll walk you through each step of the volunteer grant research process here. These phases include:

Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer manager or new to the corporate volunteerism sector, our guide will help you uncover more funding opportunities, allowing your organization to thrive.

Let’s begin!

Understanding the Volunteer Grant Opportunity 🧠

Volunteer grants are financial contributions provided by corporations to nonprofits where their employees volunteer. These programs are offered by thousands of businesses of all shapes, sizes, and sectors⁠—including IBM, Google, Home Depot, Starbucks, Microsoft, Disney, and 40% of the Fortune 500.

However, a lack of volunteer grant awareness among teams and supporters alike has resulted in a significant gap in the programs being utilized and funding being secured. Therefore, for the best results, it’s crucial that a nonprofit’s team has a solid understanding of the volunteer grant opportunity before it can maximize its funding potential. After all, a well-informed team can more effectively communicate the benefits to volunteers, encouraging greater participation and maximizing the organization’s grant earnings.

Familiarity with companies offering these programs⁠—and the specific eligibility criteria for each⁠—is also essential for effectively targeting the right opportunities. Since each volunteer grant program is unique, having extensive knowledge of the programs allows nonprofits to tailor their outreach and engagement strategies according to each supporter’s eligibility.

Recommended resource to take your corporate volunteer knowledge to the next level: Double the Donation’s free downloadable Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

Identifying Your Organization’s Needs & Goals 🎯

For a nonprofit to effectively pursue volunteer grants, it should first identify the unique needs and goals related to these grants. What, specifically, is holding your organization back from reaching its volunteer grant potential?

Perhaps you need better data on where your supporters work.

Or, if you do have accurate and up-to-date employment information for your volunteers, perhaps the roadblock is determining which individuals qualify for volunteer grant programs.

Or maybe you experience drop-off getting supporters to complete the request process on your behalf.

Regardless of the reason, once you’ve determined what’s stopping you from fully leveraging the opportunity, make a plan for overcoming the challenge. Clearly defined goals provide a roadmap for targeting volunteer grants in a way that will have the most significant impact on your cause. We recommend establishing goals that are SMART⁠—or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example: “To secure $1,000 in volunteer grant funding by the end of the fiscal year.”

A detailed understanding of your objectives allows your team to craft compelling narratives for volunteer grant-related content. As a result, you can better demonstrate how a volunteer’s participation enables your organization to achieve tangible outcomes, thus making a stronger case for engagement.

It also ensures that everyone⁠—staff, volunteers, and beyond⁠—is working toward a common objective: maximizing the potential for volunteer grant success.

Collecting Employment Information from Supporters đŸ’Œ

Collecting employment information from supporters is a strategic approach for nonprofits to identify and leverage volunteer grant opportunities to their greatest potential. By understanding which companies their supporters work for, organizations can pinpoint potential sources of volunteer grants.

Fortunately, there are a few ways for fundraisers to source this information. For the best results, we recommend implementing a combination of the following methods:

Once you have this employment information on hand, you can use it to tailor your outreach and engagement efforts. For instance, knowing that a significant number of volunteers are employed by a company with a grant program might lead you to focus on building relationships with the business.

Uncovering Eligible Volunteers in Your Network 🔎

Volunteer grants are a specific type of grant generally tied to an employee engagement program offered by the company. As a result, an employer donates money to the nonprofit based on the number of volunteer hours contributed by their employees.

Recognizing which volunteers work for participating companies allows nonprofits to strategically identify and pursue the opportunities available to them.

Identifying eligible supporters within the volunteer grant research process

Ultimately, this targeted strategy leverages existing volunteer efforts to generate more substantial funding, enabling the nonprofit to further its mission and enhance its programs and services.

You might want to scan your entire database for opportunities, too⁠—including existing volunteers, donors, and prospects. From there, you can alert current volunteers of their eligibility while informing donors and other non-volunteers about how they can provide more comprehensive support for your cause, empowering them to get involved in a new way.

Top tip: Jump to the section on volunteer grant databases below to learn the best way to identify volunteer grant-eligible supporters in your network!

Encouraging Volunteers to Pursue Corporate Grants ✍

Once you know who qualifies for volunteer grants from your network, it’s important to take time to encourage them to actually participate. By motivating eligible supporters to apply for said grant opportunities, nonprofits can unlock significant funding and supercharge their volunteer engagement.

Many volunteers are unaware that their employers offer such programs, so simply providing information on eligibility and involvement can inspire volunteers to take action. Help supporters navigate the submission process and remind them to take advantage of their eligibility before it expires. By encouraging volunteers to pursue corporate grants, your organization can significantly increase its funding, thereby enhancing its ability to fulfill its mission and expand its reach in the community.

Encouraging volunteers to log their hours and apply for grants can lead to substantial financial contributions from their employers. This approach not only boosts the organization’s funding but also strengthens volunteer engagement, as volunteers see a direct impact of their work being amplified through additional resources.

Bonus: Enlisting a Volunteer Grant Database Tool đŸŠŸ

Our final recommendation is one that is powered by innovative technology: a corporate giving or volunteer grant database.

Enlisting a volunteer grant solution like 360MatchPro in your nonprofit’s engagement strategy is an excellent way to efficiently manage and maximize volunteer grants. A database tool can centralize information, provide direct links to online submission forms and eligibility criteria, and streamline the grant application process for volunteers.

Using a volunteer grant databases within the volunteer grant research process

By aggregating all the information you need in one place, the tool saves time and effort for both the nonprofit team and its supporters. Volunteers can easily access up-to-date information about available grants, application deadlines, and eligibility requirements, and being equipped with the right information makes them more inclined to complete the process.

Next Steps & More Volunteer Grant Resources

Securing funding through volunteer grants can be transformative for mission-focused organizations. Not only do the programs provide access to new streams of corporate philanthropy revenue, but they also incentivize greater levels of engagement among volunteers in the first place.

By leveraging this guide, nonprofits like yours can systematically approach the grant research and application process with greater confidence and efficiency. Remember, the key to success lies in thorough preparation, a clear understanding of the opportunity before you, and a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.

Let this guide be your roadmap to making a greater difference in the communities you serve. Good luck!

Interested in learning more about volunteer grant research and other workplace giving programs? Check out these recommended resources:

Benefit more from 360MatchPro's volunteer grant research tools.

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Volunteer Grants [For Nonprofits]

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Volunteer Grants [For Nonprofits]

In the dynamic landscape of nonprofit operations, organizations constantly face the challenges of recruiting and retaining dedicated volunteers, sourcing sufficient funds, and maintaining high levels of engagement. Various strategies have been devised to overcome these challenges, but one opportunity stands out as a potent yet often underutilized resource: corporate volunteer grants.

What are Volunteer Grants?

Volunteer grants, which are also known as “Dollars for Doers” or employer-sponsored volunteer programs, are corporate giving initiatives in which companies provide monetary donations to nonprofits where their employees volunteer. These grants can significantly enhance a nonprofit’s funding while also fostering a culture of collaboration between corporations, nonprofits, and their shared teams.

As a result, the approach you take to marketing volunteer grants to supporters is crucial. In order to drive the best results, the marketing process generally includes the following steps:

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each item so you can ensure your team is marketing volunteer grants effectively. Plus, create the greatest positive impact for your cause.

Let’s begin!

Segmenting your volunteer grant marketing approach

In the realm of nonprofit fundraising, a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing rarely yields optimal results. Marketing volunteer grants is no different.

Therefore, understanding your nonprofit’s audience is crucial for effectively promoting the opportunities to your supporter base. By tailoring your communications with a data-driven strategy, you can increase engagement, awareness, and participation in the revenue-generating programs.

For example, existing volunteers could receive one piece of content asking them to see if their employer will match their time. Meanwhile, volunteer prospects might receive another message informing them about the opportunity and encouraging them to sign up for a volunteer shift to get started.

If you know the supporter’s company, you can also segment your marketing based on a recipient’s likely eligibility for a grant. And, if there’s a history of eligibility for⁠—or participation in⁠—other forms of workplace giving programs (such as matching gifts or volunteer time off), this can also be helpful information to note.

Marketing volunteer grants using segmentation

Creating and sharing useful volunteer grant marketing content

Creating and sharing volunteer grant-related content through your marketing efforts is pivotal for nonprofits aiming to promote the opportunity to their supporters. By providing clear, informative, and engaging materials, you can educate volunteers about the programs, demystify the process, and invite supporters to get involved.

When done well, your content should strengthen the connection with volunteers by highlighting the dual value of their time alongside financial support from their employers. This targeted approach not only raises awareness but also empowers volunteers to take action, leading to increased participation in the programs.

Check out the following content topics and ideas for marketing volunteer grants to your audience:

  • Highlight examples of top companies with volunteer grant programs, including Microsoft, Disney, Allstate, Dell, Aetna, and more. Then, encourage supporters to look into their employers’ participation.
  • Offer an interactive volunteer grant database like 360MatchPro on your nonprofit website, and direct your audience to engage with the tool to locate their volunteer grant eligibility. This allows supporters to access company-specific program criteria to get started!
  • Share testimonials that demonstrate the positive impact volunteer grants have had on your cause in the past. Invite real volunteers to share their experiences with the programs, too!
  • Supplement text with multimedia ⁠content such as photos, videos, infographics, and more to attract and retain your audience’s attention.

💡 Top tip: Looking to up your workplace giving marketing? Double the Donation supplies its users with pre-made, customizable graphic templates within 360MatchPro.

Just log into the platform → navigate to the Resources tab → select Marketing Assets → browse our library of free materials for clients to utilize → personalize your selected template to match your organization’s unique branding style, objectives, and more.

Here’s an example of an email header graphic we edited to promote volunteer grants:

Sample material for marketing volunteer grants

Not yet a 360MatchPro client? Get started with a demo of our complete volunteer grant and matching gift automation tool here.

Marketing volunteer grants with multi-channel promotions

There’s no one perfect platform through which your organization can market volunteer grants to reach 100% of your audience. That’s why we recommend taking a multichannel approach, ensuring your message has a broader reach, and you expose a greater percentage of your audience to the opportunity.

While the specific means you use will vary according to your existing promotional plans and resources, we recommend marketing volunteer grants across the following channels:

Marketing volunteer grants - multichannel

1) Your website

Your website can serve as a central hub for providing detailed information about volunteer grants to your supporters. We recommend establishing a dedicated page to explain what these are, how supporters can apply for them, and the impact they have on your mission⁠. You’ll also want to embed a volunteer grant database in the page to ensure users have easy access to program guidelines and next steps.

Plus, add a section about the opportunity on your website’s Ways to Give hub. However, you may decide to combine your Match Page and Volunteer Grants Page, creating a complete workplace giving resource instead.

2) Social media

Social media platforms are excellent for raising awareness and driving traffic to your website. Regular posts, stories, and updates about grant opportunities, testimonials, and submission tips can reach a wide audience and encourage eligible volunteers to get involved. Meanwhile, interactive content like polls and Q&A sessions can also boost engagement and get supporters excited about the opportunity. Then, link back to your dedicated volunteer grants page so you can supply hyper-personalized information even from your broader marketing efforts.

3) Email

Email campaigns can deliver personalized and targeted information directly to your supporters’ inboxes. Digital newsletters can feature detailed step-by-step walkthroughs, reminders about submission deadlines, and success stories to encourage participation.

At the same time, more segmented emails can ensure each volunteer receives targeted content relevant to them, their engagement history, and their employing company.

4) Text messages

Text marketing offers a powerful opportunity for sharing short, sweet, and to-the-point messages with your audience. When it comes to marketing volunteer grants, it’s a direct, quick, and easy way to remind supporters about volunteer grant opportunities.

For the best results, we recommend prioritizing brief, concise messages linking out to additional information to prompt quick and tangible next steps from supporters.

5) Volunteer sign-up forms

Integrating information about volunteer grants into your organization’s volunteer sign-up forms ensures that new and existing volunteers are exposed to the programs.

Even better, volunteers expect to share a good amount of information about themselves when they sign up to donate their time to your cause. As each volunteer completes an online sign-up form, your team has a unique opportunity to promote volunteer grant opportunities and source employment data that can help uncover funding in your network.

💡 Top tip: Embed a company database tool in your sign-up forms by integrating your volunteer registration platform with 360MatchPro! Make it easy for supporters to learn about the opportunity and provide invaluable employment insights.

6) Paid advertising

Our final recommendation is what is often referred to as paid advertising. However, don’t let the “paid” part hold you back. Sites like Google and Microsoft each offer registered nonprofits free access to their platforms, meaning you’ll benefit from sponsored search listings at no cost.

In doing so, you can effectively target specific demographics likely to be interested in volunteer grants. Plus, drive new qualified traffic to your website, raise awareness among a broader audience, and attract new supporters to your cause.

💡 Top tip: Request a free consultation with our recommended paid advertising consultant, Getting Attention, to initiate the Google Grant application process today.

Marketing volunteer grants with one-off corporate partnerships

More than likely, a lot of your supporters already work for companies with volunteer grant programs. For those who don’t, however, custom or “one-off” partnerships can offer an excellent way to begin facilitating relationships with employers in your network.

This targeted approach allows nonprofits to build a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with a specific company, fostering a sense of exclusivity and dedicated support. It can even lead to increased volunteer engagement from the company’s employees, who may feel more connected and committed to the cause due to their employer’s direct involvement.

Check out this example of marketing a custom volunteer grant partnership in action:

The Central Texas Food Bank is the Largest hunger relief agency in the region, serving nearly 46,000 individuals across 21 counties each week. In order to meet the immense needs of its communities, tech giant Oracle has supported the organization for nearly three decades, encouraging its employees to support the cause since 2007.

Recently, the company awarded the Food Bank a $35,000 grant in response to nearly 3,000 volunteer hours its employees contributed toward the inspection, packing, and distribution of food items. An article regarding the partnership even describes the company’s team as a common and welcome sight at the organization, further demonstrating the deep and ongoing impact it has on the cause.

Example of marketing volunteer grants for one-off partnerships

The Central Texas Food Bank is also known for its matching gift success, using Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro to power its standout efforts. Check out the full case study here to learn more!

💡 Top tip: Reach out to existing supporters’ employers to pitch a volunteer grant partnership. You may even be able to source a warm introduction from a donor or volunteer to help break the ice!

Sourcing inspiration from real-world examples of marketing volunteer grants

Sourcing inspiration from real-world examples of volunteer grant marketing efforts can help nonprofits promote the opportunities to their own audiences more effectively than ever before. Examining case studies, testimonials, and best practices in action from fundraising peers allows nonprofits to identify innovative approaches and avoid common pitfalls.

By adapting and implementing these tested methods, nonprofits can enhance their outreach efforts, increase awareness of volunteer grant programs, and ultimately boost their results.

Check out the following examples of nonprofits marketing volunteer grants well:

Organization A đŸ¶

In our first example of standout volunteer grant marketing, one animal welfare nonprofit has effectively harnessed the potential of volunteer grants through a multi-faceted and user-friendly online approach. Specifically, this team created a dedicated employee giving page and embedded Double the Donation’s database tool. This way, they can provide real-time information on thousands of companies’ volunteer grant programs with just a few clicks.

But the nonprofit didn’t stop there, either! Instead, this team also integrated employment-related questions directly within their volunteer application forms. As an individual completes the sign-up process, they are prompted to supply details such as their company name, role, and knowledge of workplace giving (matching gift) program availability. Thus, by gathering this information upfront, the organization can identify potential grant opportunities and proactively assist volunteers in applying for them.

Organization B đŸ©ș

Our next example is an organization that focuses on health and medical support. This nonprofit’s strategy for marketing volunteer grants is built around detailed guidance and robust information. The organization has built out a dedicated volunteer grants page with an embedded company search tool, making it easy for volunteers to find out if their employers offer grant programs.

The online resource also features a step-by-step walkthrough of the process for requesting a volunteer grant, ensuring that volunteers understand each stage and what is required. Plus, to further underscore the value of volunteer grants, this team highlights statistics that showcase the prevalence of these programs with concrete data.

Organization C đŸ©ș

Another health and medical nonprofit has also developed a multi-channel approach to promoting volunteer grants. This organization’s dedicated employee giving page includes everything an individual would need to know to get involved⁠—from an embedded company search tool with a detailed FAQ section to information about the nonprofit and more.

Additionally, the organization prominently mentions volunteer grants on its “Ways to Give” page, ensuring potential donors and volunteers are aware of this opportunity and encouraged to participate.

Organization D đŸ„«

For this food bank, promoting volunteer grants begins with visibility on crucial web pages⁠—including a prominent mention on the organization’s “Ways to Give” page. This ensures visitors are made aware of this opportunity and encouraged to get involved. They’ve even embedded 360MatchPro’s search tool right within the page, providing information on thousands of companies’ programs and making it easy for volunteers to see if their employers participate.

Organization E đŸ§Ș

This research foundation leverages a combined approach to marketing volunteer grants with informational content, practical tools, and more. In a detailed blog post, the team illustrates the power of volunteer grants and matching gifts, explaining the process and encouraging supporters to get involved.

From there, the blog links to the organization’s workplace giving page, which provides extensive information on various companies’ volunteer grant programs and is complete with a company search widget.

Organization F 🌳

Organization F, an environmental nonprofit, has used a digital newsletter to educate and motivate its supporters about volunteer grant opportunities amongst other content. This sample newsletter included a section dedicated to the impact of workplace giving and other unique fundraising opportunities and encouraged readers to look into their volunteer grant eligibility to strengthen their impact even further.

Organization G 🧒

This organization, which is focused on youth mentorship opportunities, ensures that information about volunteer grants and other workplace giving opportunities is easily accessible by mentioning them directly on its donation page. This strategic placement means that anyone considering a financial contribution is also made aware of the potential for additional support through volunteer grants.

By integrating this information into a key page, the nonprofit increases the likelihood that visitors will explore and take advantage of volunteer grant opportunities, enhancing their overall fundraising efforts.

Organization H đŸ¶

Another animal welfare nonprofit designed a “pawsitively” adorable employee giving page that overviews the top types of workplace philanthropy. Of course, this includes volunteer grants!

By offering a comprehensive overview complete with eye-catching facts and figures, the team is able to educate its supporters about various ways to contribute through their workplace. This increases participation in volunteer grant programs and maximizes funding potential overall.

Organization I 🧒

This youth-focused organization’s workplace giving page prominently highlights Dollars for Doers as a key opportunity for corporate involvement. In order to foster a complete understanding of the programs, the nonprofit’s online resource includes alternative names for these programs and details how participation can benefit both the organization and its supporters on a personal level.

Organization J 🧒

Social media can also be a great tool for marketing volunteer grants, as demonstrated by this youth and community organization. To increase awareness of the opportunity and inspire participation through social proof, the nonprofit took to Facebook to celebrate a successful volunteer grant received. The post thanks the grant-giving institution, thus fostering greater engagement, and outlines the intended use for the funding. It’s a great way to inspire others to seek volunteer grant funds on your behalf, too!

Organization K 🧒

Another Facebook post, this youth and community organization utilizes social media to raise awareness and share informational content regarding volunteer grants. Specifically, the post highlights the growing trend of such grants, details how supporters can get involved, and provides specific next steps to encourage participation.

By using social media to educate and motivate their audience, the fundraiser increases volunteer grant visibility and drives more supporters to take the intended action.

Wrapping up & additional volunteer grant marketing resources

Volunteer grants represent a tremendous opportunity for nonprofits to enhance their funding and engagement simultaneously. By educating supporters, partnering with companies in your network, and powering your promotional efforts with the right tools, your organization can optimize its volunteer grant marketing efforts with ease.

Now, it’s time to embrace the potential of volunteer grants for your cause. Incorporate the above tips and tricks in your strategy, then sit back and watch it thrive as you harness the power of corporate partnerships for your nonprofit’s mission.

Interested in learning more about leading employee philanthropy opportunities? We recommend the following resources:

Benefit more from 360MatchPro's volunteer grant marketing tools.

Top Volunteer Grant Databases to Grow Your Tech Stack

Top Volunteer Grant Databases to Grow Your Tech Stack

Volunteer grants are a vital source of funding for nonprofits, enabling them to maximize their impact and encourage their supporters to do the same. However, navigating the various programs available to your organization can be challenging. That’s where volunteer grant databases come in!

If you’re looking to expand your organization’s fundraising toolkit with a volunteer grant database, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about top volunteer grant databases and how they can benefit your mission.

This includes:

By incorporating a database tool into your tech stack, your nonprofit can streamline its fundraising, better engage its volunteer base, and support its mission more effectively than ever before.

In a hurry? Skip ahead to learn about our top recommendation, 360MatchPro⁠—or request a demo of the volunteer grant and matching gift database here.

Otherwise, let’s begin with the basics!

What Is a Volunteer Grant Database?

A volunteer grant database is a specialized tool designed to help nonprofits identify and manage volunteer grant opportunities. These grants, which are also known as “dollars for doers,” are offered by businesses as a way to provide monetary donations to nonprofits based on the volunteer hours their employees contribute.

Tons of companies offer the programs, but keeping track of each one’s criteria and submissions can quickly become an overwhelming task for nonprofit teams. Supporters often lack knowledge of their companies’ programs, too, so it often falls on the organization to uncover qualifying opportunities.

Fortunately, volunteer grant databases do it for you!

Top Volunteer Grant Databases to Grow Your Tech Stack

How? A volunteer grant database tool compiles comprehensive information on thousands of corporate giving programs (including volunteer grants, matching gifts, and volunteer time off). Each listing supplies company-specific eligibility criteria (e.g., qualifying employees, minimum number of hours, grant thresholds, etc.), links to online submission forms, and more.

How Does a Volunteer Grant Database Impact Fundraising?

Incorporating a volunteer grant database into your fundraising strategy can significantly enhance your supporter engagement, financial health, and more.

Here’s how it can do so.

Benefits of volunteer grant databases

More Identified Dollars for Doers Opportunities 🔍

By providing access to a centralized repository of grant opportunities, a volunteer grant database can help your team quickly screen for eligible volunteers. Even if supporters are unaware of their grant potential, your team can flag eligible individuals to pursue a more personalized approach and encourage their submissions.

Simplified Request Process for Volunteers ✍

Speaking of submissions, each volunteer is generally required to complete a request form for their employer in order to secure grant funding on your organization’s behalf. Providing access to a volunteer grant database is one of the best ways to streamline submissions and reduce unnecessary friction in the process. All an individual has to do is enter their employer’s name and navigate to the provided request form.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency ⚡

Manually identifying and researching volunteer grant opportunities requires a lot of organizational bandwidth. By automating the process with a volunteer grant database tool, you can free up your team’s time for other high-value activities.

Improved Grant Tracking 📌

Volunteer grants follow a multi-step process from identification to submission and through the disbursement of funds. A volunteer grant tool like 360MatchPro offers tracking functionality that helps monitor the status of available grants and address any issues that may arise.

Increased Funding through Corporate Giving Opportunities 🏱

The easier it is for volunteers to request funding from their employers, the more likely they are to do so. That means more corporate giving revenue making its way to your organization.

But it’s not just volunteer grants, either. A volunteer grant database will often supply resources on matching gifts and other corporate giving programs, too!

Our Volunteer Grant Database Recommendation: 360MatchPro

When selecting a volunteer grant database for your nonprofit, it’s important to consider several key factors. After all, you want to ensure the tool effectively supports your fundraising efforts and organizational needs⁠—both now and in the time to come.

Lucky for you, we’ve explored potential database options and would like to supply you with our top recommendation: 360MatchPro by Double the Donation.

Now, let’s see why this tool stands apart as the leading solution:

  • Comprehensive Database: Double the Donation maintains the industry’s most extensive collection of corporate volunteer grant programs, making it easy to locate accurate and up-to-date information about your supporters’ companies.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed with ease of use in mind, allowing users to quickly search for and access the right information. For this reason, the tool includes auto-completing search functionality and automatically accounts for subsidiaries and spelling variations, too!
  • Integration Capabilities: Double the Donation integrates seamlessly with a wide array of CRM systems, fundraising tools, and volunteer management platforms. When you add the tool to your website, donation forms, and more, you can also determine an individual’s eligibility for a match as they give!
  • Support and Resources: The platform provides a wealth of resources and support to get your nonprofit up and running. This includes personalized onboarding experiences, educational webinars, and more to help your team maximize its use of the database.

Double the Donation's volunteer grant database

Other Top Tools & Resources For Growing Volunteer Grants

In addition to volunteer grant databases, there are a number of other handy tools and resources that can help supercharge your organization’s volunteer grant strategy.

These include:

Volunteer grant compilations

If your team has yet to make the leap to a volunteer grant database⁠—which we highly recommend doing⁠—free online resources (such as those offered by Double the Donation) can help identify select opportunities in your database.

For example, this compilation of top volunteer grant programs highlights several generous companies’ initiatives. It provides an excellent chance to cross-reference your supporter data and see if any existing or prospective volunteers work for these well-known examples.

Supplement your volunteer grant database with top company compilations

Volunteer time-trackers

Time-tracking tools are generally software applications that help nonprofits record and manage the hours contributed by their team members. When volunteers are encouraged (or required) to track the time they spend with your cause, you’ll find it’s easier than ever to streamline volunteer grant requests.

Keep in mind that these tools can also vary greatly in their level of sophistication. Some organizations manage hour-tracking efforts with paper forms, others employ spreadsheets, and others still invest in dedicated solutions.

Time-tracking tools are a key addition to any volunteer grant database

Volunteer management tools

You may already have a Volunteer Management System, or VMS, in your nonprofit toolkit. This type of tool is designed to help nonprofits organize, recruit, and manage their volunteer workforce, typically offering features for scheduling, communication, task assignments, and more. When it’s easy for supporters to sign up and partake in volunteer activities, you’ll have more eligible individuals to pursue volunteer grants in the first place!

Not to mention, a well-managed volunteer program can typically provide the necessary documentation and proof of volunteer hours needed for grant applications.

Supplement your volunteer grant database with volunteer management systems

CSR platforms

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platforms are comprehensive solutions that assist companies in managing their employee giving and volunteer programs. These platforms also facilitate collaboration between companies and nonprofits, making it easier to coordinate philanthropic efforts for both teams.

As a result, most CSR platforms incorporate a nonprofit-facing portal that organizations can access for free. From there, they can manage their side of the programs (i.e., reviewing and verifying volunteer requests).

Supplement your volunteer grant database with CSR platforms

Final Thoughts on Volunteer Grant Databases & More

Investing in a volunteer grant database can significantly boost your nonprofit’s fundraising capabilities. By streamlining the volunteer grant discovery and submission processes, dedicated tools like Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro can help maximize the value of volunteer grants for your cause.
Integrating these tools into your tech stack allows you to ensure your nonprofit is well-equipped to leverage the full potential of volunteer grants, ultimately powering organizational growth.

Continue growing your corporate giving knowledge. Read up on these recommended resources to learn more:

Benefit more from 360MatchPro's volunteer grant database.